The physics aphorisms of Arindam - repost
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Arindam Banerjee
2021-07-12 01:43:22 UTC
The physics aphorisms of Arindam

1.1 While relativity is completely wrong, such cannot be said of quantum theory.

1.2 However it depends upon energy levels of the orbital electrons. It ignores the existence of aether. It is devoid of any geometric basis for electron movement.

1.3 Depending upon energy levels to begin with is perilous. Energy is for business and money-making - the physicist should be interested primarily about forces. And as force unlike power/energy is a vector quantity, and so has direction, the geometrical situation is of paramount importance.

1.4 Using quantum theory, reflection of light may be explained this way - an incoming packet of energy called a photon causes an electron to jump from a lower energy orbital shell to a higher energy orbital shell. This is unstable, so it jumps down from the higher energy orbital shell to the lower energy orbital shell. The difference in energy is emitted now as a photon.

1.5 In 1.4 above the implicit notion is that the electron orbits are circular. It is also implied that the photon must have some mass as it has energy following e=mcc, and this mass with movmentum mc has the energy to kick up the electron to the higher orbit shell.

1.6 Now let us consider the above phenomenon in terms of aether, forces and geometries.

1.7 Aether by definition is a very fine solid through which all protons and electrons and neutrons pass the way bullets may go through grass which does not break but just bends. The photon in the aetheric context is a small burst of radiant energy. It is a disturbance with no mass.

1.8 When this aetheric disturbance caused by the radiation reaches the electron and as it envelops the electron, it changes the orbit of the electron by displacement.

1.9 In the process of displacement the disturbance loses its energy as the force to displace the electron is lost with the movement of the electron. This is for the first quarter cycle of the wave - from zero to peak

1.10 As a result of the energy absorption the orbit of the electron is no longer circular but elliptical, and more "high energy" that way.

1.11 An electric field is created with the dipole effect caused by the elliptic orbit. There was no electric field before the disturbance; now there is; so there has been a change of electric field meaning that has to be a corresponding changing magnetic field. Which will creating another changing electric field and so on till we have a burst of radiation, equivalent to the photon.

1.12 The electron at the higher energy level or greater ellipticity can be returned to the original orbit shell with the next quarter of the wave, from peak to zero. Again, as per 1.11 there will be a electromagnetic wave formation completing the half cycle.

1.13 The electron in this case does not behave as a single orbiting particle but as a thin and elastic rubber band.

1.14 The idea of the electron not as a particle but as a rubber band is of crucial importance in our study of he nucleus of an atom.

2.1 Aether, a solid made of infinitely fine particles, fills the entire
infinite universe.

2.2 The particles can vibrate, that is, oscillate about their mean positions.

2.3 The only force in the universe is electric as matter is made up of positive and negative charges.

2.4 When the electric field changes, it creates a changing magnetic field, which creates a changing electric field and so on. The changing electric fields vibrate the aether.

2.5 If the electric field loops as in a current, there is a steady magnetic field.

2.6 Matter is made up of negative charges called electrons and protons that are positive charges.

2.7 Under mutual attraction, they go through aether as a diver through a wave. When static, they let the wave push them this way and that.

2.8 Aether is a solid but its density cannot be found as aether fills everything including the space within the atom.

2.9 Only the density of protons and electrons can be estimated, for their mass and volume may be known from experiments.

2.10 Aether cannot affect the normal movement of the electrons and protons as they go through aether. There is no drag.

2.11 Aether bends to let electrons and protons squeeze through. No loss of momentum, thus, in the normal situation.

2.11 But with the applies electric field there is aetheric swaying from
vibration about their mean positions according to the frequency of the
changing electric field. This is what moves the electrons from their normal states. In this displacement of the electron the kinetic energy of the electromagnetic wave is absorbed.

2.12 Thus only when there is an electric field causing vibration to the aether there is momentum transfer to the electron.

2.13 Electrons are like rubber bands while protons may be spherical.

3.1 The aether particles are infinitely small by definition.

3.2 As they are infinitely small like points they have as you say no shape nor structure not volume.

3.3 Under the impact of electrical forces they vibrate and this vibration impacts upon the momentum of the electrons.

3.4 Thus the kinetic energy of the vibration transforms to the kinetic energy of the electron.

3.5 The reverse situation happens when the electron loses its kinetic energy. It creates the aetheric vibration.

3.6 This is understood it as water molecules going past a very thin set of wires forming a sieve. Only this time the water molecules stick to each other in their relative positions.

3.7 Aether particles bend aside to let the electrons and protons pass through them.

4.1 The definition of aether follows from a book referred to and quoted from in my 2005 post.'


4.2 aether: a solid where infinitely fine, infinitely elastic particles filling the entire infinite universe including the inter-atomic spaces maintain their respective positions. It is the medium for the propagation of energy with electromagnetic waves.

4.3 The 19th century notions of aether are extended to explain the propagation of electromagnetic waves acting upon the electrons in matter; and how matter receives these waves and creates these waves. This is the field approach where forces with their directions are given primary importance.

4.4 This is a far superior and intuitive approach than its alternative, the energy based quantum theory which depends solely upon assumptions piled upon assumptions.

5.1 Consider a firecracker - the amount of gunpowder is small as compared to the amount of packing. When the cracker explodes, the paper or string is blown out. It is supposed that the energy of the firecracker comes from the powder alone. For the string or paper surrounding the powder is chemically inert.

5.2 The above fact, that packing is needed for powerful explosions, was very well known to all those using muzzle loader guns. They had to pack the powder in.

5.3 That loose powder does not explode, merely burns well, is also clearly shown by the behaviour of fuses.

5.4 If we go by the calorie output of fuses and crackers, we should get the same result.

5.4 However firecrackers, bombs, etc. that require a lot of packing (paper or steel casing) produce a lot more kinetic energy than the fuse.

5.5 This kinetic energy is evidently coming from the packing.

5.6 Tighter the packing, greater the energy.

5.7 These are some of the basic issues, observed from Nature, that will be useful to understand the formula of energy creation and destruction, namely 0.5mVVN(N-k).

6.1 Let a mass m in free space have within its geometry an internal energy source that can increase its velocity by an amount v each time an amount of energy k.E from it is utilised. The kinetic increases after each hit increases by E = 0.5mvv. k is an efficiency factor greater than 1 related to the losses involved in converting the internal energy to the kinetic energy. After N hits the velocity will be Nv. With respect to the initial state the kinetic energy of the mass will be 0.5mvvNN. The internal energy used up will be NkE or 0.5mvvNk. Thus the increase in energy e after N hits will be, if N>k, e=0.5mvvN(N-k).

