What Made My Day Today? :-)
(too old to reply)
2022-05-13 01:43:34 UTC
I know you Americans and Europeans have been fucked up a few million
times too often to put much weight into what your heads of state or
politicians tell you. But Russians are no Americans. When they say
something, you can bet your fucked up ego on it that they mean it.

Russians today said their positions on two matters have changed as a
result of how the war in Ukraine has been handled by EU.

1- "NATO" countries aren't any more the only threat and the focus for
Russia. EU itself is the threat and is no different from what "NATO"
countries have stood for.

2- Terms of stopping the war in Ukraine has changed now. Even if Ukraine
succumbs to Russia's previous terms and promises to stay away from NATO,
matters of security of Russia aren't resolved far enough to end this
war. Now Ukraine must also promise to never become part of EU. Only
then, this war will end.

So, you Europeans fucked it up. You do that, don't you. You've been
doing it for centuries now. You know, since those large scale unforeseen
events saved you as an earlier form of human species and gave you
another chance, you've been busy doing it, fucking things up.
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2022-05-13 02:36:19 UTC
cuf ,ti gniod ysub neeb ev'uoy ,ecnahc rehtona
uoy evag dna seiceps namuh fo mrof reilrae na sa uoy devas stneve
neeserofnu elacs egral esoht ecnis ,wonk uoY .won seirutnec rof ti gniod
neeb ev'uoY .uoy t'nod ,taht od uoY .pu ti dekcuf snaeporuE uoy ,oS

.dne lliw raw siht ,neht
ylnO .UE fo trap emoceb reven ot esimorp osla tsum eniarkU woN .raw
siht dne ot hguone raf devloser t'nera aissuR fo ytiruces fo srettam
,OTAN morf yawa yats ot sesimorp dna smret suoiverp s'aissuR ot sbmuccus
eniarkU fi nevE .won degnahc sah eniarkU ni raw eht gnippots fo smreT -2

.rof doots evah seirtnuoc
"OTAN" tahw morf tnereffid on si dna taerht eht si flesti UE .aissuR
rof sucof eht dna taerht ylno eht erom yna t'nera seirtnuoc "OTAN" -1

.UE yb deldnah neeb sah eniarkU ni raw eht woh fo tluser
a sa degnahc evah srettam owt no snoitisop rieht dias yadot snaissuR

.ti naem yeht taht ti no oge pu d
2022-05-20 20:56:27 UTC
At last I found a fool-proof way of communicating math expressions in
usenet using nothing but ASCII characters displayed on multiple lines
:-) Read my explanations in my other blog "A physics Problem :-)" on how
to set that up.

You must use the dedicated newsreader Thunderbird 91.9.0 (64-bit) for
that to work. And you either make use of Diagon software online to
convert math to multi-line ASCII, or install Diagon on your system to
avoid web browsers and web access.

To use Diagon on your own system, if you are using Windows you must have
a C++ compiler to compile Diagon source code. If you have Linux you
don't need the source code and C++ compiler cause the binaries that run
on almost any version of Linux are available to download from Github.

As Thunderbird gets further updated, I'll test and hopefully find the
newer procedures to make Diagon work for the purpose, if needed. But
even if I couldn't find the set up, we can always use the version 91.9.0
to continue using Diagon.

Diagon is not only a valuable tool to use ASCII characters to display
math correctly on multiple lines, it is also of course a tool for easily
creating sequence diagrams like:

┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐
│Actor 1│ │Actor 2│ │Actor 3│
└───┬───┘ └───┬───┘ └───┬───┘
│ │ │
│message 2│ │
│────────>│ │
│ │ │
│ │message 1│
│ │────────>│
┌───┴───┐ ┌───┴───┐ ┌───┴───┐
│Actor 1│ │Actor 2│ │Actor 3│
└───────┘ └───────┘ └───────┘

and trees which is indispensable for outlining:

| +-Ubuntu
| | +-Lubuntu
| | +-Kubuntu
| | +-Xubuntu
| | `-Xubuntu
| `-Mint

also tables!:

|Column 1 |Column 2|Column 3|
|C++ |Web |Assembly|
|Javascript|CSS |HTML |

and for drawing rectangular frames around any text, like around your
epitaphs on your virtual tombstones in my epitaph blog:

│ │
│╔═════════ ≪ K K K ≫ ══════╗ │
│╔═════════ ≪ Alsing ≫ ══════╗ │
│╔ ≪ Engine Oil Change Certified ≫ ╗ │
│ When I change 'nother engine oil │
│ I wave two flags to pay my tributes,│
│ for those who made the engine │
│ and those who made the oil! │
│╚═════════════════════╝ │

The search to make the procedure for ASCII multi-line math display
fool-proof and always reproducible took a long time and involved many
many many tries and rearrangements. I'm glad it was done successfully at
last, and that's what made my day :-)
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2022-05-24 16:44:23 UTC
Mariupol is wiped from Ukranian territories now :-)

Change your maps. Begin early so you'd be on time when the printing
begins. Hehe :)

I hope next will be Odessa! Any area of Ukraine in which tens of
thousands of helpless Syrian refugees disappeared inside and were never
heard of again, is due to change hands. Bet on that! Where they're
buried, it will have no "Ukraine" authority or name over it. Bet on
that you motherfuckers.

Today is my meal day and I celebrate the Ukraine's loss of Mariupol with
this wonderful cup of coffee after my meal :-) It sure has made my day.
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2022-05-26 17:13:42 UTC
Today the EU head announced Clutterfreak's words about Europeans :-)

Hahahahahah :-)))

Those of you who've read my ACOB blog here know that what he said is
almost word for word Clutterfreak's description of the CH Europeans:

“Don't believe that peace is the natural state of things. The natural
state of things is war and we in Europe, we have been accustomed to
believe that peace is the normal state and I hope that we are not going
to learn that this is not the case,” the EU head said today.

Hahahah :-) Cro-Magnon from begin to end :)

The CH was under the impression they could fool themselves into thinking
they're something other than the CH that they are! Now with a bit of MH
poking into their sides, they realize they need to acknowledge who they
are :) Now they see the need to understand what savages they are indeed.

State of peace is a natural state of matters _only_ among the MH! So you
savage CH early humans better not flatter yourselves with it. This
"Borrell" guy sure isn't flattering himself with it anymore :-)

This made my day :) Oh, it did!
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2022-05-31 13:47:12 UTC
Russia is slooooowly shoving it in :)

News has it that the front is not that stationary anymore! Gone are
those quick advances and retreats. Now it is serious :-)

MH has had them by the balls indeed. If you ask me, Zelensky himself
opted for this whole thing. He is MH, in case you haven't noticed.

And Zelensky is not a Nazi like a whole third of Ukrainians (the western
areas) are, people who indeed helped Hitler both fighting the Red Army
_and_ in gathering up the Jews of the region and sending them to Hell.
People who as recently as just a few years back slaughtered every Syrian
refugee that entered those areas and buried them en masse in many
unknown grave sites. Zelensky is not one of them, he is an easterner

And when he got to run Ukraine, he was still pursuing the goals and
hopes of eastern Ukrainians, people who hated the Nazi ones to their
west and had a sensible and normal view of Russia as a neighbor. But the
Nazi Ukraine had grown much stronger and much more fascist than in 2014!
So from outside it looks as if Zelensky just gave in to Nazi forces.

But, again, if you ask me, I think he didn't! He is having those Nazis
destroyed indeed :) I think Zelensky and Putin are in cahoots with each
other. Putin gets to safeguard his third of Ukranians, the Russian
speaking ethnic Russian ones, and Zelensky gets the Nazi forces that
comprise one third of Ukraine, the western parts, literally bombed out.
The last third, the normal sensible Ukrainians, will stay as much as
possible out of the way and in the end will comprise most of Ukrainians.

Why do you think Israel is on Russia's side. It has nothing to do with
Syria. And as recently as last week they blocked deliveries of Israeli
made weapons to Ukranians.

The MH want Nazis die. We don't argue with Nazis. We don't reason with
Nazis. We don't coexist with Nazis. We _know_ Nazis, and that's why!

And there are Nazis in USA as well. So wait for it motherfuckers. The MH
won't let you get off "scot-free" :)

I read this news piece this morning:

'“Unfortunately we have disappointing news: the enemy is moving into the
city,” the Luhansk regional governor, Serhiy Gaidai, told Ukrainian
national television on Monday.'

Even the son of a bitch's _name_, Gaidai, in Persian means something
like "You have fucked!"

Hehe :)

So this made my day :)
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Arindam Banerjee
2022-06-01 04:40:44 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Russia is slooooowly shoving it in :)
News has it that the front is not that stationary anymore! Gone are
those quick advances and retreats. Now it is serious :-)
MH has had them by the balls indeed. If you ask me, Zelensky himself
opted for this whole thing. He is MH, in case you haven't noticed.
And Zelensky is not a Nazi like a whole third of Ukrainians (the western
areas) are, people who indeed helped Hitler both fighting the Red Army
_and_ in gathering up the Jews of the region and sending them to Hell.
People who as recently as just a few years back slaughtered every Syrian
refugee that entered those areas and buried them en masse in many
unknown grave sites. Zelensky is not one of them, he is an easterner
And when he got to run Ukraine, he was still pursuing the goals and
hopes of eastern Ukrainians, people who hated the Nazi ones to their
west and had a sensible and normal view of Russia as a neighbor. But the
Nazi Ukraine had grown much stronger and much more fascist than in 2014!
So from outside it looks as if Zelensky just gave in to Nazi forces.
But, again, if you ask me, I think he didn't! He is having those Nazis
destroyed indeed :) I think Zelensky and Putin are in cahoots with each
With this sort of logic, Hitler (now called a Jew by Russians) was in cahoots with the Jews to crush whatever arya or not-jew was to be found in Europe, and elsewhere in due course, using his Nazis, leading to the present Jew-Raj. Hmm.

Putin gets to safeguard his third of Ukranians, the Russian
Post by Clutterfreak
speaking ethnic Russian ones, and Zelensky gets the Nazi forces that
comprise one third of Ukraine, the western parts, literally bombed out.
The last third, the normal sensible Ukrainians, will stay as much as
possible out of the way and in the end will comprise most of Ukrainians.
Why do you think Israel is on Russia's side. It has nothing to do with
Syria. And as recently as last week they blocked deliveries of Israeli
made weapons to Ukranians.
The MH want Nazis die. We don't argue with Nazis. We don't reason with
Nazis. We don't coexist with Nazis. We _know_ Nazis, and that's why!
And there are Nazis in USA as well. So wait for it motherfuckers. The MH
won't let you get off "scot-free" :)
'“Unfortunately we have disappointing news: the enemy is moving into the
city,” the Luhansk regional governor, Serhiy Gaidai, told Ukrainian
national television on Monday.'
Even the son of a bitch's _name_, Gaidai, in Persian means something
like "You have fucked!"
Hehe :)
So this made my day :)
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2022-06-02 22:14:14 UTC
Days back, when Russia proclaimed its terms for peace had changed I
already knew we'll have a long multi-year war smack in the middle of
Europe and it had made my day that day and I blogged about it here in
joy and relief as well :)

Today the NATO head himself at last wised up and saw that reality. See
the link below. It took dumb EU people weeks to see such implications
when it had taken seconds for an MH.

I love it! It was due. Too many wars in and around middle east will do
that to you. MH will come for your asses in earnest.


My hope is of course not fully realized until Britain begins to pay.
That has been due since 1919! A century. And for Britain to pay, it must
be razed from that island. Nuked to Stonehenge era. Back to megalithic
period. I really want to see that happen.

Romans did it once. Another one has been due since 1919.

Still, NATO's consenting to that reality today made my day :)
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2022-07-09 21:51:44 UTC
Sweet 1957 :)

People in the world back then - very oddly including the CH! - knew how
to enjoy life.

