Dogecoin's Sister :-)
(too old to reply)
2023-08-12 06:05:29 UTC
Damit. It is going back up again. I saw it last night as low as $0.072
and still slowly going down.
It might make one or even more leaps downward again, so I'll wait :)
Ideally 0.03. Oh that's what I want!
Now there is some sort of stability and one can make decisions about it
perhaps. Obviously, banks managed to stop dogecoin at around 7 cents. It
isn't moving either way. Don't get me wrong though! It is still a mighty
way to safely keep your money. Much much better than banks. I put more
than 40k total in it and over all, even at just 7 cents, I have not only
not lost money, I've indeed made money on top of that. But for a way to
_naturally_ grow one's money it is not the best that there is anymore.
And by saying "naturally", I mean to say "when so many people in the
world have such similar issues with their money to the issues you have
with yours."

But hey, dogecoin has a younger sister now :-) Shiba Inu :) Just like
how dogecoin was, its price is still beginning at five zeros to the
right of the decimal point :-) Little money can purchase an abundance of
it. And just like how dogecoin was, it is traded free of charge on
Robinhood :)

And, again, just like what dogecoin did, it is vital as hell and goes
back and forth one digit to and from the decimal point, waiting for more
people to buy or sell it. When I sell, it is sold almost instantly! When
I buy, same thing, order is filled instantly. And this is on Robinhood!
Notorious in waiting, as soon as you make an order, to see if they can
do a better deal with you money than you attempted, and take the
difference for themselves. So this coin is not some isolated unknown
crypto coin that just a bunch of people inclusively trade with. It has
the exact feel of what dogecoin was in that January of 2021, responsive
to wishes of anyone in the world to participate! Poor, rich, new,
experienced. Anyone.

So I'd say buy a hell of a lot of it just in case. Don't make the
mistake of not listening to it when the opportunity I'm talking about is
knocking on your doors. Be like the few who bought dogecoin in Jan 2021
in very large numbers, or at least when I first mentioned it here a
month or so later.

This little sister is like a travel back in time to that January :-)

Hehe :)

I really have the same feeling about it that I had with dogecoin back
then. Shiba Inu is the thing right now. Buy enough so even at the
fucking bank-imposed 7 cents you'd be millionaires. It is so amazingly
cheap tonight. But it is about twice the value she had just the day
before yesterday. Do you know what I mean? :-))
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2023-08-12 07:42:54 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Damit. It is going back up again. I saw it last night as low as $0.072
and still slowly going down.
It might make one or even more leaps downward again, so I'll wait :)
Ideally 0.03. Oh that's what I want!
Now there is some sort of stability and one can make decisions about it
perhaps. Obviously, banks managed to stop dogecoin at around 7 cents. It
isn't moving either way. Don't get me wrong though! It is still a mighty
way to safely keep your money. Much much better than banks. I put more
than 40k total in it and over all, even at just 7 cents, I have not only
not lost money, I've indeed made money on top of that. But for a way to
_naturally_ grow one's money it is not the best that there is anymore.
And by saying "naturally", I mean to say "when so many people in the
world have such similar issues with their money to the issues you have
with yours."
But hey, dogecoin has a younger sister now :-) Shiba Inu :) Just like
how dogecoin was, its price is still beginning at five zeros to the
right of the decimal point :-) Little money can purchase an abundance of
it. And just like how dogecoin was, it is traded free of charge on
Robinhood :)
And, again, just like what dogecoin did, it is vital as hell and goes
back and forth one digit to and from the decimal point, waiting for more
people to buy or sell it. When I sell, it is sold almost instantly! When
I buy, same thing, order is filled instantly. And this is on Robinhood!
Notorious in waiting, as soon as you make an order, to see if they can
do a better deal with you money than you attempted, and take the
difference for themselves. So this coin is not some isolated unknown
crypto coin that just a bunch of people inclusively trade with. It has
the exact feel of what dogecoin was in that January of 2021, responsive
to wishes of anyone in the world to participate! Poor, rich, new,
experienced. Anyone.
So I'd say buy a hell of a lot of it just in case. Don't make the
mistake of not listening to it when the opportunity I'm talking about is
knocking on your doors. Be like the few who bought dogecoin in Jan 2021
in very large numbers, or at least when I first mentioned it here a
month or so later.
This little sister is like a travel back in time to that January :-)
Hehe :)
I really have the same feeling about it that I had with dogecoin back
then. Shiba Inu is the thing right now. Buy enough so even at the
fucking bank-imposed 7 cents you'd be millionaires. It is so amazingly
cheap tonight. But it is about twice the value she had just the day
before yesterday. Do you know what I mean? :-))
"Today Millionaires are Made!", says Shiba Inu site :)
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2023-08-19 10:22:19 UTC
Now Shiba is going through its natural ups and downs but averaging
around a spot almost one less zero to the right of the decimal point,
similar to what dogecoin in the weeks prior to exploding did.