6.2 The most obvious display of internal energy creating internal force
equally in directions is the chemical explosion. A matchstick, a bullet, a chemical bomb - these are all examples of chemical explosion showing the utilisation of internal energy used for creating internal force, that causing heat and kinetic energy to the surroundings.

6.3 Aphorisms 5.1 to 5.7 (given below) elaborate on the nature of the explosion in relation to the energy generated, with respect to packing of the explosive matter.

6.4 The nuclear explosion creates a great deal more destructive kinetic
energy than a chemical explosion. This is because the packing in a nuclear explosion is much more dense than a chemical reaction. In a chemical reaction atoms are involved. In a nuclear reaction the nucleus is involved.

6.5 In quantitative terms, the dimension of an atom is of the order of
10^-10m; the dimension of the nucleus is of the order of 10^-15m or 10^5 times more. This is the linear dimension - in three dimensions the packing of nuclei will be denser by a factor of 10^15. However in a nuclear explosion it is not as if all the atoms are bunched up as nuclei - so the packing factor is in between 10^5 to 10^15. Let us say that a nuclear explosion the active constituents are packed to the order of 10^6 with respect to the chemical explosion to be conservative.

6.6 From the above rough analysis, it is obvious that the nuclear explosion, for the same mass, should be 10^10 times more powerful than the chemical explosion. 1 ton of TNT generates 5*10^9 joules; a nuclear bomb of mass 1 ton of active material (the nuclear material plus the packing surrounds) should thus generate 5*10^15 joules. Now a hydrogen bomb of 1 Megaton generates 5*10^15 joules.

6.7 Thus the simple matter of packing the fissile material explains the vast disparity of energy between the nuclear explosion and the chemical explosion.

6.8 What is happening is that the N factor in the equation e=0.5mvvN(N-k)
is much higher for the nuclear explosion than it is for the chemical. Each atom in m gets hit N times in any explosion - greater the packing, more the N. The outer atoms get hit by inner atoms that are getting out in all directions, again and again. The force is directed in all directions; the non-fissile elements get hit by the fissile atoms that keep on expanding out at a great velocity.

7.0 About the hydrogen bomb, and how the so-called strong nuclear force is actually the familiar electrostatic force operating at the atomic nucleus level.

7.1 The hydrogen atom is composed of a single proton and a single electron circling around it, as per the most established model of the hydrogen atom. There are isotopes of hydrogen occuring naturally - there is a neutron associated with that single proton. It is this isotope - deuterium - of hydrogen that is used in nuclear bombs (called hydrogen bombs, based upon supposed fusion).

7.2 In fusion, the deuterium is supposed to become another isotope - tritium - after intense heat is applied as a result of an earlier fission bomb. There is apparently a drop in mass, that is translated into energy. However, we can propose another alternative explanation for this great energy.

7.3 Consider a neutron to be a close union of a proton and an electron. The bond between them is extraordinarily strong - two charges joined at a zero distance, so the bonding force is very great. However, let us assert that the electron does not lose its identity even in this close union.

7.4 A deuterium atom can thus be seen as the union of two protons joined by an electron. The bonding force here is very strong, but can be broken with enormous impact is caused as a result of nuclear fission.

7.5 Nuclear fission causes the extraordinary aether vibration to break apart the bonding in the deuterium atom. The two protons in the nucleus cannot be held together by the electron. As the electron gives up its hold, the two protons, that are at a very close distance, move apart with extraordinary force.

7.6 The movement of the protons with respect to the electron causes a time varying electric field, which will create a time varying magnetic field, and together they will proceed as a very high energy electromagnetic gamma ray once again causing aetheric vibration. This vibration will dissociate the other deuterium atoms, causing a chain reaction. Being very fast, and very powerful with the most extrordinary electrostatic forces being released, the hydrogen bomb is thus created.