Nowadays everybody in the world other than the CH know how to enjoy
life. All Cro-Magnons and most Cro-Magnoids have totally forgotten it.
Chickens running around with heads cut off, doing things not knowing
why. Noticing that made my day today :)

En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Te verás bañada por las olas
Y serás sirena de mi amor
Hallarás amor entre sus aguas
Y tendrás del mar su inspiración
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
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Arindam Banerjee
2022-07-10 07:17:11 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Sweet 1957 :)
People in the world back then - very oddly including the CH! - knew how
to enjoy life.
Nowadays everybody in the world other than the CH know how to enjoy
life. All Cro-Magnons and most Cro-Magnoids have totally forgotten it.
Chickens running around with heads cut off, doing things not knowing
why. Noticing that made my day today :)
Kafkas, Dalis, Freuds, Einsteins, Marxes, Hawkings etc. in various guises, all wannable Musks/Soros/Bezos/Gates/etc.
They complain about gas prices.
Post by Clutterfreak
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Te verás bañada por las olas
Y serás sirena de mi amor
Hallarás amor entre sus aguas
Y tendrás del mar su inspiración
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
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2022-07-16 11:22:08 UTC
I've had a lot of books. Didn't manage to read all of
them of course, but the best ones among them I sure
read, and some I read more than once. At different
times in my life I've gotten rid of almost all the
books in my possession at the time to open up space or
making moving to another place easier.

Only the books I had in Iran before coming to USA, are left
intact. They're still there, my immediate family has
taken pains to keep all of them. I guess they remind
them of me :) But the hundreds and hundreds of books
that I purchased after coming to USA, every few years
got purged for the above reasons.

Some jewels persist among my possessions. They either
are referred to every now and then or have had very
special meaning and were sensations when I read them.

Yesterday evening I discovered one or more of my cats
have been going in the attic where the books are. Their
dropping and urine on one of the boxes is the tell-tale.
The tape closing the box had long been disintegrated
into near powder, so the urine easily found its way
through the crack between the flaps down inside like
Bert's piss going down Hanson's grave reaching his
facial bones and mandibles :)

Checking to see the extent of the damage I found almost
none cause a photo-copy of a paper that I had made in
the early 1980s happened to be right on top of all the
books bellow it. That old, dry, almost spongy paper had
absorbed all the urine. But it made me notice what
paper it was of course. I wouldn't throw that paper
away if I couldn't get a free pdf of it online, so I
checked and checked and got convinced there is no way
to have it without paying $40 to the Capones who hold
them away from public.

So I decided to keep the pissy thing! Separated its
pages and hung them overnight to dry. This morning I
got them together again and began reading it yet once
more. It is amazing. A jewel. I copied it in our
library just 2 or 3 years after it had gotten out. Back
then everybody I knew were talking about it because it
had given the definitive proof what the cause of
extinction of dinosaurs was. Before this paper got out
it was basically anybody's guess among some 10 different

I don't intend to finish reading the whole 15 pages in
depth like I did a couple of times before despite all
my own notes on the backsides of it, cause it is
involved and takes careful analytical activity. But I
read it far enough just now to clearly see, yet for one more
time, what an excellent example of a physicist's
capability and working of his mind it is.

The physicist in question is of course Alvarez, and
this problem in the hands of so called "scientists" of
other disciplines had to wait and wait until it would
fall in the lap of a _physicist_, only cause his son brought
it up to him; and then it got solved! I don't
know how else this can be seen and believed better than
reading this paper and following how Alvarez managed to
find the definitive answer.

Physicists of Alvarez caliber have not existed in USA
after 1980s were over. Otherwise we'd be hearing from
them one way or another. Bullshit artists are plenty,
sure, but those real things you Americans do not have
anymore. Have not had them for at least 30 years and
probably won't in the future as well unless some
fundamental changes materialize in this country.

A second world nation has _less_ chance to get back to
the earlier 1st world status than a 3rd world one would
have in becoming 1st world for the first time. What
caused the country to go down to 2nd world status is
solidly there to stay! 3rd world nations don't have such
decisive factors controlling them and their futures.

So yes, I'll keep this pissy smelly paper even now
after 40 years of having it, cause I just got the same
kick from it a few pages into reading it, and that sure
made my day today :)
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2022-07-16 12:51:59 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
I've had a lot of books. Didn't manage to read all of
them of course, but the best ones among them I sure
read, and some I read more than once. At different
times in my life I've gotten rid of almost all the
books in my possession at the time to open up space or
making moving to another place easier.
Only the books I had in Iran before coming to USA, are left
intact. They're still there, my immediate family has
taken pains to keep all of them. I guess they remind
them of me :) But the hundreds and hundreds of books
that I purchased after coming to USA, every few years
got purged for the above reasons.
Some jewels persist among my possessions. They either
are referred to every now and then or have had very
special meaning and were sensations when I read them.
Yesterday evening I discovered one or more of my cats
have been going in the attic where the books are. Their
dropping and urine on one of the boxes is the tell-tale.
The tape closing the box had long been disintegrated
into near powder, so the urine easily found its way
through the crack between the flaps down inside like
Bert's piss going down Hanson's grave reaching his
facial bones and mandibles :)
Checking to see the extent of the damage I found almost
none cause a photo-copy of a paper that I had made in
the early 1980s happened to be right on top of all the
books bellow it. That old, dry, almost spongy paper had
absorbed all the urine. But it made me notice what
paper it was of course. I wouldn't throw that paper
away if I couldn't get a free pdf of it online, so I
checked and checked and got convinced there is no way
to have it without paying $40 to the Capones who hold
them away from public.
So I decided to keep the pissy thing! Separated its
pages and hung them overnight to dry. This morning I
got them together again and began reading it yet once
more. It is amazing. A jewel. I copied it in our
library just 2 or 3 years after it had gotten out. Back
then everybody I knew were talking about it because it
had given the definitive proof what the cause of
extinction of dinosaurs was. Before this paper got out
it was basically anybody's guess among some 10 different
I don't intend to finish reading the whole 15 pages in
depth like I did a couple of times before despite all
my own notes on the backsides of it, cause it is
involved and takes careful analytical activity. But I
read it far enough just now to clearly see, yet for one more
time, what an excellent example of a physicist's
capability and working of his mind it is.
The physicist in question is of course Alvarez, and
this problem in the hands of so called "scientists" of
other disciplines had to wait and wait until it would
fall in the lap of a _physicist_, only cause his son brought
it up to him; and then it got solved! I don't
know how else this can be seen and believed better than
reading this paper and following how Alvarez managed to
find the definitive answer.
Physicists of Alvarez caliber have not existed in USA
after 1980s were over. Otherwise we'd be hearing from
them one way or another. Bullshit artists are plenty,
sure, but those real things you Americans do not have
anymore. Have not had them for at least 30 years and
probably won't in the future as well unless some
fundamental changes materialize in this country.
A second world nation has _less_ chance to get back to
the earlier 1st world status than a 3rd world one would
have in becoming 1st world for the first time. What
caused the country to go down to 2nd world status is
solidly there to stay! 3rd world nations don't have such
decisive factors controlling them and their futures.
So yes, I'll keep this pissy smelly paper even now
after 40 years of having it, cause I just got the same
kick from it a few pages into reading it, and that sure
made my day today :)
Ok, I guess I was too tired last night. I just found a free pdf
of the paper under some "P Kokh"s account on UC Santa Cruz
website. Download it before it disappears!

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2022-07-16 13:11:35 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Ok, I guess I was too tired last night. I just found a free pdf
of the paper under some "P Kokh"s account on UC Santa Cruz
website. Download it before it disappears!
By the way, the NAA (neutron activation analysis) to measure
trace material that he performed and believed was easy to carry
out probably was at least partly responsible for his death by
throat cancer. NAA had widespread use during 1970s for metals,
pottery, etc, but always created newly formed radioactive
material in the samples and whatever artifacts they were
analyzing which stayed active for years. So NAA lost popularity
that it had back then and has been replaced by safer methods.
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2022-07-18 03:21:34 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
Ok, I guess I was too tired last night. I just found a free pdf
of the paper under some "P Kokh"s account on UC Santa Cruz
website. Download it before it disappears!
By the way, the NAA (neutron activation analysis) to measure
trace material that he performed and believed was easy to carry
out probably was at least partly responsible for his death by
throat cancer. NAA had widespread use during 1970s for metals,
pottery, etc, but always created newly formed radioactive
material in the samples and whatever artifacts they were
analyzing which stayed active for years. So NAA lost popularity
that it had back then and has been replaced by safer methods.
Also of course the impact crater associated with the extinction
which in 1980 was still unknown to scientists has since been
found to be Chicxulub which has 150 km diameter and age of 64.98
million years; the one responsible for creating Gulf of Mexico.
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2022-07-18 12:53:23 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
the one responsible for creating Gulf of Mexico.
No the Gulf of Mexico is not caused by Chicxulub impact. That
part of the post was fodder for Moroney-Archie duo.

But Chicxulub _is_ the impact that caused dinosaurs extinction.
It had not yet been discovered when Alvarez wrote that paper. But
he correctly predicted it! :)
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2022-07-19 04:44:58 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
the one responsible for creating Gulf of Mexico.
No the Gulf of Mexico is not caused by Chicxulub impact. That
part of the post was fodder for Moroney-Archie duo.
But Chicxulub _is_ the impact that caused dinosaurs extinction.
It had not yet been discovered when Alvarez wrote that paper. But
he correctly predicted it! :)
"I don’t like to say bad things about paleontologists, but
they’re not very good scientists. They’re more like stamp
- Luis Walter Alvarez

I wonder what he'd said about "engineers"!... No wonder it
couldn't be quoted anywhere you'd have access to see.
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2022-07-19 05:23:34 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
the one responsible for creating Gulf of Mexico.
No the Gulf of Mexico is not caused by Chicxulub impact. That
part of the post was fodder for Moroney-Archie duo.
But Chicxulub _is_ the impact that caused dinosaurs extinction.
It had not yet been discovered when Alvarez wrote that paper.
But he correctly predicted it! :)
   "I don’t like to say bad things about paleontologists, but
they’re not very good scientists. They’re more like stamp
                            - Luis Walter Alvarez
I wonder what he'd said about "engineers"!... No wonder it
couldn't be quoted anywhere you'd have access to see.
Even the problem of who shot Kennedy had to be correctly solved
by a physicist. Again Alvarez! He's the one who showed
convincingly in 1963 that the three and two shooter arguments
(based on sound recordings and a couple of movies) were not
realistic, and that Kennedy was killed by two bullets fired by
the same man from the window of that building.