There is a reason for Shiba Inu's recent vitality. About two weeks back
I read on Robinhood (Benzinga) some plans had been announced that were
put forward by a few heavyweights in business and Wall Street to help
adjust and manage Shiba for the future. I don't know the who's who in
these areas, of course, but Benzinga says these new guys _are_
heavyweights and for their management work on Shiba they are being paid
with the same coin.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2024-04-09 03:53:08 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Now Shiba is going through its natural ups and downs but averaging
around a spot almost one less zero to the right of the decimal point,
similar to what dogecoin in the weeks prior to exploding did.
There is a reason for Shiba Inu's recent vitality. About two weeks back
I read on Robinhood (Benzinga) some plans had been announced that were
put forward by a few heavyweights in business and Wall Street to help
adjust and manage Shiba for the future. I don't know the who's who in
these areas, of course, but Benzinga says these new guys _are_
heavyweights and for their management work on Shiba they are being paid
with the same coin.
It is now three times the price :)

You would tripple your investment in it in just 8 months if you'd only
acted then. But you're fools :) You'd rather they suck your dollars up
by making them worthless a chunk at a time.

Archimedes Plutonium
2023-08-12 08:04:37 UTC
Moscow▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂Beijing mushroom cloud, Xi as Putin's stooge when Russia vaporizes Beijing with its RS-28 Sarmat "Satan II", all because Xi was too dumb to realize you can never trust an insane person