7.7 The hydrogen bomb thus has nothing to do with fusion, but with the fission of the deuterium isotope of hydrogen.

7.8 The deuterium isotope may be considered the fundamental building block for the nuclei of all other elements. Multiples of them, with extra neutrons, constitute the nuclei of the heavier elements. The electrons glue the protons together, while presenting a net positive charge that are balanced by the electrons orbiting the nucleus.
Arindam Banerjee
2023-08-03 05:22:27 UTC
Wrong and wasteful investments like going to Mars with rockets, and having bigger jet engines polluting the atmosphere more and more thereby causing higher temperatures with the greenhouse effect, can be avoided if the physics aphorisms of Arindam are heeded.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
The physics aphorisms of Arindam
1.1 While relativity is completely wrong, such cannot be said of quantum theory.
1.2 However it depends upon energy levels of the orbital electrons. It ignores the existence of aether. It is devoid of any geometric basis for electron movement.
1.3 Depending upon energy levels to begin with is perilous. Energy is for business and money-making - the physicist should be interested primarily about forces. And as force unlike power/energy is a vector quantity, and so has direction, the geometrical situation is of paramount importance.
1.4 Using quantum theory, reflection of light may be explained this way - an incoming packet of energy called a photon causes an electron to jump from a lower energy orbital shell to a higher energy orbital shell. This is unstable, so it jumps down from the higher energy orbital shell to the lower energy orbital shell. The difference in energy is emitted now as a photon.
1.5 In 1.4 above the implicit notion is that the electron orbits are circular. It is also implied that the photon must have some mass as it has energy following e=mcc, and this mass with movmentum mc has the energy to kick up the electron to the higher orbit shell.
1.6 Now let us consider the above phenomenon in terms of aether, forces and geometries.
1.7 Aether by definition is a very fine solid through which all protons and electrons and neutrons pass the way bullets may go through grass which does not break but just bends. The photon in the aetheric context is a small burst of radiant energy. It is a disturbance with no mass.
1.8 When this aetheric disturbance caused by the radiation reaches the electron and as it envelops the electron, it changes the orbit of the electron by displacement.
1.9 In the process of displacement the disturbance loses its energy as the force to displace the electron is lost with the movement of the electron. This is for the first quarter cycle of the wave - from zero to peak
1.10 As a result of the energy absorption the orbit of the electron is no longer circular but elliptical, and more "high energy" that way.
1.11 An electric field is created with the dipole effect caused by the elliptic orbit. There was no electric field before the disturbance; now there is; so there has been a change of electric field meaning that has to be a corresponding changing magnetic field. Which will creating another changing electric field and so on till we have a burst of radiation, equivalent to the photon.
1.12 The electron at the higher energy level or greater ellipticity can be returned to the original orbit shell with the next quarter of the wave, from peak to zero. Again, as per 1.11 there will be a electromagnetic wave formation completing the half cycle.
1.13 The electron in this case does not behave as a single orbiting particle but as a thin and elastic rubber band.
1.14 The idea of the electron not as a particle but as a rubber band is of crucial importance in our study of he nucleus of an atom.
2.1 Aether, a solid made of infinitely fine particles, fills the entire
infinite universe.
2.2 The particles can vibrate, that is, oscillate about their mean positions.
2.3 The only force in the universe is electric as matter is made up of positive and negative charges.
2.4 When the electric field changes, it creates a changing magnetic field, which creates a changing electric field and so on. The changing electric fields vibrate the aether.
2.5 If the electric field loops as in a current, there is a steady magnetic field.
2.6 Matter is made up of negative charges called electrons and protons that are positive charges.
2.7 Under mutual attraction, they go through aether as a diver through a wave. When static, they let the wave push them this way and that.
2.8 Aether is a solid but its density cannot be found as aether fills everything including the space within the atom.
2.9 Only the density of protons and electrons can be estimated, for their mass and volume may be known from experiments.
2.10 Aether cannot affect the normal movement of the electrons and protons as they go through aether. There is no drag.
2.11 Aether bends to let electrons and protons squeeze through. No loss of momentum, thus, in the normal situation.
2.11 But with the applies electric field there is aetheric swaying from
vibration about their mean positions according to the frequency of the
changing electric field. This is what moves the electrons from their normal states. In this displacement of the electron the kinetic energy of the electromagnetic wave is absorbed.
2.12 Thus only when there is an electric field causing vibration to the aether there is momentum transfer to the electron.
2.13 Electrons are like rubber bands while protons may be spherical.
3.1 The aether particles are infinitely small by definition.
3.2 As they are infinitely small like points they have as you say no shape nor structure not volume.
3.3 Under the impact of electrical forces they vibrate and this vibration impacts upon the momentum of the electrons.
3.4 Thus the kinetic energy of the vibration transforms to the kinetic energy of the electron.
3.5 The reverse situation happens when the electron loses its kinetic energy. It creates the aetheric vibration.
3.6 This is understood it as water molecules going past a very thin set of wires forming a sieve. Only this time the water molecules stick to each other in their relative positions.
3.7 Aether particles bend aside to let the electrons and protons pass through them.
4.1 The definition of aether follows from a book referred to and quoted from in my 2005 post.'
4.2 aether: a solid where infinitely fine, infinitely elastic particles filling the entire infinite universe including the inter-atomic spaces maintain their respective positions. It is the medium for the propagation of energy with electromagnetic waves.
4.3 The 19th century notions of aether are extended to explain the propagation of electromagnetic waves acting upon the electrons in matter; and how matter receives these waves and creates these waves. This is the field approach where forces with their directions are given primary importance.
4.4 This is a far superior and intuitive approach than its alternative, the energy based quantum theory which depends solely upon assumptions piled upon assumptions.
5.1 Consider a firecracker - the amount of gunpowder is small as compared to the amount of packing. When the cracker explodes, the paper or string is blown out. It is supposed that the energy of the firecracker comes from the powder alone. For the string or paper surrounding the powder is chemically inert.
5.2 The above fact, that packing is needed for powerful explosions, was very well known to all those using muzzle loader guns. They had to pack the powder in.
5.3 That loose powder does not explode, merely burns well, is also clearly shown by the behaviour of fuses.
5.4 If we go by the calorie output of fuses and crackers, we should get the same result.
5.4 However firecrackers, bombs, etc. that require a lot of packing (paper or steel casing) produce a lot more kinetic energy than the fuse.
5.5 This kinetic energy is evidently coming from the packing.
5.6 Tighter the packing, greater the energy.
5.7 These are some of the basic issues, observed from Nature, that will be useful to understand the formula of energy creation and destruction, namely 0.5mVVN(N-k).
6.1 Let a mass m in free space have within its geometry an internal energy source that can increase its velocity by an amount v each time an amount of energy k.E from it is utilised. The kinetic increases after each hit increases by E = 0.5mvv. k is an efficiency factor greater than 1 related to the losses involved in converting the internal energy to the kinetic energy. After N hits the velocity will be Nv. With respect to the initial state the kinetic energy of the mass will be 0.5mvvNN. The internal energy used up will be NkE or 0.5mvvNk. Thus the increase in energy e after N hits will be, if N>k, e=0.5mvvN(N-k).
6.2 The most obvious display of internal energy creating internal force
equally in directions is the chemical explosion. A matchstick, a bullet, a chemical bomb - these are all examples of chemical explosion showing the utilisation of internal energy used for creating internal force, that causing heat and kinetic energy to the surroundings.
6.3 Aphorisms 5.1 to 5.7 (given below) elaborate on the nature of the explosion in relation to the energy generated, with respect to packing of the explosive matter.
6.4 The nuclear explosion creates a great deal more destructive kinetic
energy than a chemical explosion. This is because the packing in a nuclear explosion is much more dense than a chemical reaction. In a chemical reaction atoms are involved. In a nuclear reaction the nucleus is involved.
6.5 In quantitative terms, the dimension of an atom is of the order of
10^-10m; the dimension of the nucleus is of the order of 10^-15m or 10^5 times more. This is the linear dimension - in three dimensions the packing of nuclei will be denser by a factor of 10^15. However in a nuclear explosion it is not as if all the atoms are bunched up as nuclei - so the packing factor is in between 10^5 to 10^15. Let us say that a nuclear explosion the active constituents are packed to the order of 10^6 with respect to the chemical explosion to be conservative.