Already in late 1930s (in his 20s) he'd proven that neutrons were
not elementary particles, but composites. Their magnetic moment
that he'd precisely measured clearly showed more structure inside
them to have such odd value. In the 1960s other physicists showed
that a neutron does indeed consist of three particles whose
magnetic moments add up to what Alvarez had measured in his

You haven't had people of this caliber in USA since 1980s. You
replaced them with your "engineers." You underwent dysgenics.
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Arindam Banerjee
2022-07-19 06:06:22 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
the one responsible for creating Gulf of Mexico.
No the Gulf of Mexico is not caused by Chicxulub impact. That
part of the post was fodder for Moroney-Archie duo.
But Chicxulub _is_ the impact that caused dinosaurs extinction.
It had not yet been discovered when Alvarez wrote that paper.
But he correctly predicted it! :)
"I don’t like to say bad things about paleontologists, but
they’re not very good scientists. They’re more like stamp
- Luis Walter Alvarez
I wonder what he'd said about "engineers"!... No wonder it
couldn't be quoted anywhere you'd have access to see.
Even the problem of who shot Kennedy had to be correctly solved
by a physicist. Again Alvarez! He's the one who showed
convincingly in 1963 that the three and two shooter arguments
(based on sound recordings and a couple of movies) were not
realistic, and that Kennedy was killed by two bullets fired by
the same man from the window of that building.
Already in late 1930s (in his 20s) he'd proven that neutrons were
not elementary particles, but composites. Their magnetic moment
that he'd precisely measured clearly showed more structure inside
them to have such odd value. In the 1960s other physicists showed
that a neutron does indeed consist of three particles whose
magnetic moments add up to what Alvarez had measured in his
You haven't had people of this caliber in USA since 1980s. You
replaced them with your "engineers." You underwent dysgenics.
Recently the engineers with Webb proved the universe is infinite, making the theoretical physicists blithering idiots at best.
Post by Clutterfreak
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Paul Alsing
2022-07-19 06:19:05 UTC
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Recently the engineers with Webb proved the universe is infinite, making the theoretical physicists blithering idiots at best.
This is hardly the case. In the future, there will be even larger telescopes, either in space or Earthbound, which will push the limit even more. The universe may very well be infinite, but the JWST has not proven it, not by a longshot.

It will never be actually proven that the universe is infinite but it certainly could be disproven! Either we eventually find an edge with nothing beyond or we don't, it is pretty much that simple. I'm also pretty sure that we all know just who the blithering idiots are around here, and it is not any theoretical physicists, Banjo-Boy...
Michael Moroney
2022-07-19 11:45:33 UTC
Post by Paul Alsing
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Recently the engineers with Webb proved the universe is infinite, making the theoretical physicists blithering idiots at best.
This is hardly the case. In the future, there will be even larger telescopes, either in space or Earthbound, which will push the limit even more. The universe may very well be infinite, but the JWST has not proven it, not by a longshot.
That's correct. Also, in physics, nothing is ever proven, only
disproven. All Webb has shown so far is that the edge of the universe,
if it exists, is beyond the limits of our current capabilities.

(also, AFAIK, the released "wow" pictures are still mostly a
demonstration of its abilities. It hasn't been pushed to its limits yet)
Post by Paul Alsing
I'm also pretty sure that we all know just who the blithering idiots are around here, and it is not any theoretical physicists, Banjo-Boy...
Everyone knows who the blithering idiot is, except for the blithering
idiot himself.
Dick's DriveIn
2022-07-19 19:13:53 UTC
The _known_ universe is finite, Duh!

How fast the "standard" clock ticks & how large the "standard" ruler is
varies greatly over those 13.8 GigaYears; it's observer dependent.
Arindam Banerjee
2022-07-20 01:28:18 UTC
Post by Michael Moroney
Post by Paul Alsing
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Recently the engineers with Webb proved the universe is infinite, making the theoretical physicists blithering idiots at best.
This is hardly the case. In the future, there will be even larger telescopes, either in space or Earthbound, which will push the limit even more. The universe may very well be infinite, but the JWST has not proven it, not by a longshot.
That's correct. Also, in physics, nothing is ever proven, only
No, in physics correct theories are proven; wrong theories like crystal spheres, continental not-drift, phlogiston, witchcraft, etc. and now BBT, relativity, quantum, entropy are disproven and discarded.
Post by Michael Moroney
All Webb has shown so far is that the edge of the universe,
if it exists, is beyond the limits of our current capabilities.
It has shown that, certainly, and it has shown that as you make bigger telescopes you get more of the universe to see.
By the definition of infinity in the physics sense as existence beyond measurement, the universe is infinite.
And it has shown, very importantly, that the distant galaxies are not all receding very fast, as the bogus theory of the expanding universe must have it.
They are simply going in all directions - at any point half towards, half outwards.
No question of any edge.
Had there been an edge all the energy would have bounced back and forth, creating the greenhouse effect.
No edge, no finiteness.
The universe is infinite.
Post by Michael Moroney
(also, AFAIK, the released "wow" pictures are still mostly a
demonstration of its abilities. It hasn't been pushed to its limits yet)
Post by Paul Alsing
I'm also pretty sure that we all know just who the blithering idiots are around here, and it is not any theoretical physicists, Banjo-Boy...
Everyone knows who the blithering idiot is, except for the blithering
idiot himself.
tch tch,
Michael Moroney
2022-07-21 05:20:10 UTC
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Michael Moroney
Post by Paul Alsing
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Recently the engineers with Webb proved the universe is infinite, making the theoretical physicists blithering idiots at best.
This is hardly the case. In the future, there will be even larger telescopes, either in space or Earthbound, which will push the limit even more. The universe may very well be infinite, but the JWST has not proven it, not by a longshot.
That's correct. Also, in physics, nothing is ever proven, only
No, in physics correct theories are proven;
Nope. It's obvious that you simply don't understand how science works if
you believe that science can ever prove anything. In physics, there is
no way to know if your claim is exact or only rather close. A great
example is Newtonian mechanics. Many may claim that NM was "proven". But
now we know that it is a low speed approximation of SR, and can be a
very accurate approximation at low speeds, yet still an approximation.
Even SR itself is an approximation of GR. Only cranks ever claim to
"prove" anything in physics.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
wrong theories like crystal spheres, continental not-drift, phlogiston, witchcraft, etc. ...
are disproven and discarded.
Don't forget to include anything and everything you came up with in that

As I said, physics can only disprove claims/hypotheses, never prove them.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Michael Moroney
All Webb has shown so far is that the edge of the universe,
if it exists, is beyond the limits of our current capabilities.
It has shown that, certainly, and it has shown that as you make bigger telescopes you get more of the universe to see.
Nope. We don't know what future better telescopes will see. If we did,
there'd be no reason to even build them. But someday we will.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
By the definition of infinity in the physics sense as existence beyond measurement, the universe is infinite.
Infinity is not a number but a concept, a limit as something increases
without bound.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
And it has shown, very importantly, that the distant galaxies are not all receding very fast,
And just how do you "know" that? You pulled it out of your butt? In
reality, the super distant galaxies have a huge redshift.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
They are simply going in all directions - at any point half towards, half outwards.
Not what actual astronomers see. I guess someone used "blue" as a false
color, so you fooled yourself. Again.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
No question of any edge.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Had there been an edge all the energy would have bounced back and forth, creating the greenhouse effect.
And just why do you believe the universe would have to be surrounded by
some cosmic spherical mirror?

It's the opposite, in fact. An infinite universe would roast us, since
each shell of stars contributes equally to frying us with every part of
the sky as bright as the sun.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Michael Moroney
Post by Paul Alsing
I'm also pretty sure that we all know just who the blithering idiots are around here, and it is not any theoretical physicists, Banjo-Boy...
Everyone knows who the blithering idiot is, except for the blithering
idiot himself.
tch tch,
Did you finally figure out who the blithering idiot is?
Dick's DriveIn
2022-07-21 06:34:39 UTC
It's truly absurd the way you (MikeMoroney) insult people
who aren't interested in general relativity.
Arindam Banerjee
2022-07-23 22:11:13 UTC
Post by Michael Moroney
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Michael Moroney
Post by Paul Alsing
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Recently the engineers with Webb proved the universe is infinite, making the theoretical physicists blithering idiots at best.
This is hardly the case. In the future, there will be even larger telescopes, either in space or Earthbound, which will push the limit even more. The universe may very well be infinite, but the JWST has not proven it, not by a longshot.
That's correct. Also, in physics, nothing is ever proven, only
No, in physics correct theories are proven;
So Torricelli's experiment proved the theory that we live under an ocean of air.
And Archimedes proved the existence of specific gravity.
Bhaskaracharya proved perpetual motion machines can be done with his wheel.
Plate tectonics theories are proved by satellites monitoring displacement, and geological finding.
Telescopes proved that the Earth goes around the sun, displacing the wrong Aristotle theory.
Webb proves that the galaxies that should be shooting off at great speed away from us as per
theory are actually going in all directions.
With my experiments with my new invention - a low voltage heavy armature rail gun - I prove that momentum and energy are
created and destroyed. This proved my theories about the fundamentals of physics.
Post by Michael Moroney
Nope. It's obvious that you simply don't understand how science works if
you believe that science can ever prove anything. In physics, there is
no way to know if your claim is exact or only rather close. A great
example is Newtonian mechanics. Many may claim that NM was "proven". But
now we know that it is a low speed approximation of SR, and can be a
very accurate approximation at low speeds, yet still an approximation.
Even SR itself is an approximation of GR. Only cranks ever claim to
"prove" anything in physics.
Wrong theories like SR and GR are disproven easily.
Tesla knew that they were wrong, but could not show how.
I did that, over the past 23 years.
Details are all archived online, of course.

But there will be theologians out to make a religion out of what they consider science, for they
are selfish careerists first and foremost.

Arindam Banerjee

- snip -
Arindam Banerjee
2022-07-20 01:20:16 UTC
Post by Paul Alsing
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Recently the engineers with Webb proved the universe is infinite, making the theoretical physicists blithering idiots at best.
Okay, I might have written "Recently the engineers with Webb proved the universe is infinite, making the theoretical physicists blithering idiots at the kindest".
Post by Paul Alsing
This is hardly the case. In the future, there will be even larger telescopes, either in space or Earthbound, which will push the limit even more. The universe may very well be infinite, but the JWST has not proven it, not by a longshot.
Infinity in the physics sense means existence beyond measurement.
So when what you measure exists beyond current reach, always, and so far, the entity under measurement is infinite.
As is our universe.
Post by Paul Alsing
It will never be actually proven that the universe is infinite but it certainly could be disproven! Either we eventually find an edge with nothing beyond or we don't, it is pretty much that simple.
No, it is not simple for most. It is difficult to get anal pig-headed fools like you to understand basic issues related to logic...
Post by Paul Alsing
I'm also pretty sure that we all know just who the blithering idiots are around here, and it is not any theoretical physicists, Banjo-Boy...
...and also, basic decency
Paul Alsing
2022-07-20 01:54:27 UTC
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Paul Alsing
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Recently the engineers with Webb proved the universe is infinite, making the theoretical physicists blithering idiots at best.
Okay, I might have written "Recently the engineers with Webb proved the universe is infinite, making the theoretical physicists blithering idiots at the kindest".
Webb proved nothing of the kind. Nothing is *ever* proven in physics. Just more proof that you are clueless most of the time in your physics claims.
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Paul Alsing
This is hardly the case. In the future, there will be even larger telescopes, either in space or Earthbound, which will push the limit even more. The universe may very well be infinite, but the JWST has not proven it, not by a longshot.
Infinity in the physics sense means existence beyond measurement.
Holy Cow, you continue to just make it up as you go along. Infinity is not a number but rather an abstract mathematical concept.

Post by Arindam Banerjee
So when what you measure exists beyond current reach, always, and so far, the entity under measurement is infinite.
As is our universe.
Gobbledegook, meaningless...
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Paul Alsing
It will never be actually proven that the universe is infinite but it certainly could be disproven! Either we eventually find an edge with nothing beyond or we don't, it is pretty much that simple.
No, it is not simple for most. It is difficult to get anal pig-headed fools like you to understand basic issues related to logic...
Logic is definitely not your strong suit...
Post by Arindam Banerjee
Post by Paul Alsing
I'm also pretty sure that we all know just who the blithering idiots are around here, and it is not any theoretical physicists, Banjo-Boy...
...and also, basic decency
So, you calling physicists "blithering idiots" and guys like me "anal pig-headed fools" is basically decent? You are a hypocrite, Banjo-Boy...
2022-07-21 02:53:23 UTC
Checked my blog online on google groups and what did I see?... I
went like "Oh looky, my little bitchlets can't part with my blog."

Hehe :)

My bitches and bitchlets:
Unzip one of Jeff's bags and eat some feces from it for
nutritional purposes :) He saves money doing it.

