That is not the case, so this is a new discovery - the Lorentz force does
NOT have an equal and opposite reaction. Your point is merely theoretical.
My evidence is experimental.
Correct, merely experimental.
It stands falsified by a reliable theory.
FYI, the Maxwell-Lorentz equations as they stand
do conserve energy-momentum.
If you want to be taken seriously it is up to you
to tell the world what is wrong with Maxwell-Lorentz,
and how these equations must be modified.
As long as you can't do that you are merely an incompetent tinkerer,
It is entirely possible that Banjo stumbled across that apparent
violation of momentum by momentum being carried away by the
electromagnetic field.
If the momentum is carried away by the electromagnetic fiel
there is still momentum conservation.
And photon drive really isn't a new idea.
However, it suffers from the unpleasant fact
that c = 300 megawatt/newton, in slightly unconventional units.
But we will never know since he refuses to
produce a writeup in sufficient detail for someone to reproduce his
experiment, instead writing "Watch my videos!!!".
As my dogs have said, I have done far far better than writing some stupid
paper in some worthless journals while paying thousands for that
privilege. A paper like that is ignored and mocked; while so-called worthy
journals like Science or Nature will simply not reply to any submission.
Necessity is the mother of invention, so I invented a new way to publish
original scientific work - post detailed videos in Youtube, follow that up
in Usenet, demolish all the negative comments as I am doing right now.
Any decent, honourable, intelligent and scientific person can follow my
posts and youtube and also facebook links, and come to his or her
conclusions. If they are sufficiently interested, they can repeat my
There is of course no momentum violation at all.
There is.
2 sec video of gun in action
Violation of Inertia Graphs
Photos of gun movement
details are at:
Whatever seems to be missing must be taken up by the sources of the
fields. (and of course I don't watch videos)
No, the sources of the fields are part of the equipment, not kept
separately on the ground. The ground then does not give any reaction.
In 2015 I had found that when the whole rail gun was used as a pendulum
bob there was no extra swingback when the current was applied. In 2017 I
made detailed videos.
2017 videos of rail gun experiments with theory in detail
IFE - 1 Ground Experiments
IFE - 2 Experimental setups
IFE - 3 Pendulum experiments
IFE - 4 Evolution of spaceship
IFE - 5 Hydrogen Transmission Network
IFE - 6 Spaceship Design
IFE - 7 Anti-Gravity
IFE - 8 New Physics
The opinion of unscientific people who do not care for experiments is
irrelevant. But they are useful to provoke such action as I am doing now,
for the general good and the glory of Science.
Add his stubbornness that he insists this is something new that violates
Newton/Einstein/Maxwell rather than a known existing behavior, you do get
the incompetent tinkerer.
Or the faker who thinks he is being clever.
They used to say in 2017 that I was using my hand to give an extra
movement to the armature, so it was moving because I was pushing it.
At least my latest videos have changed that tune. I have made a much more
powerful working model of my new design rail gun, using more powerful
capacitors and better technology with the same new theory.
The liars are those who said I was faking.
Those who formed the final viva committee in RMIT University in 2016
prevented me from getting my PhD. Bad for them, all the world can know
what sort of people they were.
There is no lack of videos showing really rotating unbalanced wheels,
rotating wheels with water bottles, and so on.
Irrelevant to my work on rail guns.
The one I like best are the 3D reproductions of Escher's waterfal,
with really flowing water.
So you do see videos after all. Just not mine!
Talking of papers, during the Covid period I found out the true cause of
gravity and its consequences. As it would be impossible to publish them
in any journal I posted them on Usenet.
The physics aphorisms of Arindam
The cause of gravity
Explaining the nova and supernova phenomena with new physics theories - 1
Explaining the nova and supernova phenomena with new physics theories - 2
All my work is based upon my new physics, following my 1998 discovery of
the elementary formula linking mass and energy kinetically.
They are presented in the links:
Introduction to "A New Look Towards the Principles of Motion"
Section 1
Linear Motion, Momentum, Force, Energy, Internal Force Engines, and the
design of Interstellar Spacecraft
Section 1 (contd.)
Linear Motion, Momentum, Force, Energy, Internal Force Engines, and the
design of Interstellar Spacecraft
Section 2
The Creation and Destruction of Energy
Section 3
The Structure of Heavenly Bodies
Section 4
The Nature of Explosion
Section 5
The forces involved in rotational motion
Arindam Banerjee