6.6 From the above rough analysis, it is obvious that the nuclear explosion, for the same mass, should be 10^10 times more powerful than the chemical explosion. 1 ton of TNT generates 5*10^9 joules; a nuclear bomb of mass 1 ton of active material (the nuclear material plus the packing surrounds) should thus generate 5*10^15 joules. Now a hydrogen bomb of 1 Megaton generates 5*10^15 joules.
6.7 Thus the simple matter of packing the fissile material explains the vast disparity of energy between the nuclear explosion and the chemical explosion.
6.8 What is happening is that the N factor in the equation e=0.5mvvN(N-k)
is much higher for the nuclear explosion than it is for the chemical. Each atom in m gets hit N times in any explosion - greater the packing, more the N. The outer atoms get hit by inner atoms that are getting out in all directions, again and again. The force is directed in all directions; the non-fissile elements get hit by the fissile atoms that keep on expanding out at a great velocity.
7.0 About the hydrogen bomb, and how the so-called strong nuclear force is actually the familiar electrostatic force operating at the atomic nucleus level.
7.1 The hydrogen atom is composed of a single proton and a single electron circling around it, as per the most established model of the hydrogen atom. There are isotopes of hydrogen occuring naturally - there is a neutron associated with that single proton. It is this isotope - deuterium - of hydrogen that is used in nuclear bombs (called hydrogen bombs, based upon supposed fusion).
7.2 In fusion, the deuterium is supposed to become another isotope - tritium - after intense heat is applied as a result of an earlier fission bomb. There is apparently a drop in mass, that is translated into energy. However, we can propose another alternative explanation for this great energy.
7.3 Consider a neutron to be a close union of a proton and an electron. The bond between them is extraordinarily strong - two charges joined at a zero distance, so the bonding force is very great. However, let us assert that the electron does not lose its identity even in this close union.
7.4 A deuterium atom can thus be seen as the union of two protons joined by an electron. The bonding force here is very strong, but can be broken with enormous impact is caused as a result of nuclear fission.
7.5 Nuclear fission causes the extraordinary aether vibration to break apart the bonding in the deuterium atom. The two protons in the nucleus cannot be held together by the electron. As the electron gives up its hold, the two protons, that are at a very close distance, move apart with extraordinary force.
7.6 The movement of the protons with respect to the electron causes a time varying electric field, which will create a time varying magnetic field, and together they will proceed as a very high energy electromagnetic gamma ray once again causing aetheric vibration. This vibration will dissociate the other deuterium atoms, causing a chain reaction. Being very fast, and very powerful with the most extrordinary electrostatic forces being released, the hydrogen bomb is thus created.
7.7 The hydrogen bomb thus has nothing to do with fusion, but with the fission of the deuterium isotope of hydrogen.
7.8 The deuterium isotope may be considered the fundamental building block for the nuclei of all other elements. Multiples of them, with extra neutrons, constitute the nuclei of the heavier elements. The electrons glue the protons together, while presenting a net positive charge that are balanced by the electrons orbiting the nucleus.
Peter Ross
2024-02-01 21:44:53 UTC
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Wrong and wasteful investments like going to Mars with rockets, and having bigger jet engines polluting the atmosphere more and more thereby causing higher temperatures with the greenhouse effect, can be avoided if the physics aphorisms of Arindam are heeded.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
The physics aphorisms of Arindam
1.1 While relativity is completely wrong, such cannot be said of quantum theory.
1.2 However it depends upon energy levels of the orbital electrons. It ignores the existence of aether. It is devoid of any geometric basis for electron movement.
1.3 Depending upon energy levels to begin with is perilous. Energy is for business and money-making - the physicist should be interested primarily about forces. And as force unlike power/energy is a vector quantity, and so has direction, the geometrical situation is of paramount importance.
1.4 Using quantum theory, reflection of light may be explained this way - an incoming packet of energy called a photon causes an electron to jump from a lower energy orbital shell to a higher energy orbital shell. This is unstable, so it jumps down from the higher energy orbital shell to the lower energy orbital shell. The difference in energy is emitted now as a photon.
1.5 In 1.4 above the implicit notion is that the electron orbits are circular. It is also implied that the photon must have some mass as it has energy following e=mcc, and this mass with movmentum mc has the energy to kick up the electron to the higher orbit shell.
1.6 Now let us consider the above phenomenon in terms of aether, forces and geometries.
1.7 Aether by definition is a very fine solid through which all protons and electrons and neutrons pass the way bullets may go through grass which does not break but just bends. The photon in the aetheric context is a small burst of radiant energy. It is a disturbance with no mass.
1.8 When this aetheric disturbance caused by the radiation reaches the electron and as it envelops the electron, it changes the orbit of the electron by displacement.
1.9 In the process of displacement the disturbance loses its energy as the force to displace the electron is lost with the movement of the electron. This is for the first quarter cycle of the wave - from zero to peak
1.10 As a result of the energy absorption the orbit of the electron is no longer circular but elliptical, and more "high energy" that way.
1.11 An electric field is created with the dipole effect caused by the elliptic orbit. There was no electric field before the disturbance; now there is; so there has been a change of electric field meaning that has to be a corresponding changing magnetic field. Which will creating another changing electric field and so on till we have a burst of radiation, equivalent to the photon.
1.12 The electron at the higher energy level or greater ellipticity can be returned to the original orbit shell with the next quarter of the wave, from peak to zero. Again, as per 1.11 there will be a electromagnetic wave formation completing the half cycle.
1.13 The electron in this case does not behave as a single orbiting particle but as a thin and elastic rubber band.
1.14 The idea of the electron not as a particle but as a rubber band is of crucial importance in our study of he nucleus of an atom.
2.1 Aether, a solid made of infinitely fine particles, fills the entire
infinite universe.
2.2 The particles can vibrate, that is, oscillate about their mean positions.
2.3 The only force in the universe is electric as matter is made up of positive and negative charges.
2.4 When the electric field changes, it creates a changing magnetic field, which creates a changing electric field and so on. The changing electric fields vibrate the aether.
2.5 If the electric field loops as in a current, there is a steady magnetic field.
2.6 Matter is made up of negative charges called electrons and protons that are positive charges.
2.7 Under mutual attraction, they go through aether as a diver through a wave. When static, they let the wave push them this way and that.
2.8 Aether is a solid but its density cannot be found as aether fills everything including the space within the atom.
2.9 Only the density of protons and electrons can be estimated, for their mass and volume may be known from experiments.
2.10 Aether cannot affect the normal movement of the electrons and protons as they go through aether. There is no drag.
2.11 Aether bends to let electrons and protons squeeze through. No loss of momentum, thus, in the normal situation.
2.11 But with the applies electric field there is aetheric swaying from
vibration about their mean positions according to the frequency of the
changing electric field. This is what moves the electrons from their normal states. In this displacement of the electron the kinetic energy of the electromagnetic wave is absorbed.
2.12 Thus only when there is an electric field causing vibration to the aether there is momentum transfer to the electron.
2.13 Electrons are like rubber bands while protons may be spherical.
3.1 The aether particles are infinitely small by definition.
3.2 As they are infinitely small like points they have as you say no shape nor structure not volume.
3.3 Under the impact of electrical forces they vibrate and this vibration impacts upon the momentum of the electrons.
3.4 Thus the kinetic energy of the vibration transforms to the kinetic energy of the electron.
3.5 The reverse situation happens when the electron loses its kinetic energy. It creates the aetheric vibration.
3.6 This is understood it as water molecules going past a very thin set of wires forming a sieve. Only this time the water molecules stick to each other in their relative positions.
3.7 Aether particles bend aside to let the electrons and protons pass through them.
4.1 The definition of aether follows from a book referred to and quoted from in my 2005 post.'
4.2 aether: a solid where infinitely fine, infinitely elastic particles filling the entire infinite universe including the inter-atomic spaces maintain their respective positions. It is the medium for the propagation of energy with electromagnetic waves.
4.3 The 19th century notions of aether are extended to explain the propagation of electromagnetic waves acting upon the electrons in matter; and how matter receives these waves and creates these waves. This is the field approach where forces with their directions are given primary importance.
4.4 This is a far superior and intuitive approach than its alternative, the energy based quantum theory which depends solely upon assumptions piled upon assumptions.