Arindam, you can also rub it all over your face for Ayurvedic
benefits. It won't show on yours so don't worry. Just don't get
inside a room with others present unless you want to experience a
Jeff Relf social adventure.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Arindam Banerjee
2022-07-21 03:21:03 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Checked my blog online on google groups and what did I see?... I
went like "Oh looky, my little bitchlets can't part with my blog."
Hehe :)
Unzip one of Jeff's bags and eat some feces from it for
nutritional purposes :) He saves money doing it.
Arindam, you can also rub it all over your face for Ayurvedic
benefits. It won't show on yours so don't worry. Just don't get
inside a room with others present unless you want to experience a
Jeff Relf social adventure.
You can practice what you preach, Roachie.
For supplements I have Ashwagandha and Brahmi, not yet needing Rumalaya.
Of course your blog is fascinating.
Nothing to do with physics, true, but then this is social media.
I write here for online publication of my new ideas and revolutionary work, for my future reference and for others interested.
Inimitable, that way. Bypassing the corrupt publication channels, efficiently and quickly, and globally too. Prajapatirhishirnyushtupacchanday
I thank goodness or Shiva for my doing research work to make this happen, decades ago, when publishing things were confined. Inverted filing for relational databases.

What you write is often news to me, whether fake or not, who cares. A diiferent pov.
You need not be abusive to your readers, but then you cannot help but be arrogant, what.
So my musing is, what on earth makes an americanised refugee from Iran that way.
A matter of mild interest.

Cheers, Roachie. Disgrace not the great preIslamic Persian traditions. Parsis are the most prized and honoured minority in India.
Arindam Banerjee.
Post by Clutterfreak
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2022-07-23 14:14:37 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
the one responsible for creating Gulf of Mexico.
No the Gulf of Mexico is not caused by Chicxulub impact. That
part of the post was fodder for Moroney-Archie duo.
But Chicxulub _is_ the impact that caused dinosaurs
that paper. But he correctly predicted it! :)
    "I don’t like to say bad things about paleontologists, but
they’re not very good scientists. They’re more like stamp
                             - Luis Walter Alvarez
I wonder what he'd said about "engineers"!... No wonder it
couldn't be quoted anywhere you'd have access to see.
Even the problem of who shot Kennedy had to be correctly solved
by a physicist. Again Alvarez! He's the one who showed
convincingly in 1963 that the three and two shooter arguments
(based on sound recordings and a couple of movies) were not
realistic, and that Kennedy was killed by two bullets fired by
the same man from the window of that building.
Already in late 1930s (in his 20s) he'd proven that neutrons were
not elementary particles, but composites. Their magnetic moment
that he'd precisely measured clearly showed more structure inside
them to have such odd value. In the 1960s other physicists showed
that a neutron does indeed consist of three particles whose
magnetic moments add up to what Alvarez had measured in his
You haven't had people of this caliber in USA since 1980s. You
replaced them with your "engineers." You underwent dysgenics.
Alvarez had started very early as a young man to write down a
candid autobiography for his children to read when they grow up
"so they'd know who their father was."

Around the end of his life it had grown to thousands of pages and
of course all his children had read it. Then with cancer
gradually getting the best of him somebody suggested that he
publish it. Problem for Alvarez was that his autobiography would
be every bit as exciting and shocking as Watson's "Double Helix"
(if not more indeed) but it was not the 1960s anymore! Watson had
the unique era of 1960s backing his presentation of facts.
Alvarez didn't have that. It was smack inside Reagan's USA. All
the authorities had been replaced with 2nd world characters,
including those who decided what the media should disclose to people.

So he had a major problem, and hesitated.

Remember that already around end of the year 1980, just one year
into Reagan's "administration" and total fuck up, All three major
news sources had been forced to check with government before
disclosing their news to public. The difference was shocking
indeed. We used to switch channels of TV back and forth to get
the rest of the news from other agencies, which were always
different and covered different aspects of important news (high
competition between news agencies CBS, ABC, and NBC and almost
always different contents). But suddenly around the end of the
year 1980 everybody noticed that all three channels were now
saying the exact same thing! We changed the channels but would
see the same controlled crap given to public.

It had adopted Soviet Union's manner of informing the public,
where various news first went upwards to central government,
sorted out and censored, then from there came back down to _one_
agency to be distributed for public. The only difference now in
USA was that here three different agencies were saying the same
exact thing while in Soviet Union just one agency was giving the
news. So I'd say it wasn't as ridiculous looking back there in

It was disgusting. And USA never recovered from this. Still it is
basically practiced the same way except for a bogus different
color given to it along different political lines rather than
depending objectively on various subject matters of the news as
it should!

This was now not even the year 1980, but mid 1980s for Alvarez.
"Dark Ages" compared to 1960s. He did contact a few publishers to
get their opinion whether he should publish it. Every one of them
checked it out and declined. Alvarez explains this (as clearly as
it could be done in those days - literally indirectly and very
in-between-the-line) in the beginning pages of his bio.

The lunatic paranoid characters, lowlife's like this "Jim
Pennino" right here reading this, were by then everywhere across
the new form of government, would see the word "Manhattan
Project" and jumped back and dropped the manuscript, let alone
all the other candid and objective remarks he'd made throughout
that voluminous work. Government could not stand the mind of a
physicist anymore. If he wanted to publish his bio he would have
to either monkey around and act like a cartoon character (a la
Feynman), or had to have it totally modified by people other than

So he seriously hesitated until the last moment, which was one
year before his death. Then he gave in to the publishers,
thinking it would still be better than nothing. He allowed them
to make the manuscript go through no less than three phases of
censorship by three different people, none of them subjected to
Alvarez's wishes. The publisher first, then a man that publisher
assigned to eliminate stuff from it, and then finally the guy
that publisher assigned to work closely with him to rephrase
stuff that was left the way both publisher and Alvarez agreed.

That's how his autobiography came out a year before his death.

That's why everybody in the world has heard and read Watson's
book, and nobody ever noticed Alvarez's. Kudos to Reagan and all
those "Jim Pennino" motherfuckers in government and everywhere
else in USA.

Kudos to you subnormal Americans of today. Alvarez was and is too
good for you. Understanding this fact fully, made my day this
morning :)
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2022-07-24 13:48:53 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
It was disgusting. And USA never recovered from this. Still it is
basically practiced the same way except for a bogus different
color given to it along different political lines rather than
depending objectively on various subject matters of the news as
it should!
This claim I made can be probed in a different way as well. The
government shutdowns! This is so because the cause of what
happened to news media was government to begin with. A shutdown
means exactly what I said above, i.e., instead of dealing with
problems objectively and yet in various ways by different people
of different political backgrounds, _objectivity_ is thrown out
the window and everybody defaults to 100% subjective ordinances
set along party lines without slightest thinking done about the
problems. I think only this type of situations can lead to a
government shutdown.

Now, look at the shutdowns :) They'd never happened before
1980... They only started from the year 1980 :) And as it should
have, they got worse and worse and worse until sometime in the
1990s during Clinton admin it got ridiculous and many government
employees lost a lot of money. The problem had "matured" at last.

The crack that began in 1980, by 1990s completely rendered the
government way of getting things done useless. Not that things
wouldn't get done, they would and did, but not based on
objectively looking at the problem to come up with correct solutions.

And of course the worse of the shutdowns was during that Bozo's
admin, Donald Trump. And when the government stayed so, the media
it controls also stayed so, hence the claim I made.

The root of it all is of course getting rid of more and more of
the MH and giving way to more and more of the CH among the
Americans to control things. The traits inherent in the latter's
ACOB _would_ cause just what we saw in both government and the
news, beginning from 1980 and maturing 10 or 15 years later.

This will only get worse, by the way. With CH in control the way
to the better past is not taking the steps back! Things will keep
going down. You can't go back from a 2nd world country to the 1st
world status that existed in the past for that country. It would
require STRP and it simply doesn't exist among CH.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2022-07-28 01:02:02 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
It was disgusting. And USA never recovered from this. Still it
is basically practiced the same way except for a bogus
different color given to it along different political lines
rather than depending objectively on various subject matters of
the news as it should!
This claim I made can be probed in a different way as well. The
government shutdowns! This is so because the cause of what
happened to news media was government to begin with. A shutdown
means exactly what I said above, i.e., instead of dealing with
problems objectively and yet in various ways by different people
of different political backgrounds, _objectivity_ is thrown out
the window and everybody defaults to 100% subjective ordinances
set along party lines without slightest thinking done about the
problems. I think only this type of situations can lead to a
government shutdown.
Now, look at the shutdowns :) They'd never happened before
1980... They only started from the year 1980 :) And as it should
have, they got worse and worse and worse until sometime in the
1990s during Clinton admin it got ridiculous and many government
employees lost a lot of money. The problem had "matured" at last.
The crack that began in 1980, by 1990s completely rendered the
government way of getting things done useless. Not that things
wouldn't get done, they would and did, but not based on
objectively looking at the problem to come up with correct
And of course the worse of the shutdowns was during that Bozo's
admin, Donald Trump. And when the government stayed so, the media
it controls also stayed so, hence the claim I made.
The root of it all is of course getting rid of more and more of
the MH and giving way to more and more of the CH among the
Americans to control things. The traits inherent in the latter's
ACOB _would_ cause just what we saw in both government and the
news, beginning from 1980 and maturing 10 or 15 years later.
This will only get worse, by the way. With CH in control the way
to the better past is not taking the steps back! Things will keep
going down. You can't go back from a 2nd world country to the 1st
world status that existed in the past for that country. It would
require STRP and it simply doesn't exist among CH.
You don't have enough, say, Daniel Moynihans in your government
to "govern" the way back to how things were before 1980s.

I'm mentioning this year of "1980" over and over only because it
was the year that the beginning of the end itself began. The root
of such drastic changes had in earnest begun right from start of
Carter's administration and with Carter himself. He was (still is
of course!) a Cro-Magnon sample of a human being from his head to
toe. It all began with him and his decisions. The change from
just probabilities and potentials, down to actual change
happening in deed, all, began with Carter in 1977 when he took
the office.

1980 is special only because it was the year when the tide began
to reverse. Before 1980, USA, albeit losing it, was still overall
a 1st world country.

I only saw and experienced two years of 1st world USA. What I saw
after that was nothing but 2nd world crap to this day.

Today the sights of hope are again appearing in the horizon, so
the landfall is sure there! But the next voyages after this one
will be a whole lot different. The MH that's taking over, even
today before having even gotten there yet, despises you CH :)
Yes! Just wait to see what else is in store for you sweeties.
Cause as Russians put it so poetically _into_ you, "And it's not
even July yet!" :-) Hahahahahahh :) Those Russians... I like them.

I mentioned Moynihan. Take a moment to see this jewel of a clip.
It's a short clip from 1965 when his work about Blacks came out
and for the first time attacked that problem correctly, causing
lots of waves:

Now tell me,.. Do you have a "Moynihan" today anywhere across
U.S. government? I think you only have crooks who don't even know
how to imitate a Moynihan because they don't even know what a
Moynihan is. They're Alsings failing to con you into thinking
they're "physicists".
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2022-07-30 10:08:34 UTC
Not the best parkour, but check out the unbelievably attractive
and special architecture!.. There's something in it that goes
deep inside my origins :) I haven't even been there (I think it
is "Yazd" city), nevertheless the designs have something akin to
life itself for me.


It was my meal day, so as soon as I woke up at 2 am (solid 8
hours of sleep) I ate, then I filled the rest of the space up
with coffee :-) I'm so saturated with coffee right now that my
fart itself will give Jihadi Jeff caffeine jitters.