Dog-coin sees stability in a Sarmat, but personally I think he is deluded with his spam.
"Putin's Stooge"
Angel, Kibo Parry Moron-ey-Volney thinks you can bolt down a city to protect it from Russian Sarmat
Botfly of Math and Blowfly of Physics "Putin's stooge"
"wasn't bolted down too tight in the first place"
reporting in China news the beast criminals of Russia should have been tried in International Court of Justice for war crimes before vaporizing Chinese cities as Putin pushes nuclear buttons.
Pentcho Valev spamming as China under Russian Sarmats. Does it remind Pentcho of Nero fiddling while Rome burnt???
Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Tianjin, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, Xi'An, Suzhou, Harbin, Shenyang, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Dongguan, Foshan, Dalian, Jinan, Changchun, Hefei
Shenzhen▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ Xi as Putin's stooge when Russia vaporizes Shenzhen with its RS-28 Sarmat "Satan II", all because Xi was too dumb to realize you can never trust an insane person
Botfly of Math and Blowfly of Physics "Putin's stooge"
"wasn't bolted down too tight in the first place"
"Imp of Science"
"not one single marble of commonsense in my entire brain"
_And as the Baby Xi grew up, surrounded by concubines, from the rice paddies and reeds of Outer
Manchuria, stolen by the Naxi and Zani Dictator Putin in Moscow, Xi
learned in school in chemical engineering that Taiwan was 1/28 the size
of Outer Manchuria, Emperor Qing's homeland, now occupied by homeless Russians drinking vodka, as Putin bombs Ukraine. And the nascent Xi orders
1,000 divisions to the Outer Manchuria border to regain back the stolen
Why Putin is 2X smarter than Xi as dictators// SCIENCE COUNCIL RULES EARTH, not petty dictators
3> If Putin pushes nuclear buttons, he drags down China along with Russia into a nuclear ash waste pile, and this means Xi is a inferior junior partner to Putin. Putin will drag down Xi's China, never the reverse.
4> So, one can look at the present situation on Earth and ask several logical questions about the 2 dictators of Putin's Russia and China's Xi.
It is little wonder that both Russia and China dictators are combative towards the West. Because dictators never want to give up on power but stay in power all their life long. So they oppose the West because the West has grown up to democracy-- let the people have power, not one single idiot having power all his life time.
5 > Naturally, Putin will want to keep the Russian people suppressed and have Russia be a second rate government as a dictator. Same goes for China-- they never want to give up power so the people themselves choose their leader.
But can we find differences in Putin and Xi themselves? Well in the West we call the Chinese inscrutable-- meaning -- little logical commonsense. And is this a valid description?? Yes of course, considering that Russia had stolen the lands of Outer Manchuria, some 28 times larger of a land mass than is Taiwan island. Yet there is Xi, spending so much time on wanting to invade Taiwan, when it is Outer Manchuria and Vladivostok (Haishenwai) that he should be focusing attention upon. And while Putin is distracted with Ukraine, is the time for Xi to recapture Outer Manchuria, the Qing dynasty empire, Qing's Manchurian homeland.
What does Xi do instead??? He focuses on Taiwan and befriends Russia. Why, at this rate, if Russia takes Inner Manchuria, we can expect Xi and the Chinese Communist Party to become even more loving of Russia for stealing more land of China.
And there is Xi, whose China has become rich with trading with the West, yet every day, Xi foaming at the mouth in hatred of the West.
So yes, Putin is 2X smarter as a dictator than is Xi, as if Putin has Xi in his side pocket.
Is there some scientific explanation as to why Xi is 2X dumber than Putin?? Perhaps, in that China is densely populated and the air pollution over all of China is worse than most countries. That Xi probably has 1/2 of his brain filled with CO and CO2 isomers and lead, and mercury and nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide from just living in that air polluted hellhole of Beijing. Xi studied chemistry and should know this. Whereas Putin likely detox..s every evening with breathing in pure oxygen at his residence and takes oxygen breathing tanks to office and work. This easily can explain the light-headed reasoning that Xi and his foreign diplomats Wang Yi display, where Putin plays them like a chess game, --- checkmate in 7 moves.
This explains why Xi hates the West for not stealing any Chinese lands and making China rich in trade, while loving Putin for stealing Outer Manchuria, and proposing having Russia push nuclear buttons, making both Russia and China a nuclear waste site after ICBMs wipe China off the map.
Xi's brain is full of air pollution toxins from the nasty Chinese air. They still build a new coal fired plant in China every day. The air in China is the worst air in the entire world.
6 > Why Putin is 2X smarter than Xi as dictators// SCIENCE COUNCIL RULES EARTH, not petty dictators.
Pentcho is this what happens to China when they follow the insane Putin, tag-a-long, tag-a-long and then all of a sudden--- dragged into a mushroom cloud
Xi Haishenwai red baseball cap offered to Putin
███۞███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
Steady aim. Firing the Satellite Rifle to take down GLONASS and BeiDou//Armondikov--Feb 6, 2013 - Via PsyGremlin via PZ Myers, this is Archimedes Plutonium, my new favourite crank hat. SATELLITE LASER RIFLE--bring down GLONASS
Sergey Lavrov what would Russia do, once it sees their GLONASS satellites falling out of the sky? Would they exit Ukraine?