5.1 Consider a firecracker - the amount of gunpowder is small as compared to the amount of packing. When the cracker explodes, the paper or string is blown out. It is supposed that the energy of the firecracker comes from the powder alone. For the string or paper surrounding the powder is chemically inert.
5.2 The above fact, that packing is needed for powerful explosions, was very well known to all those using muzzle loader guns. They had to pack the powder in.
5.3 That loose powder does not explode, merely burns well, is also clearly shown by the behaviour of fuses.
5.4 If we go by the calorie output of fuses and crackers, we should get the same result.
5.4 However firecrackers, bombs, etc. that require a lot of packing (paper or steel casing) produce a lot more kinetic energy than the fuse.
5.5 This kinetic energy is evidently coming from the packing.
5.6 Tighter the packing, greater the energy.
5.7 These are some of the basic issues, observed from Nature, that will be useful to understand the formula of energy creation and destruction, namely 0.5mVVN(N-k).
6.1 Let a mass m in free space have within its geometry an internal energy source that can increase its velocity by an amount v each time an amount of energy k.E from it is utilised. The kinetic increases after each hit increases by E = 0.5mvv. k is an efficiency factor greater than 1 related to the losses involved in converting the internal energy to the kinetic energy. After N hits the velocity will be Nv. With respect to the initial state the kinetic energy of the mass will be 0.5mvvNN. The internal energy used up will be NkE or 0.5mvvNk. Thus the increase in energy e after N hits will be, if N>k, e=0.5mvvN(N-k).
6.2 The most obvious display of internal energy creating internal force
equally in directions is the chemical explosion. A matchstick, a bullet, a chemical bomb - these are all examples of chemical explosion showing the utilisation of internal energy used for creating internal force, that causing heat and kinetic energy to the surroundings.
6.3 Aphorisms 5.1 to 5.7 (given below) elaborate on the nature of the explosion in relation to the energy generated, with respect to packing of the explosive matter.
6.4 The nuclear explosion creates a great deal more destructive kinetic
energy than a chemical explosion. This is because the packing in a nuclear explosion is much more dense than a chemical reaction. In a chemical reaction atoms are involved. In a nuclear reaction the nucleus is involved.
6.5 In quantitative terms, the dimension of an atom is of the order of
10^-10m; the dimension of the nucleus is of the order of 10^-15m or 10^5 times more. This is the linear dimension - in three dimensions the packing of nuclei will be denser by a factor of 10^15. However in a nuclear explosion it is not as if all the atoms are bunched up as nuclei - so the packing factor is in between 10^5 to 10^15. Let us say that a nuclear explosion the active constituents are packed to the order of 10^6 with respect to the chemical explosion to be conservative.
6.6 From the above rough analysis, it is obvious that the nuclear explosion, for the same mass, should be 10^10 times more powerful than the chemical explosion. 1 ton of TNT generates 5*10^9 joules; a nuclear bomb of mass 1 ton of active material (the nuclear material plus the packing surrounds) should thus generate 5*10^15 joules. Now a hydrogen bomb of 1 Megaton generates 5*10^15 joules.
6.7 Thus the simple matter of packing the fissile material explains the vast disparity of energy between the nuclear explosion and the chemical explosion.
6.8 What is happening is that the N factor in the equation e=0.5mvvN(N-k)
is much higher for the nuclear explosion than it is for the chemical. Each atom in m gets hit N times in any explosion - greater the packing, more the N. The outer atoms get hit by inner atoms that are getting out in all directions, again and again. The force is directed in all directions; the non-fissile elements get hit by the fissile atoms that keep on expanding out at a great velocity.
7.0 About the hydrogen bomb, and how the so-called strong nuclear force is actually the familiar electrostatic force operating at the atomic nucleus level.
7.1 The hydrogen atom is composed of a single proton and a single electron circling around it, as per the most established model of the hydrogen atom. There are isotopes of hydrogen occuring naturally - there is a neutron associated with that single proton. It is this isotope - deuterium - of hydrogen that is used in nuclear bombs (called hydrogen bombs, based upon supposed fusion).
7.2 In fusion, the deuterium is supposed to become another isotope - tritium - after intense heat is applied as a result of an earlier fission bomb. There is apparently a drop in mass, that is translated into energy. However, we can propose another alternative explanation for this great energy.
7.3 Consider a neutron to be a close union of a proton and an electron. The bond between them is extraordinarily strong - two charges joined at a zero distance, so the bonding force is very great. However, let us assert that the electron does not lose its identity even in this close union.
7.4 A deuterium atom can thus be seen as the union of two protons joined by an electron. The bonding force here is very strong, but can be broken with enormous impact is caused as a result of nuclear fission.
7.5 Nuclear fission causes the extraordinary aether vibration to break apart the bonding in the deuterium atom. The two protons in the nucleus cannot be held together by the electron. As the electron gives up its hold, the two protons, that are at a very close distance, move apart with extraordinary force.
7.6 The movement of the protons with respect to the electron causes a time varying electric field, which will create a time varying magnetic field, and together they will proceed as a very high energy electromagnetic gamma ray once again causing aetheric vibration. This vibration will dissociate the other deuterium atoms, causing a chain reaction. Being very fast, and very powerful with the most extrordinary electrostatic forces being released, the hydrogen bomb is thus created.
7.7 The hydrogen bomb thus has nothing to do with fusion, but with the fission of the deuterium isotope of hydrogen.
7.8 The deuterium isotope may be considered the fundamental building block for the nuclei of all other elements. Multiples of them, with extra neutrons, constitute the nuclei of the heavier elements. The electrons glue the protons together, while presenting a net positive charge that are balanced by the electrons orbiting the nucleus.
The only thing I know about Hindi is how to copy and pronounce the title "His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada" and the only thing I know about Einstein on physics is that you're prolly WRONG.
Arindam Banerjee
2024-02-02 16:41:01 UTC
Post by Peter Ross
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Wrong and wasteful investments like going to Mars with rockets, and having bigger jet engines polluting the atmosphere more and more thereby causing higher temperatures with the greenhouse effect, can be avoided if the physics aphorisms of Arindam are heeded.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
The physics aphorisms of Arindam
1.1 While relativity is completely wrong, such cannot be said of quantum theory.
1.2 However it depends upon energy levels of the orbital electrons. It ignores the existence of aether. It is devoid of any geometric basis for electron movement.
1.3 Depending upon energy levels to begin with is perilous. Energy is for business and money-making - the physicist should be interested primarily about forces. And as force unlike power/energy is a vector quantity, and so has direction, the geometrical situation is of paramount importance.
1.4 Using quantum theory, reflection of light may be explained this way - an incoming packet of energy called a photon causes an electron to jump from a lower energy orbital shell to a higher energy orbital shell. This is unstable, so it jumps down from the higher energy orbital shell to the lower energy orbital shell. The difference in energy is emitted now as a photon.
1.5 In 1.4 above the implicit notion is that the electron orbits are circular. It is also implied that the photon must have some mass as it has energy following e=mcc, and this mass with movmentum mc has the energy to kick up the electron to the higher orbit shell.
1.6 Now let us consider the above phenomenon in terms of aether, forces and geometries.
1.7 Aether by definition is a very fine solid through which all protons and electrons and neutrons pass the way bullets may go through grass which does not break but just bends. The photon in the aetheric context is a small burst of radiant energy. It is a disturbance with no mass.
1.8 When this aetheric disturbance caused by the radiation reaches the electron and as it envelops the electron, it changes the orbit of the electron by displacement.
1.9 In the process of displacement the disturbance loses its energy as the force to displace the electron is lost with the movement of the electron. This is for the first quarter cycle of the wave - from zero to peak
1.10 As a result of the energy absorption the orbit of the electron is no longer circular but elliptical, and more "high energy" that way.
1.11 An electric field is created with the dipole effect caused by the elliptic orbit. There was no electric field before the disturbance; now there is; so there has been a change of electric field meaning that has to be a corresponding changing magnetic field. Which will creating another changing electric field and so on till we have a burst of radiation, equivalent to the photon.
1.12 The electron at the higher energy level or greater ellipticity can be returned to the original orbit shell with the next quarter of the wave, from peak to zero. Again, as per 1.11 there will be a electromagnetic wave formation completing the half cycle.
1.13 The electron in this case does not behave as a single orbiting particle but as a thin and elastic rubber band.
1.14 The idea of the electron not as a particle but as a rubber band is of crucial importance in our study of he nucleus of an atom.
2.1 Aether, a solid made of infinitely fine particles, fills the entire
infinite universe.
2.2 The particles can vibrate, that is, oscillate about their mean positions.