And my day hasn't even begun and yet, this video clip already
made my day :)

-ps Curzon also was shocked by the architecture and tried
unsuccessfully to describe the experience. He searched but
couldn't really find out what the effect of it was on his psyche.
He was only half MH, and I'd say that was probably why :)
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2022-07-30 11:07:01 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Not the best parkour, but check out the unbelievably attractive
and special architecture!.. There's something in it that goes
deep inside my origins :) I haven't even been there (I think it
is "Yazd" city), nevertheless the designs have something akin to
life itself for me.
It was my meal day, so as soon as I woke up at 2 am (solid 8
hours of sleep) I ate, then I filled the rest of the space up
with coffee :-) I'm so saturated with coffee right now that my
fart itself will give Jihadi Jeff caffeine jitters.
And my day hasn't even begun and yet, this video clip already
made my day :)
-ps  Curzon also was shocked by the architecture and tried
unsuccessfully to describe the experience. He searched but
couldn't really find out what the effect of it was on his psyche.
He was only half MH, and I'd say that was probably why :)
Of course in your mind you should subtract all newer crap that
has been added to the genuine designs. Subtract them, so you
could see the jewels from behind all that clutter :)
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2022-07-30 10:50:08 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Alvarez had started very early as a young man to write down a
candid autobiography for his children to read when they grow up
"so they'd know who their father was."
Around the end of his life it had grown to thousands of pages and
of course all his children had read it. Then with cancer
gradually getting the best of him somebody suggested that he
publish it. Problem for Alvarez was that his autobiography would
be every bit as exciting and shocking as Watson's "Double Helix"
(if not more indeed) but it was not the 1960s anymore! Watson had
the unique era of 1960s backing his presentation of facts.
Alvarez didn't have that. It was smack inside Reagan's USA. All
the authorities had been replaced with 2nd world characters,
including those who decided what the media should disclose to
So he had a major problem, and hesitated.
Remember that already around end of the year 1980, just one year
into Reagan's "administration" and total fuck up, All three major
news sources had been forced to check with government before
disclosing their news to public. The difference was shocking
indeed. We used to switch channels of TV back and forth to get
the rest of the news from other agencies, which were always
different and covered different aspects of important news (high
competition between news agencies CBS, ABC, and NBC and almost
always different contents). But suddenly around the end of the
year 1980 everybody noticed that all three channels were now
saying the exact same thing! We changed the channels but would
see the same controlled crap given to public.
It had adopted Soviet Union's manner of informing the public,
where various news first went upwards to central government,
sorted out and censored, then from there came back down to _one_
agency to be distributed for public. The only difference now in
USA was that here three different agencies were saying the same
exact thing while in Soviet Union just one agency was giving the
news. So I'd say it wasn't as ridiculous looking back there in
It was disgusting. And USA never recovered from this. Still it is
basically practiced the same way except for a bogus different
color given to it along different political lines rather than
depending objectively on various subject matters of the news as
it should!
This was now not even the year 1980, but mid 1980s for Alvarez.
"Dark Ages" compared to 1960s. He did contact a few publishers to
get their opinion whether he should publish it. Every one of them
checked it out and declined. Alvarez explains this (as clearly as
it could be done in those days - literally indirectly and very
in-between-the-line) in the beginning pages of his bio.
The lunatic paranoid characters, lowlife's like this "Jim
Pennino" right here reading this, were by then everywhere across
the new form of government, would see the word "Manhattan
Project" and jumped back and dropped the manuscript, let alone
all the other candid and objective remarks he'd made throughout
that voluminous work. Government could not stand the mind of a
physicist anymore. If he wanted to publish his bio he would have
to either monkey around and act like a cartoon character (a la
Feynman), or had to have it totally modified by people other than
So he seriously hesitated until the last moment, which was one
year before his death. Then he gave in to the publishers,
thinking it would still be better than nothing. He allowed them
to make the manuscript go through no less than three phases of
censorship by three different people, none of them subjected to
Alvarez's wishes. The publisher first, then a man that publisher
assigned to eliminate stuff from it, and then finally the guy
that publisher assigned to work closely with him to rephrase
stuff that was left the way both publisher and Alvarez agreed.
That's how his autobiography came out a year before his death.
That's why everybody in the world has heard and read Watson's
book, and nobody ever noticed Alvarez's. Kudos to Reagan and all
those "Jim Pennino" motherfuckers in government and everywhere
else in USA.
Kudos to you subnormal Americans of today. Alvarez was and is too
good for you. Understanding this fact fully, made my day this
morning :)
If you don't have time to read his entire autobiography, then at
least you could read perhaps a tiny little nutshell of what he
did, mentioned in his obituaries. This one-page one alone gives
many of his accomplishments:


But it is not and never complete. Even his autobiography isn't
complete because huge parts of it were cut off by others who had
no interest in knowing what this man did in his lifetime.

For instance, the obituary above doesn't give or even mention his
contribution in solving Kenney's case.

I have a German version of his obituary which does mention the
Kennedy assassination work of his. Here it is for those who have
the education:


Certainly one page of description won't do it. Since nothing in
this regard has taken place after his death in 1988, I get the
feeling that his son (himself a geology professor - retired I
think) and family waited and waited for conditions in USA to
improve so they could publish the original work in its totality
and it never happened :-( This is my guess.

But needless to say, the original work needs to come out one day.
Or perhaps his family should disclose the entire work to
wikileaks, cause the way things are in USA, it will only get
worse not better. I think they should kiss the money goodbye and
just publish the entire work to wikileaks in a manner that would
not cause legal problems for them personally.

Have someone from China do it! Someone from Russia. Have it
"stolen" somehow by such people who are immune to reactions from
American Capones in government :-( Those motherfuckers deserve no
"considerations" of any sort to be made for them. It needs to be
done. It is a work that needs to be disclosed to public to know
what that great man did.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2022-07-30 10:56:45 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
Alvarez had started very early as a young man to write down a
candid autobiography for his children to read when they grow up
"so they'd know who their father was."
Around the end of his life it had grown to thousands of pages
and of course all his children had read it. Then with cancer
gradually getting the best of him somebody suggested that he
publish it. Problem for Alvarez was that his autobiography
would be every bit as exciting and shocking as Watson's "Double
Helix" (if not more indeed) but it was not the 1960s anymore!
Watson had the unique era of 1960s backing his presentation of
facts. Alvarez didn't have that. It was smack inside Reagan's
USA. All the authorities had been replaced with 2nd world
characters, including those who decided what the media should
disclose to people.
So he had a major problem, and hesitated.
Remember that already around end of the year 1980, just one
year into Reagan's "administration" and total fuck up, All
three major news sources had been forced to check with
government before disclosing their news to public. The
difference was shocking indeed. We used to switch channels of
TV back and forth to get the rest of the news from other
agencies, which were always different and covered different
aspects of important news (high competition between news
agencies CBS, ABC, and NBC and almost always different
contents). But suddenly around the end of the year 1980
everybody noticed that all three channels were now saying the
exact same thing! We changed the channels but would see the
same controlled crap given to public.
It had adopted Soviet Union's manner of informing the public,
where various news first went upwards to central government,
sorted out and censored, then from there came back down to
_one_ agency to be distributed for public. The only difference
now in USA was that here three different agencies were saying
the same exact thing while in Soviet Union just one agency was
giving the news. So I'd say it wasn't as ridiculous looking
back there in Russia.
It was disgusting. And USA never recovered from this. Still it
is basically practiced the same way except for a bogus
different color given to it along different political lines
rather than depending objectively on various subject matters of
the news as it should!
This was now not even the year 1980, but mid 1980s for Alvarez.
"Dark Ages" compared to 1960s. He did contact a few publishers
to get their opinion whether he should publish it. Every one of
them checked it out and declined. Alvarez explains this (as
clearly as it could be done in those days - literally
indirectly and very in-between-the-line) in the beginning pages
of his bio.
The lunatic paranoid characters, lowlife's like this "Jim
Pennino" right here reading this, were by then everywhere
across the new form of government, would see the word
"Manhattan Project" and jumped back and dropped the manuscript,
let alone all the other candid and objective remarks he'd made
throughout that voluminous work. Government could not stand the
mind of a physicist anymore. If he wanted to publish his bio he
would have to either monkey around and act like a cartoon
character (a la Feynman), or had to have it totally modified by
people other than himself.
So he seriously hesitated until the last moment, which was one
year before his death. Then he gave in to the publishers,
thinking it would still be better than nothing. He allowed them
to make the manuscript go through no less than three phases of
censorship by three different people, none of them subjected to
Alvarez's wishes. The publisher first, then a man that
publisher assigned to eliminate stuff from it, and then finally
the guy that publisher assigned to work closely with him to
rephrase stuff that was left the way both publisher and Alvarez
That's how his autobiography came out a year before his death.
That's why everybody in the world has heard and read Watson's
book, and nobody ever noticed Alvarez's. Kudos to Reagan and
all those "Jim Pennino" motherfuckers in government and
everywhere else in USA.
Kudos to you subnormal Americans of today. Alvarez was and is
too good for you. Understanding this fact fully, made my day
this morning :)
If you don't have time to read his entire autobiography, then at
least you could read perhaps a tiny little nutshell of what he
did, mentioned in his obituaries. This one-page one alone gives
But it is not and never complete. Even his autobiography isn't
complete because huge parts of it were cut off by others who had
no interest in knowing what this man did in his lifetime.
For instance, the obituary above doesn't give or even mention his
contribution in solving Kenney's case.
I have a German version of his obituary which does mention the
Kennedy assassination work of his. Here it is for those who have
Certainly one page of description won't do it. Since nothing in
this regard has taken place after his death in 1988, I get the
feeling that his son (himself a geology professor - retired I
think) and family waited and waited for conditions in USA to
improve so they could publish the original work in its totality
and it never happened :-( This is my guess.
But needless to say, the original work needs to come out one day.
Or perhaps his family should disclose the entire work to
wikileaks, cause the way things are in USA, it will only get
worse not better. I think they should kiss the money goodbye and
just publish the entire work to wikileaks in a manner that would
not cause legal problems for them personally.
Have someone from China do it! Someone from Russia. Have it
"stolen" somehow by such people who are immune to reactions from
American Capones in government :-( Those motherfuckers deserve no
"considerations" of any sort to be made for them. It needs to be
done. It is a work that needs to be disclosed to public to know
what that great man did.
As always, my fast work leads to sloppiness. The first link above
is the one in German and the second link is in English for those
who don't have the education. They are written by two different
men, one from a 1st world nation (the one in German) and the
other from a slaved nation (the one in English where Alvarez'
picture cannot be shown cause some Capone wants money for it!).
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2022-07-30 16:55:40 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
If you don't have time to read his entire autobiography, then
at least you could read perhaps a tiny little nutshell of what
he did, mentioned in his obituaries. This one-page one alone
The two links I gave above for the two one page obituaries of
Alvarez takes you to "FileDropper" page where I uploaded the two
pdfs. Usual settings of browsers will give you a stern warning
before going to FileDropper site claiming "malicious" activity
there. They probably mean to say stuff that should be free but
they want money for them anyway were once uploaded there.

I don't know whether the two small pdf files I uploaded are fully
legal to see or not. I found them on European sites in other
languages, not the English sites.

There's nothing much to be found in English language sites
anymore. Everything is owned like it is their fucking inheritance
or something. Pretty soon they'll ask for money for the air you
breath! Water that comes from sky is already owned. You have to
pay for it. It is time for air now.

Anyway, choice is yours if you want to download them. And yes
there is absolutely no virus or "malicious" content at least
about the two links I gave.

I also checked google groups and saw that my two posts were
deleted by someone or some bot. Probably because of the links to
FileDropper. So if you still are hellbent on getting those two
pdfs (they are easiest way to sum his works up) you have to use a
dedicated newsreader with a free news server (like the one I use)
to see my posts and download the files. Via google groups you'd
see neither of my two posts nor my links to even be aware of
their existence :)

These brief obituaries are written for scientists, not public.
That's why I wanted you to see them cause they're of higher
quality than what you see in newspapers or internet.