Easiest way to disable and make ICBMs obsolete is to make their navigation system obsolete.
Easiest way to make navigation systems obsolete is to down satellites.
Easiest way to down satellites is a Laser beam zapping for 5 seconds on a "satellite panel". And so, down falls the satellite.
Now are the satellites coordinated in GLONASS? For if coordinated and synchronized, there is the physical possibility of "if we down one of the satellites, all of GLONASS satellites are downed".
Archimedes Plutonium | Spherical Bullshit
◦ Cached
Feb 6, 2013 - Via PsyGremlin via PZ Myers, this is Archimedes Plutonium, my new favourite crank hat. I was really fucking surprised to have taken this long to ...
███۞███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
[ ]
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/ \ G ' >' OWOWOWO _.-'
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[ ] Careful when you aim the Satellite Laser Rifle.
We want to save our young virgin sharpshooters.
[ ]
/| /| | |
||__|| | Please don't |
/ O O\__ feed |
/ \ GLONASS satellites a Glurrrgz sockpuppet
/ \ \ |
/ _ \ \ ----------------------
/ |\____\ \ ||
/ | | | |\____/ ||
/ \|_|_|/ | __||
/ / \ |____| ||
/ | | /| | --|
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*-- _--\ _ \ // |
/ _ \\ _ // | /
* / \_ /- | - | |
* ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c____________
[ ] Why didn't we fell GLONASS and BeiDou in 2014 with illegal Crimea annex
In loving memory of The Battle Kitten
May 2010-February 12, 2017
|^|^| |^|^|
| | | | | |
. <| | | | | |
(x x)" "----" |
Yea, another GLONASS satellite downed
Kid : Mom can I go out and watch the satellite.
Mom : we called them shooting stars in my day.
[ ]
____ _ _ _ _ _
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| |_) | | | / _ \ | '_ \ | |/ / | | | | | |
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[ ]
5* 6* *7
4* *8
3* *9
2* *10
1* | *
0* -*- *
* |\ *
* \ *
* \ *
* _\/ *
* * *
[ ]
[ ] Bad News for China, their BeiDou is easier to shoot down with Laser Rifle
[ ] than GLONASS and ❄ Snowflake ❄ ❄ Snowflake ❄ as easy as snowflakes
[ ]
" , ,
", ,
"" _---. ..;%%%;, . I HIDE OUT IN BeiDou satellites
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[ ] Why did BeiDou make such big satellites, the easier to
The Iran satellite looks like a dinosaur
\ __.,,------.._
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Vvv' VVv'
( 7 )
\ '='/ IS THAT NORMAL ??????
( \ `\
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[ ] Did You Catch The Hidden Message Behind Sergey Lavrov's speech at UN
[ ] Mister Smartypants
[ ] Darwinian Finch
[ ] just for fun I plotted North Korean BeiDou satellite and shot it down
███۞███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃
has a big LASER SATELLITE RIFLE will shoot to pieces the GLONASS
[ ] Another boatload of BeiDou satellites felled
Nomen Nescio, artist for Usenet sci.math and sci.physics, three cheers to Nomen
[ ]
[ ]
.'/L|__`. BEEP BOOP CHIRP PLOP I've been shot down
||[] ||====| []||
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| ||-'"""""`-|| |
|___| /|\ |___|
`---' |___| `---'
[ ] Big
[ ]
.' / '.
/ _/ \
/ .-'` '. \ Who were the cheese skirts
.' | ^ _ ^ | '.
.' \ _ / \
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| .' `"---"` '. |
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\ | | | | /
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\__/ \__/
[ ] THE HEART OF % Virgin
[ ] Scientists can now quickly link to Xi's Haishenwai red ball caps in shooting down BeiDou and GLONASS
[ ] "All for one!" "One for all!" "Every man for himself!"
[ ] The Prize-- a date with the cheese skirt queen
The hours are approaching rapidly and we need GLONASS either in the dark or best of all-- misfiring their missiles from Russia and striking Russian and Chinese cities. We want Kim Jong-un to see a Russian missile intended for Ukraine to level Pyongyang, all by a hacking into the Intel chips of GLONASS.
The mass exodus at Twitter is that they wanted GLONASS to hack, not BeiDou.
Jam all 24 GLONASS satellites of their Intel chips and you wipe out the ability of Russia's fleet of 6,000 ICBM missiles.
GNS satellites orbit at a high orbit, MUCH higher than
LEO, just not as high as geosynchronous satellites. GPS orbit is 20,200
km, GLONASS is 19,100 km. At such heights, debris will remain
essentially forever, and the satellites won't crash for centuries, if ever.
StupidPlutonium, "GPS" receiver chipsets have long been GNSS chipsets
that deliver what they believe to be the best data from whatever
satellites they happen to see.
molesting a countries GNSS satellites would be viewed
as an act of war no different from attackiing a navel fleet or bombing a
elude to a Intel chip on GLONASS 24 satellites and all that is needed is to jamm those intel chips and we have 24 malfunctioning satellites, wiping out the navigation of all 6,000 Russian ICBM.
Did you get a Xi red baseball cap with Haishenwai on it?
Moscow█۞█ blackout, knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
Ukraine cannot win a war if it has nada, no, zero offense, it needs to knock out Russian electric lines. And the Baltic states can help.
Knock out electricity in
_Every Russian missile fired into Ukraine met with a drone from Ukraine knocking out Moscow electric power lines
_Give Ukraine drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
_No one can win a fight or war without any offense, West, Biden give Ukraine drones that knock out electricity inside Russia
_End the Ukraine war by March 2023 as the Russian people depose the dictator
_rolling electric blackouts and give Iran to Iraq-- a blooming democracy, not a stupid dictator