2.3 The only force in the universe is electric as matter is made up of positive and negative charges.
2.4 When the electric field changes, it creates a changing magnetic field, which creates a changing electric field and so on. The changing electric fields vibrate the aether.
2.5 If the electric field loops as in a current, there is a steady magnetic field.
2.6 Matter is made up of negative charges called electrons and protons that are positive charges.
2.7 Under mutual attraction, they go through aether as a diver through a wave. When static, they let the wave push them this way and that.
2.8 Aether is a solid but its density cannot be found as aether fills everything including the space within the atom.
2.9 Only the density of protons and electrons can be estimated, for their mass and volume may be known from experiments.
2.10 Aether cannot affect the normal movement of the electrons and protons as they go through aether. There is no drag.
2.11 Aether bends to let electrons and protons squeeze through. No loss of momentum, thus, in the normal situation.
2.11 But with the applies electric field there is aetheric swaying from
vibration about their mean positions according to the frequency of the
changing electric field. This is what moves the electrons from their normal states. In this displacement of the electron the kinetic energy of the electromagnetic wave is absorbed.
2.12 Thus only when there is an electric field causing vibration to the aether there is momentum transfer to the electron.
2.13 Electrons are like rubber bands while protons may be spherical.
3.1 The aether particles are infinitely small by definition.
3.2 As they are infinitely small like points they have as you say no shape nor structure not volume.
3.3 Under the impact of electrical forces they vibrate and this vibration impacts upon the momentum of the electrons.
3.4 Thus the kinetic energy of the vibration transforms to the kinetic energy of the electron.
3.5 The reverse situation happens when the electron loses its kinetic energy. It creates the aetheric vibration.
3.6 This is understood it as water molecules going past a very thin set of wires forming a sieve. Only this time the water molecules stick to each other in their relative positions.
3.7 Aether particles bend aside to let the electrons and protons pass through them.
4.1 The definition of aether follows from a book referred to and quoted from in my 2005 post.'
4.2 aether: a solid where infinitely fine, infinitely elastic particles filling the entire infinite universe including the inter-atomic spaces maintain their respective positions. It is the medium for the propagation of energy with electromagnetic waves.
4.3 The 19th century notions of aether are extended to explain the propagation of electromagnetic waves acting upon the electrons in matter; and how matter receives these waves and creates these waves. This is the field approach where forces with their directions are given primary importance.
4.4 This is a far superior and intuitive approach than its alternative, the energy based quantum theory which depends solely upon assumptions piled upon assumptions.
5.1 Consider a firecracker - the amount of gunpowder is small as compared to the amount of packing. When the cracker explodes, the paper or string is blown out. It is supposed that the energy of the firecracker comes from the powder alone. For the string or paper surrounding the powder is chemically inert.
5.2 The above fact, that packing is needed for powerful explosions, was very well known to all those using muzzle loader guns. They had to pack the powder in.
5.3 That loose powder does not explode, merely burns well, is also clearly shown by the behaviour of fuses.
5.4 If we go by the calorie output of fuses and crackers, we should get the same result.
5.4 However firecrackers, bombs, etc. that require a lot of packing (paper or steel casing) produce a lot more kinetic energy than the fuse.
5.5 This kinetic energy is evidently coming from the packing.
5.6 Tighter the packing, greater the energy.
5.7 These are some of the basic issues, observed from Nature, that will be useful to understand the formula of energy creation and destruction, namely 0.5mVVN(N-k).
6.1 Let a mass m in free space have within its geometry an internal energy source that can increase its velocity by an amount v each time an amount of energy k.E from it is utilised. The kinetic increases after each hit increases by E = 0.5mvv. k is an efficiency factor greater than 1 related to the losses involved in converting the internal energy to the kinetic energy. After N hits the velocity will be Nv. With respect to the initial state the kinetic energy of the mass will be 0.5mvvNN. The internal energy used up will be NkE or 0.5mvvNk. Thus the increase in energy e after N hits will be, if N>k, e=0.5mvvN(N-k).
6.2 The most obvious display of internal energy creating internal force
equally in directions is the chemical explosion. A matchstick, a bullet, a chemical bomb - these are all examples of chemical explosion showing the utilisation of internal energy used for creating internal force, that causing heat and kinetic energy to the surroundings.
6.3 Aphorisms 5.1 to 5.7 (given below) elaborate on the nature of the explosion in relation to the energy generated, with respect to packing of the explosive matter.
6.4 The nuclear explosion creates a great deal more destructive kinetic
energy than a chemical explosion. This is because the packing in a nuclear explosion is much more dense than a chemical reaction. In a chemical reaction atoms are involved. In a nuclear reaction the nucleus is involved.
6.5 In quantitative terms, the dimension of an atom is of the order of
10^-10m; the dimension of the nucleus is of the order of 10^-15m or 10^5 times more. This is the linear dimension - in three dimensions the packing of nuclei will be denser by a factor of 10^15. However in a nuclear explosion it is not as if all the atoms are bunched up as nuclei - so the packing factor is in between 10^5 to 10^15. Let us say that a nuclear explosion the active constituents are packed to the order of 10^6 with respect to the chemical explosion to be conservative.
6.6 From the above rough analysis, it is obvious that the nuclear explosion, for the same mass, should be 10^10 times more powerful than the chemical explosion. 1 ton of TNT generates 5*10^9 joules; a nuclear bomb of mass 1 ton of active material (the nuclear material plus the packing surrounds) should thus generate 5*10^15 joules. Now a hydrogen bomb of 1 Megaton generates 5*10^15 joules.
6.7 Thus the simple matter of packing the fissile material explains the vast disparity of energy between the nuclear explosion and the chemical explosion.
6.8 What is happening is that the N factor in the equation e=0.5mvvN(N-k)
is much higher for the nuclear explosion than it is for the chemical. Each atom in m gets hit N times in any explosion - greater the packing, more the N. The outer atoms get hit by inner atoms that are getting out in all directions, again and again. The force is directed in all directions; the non-fissile elements get hit by the fissile atoms that keep on expanding out at a great velocity.
7.0 About the hydrogen bomb, and how the so-called strong nuclear force is actually the familiar electrostatic force operating at the atomic nucleus level.
7.1 The hydrogen atom is composed of a single proton and a single electron circling around it, as per the most established model of the hydrogen atom. There are isotopes of hydrogen occuring naturally - there is a neutron associated with that single proton. It is this isotope - deuterium - of hydrogen that is used in nuclear bombs (called hydrogen bombs, based upon supposed fusion).
7.2 In fusion, the deuterium is supposed to become another isotope - tritium - after intense heat is applied as a result of an earlier fission bomb. There is apparently a drop in mass, that is translated into energy. However, we can propose another alternative explanation for this great energy.
7.3 Consider a neutron to be a close union of a proton and an electron. The bond between them is extraordinarily strong - two charges joined at a zero distance, so the bonding force is very great. However, let us assert that the electron does not lose its identity even in this close union.
7.4 A deuterium atom can thus be seen as the union of two protons joined by an electron. The bonding force here is very strong, but can be broken with enormous impact is caused as a result of nuclear fission.
7.5 Nuclear fission causes the extraordinary aether vibration to break apart the bonding in the deuterium atom. The two protons in the nucleus cannot be held together by the electron. As the electron gives up its hold, the two protons, that are at a very close distance, move apart with extraordinary force.
7.6 The movement of the protons with respect to the electron causes a time varying electric field, which will create a time varying magnetic field, and together they will proceed as a very high energy electromagnetic gamma ray once again causing aetheric vibration. This vibration will dissociate the other deuterium atoms, causing a chain reaction. Being very fast, and very powerful with the most extrordinary electrostatic forces being released, the hydrogen bomb is thus created.
7.7 The hydrogen bomb thus has nothing to do with fusion, but with the fission of the deuterium isotope of hydrogen.
7.8 The deuterium isotope may be considered the fundamental building block for the nuclei of all other elements. Multiples of them, with extra neutrons, constitute the nuclei of the heavier elements. The electrons glue the protons together, while presenting a net positive charge that are balanced by the electrons orbiting the nucleus.
The only thing I know about Hindi is how to copy and pronounce the title "His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada" and the only thing I know about Einstein on physics is that you're prolly WRONG.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Arindam Banerjee
But I've digressed. The important bit is that Arindam must have
studied special relativity as an engineering undergraduate.
I studied that in high school, and found it to be the least convincing of anything that had been taught to me in science.