And now that I'm here, I should perhaps mention that you have a
third choice also (the other two being reading his autobiography
and reading his obituaries):

In the years around his death on 1988 I paid close attention to
book reviews that appeared on Physics Today magazine. They
carried top quality physics news and especially quality reviews,
better than anything you'd ever see elsewhere in the business
world. Subscription to this magazine was free for graduate
students in those years (I think it was part of the tuition). I
remember reading the review of Alvarez's autobiography that had
come out in 1987. The book I talked about above earlier in this
blog, and how it had huge pieces of it missing by the works of
other authorities than Alvarez.

Well, now that I remembered that, I remember there was yet
another book that came out and was reviewed in that magazine in
the same period of time. I don't remember the title and didn't
purchase it, but I remember the type of content it had and what
the purpose of publishing it was.

The book was written and/or edited by people other than Alvarez
but these people either were scientists themselves or were
physicists who knew him personally very well. I have a feeling
that Alvarez allowed it to get published as a needed supplement
to his autobiography that had been published around the same
time. He was probably very unhappy about the form his
autobiography had taken by the time it got out and wanted to add
more stuff to the story, especially for the scientists.

Anyway, I purchased the autobiography and read most of it but
didn't purchase the other one written by other scientists about
him. And now I have none :) Hehe :-) But they exist, and if you
are interested, you should be able to purchase them. Fat chance
you could get a free PDF of any of this.

A lot of people were thrown off from Alvarez' works only because
of his name, cause everybody outside physics community who didn't
know him would think he was just some Mexican or "Chicano" and
wouldn't take whoever he was or said or whatever others thought
of him seriously. Hahahahah :-) You'd wonder if this fact harmed
him in any way or helped him in MANY ways :-)

It is good to stay hidden from oceans of people who don't know
how stupid they are and think high of themselves :) It is indeed
a blessing. It is the equivalent of.. how do you say it? "Hiding
in plain sight!" :-)

So I think Alvarez was lucky to have such surname. And no, he was
from best that Americans could ever be, and was American inside
out, by birth and by culture, and by genes and by upbringings,
and certainly by looks as well. There was nothing "Chicano" about
him from begin to end :)

Hahaahahhah :-)

I placed that word in quotation marks cause I remember seeing a
sci.physics post a few years back where the poster was referring
to his 1980 extraordinary paper and important predictions in
there with derision and ridiculing its two "Chicano" authors :)
Hehe :) It was before the pandemic and I was super busy at work
so didn't get a chance to sit down to put some reality into that
funny guy. And now I've said enough anyway, no need to want to
know who he was. Probably Whodat! :-( Or perhaps Arindam under
his earlier handle. Anyway, someone who must now be inside
sci.physics cemetery _for_sure_ :)

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2022-07-28 03:18:11 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Sweet 1957 :)
People in the world back then - very oddly including the CH! -
knew how to enjoy life.
Nowadays everybody in the world other than the CH know how to
enjoy life. All Cro-Magnons and most Cro-Magnoids have totally
forgotten it. Chickens running around with heads cut off, doing
things not knowing why. Noticing that made my day today :)
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Te verás bañada por las olas
Y serás sirena de mi amor
Hallarás amor entre sus aguas
Y tendrás del mar su inspiración
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
Everything about this song is great. Listen to piano how it
depicts salty water and sea and its little creatures. The bass,
the poem, the drums, the dance, the wind instruments, everything.
This is some package. MH from begin to end.

The CH for a few years just imitated it slightly. That's as far
as they could do, or go, or understand. I remember some Bing
Crosby thick and heavy records that my father and Mom listened to
(and danced with on occasions) when I was tiny. They often had
Latino themes about them. I even remember a couple of them still
and don't know how to find them unless I spend a lot of time on
youtube listening to tens and tens of old songs. I don't have
such time and am not interested in it either. They were songs of
my parents' generation, not even those of my elder brothers'.

But downright value is value. Nobody can touch it, and this song
sure gives a taste of it :) My day was made today earlier at
work, but this song, now that I listened to it again, made my
hour before retiring to bed :) Cubans were great at music.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2023-08-26 19:25:30 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Sweet 1957 :)
People in the world back then - very oddly including the CH! - knew
how to enjoy life.
Nowadays everybody in the world other than the CH know how to enjoy
life. All Cro-Magnons and most Cro-Magnoids have totally forgotten it.
Chickens running around with heads cut off, doing things not knowing
why. Noticing that made my day today :)
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Te verás bañada por las olas
Y serás sirena de mi amor
Hallarás amor entre sus aguas
Y tendrás del mar su inspiración
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
Everything about this song is great. Listen to piano how it depicts
salty water and sea and its little creatures. The bass, the poem, the
drums, the dance, the wind instruments, everything. This is some
package. MH from begin to end.
The CH for a few years just imitated it slightly. That's as far as they
could do, or go, or understand. I remember some Bing Crosby thick and
heavy records that my father and Mom listened to (and danced with on
occasions) when I was tiny. They often had Latino themes about them. I
even remember a couple of them still and don't know how to find them
unless I spend a lot of time on youtube listening to tens and tens of
old songs. I don't have such time and am not interested in it either.
They were songs of my parents' generation, not even those of my elder
But downright value is value. Nobody can touch it, and this song sure
gives a taste of it :) My day was made today earlier at work, but this
song, now that I listened to it again, made my hour before retiring to
bed :) Cubans were great at music.
Hahhahah :-) Every time I listen to this song I find it just great. It's
the simplest form of a music that's saying all that's packed in the
poem. And it does it in just the special way that Latino's have. Exactly
how they look at it and think about it.

I have worked with them and know them. All that confidence! You may be
the dorks that you are and ask, "confidence in what?" Confidence in
their ability to manage life perfectly well. Yes. Confidence in that! No
matter what you motherfuckers do to them. No matter what happens,
period. They are confident, and are certain that they will enjoy their
lives all the way to the last breath.

The _first_ chance their music telling all that got to reach Iran (late
1940s), it was an absolute winner. People understood them. My parents
who were from a totally different background, music-wise as well as
dance-wise, didn't need to get used to them first. They immediately
recognized such jewels.

Musically, the closest that Iranian music can come to theirs is the
Southern "Bandari" music, because it was that music which after Islam
began to spread was taken to Spain and from there a few centuries later
to South America. My parents never listened to Southern Iranian music
intentionally on their own. They were both from northern Iran and mostly
listened to those types. Nevertheless, on just one listening, they'd
recognize the gist of it. They had many records with Latino music
enhanced themes.

And dance-wise also, both my parents had their preferred dances quite
different from Latino. Latino dance is very sexual! For both men and
women. But Iranian dance is totally a reflection of Iranians themselves.
The woman moves gracefully as if she is just sliding on the floor (takes
months of practice to achieve) especially when she has long enough
skirts to reach the ground. The head must not go up and down! The man
jumps this way and that way around her doing the Lezgi foot dance. If he
is very good at it, his head also will not move up and down through all
that commotion. The dance is ancient and almost standard everywhere in
Iran, Caucasia, Turkey, Afghanestan, etc, everywhere throughout Greater

That type of dance, my parents and rest of family did in just about all
the weddings we attended. But for more privately held parties, or just
doing it together for fun at home, they did Latino style :-))) Chacha,
Samba, Salsa, ..Those moves had a lot of you know what about them. You
just had to either do it privately or inside close friends circles at most.

I remember for a good while, perhaps a whole Summer, my father took my
mother to dance school to both learn Latino dances together :) The
school belonged to an Armenian family. I can not even count the number
of times I saw my mother practicing them in front of the large glass on
the front of the book-case we had, in which she could see a faint
reflection of hers. For me all that were just silly activity, that I
watched uninterested; I was just a little kid. My brothers understood it
better and would get excited and dhappy to see them dance. Latino style
or Lezgi, both.

I don't think you dorks know anything about Lezgi moves. You may have
seen similar moves in Russian dancers, especially in southern Russia
where Iranians have always had influence. As I said, they are totally
different for woman and for men. Two completely different form based on
how women are seen in Iran and how men are seen in Iran :)

Let me give an example of the man's side of Lezgi dance:

To see how it is for women:


As you see, the woman is appearing to be just sliding gracefully on the
floor, a feat of skill to show off and be justly proud of. It is very
difficult to learn. And the man is doing actually very precise moves
with his feet. All standard and learnted but his other movements are
usually his own depending on how he feels at the moment. In Lezgi dance
you can see what a woman is looked upon in Iran, and how a man is looked
upon :)
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2023-08-27 00:50:10 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
Sweet 1957 :)
People in the world back then - very oddly including the CH! - knew
how to enjoy life.
Nowadays everybody in the world other than the CH know how to enjoy
life. All Cro-Magnons and most Cro-Magnoids have totally forgotten
it. Chickens running around with heads cut off, doing things not
knowing why. Noticing that made my day today :)
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Te verás bañada por las olas
Y serás sirena de mi amor
Hallarás amor entre sus aguas
Y tendrás del mar su inspiración
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
Everything about this song is great. Listen to piano how it depicts
salty water and sea and its little creatures. The bass, the poem, the
drums, the dance, the wind instruments, everything. This is some
package. MH from begin to end.
The CH for a few years just imitated it slightly. That's as far as
they could do, or go, or understand. I remember some Bing Crosby thick
and heavy records that my father and Mom listened to (and danced with
on occasions) when I was tiny. They often had Latino themes about
them. I even remember a couple of them still and don't know how to
find them unless I spend a lot of time on youtube listening to tens
and tens of old songs. I don't have such time and am not interested in
it either. They were songs of my parents' generation, not even those
of my elder brothers'.
But downright value is value. Nobody can touch it, and this song sure
gives a taste of it :) My day was made today earlier at work, but this
song, now that I listened to it again, made my hour before retiring to
bed :) Cubans were great at music.
Hahhahah :-) Every time I listen to this song I find it just great. It's
the simplest form of a music that's saying all that's packed in the
poem. And it does it in just the special way that Latino's have. Exactly
how they look at it and think about it.
I have worked with them and know them. All that confidence! You may be
the dorks that you are and ask, "confidence in what?" Confidence in
their ability to manage life perfectly well. Yes. Confidence in that! No
matter what you motherfuckers do to them. No matter what happens,
period. They are confident, and are certain that they will enjoy their
lives all the way to the last breath.
The _first_ chance their music telling all that got to reach Iran (late
1940s), it was an absolute winner. People understood them. My parents
who were from a totally different background, music-wise as well as
dance-wise, didn't need to get used to them first. They immediately
recognized such jewels.
Musically, the closest that Iranian music can come to theirs is the
Southern "Bandari" music, because it was that music which after Islam
began to spread was taken to Spain and from there a few centuries later
to South America. My parents never listened to Southern Iranian music
intentionally on their own. They were both from northern Iran and mostly
listened to those types. Nevertheless, on just one listening, they'd
recognize the gist of it. They had many records with Latino music
enhanced themes.
And dance-wise also, both my parents had their preferred dances quite
different from Latino. Latino dance is very sexual! For both men and
women. But Iranian dance is totally a reflection of Iranians themselves.
The woman moves gracefully as if she is just sliding on the floor (takes
months of practice to achieve) especially when she has long enough
skirts to reach the ground. The head must not go up and down! The man
jumps this way and that way around her doing the Lezgi foot dance. If he
is very good at it, his head also will not move up and down through all
that commotion. The dance is ancient and almost standard everywhere in
Iran, Caucasia, Turkey, Afghanestan, etc, everywhere throughout Greater
That type of dance, my parents and rest of family did in just about all
the weddings we attended. But for more privately held parties, or just
doing it together for fun at home, they did Latino style :-))) Chacha,
Samba, Salsa, ..Those moves had a lot of you know what about them. You
just had to either do it privately or inside close friends circles at most.
I remember for a good while, perhaps a whole Summer, my father took my
mother to dance school to both learn Latino dances together :) The
school belonged to an Armenian family. I can not even count the number
of times I saw my mother practicing them in front of the large glass on
the front of the book-case we had, in which she could see a faint
reflection of hers. For me all that were just silly activity, that I
watched uninterested; I was just a little kid. My brothers understood it
better and would get excited and dhappy to see them dance. Latino style
or Lezgi, both.
I don't think you dorks know anything about Lezgi moves. You may have
seen similar moves in Russian dancers, especially in southern Russia
where Iranians have always had influence. As I said, they are totally
different for woman and for men. Two completely different form based on
how women are seen in Iran and how men are seen in Iran :)
As you see, the woman is appearing to be just sliding gracefully on the
floor, a feat of skill to show off and be justly proud of. It is very
difficult to learn. And the man is doing actually very precise moves
with his feet. All standard and learnted but his other movements are
usually his own depending on how he feels at the moment. In Lezgi dance
you can see what a woman is looked upon in Iran, and how a man is looked
upon :)
This one is men's Lezgi at the professional level. Note that they have
to be at least two dancers so each could get a chance to catch his
breath while the other(s) perform. It is extremely demanding.