_And as the Baby Xi grew up from the rice paddies and reeds of Outer Manchuria, stolen by the Naxi and Zani Dictator Putin in Moscow, Xi learned in school in chemical engineering that Taiwan was 1/28 the size of Outer Manchuria, as Putin bombs Ukraine. And the nascent Xi orders 1,000 divisions to the Outer Manchuria border to regain back the stolen Old China.
_Xi has 1,000 divisions on Vladivostok border ready to swoop in and reclaim the stolen land of Outer Manchuria. See reconnaissance photo above of 1,000 divisions.
NATO and the West has just two good options here, for Putin should have been removed in 2006 with Litvinenko poisoning. Now the insane Putin can poison the entire world with a nuclear war. Putin needed to go in 2006, for insanity just gets worse and worse.
(1) give Ukraine drones to knock out electric power in Moscow and beyond
(2) give Ukraine NATO membership and tell Russia to clear out in a week or NATO forces go in and clear them out.
Of course, every day Putin and Russia needs reminding that if he presses nuclear buttons or nuclear bomb on Ukraine that Russia will be a nuclear ash pile before the day is out.
What should have been done in 2006, unfortunately that delay to 2022. Same can be said of Hitler-- he should have been removed in the early 1930s before his insanity got going.
_And as the Baby Xi grew up from the rice paddies and reeds of Outer
Manchuria, stolen by the Naxi and Zani Dictator Putin in Moscow, Xi
learned in school in chemical engineering that Taiwan was 1/28 the size
of Outer Manchuria, Emperor Qing's homeland, now occupied by homeless Russians drinking vodka, as Putin bombs Ukraine. And the nascent Xi orders
1,000 divisions to the Outer Manchuria border to regain back the stolen
Why Putin is 2X smarter than Xi as dictators// SCIENCE COUNCIL RULES EARTH, not petty dictators
2> If Putin pushes nuclear buttons, he drags down China along with Russia into a nuclear ash waste pile, and this means Xi is a inferior junior partner to Putin. Putin will drag down Xi's China, never the reverse.
Give Ukraine drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
Give Ukraine drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
Every Russian missile fired into Ukraine met with a drone from Ukraine knocking out Moscow electric power lines
Give Ukraine drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
Electricity out Novosibirsk &Volgograd█۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
Moscow electric blackout█۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
Moscow electric blackout█۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
Moscow electric blackout█۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
Moscow electric blackout█۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
Moscow electric blackout█۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█
_drones █۞█knock out Moscow electric power lines█۞█ Moscow, St.Petersburg, Volgograd, Vladivostok no electricity
The Starmaker
2023-08-13 03:19:22 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Damit. It is going back up again. I saw it last night as low as $0.072
and still slowly going down.
It might make one or even more leaps downward again, so I'll wait :)
Ideally 0.03. Oh that's what I want!
Now there is some sort of stability and one can make decisions about it
perhaps. Obviously, banks managed to stop dogecoin at around 7 cents. It
isn't moving either way. Don't get me wrong though! It is still a mighty
way to safely keep your money. Much much better than banks. I put more
than 40k total in it and over all, even at just 7 cents, I have not only
not lost money, I've indeed made money on top of that. But for a way to
_naturally_ grow one's money it is not the best that there is anymore.
And by saying "naturally", I mean to say "when so many people in the
world have such similar issues with their money to the issues you have
with yours."
But hey, dogecoin has a younger sister now :-) Shiba Inu :) Just like
how dogecoin was, its price is still beginning at five zeros to the
right of the decimal point :-) Little money can purchase an abundance of
it. And just like how dogecoin was, it is traded free of charge on
Robinhood :)
And, again, just like what dogecoin did, it is vital as hell and goes
back and forth one digit to and from the decimal point, waiting for more
people to buy or sell it. When I sell, it is sold almost instantly! When
I buy, same thing, order is filled instantly. And this is on Robinhood!
Notorious in waiting, as soon as you make an order, to see if they can
do a better deal with you money than you attempted, and take the
difference for themselves. So this coin is not some isolated unknown
crypto coin that just a bunch of people inclusively trade with. It has
the exact feel of what dogecoin was in that January of 2021, responsive
to wishes of anyone in the world to participate! Poor, rich, new,
experienced. Anyone.
So I'd say buy a hell of a lot of it just in case. Don't make the
mistake of not listening to it when the opportunity I'm talking about is
knocking on your doors. Be like the few who bought dogecoin in Jan 2021
in very large numbers, or at least when I first mentioned it here a
month or so later.
This little sister is like a travel back in time to that January :-)
Hehe :)
I really have the same feeling about it that I had with dogecoin back
then. Shiba Inu is the thing right now. Buy enough so even at the
fucking bank-imposed 7 cents you'd be millionaires. It is so amazingly
cheap tonight. But it is about twice the value she had just the day
before yesterday. Do you know what I mean? :-))
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Let me know when it increase 1000 & or one penny.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge
the unchallengeable.