Fortunately, I was never taught the relativity nonsense in my physics class in my IIT, but I did have to do a compulsory course in quantum mechanics - a most useless course, just showed what brilliant liars there be - and there was some talk of e=mcc there. I passed it of course, swallowing all that nonsense and writing what was expected to be written for answers in the tests.

However such was the propaganda by the Jews et al about this relativity e=mcc nonsense, I must admit i was brainwashed, as much as the rest.

Not until I was around 43 or so, and had derived the formula m=0.5mVVN(N-k) as an alternative to e=mcc, did I think it was wrong.
Then the more I came to know about it, thanks to social media which quoted Tesla on relativity, the more I came to know how much the whole world had been conned - or should I say, jewed! With Jewish physics, pure nonsense that is now the most hallowed wisdom.
In 2005 I found the great bungle in the MMI expt which actually shows that the speed of light is variant with the speed of emitter. That by itself outs SR.

The Doppler effect clearly shows that light speed varies with the speed of the emitter. The wavelength simply cannot change, but moves faster or slower depending upon the speed of light, and that creates higher or lower frequencies.

GR is a joke. There the eclipse merely showed optical lensing, but propaganda and lies made it gravitational lensing!

As Tesla put it, the proponents of relativity are not scientists but theologians. I say, they are simply crooks who have "made" the whole universe crooked with "space-time warping".

Hubble and Webb show no end to the universe, nor distant galaxies flying out at extraordinary speeds as they are supposed to.