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2023-08-27 02:07:21 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
Sweet 1957 :)
People in the world back then - very oddly including the CH! - knew
how to enjoy life.
Nowadays everybody in the world other than the CH know how to enjoy
life. All Cro-Magnons and most Cro-Magnoids have totally forgotten
it. Chickens running around with heads cut off, doing things not
knowing why. Noticing that made my day today :)
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Te verás bañada por las olas
Y serás sirena de mi amor
Hallarás amor entre sus aguas
Y tendrás del mar su inspiración
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
Everything about this song is great. Listen to piano how it depicts
salty water and sea and its little creatures. The bass, the poem, the
drums, the dance, the wind instruments, everything. This is some
package. MH from begin to end.
The CH for a few years just imitated it slightly. That's as far as
they could do, or go, or understand. I remember some Bing Crosby
thick and heavy records that my father and Mom listened to (and
danced with on occasions) when I was tiny. They often had Latino
themes about them. I even remember a couple of them still and don't
know how to find them unless I spend a lot of time on youtube
listening to tens and tens of old songs. I don't have such time and
am not interested in it either. They were songs of my parents'
generation, not even those of my elder brothers'.
But downright value is value. Nobody can touch it, and this song sure
gives a taste of it :) My day was made today earlier at work, but
this song, now that I listened to it again, made my hour before
retiring to bed :) Cubans were great at music.
Hahhahah :-) Every time I listen to this song I find it just great.
It's the simplest form of a music that's saying all that's packed in
the poem. And it does it in just the special way that Latino's have.
Exactly how they look at it and think about it.
I have worked with them and know them. All that confidence! You may be
the dorks that you are and ask, "confidence in what?" Confidence in
their ability to manage life perfectly well. Yes. Confidence in that!
No matter what you motherfuckers do to them. No matter what happens,
period. They are confident, and are certain that they will enjoy their
lives all the way to the last breath.
The _first_ chance their music telling all that got to reach Iran
(late 1940s), it was an absolute winner. People understood them. My
parents who were from a totally different background, music-wise as
well as dance-wise, didn't need to get used to them first. They
immediately recognized such jewels.
Musically, the closest that Iranian music can come to theirs is the
Southern "Bandari" music, because it was that music which after Islam
began to spread was taken to Spain and from there a few centuries
later to South America. My parents never listened to Southern Iranian
music intentionally on their own. They were both from northern Iran
and mostly listened to those types. Nevertheless, on just one
listening, they'd recognize the gist of it. They had many records with
Latino music enhanced themes.
And dance-wise also, both my parents had their preferred dances quite
different from Latino. Latino dance is very sexual! For both men and
women. But Iranian dance is totally a reflection of Iranians
themselves. The woman moves gracefully as if she is just sliding on
the floor (takes months of practice to achieve) especially when she
has long enough skirts to reach the ground. The head must not go up
and down! The man jumps this way and that way around her doing the
Lezgi foot dance. If he is very good at it, his head also will not
move up and down through all that commotion. The dance is ancient and
almost standard everywhere in Iran, Caucasia, Turkey, Afghanestan,
etc, everywhere throughout Greater Iran.
That type of dance, my parents and rest of family did in just about
all the weddings we attended. But for more privately held parties, or
just doing it together for fun at home, they did Latino style :-)))
Chacha, Samba, Salsa, ..Those moves had a lot of you know what about
them. You just had to either do it privately or inside close friends
circles at most.
I remember for a good while, perhaps a whole Summer, my father took my
mother to dance school to both learn Latino dances together :) The
school belonged to an Armenian family. I can not even count the number
of times I saw my mother practicing them in front of the large glass
on the front of the book-case we had, in which she could see a faint
reflection of hers. For me all that were just silly activity, that I
watched uninterested; I was just a little kid. My brothers understood
it better and would get excited and dhappy to see them dance. Latino
style or Lezgi, both.
I don't think you dorks know anything about Lezgi moves. You may have
seen similar moves in Russian dancers, especially in southern Russia
where Iranians have always had influence. As I said, they are totally
different for woman and for men. Two completely different form based
on how women are seen in Iran and how men are seen in Iran :)
As you see, the woman is appearing to be just sliding gracefully on
the floor, a feat of skill to show off and be justly proud of. It is
very difficult to learn. And the man is doing actually very precise
moves with his feet. All standard and learnted but his other movements
are usually his own depending on how he feels at the moment. In Lezgi
dance you can see what a woman is looked upon in Iran, and how a man
is looked upon :)
This one is men's Lezgi at the professional level. Note that they have
to be at least two dancers so each could get a chance to catch his
breath while the other(s) perform. It is extremely demanding.
And this is the formal Lezgi, not the party type. The dresses are fully
Iranian, not the western type that Iranians began to slowly change into
in the 1800s. Both men and women dresses are purely Iranian:

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2023-08-27 05:10:43 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
Sweet 1957 :)
People in the world back then - very oddly including the CH! - knew
how to enjoy life.
Nowadays everybody in the world other than the CH know how to enjoy
life. All Cro-Magnons and most Cro-Magnoids have totally forgotten
it. Chickens running around with heads cut off, doing things not
knowing why. Noticing that made my day today :)
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Te verás bañada por las olas
Y serás sirena de mi amor
Hallarás amor entre sus aguas
Y tendrás del mar su inspiración
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
Que una concha nos sirva de abrigo
Con música de brisa y adornos de coral
Y al vaivén de las olas tranquilas
Los peces de colores nos lleven a pasear
En el mar la vida es más sabrosa
En el mar te quiero mucho más
Con el sol, la luna y las estrellas
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
En el mar todo es felicidad
Everything about this song is great. Listen to piano how it depicts
salty water and sea and its little creatures. The bass, the poem,
the drums, the dance, the wind instruments, everything. This is some
package. MH from begin to end.
The CH for a few years just imitated it slightly. That's as far as
they could do, or go, or understand. I remember some Bing Crosby
thick and heavy records that my father and Mom listened to (and
danced with on occasions) when I was tiny. They often had Latino
themes about them. I even remember a couple of them still and don't
know how to find them unless I spend a lot of time on youtube
listening to tens and tens of old songs. I don't have such time and
am not interested in it either. They were songs of my parents'
generation, not even those of my elder brothers'.
But downright value is value. Nobody can touch it, and this song
sure gives a taste of it :) My day was made today earlier at work,
but this song, now that I listened to it again, made my hour before
retiring to bed :) Cubans were great at music.
Hahhahah :-) Every time I listen to this song I find it just great.
It's the simplest form of a music that's saying all that's packed in
the poem. And it does it in just the special way that Latino's have.
Exactly how they look at it and think about it.
I have worked with them and know them. All that confidence! You may
be the dorks that you are and ask, "confidence in what?" Confidence
in their ability to manage life perfectly well. Yes. Confidence in
that! No matter what you motherfuckers do to them. No matter what
happens, period. They are confident, and are certain that they will
enjoy their lives all the way to the last breath.
The _first_ chance their music telling all that got to reach Iran
(late 1940s), it was an absolute winner. People understood them. My
parents who were from a totally different background, music-wise as
well as dance-wise, didn't need to get used to them first. They
immediately recognized such jewels.
Musically, the closest that Iranian music can come to theirs is the
Southern "Bandari" music, because it was that music which after Islam
began to spread was taken to Spain and from there a few centuries
later to South America. My parents never listened to Southern Iranian
music intentionally on their own. They were both from northern Iran
and mostly listened to those types. Nevertheless, on just one
listening, they'd recognize the gist of it. They had many records
with Latino music enhanced themes.
And dance-wise also, both my parents had their preferred dances quite
different from Latino. Latino dance is very sexual! For both men and
women. But Iranian dance is totally a reflection of Iranians
themselves. The woman moves gracefully as if she is just sliding on
the floor (takes months of practice to achieve) especially when she
has long enough skirts to reach the ground. The head must not go up
and down! The man jumps this way and that way around her doing the
Lezgi foot dance. If he is very good at it, his head also will not
move up and down through all that commotion. The dance is ancient and
almost standard everywhere in Iran, Caucasia, Turkey, Afghanestan,
etc, everywhere throughout Greater Iran.
That type of dance, my parents and rest of family did in just about
all the weddings we attended. But for more privately held parties, or
just doing it together for fun at home, they did Latino style :-)))
Chacha, Samba, Salsa, ..Those moves had a lot of you know what about
them. You just had to either do it privately or inside close friends
circles at most.
I remember for a good while, perhaps a whole Summer, my father took
my mother to dance school to both learn Latino dances together :) The
school belonged to an Armenian family. I can not even count the
number of times I saw my mother practicing them in front of the large
glass on the front of the book-case we had, in which she could see a
faint reflection of hers. For me all that were just silly activity,
that I watched uninterested; I was just a little kid. My brothers
understood it better and would get excited and dhappy to see them
dance. Latino style or Lezgi, both.
I don't think you dorks know anything about Lezgi moves. You may have
seen similar moves in Russian dancers, especially in southern Russia
where Iranians have always had influence. As I said, they are totally
different for woman and for men. Two completely different form based
on how women are seen in Iran and how men are seen in Iran :)
As you see, the woman is appearing to be just sliding gracefully on
the floor, a feat of skill to show off and be justly proud of. It is
very difficult to learn. And the man is doing actually very precise
moves with his feet. All standard and learnted but his other
movements are usually his own depending on how he feels at the
moment. In Lezgi dance you can see what a woman is looked upon in
Iran, and how a man is looked upon :)
This one is men's Lezgi at the professional level. Note that they have
to be at least two dancers so each could get a chance to catch his
breath while the other(s) perform. It is extremely demanding.
And this is the formal Lezgi, not the party type. The dresses are fully
Iranian, not the western type that Iranians began to slowly change into
This one is pure gas :-)))

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2023-09-03 14:44:26 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
This one is pure gas :-)))
This one is also a lot of gas :) Check out the demeanor of the bride
around the end of the festivity. Pure humility. Pure patience. So
Iranian from begin to end :-)

Russian southern area were either part of Iran recently (up to 1830s) or
are strongly influenced by anything Iranian. Dance, music, traditions,

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2023-09-03 20:38:10 UTC
In mens' side of Lezgi dance as I mentioned before, the foot work is all
pretty standard and involves several forms that are practiced until done
automatically. The hand moves also are mostly standard but with more
variety depending on how they guy feels. And at the end of each session,
the dancer freezes into certain poses that I think have various
underlying mental reactions behind them. You know, like the poses that
animals freeze into at moments of excitement or play (i.e. faking such

We all have seen cats doing it, both when they're serious and when
they're joyfully playing and are faking it. For instance, this is a pose
this cat has frozen into which is not fake, but is his reaction to the
sudden possibility that his human companion might be actually another cat!