It is an infinite, eternal, Newtonian universe where energy most obviously is always created and destroyed. The silly laws of thermodynamics are at best outdated. Heat engines are on the way out. Free energy, renewable energy, etc. are in. alibaba.com sells free energy engines (using permanent magnets), say $10000 for 10KW. Even fatheads chanting e=mcc cannot deny that solar, geo, wind, hydro etc. have free energy sources but are called renewable sources instead!
Post by Peter Ross
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Arindam Banerjee
rejection of it must be by nuttiness rather than ignorance.
True I am not one of the pullulating piddling pedagogues peddling porkies like e=mcc to gullible kids.
I admire Tesla, who did so much, and not mediocre and pretentious academic bullshitters.
Post by Peter Ross
Post by Arindam Banerjee
It's his faith in perpetual motion that cost him his credibility with
me. (It's true he does go on a bit, which is a sort of perpetual
motion, I suppose.) I'd missed his views on relativity - perhaps
because he's in my killfile.
The whole universe is in perpetual motion.
The Earth, the Sun, the galaxies... all are in perpetual motion.
The electrons spin around the nuclei of atoms perpetually.
What is so strange about believing in perpetual motion, and why killfile me for that, unless you are some simple-minded bigot stewed in racism?
In which case, if you are a simple-minded bigot stewed in racism, your killfile is where I want to be.
Post by Peter Ross
The two things are linked. He claims that Einstein's E=mc^2 is wrong,
and produces an alternative formula. As a side-effect, conservation of
mass-energy is violated in his theory, which means that you can get free
energy from nowhere.
We get free energy from everywhere. The plants get free energy from the Sun and the Earth. We get free energy from wind and sun and water. Okay we have to pay for installing solar cells, but so far even Mr Bill Gates has not managed to charge me for getting warmed up by the Sun. Or for the wind drying clothes on a clothesline.

Anyway my main point is that with the violation of inertia, the whole of physics gets revised. When you have a motor that can make a body accelerate indefinitely, you can go to the stars in that, going faster than light. So much I worked out in 1998-99 and presented in my book "To the Stars!" in 2000.

Yes, we are getting free energy from nowhere, as I have explained in detail in my physics essays on gravity, cause of stellar energy, nova and supernova phenomena, etc.
Post by Peter Ross
I've never had the patience to go through the details. I suspect that
his theory also implies that Newton was wrong, although he probably
hasn't noticed that.
I never said that Newton was wrong. Newton had no clue about electricity.
I have updated Newtonian laws with the discovery of electricity.
It is the Arindam-Newton laws of motion that will take us to the stars.


Newton was actually corrupted by later physicists, who introduced the term "external" in the First Law.
I removed it; a body can be moved by internal force, as I have demonstrated in my rail gun experiments.
Post by Peter Ross
Every so often I'm tempted to remove him from my killfile, because in
some ways he's a good comedy act.
Better not, your conditioning may get affected.
It has been said, the lie that exalts us is dearer than ten thousand truths.
Remain exalted thus, with the global chanting of e=mcc to please the powers above.
Post by Peter Ross
Peter Moylan http://www.pmoylan.org
Newcastle, NSW

The violation of inertia with a new design rail gun in motor mode
Arindam Banerjee,
HTN Research Pty Ltd. Melbourne
10 Nov 2023
(All rights reserved)



Experiments (2022) showing my invention of a new kind of rail gun

Which is improved upon in, and its potential for ejecting matter into near space , and horizontal tunneling shown in

and the following shows how a new class of linear motor violating inertia can be developed by arresting the momentum of the armature and imparting that to the whole system, giving it an increased velocity


Introduction to "A New Look Towards the Principles of Motion"

Section 1
Linear Motion, Momentum, Force, Energy, Internal Force Engines, and the design of Interstellar Spacecraft

Section 1 (contd.)
Linear Motion, Momentum, Force, Energy, Internal Force Engines, and the design of Interstellar Spacecraft

Section 2
The Creation and Destruction of Energy

Section 3
The Structure of Heavenly Bodies

Section 4
The Nature of Explosion

Section 5
The forces involved in rotational motion


2017 videos of rail gun experiments with theory in detail

IFE - 1 Ground Experiments

IFE - 2 Experimental setups

IFE - 3 Pendulum experiments

IFE - 4 Evolution of spaceship

IFE - 5 Hydrogen Transmission Network

IFE - 6 Spaceship Design

IFE - 7 Anti-Gravity

IFE - 8 New Physics

The physics aphorisms of Arindam

The cause of gravity

Explaining the nova and supernova phenomena with new physics theories - 1

Explaining the nova and supernova phenomena with new physics theories - 2

2024-02-04 14:23:34 UTC
Post by Arindam Banerjee
The Doppler effect clearly shows that light speed varies with the speed of the emitter.
The wavelength simply cannot change, but moves faster or slower depending upon
the speed of light, and that creates higher or lower frequencies.
That is nonsense. As well, relativity and quantum mechanics are both proven facts,
confirmed by experiment - and, in the case of special relativity, even used in practical

John Savard
Arindam Banerjee
2024-02-05 02:27:25 UTC
Post by Quadibloc
Post by Arindam Banerjee
The Doppler effect clearly shows that light speed varies with the speed of the emitter.
The wavelength simply cannot change, but moves faster or slower depending upon
the speed of light, and that creates higher or lower frequencies.
That is nonsense.
f(v) = (c+v)/L is the correct Newtonian formula for Doppler effect for light.
This explains redshift and blueshift for distance galaxies.
Wavelength does not contract, just passes by faster the observer with higher light speed and vice versa.
Post by Quadibloc
As well, relativity and quantum mechanics are both proven facts,
The Webb telescope shows that there is no boundary to the universe, just more and more galaxies.
This is fact not consistent with Jewish physics.
It shows that the universe is infinite and eternal, thus disproving Jewish mythology and metaphysics relating to Creation.
And also validating my new physics.
Post by Quadibloc
confirmed by experiment - and, in the case of special relativity, even used in practical
The MMI experimental analysis was bungled as I pointed out in 2005.
There are so-called relativistic effects as the Earth is moving in space.
That only shows how wrong Einstein was, really he and his followers are the most criminal frauds, lying for their careers, throtltling scientific activity with their perverse, mean attitudes to my genius insights.

Arindam Banerjee
Post by Quadibloc
John Savard
2024-03-21 04:14:39 UTC
Post by Quadibloc
Post by Arindam Banerjee
The Doppler effect clearly shows that light speed varies with the speed of the emitter.
The wavelength simply cannot change, but moves faster or slower depending upon
the speed of light, and that creates higher or lower frequencies.
That throws out relativity theories.
Post by Quadibloc
That is nonsense. As well, relativity and quantum mechanics are both proven facts,
confirmed by experiment - and, in the case of special relativity, even used in practical
Post by Quadibloc
John Savard