On other joyful occasions, they play by faking such situations and
getting themselves frozen into same poses in an imaginary situation.
Very young cats do that all the time.

Even raccoons do that, did you know that? I've seen them freezing in a
pose when surprised. Here is an example I found and saved. One of the
raccoons on suddenly realizing that he is being seen by human just stops
in a normal pose, and the other gets into a special pose saved for such
special situations:


I think the various poses one sees that a Lezgi dancer ends his moves in
is of the same type. They're automatic, but can be faked for purposes of
having fun.

Lezgi dance in the Greater Iran is ancient and slowly varies from region
to region, because it is a reflection of how those people see themselves
as men and women. In Iran and nearby countries both men and women
participate in it, but as you go east, by the time you reach India, the
dance is all done by women. I don't think Indians have a traditional
dance for men. A woman is doing it and is very advanced as well, with
quite a lot of skills built into them. That shows India (in fact Greater
India) consists of people distinct from Iranian people as far as how
they look at their men and women. Come to think of it, in Greater China
as well I don't think people have a dance performed by men. It is always
women and they do not have fast movements in them. In Japan, the men who
dance have to put women make up and clothing on to dance. I think
because there's just no dance in there for men specifically. They also
do not have fast movements.

Indian dance has quite a lot of very fast movements done by women.

These are all based on how each people look at their men and women.
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2023-09-03 22:05:50 UTC
As I said, as far as I know there is no male role in any of the Indian
dances. If there is, I suspect they have identical moves with women
dances, which is absurd. Well, to an Iranian that is :) Cause it would
mean that women and men are looked upon identically in there. A strange
proposition for an Iranian. In Iran women are in no way identical to men
in any respect. Including legally! They have their own unique roles and
men have their own unique roles in life. And it is reflected so well in
Lezgi dance.

So Indians are culturally quite different from Iranians. And this gets
weirder if you go farther east into the Greater China areas. All the
fast moves that still exists in some Indian dances, disappear in their
dances, the latter also always performed by women.

A few examples of Indian dance:

Eastern India. Odissi dance. No fast moves. No male part.

Southern India. Bharatanatyam dance. Some fast moves. No male part.

Southwest India. Kathakali dance. Here the man has to wear women dress
and put make up on to dance (like in Japan). No fast moves:

North Inida. Kathak dance. Fast movements. No male part.

Northeast India. Manipuri dance. Now one begins to see the Chinese
influence. No fast moves. No male part:

Southeast India. Kuchipudi dance. Some Chinese influence. But some fast
moves. No male part.


So it makes me wonder where men are in all this. Why are they absent? I
really don't know the answer. And it starts eastward from India and gets
more and more so as one goes east, all the way to Japan _and_ beyond to
the Polynesian islands people. I've only seen their women dance.
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2023-09-04 00:15:23 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
So it makes me wonder where men are in all this. Why are they absent? I
really don't know the answer. And it starts eastward from India and gets
more and more so as one goes east, all the way to Japan _and_ beyond to
the Polynesian islands people. I've only seen their women dance.
So, can one conclude that (beside Africans - I don't know anything about
them) men dancing at all is and has always been an Iranian (Aryan) thing
only? In lezgi dance men are almost doing the whole dance. Women's part
is rather trivial and yet at the same time everything the man is doing
is for her, and because of her. It very much reflects how men-women
relationship is throughout life in Iran, not just in how they dance with
each other. In an Iranian life, women are at the center of everything,
not needing to lift a finger, almost; and men are struggling to show
their appreciation of them as well as trying to get their attention.
THAT I know.

But how is it that this behavior is absent in India and China? I mean,
how can that be? Where is the "man" in the fabric of life in those regions?

A possible scenario:
The meaning of dance itself is different in those people. They look at
dance as something like cooking! Or giving birth. Or ... singing.

Another possible scenario:
They are so thoroughly separate from each other in the life they're
living together, that nothing in the form of dancing together ever
formed in them. Woman was just the baby maker and house cleaner, and man
was minding his business bringing in the money and otherwise giving no
damn about her presence in there, and vice versa.

Cause this is _not_ so among Iranians! Women are not only present, they
are present right at the center of lives they have together, providing
all the influences you can think of on how those lives are proceeding,
yet needing no advertising for it at all. They're the human that's
behind the family, staying in the shadows. They have no need to come to
the front to get what they want.

I think in India and China things must be very very different between
men and women who live their lives together.
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2023-09-14 23:33:00 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Southern India. Bharatanatyam dance. Some fast moves. No male part.
What an awesome display of "womanhood" among the Modern Humans. Here is
another one:

Very logical, explanatory, analytic. Just like my two-rule set for
leaving behind the apes dictates.
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2023-09-15 02:26:57 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Physfitfreak
Southern India. Bharatanatyam dance. Some fast moves. No male part.
What an awesome display of "womanhood" among the Modern Humans. Here is
Very logical, explanatory, analytic. Just like my two-rule set for
leaving behind the apes dictates.
Even a double is done by two women, not a man and a woman.

I think I'm beginning to understand why it is all done by women only.
Men do not count! I told you that. It goes back to those same two rules
at the heart of what made Modern Human. Men didn't take us here (they
only preserved some of the better genes from earlier humans). Women did.
It was all done by women.
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2023-09-16 18:53:42 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Physfitfreak
Southern India. Bharatanatyam dance. Some fast moves. No male part.
What an awesome display of "womanhood" among the Modern Humans. Here
Very logical, explanatory, analytic. Just like my two-rule set for
leaving behind the apes dictates.
Even a double is done by two women, not a man and a woman.
I think I'm beginning to understand why it is all done by women only.
Men do not count! I told you that. It goes back to those same two rules
at the heart of what made Modern Human. Men didn't take us here (they
only preserved some of the better genes from earlier humans). Women did.
It was all done by women.
This is a rare one involving men as well. I'd never seen one with male
dancers in it:

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2023-09-16 19:42:00 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
This is a rare one involving men as well. I'd never seen one with male
But this might be using them as gays, not men. It could be a new trend
after woke culture hit the industry, or perhaps very old, like what
Moslems did with their gays.

Moslems, traditionally, convince gays to go back to that which created
them, usually with a service done while on the way there. For centuries
back, they'd be the ones to carry out suicide missions (using either
swords, or mostly a dagger). Nowadays, they wrap them with explosives
and send them to serve god and be with god...

Gays in non-Moslem countries usually jump down multistory buildings. No
serving god included.

So these few Indian dances that involve men along their women are
suspect to me. They may all be something new and meaningless.
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2023-09-14 00:03:58 UTC
Another pure gas, this is more recent.

And one from my own generation:

Jews do it too of course: (gas begins at 43:30 min timestamp)

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2023-09-20 00:52:40 UTC
Today Azarbayejan began using more of Israeli made Harops against
Armenia's military posts. Take a look at one of these things:

Loading Image...

Don't tell me they didn't copy Iran's Shahed 136 (made by Shahed
helicopter factories) and just decorated it with bullshit :-) Very
high-schoolish additions. Hahhhah :) Products of high-schoolish imagination.

Even Israeli's smaller version of Harop (mini-Harop) looks like a copy
of Iran's smaller version, Shahed 131.

What does that say? I think Iranians may have advanced past Israelis in
designing war equipments.

But with what Azarbayejan revealed today (videos of its destruction of
Armenian targets) it seems that Harop might be somewhat more accurate
than the Iranian Shahed 136. But this is just a wild guess, as Shahed's
degree of accuracy is still a war secret. We do know that some of the
targets in Ukraine (and Saudia Arabia) were hit with pin-point accuracy,
but there's not even one clip showing it from Shahed's own camera, while
Harop's camera video clips are all over.

Other than Azarbayejan, India also buys Harops from Israel, but now that
Iran is in BRICS they may change to Shahed 136 from now on. I'm sure the
Iran's is at least 3 times less expensive than its Israeli copy.
Otherwise, Russia would be buying them from their buddies in Israel, not

Iran sells her Shahed 136 and 131 to several African and Asian nations;
it is so much in demand there's a long wait time to get them. It is
after all a helicopter factory that builds them on the side. Yet the
media in USA only points to Russia as its customer. Cowards!

Iran gave the know-how some years back to Houthis whore presently
manufacturing their own. It is possible that part of the know-how making
the heart of its success got from Houthis to Israel via their Jewish

And best design for what it is and can do, is best design no matter who
wants to do what with it. When it comes to cost vs capability, there's
not an equal. And those "additions" to it by Israel still make me laugh.
Like you've asked Mr Vulva here to think of something for their
improvements :) Hahhahah :) It is that joke of additions that made my
day today :)

But... Now that I talked about it so much, how about seeing the latest
from Shahed 136 in Ukraine? :-) This is from last night indeed:


Ooollalla!... :)
2023-09-20 03:31:27 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Even Israeli's smaller version of Harop (mini-Harop) looks like a copy
of Iran's smaller version, Shahed 131.
What, Iran stole Israel's drone designs?
Post by Physfitfreak
What does that say? I think Iranians may have advanced past Israelis in
designing war equipments.
Iran even advanced on Israel's drone design?
2023-09-26 23:25:31 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Today Azarbayejan began using more of Israeli made Harops against
Don't tell me they didn't copy Iran's Shahed 136 (made by Shahed
helicopter factories) and just decorated it with bullshit :-) Very
high-schoolish additions. Hahhhah :) Products of high-schoolish imagination.
Even Israeli's smaller version of Harop (mini-Harop) looks like a copy
of Iran's smaller version, Shahed 131.
What does that say? I think Iranians may have advanced past Israelis in
designing war equipments.
But with what Azarbayejan revealed today (videos of its destruction of
Armenian targets) it seems that Harop might be somewhat more accurate
than the Iranian Shahed 136. But this is just a wild guess, as Shahed's
degree of accuracy is still a war secret. We do know that some of the
targets in Ukraine (and Saudia Arabia) were hit with pin-point accuracy,
but there's not even one clip showing it from Shahed's own camera, while
Harop's camera video clips are all over.
Other than Azarbayejan, India also buys Harops from Israel, but now that
Iran is in BRICS they may change to Shahed 136 from now on. I'm sure the
Iran's is at least 3 times less expensive than its Israeli copy.
Otherwise, Russia would be buying them from their buddies in Israel, not
Iran sells her Shahed 136 and 131 to several African and Asian nations;
it is so much in demand there's a long wait time to get them. It is
after all a helicopter factory that builds them on the side. Yet the
media in USA only points to Russia as its customer. Cowards!
Iran gave the know-how some years back to Houthis whore presently
manufacturing their own. It is possible that part of the know-how making
the heart of its success got from Houthis to Israel via their Jewish
And best design for what it is and can do, is best design no matter who
wants to do what with it. When it comes to cost vs capability, there's
not an equal. And those "additions" to it by Israel still make me laugh.
Like you've asked Mr Vulva here to think of something for their
improvements :) Hahhahah :) It is that joke of additions that made my
day today :)
But... Now that I talked about it so much, how about seeing the latest
Ooollalla!... :)
Iran has begun manufacturing a new one... And this sure made my day
today :)

This new one has a jet engine, making it much much quieter, and much
much faster, with _somewhat_ more explosive power! Hahhhahah :-)) You
know what I mean.

And guess what, not much more expensive to make than 136 model! They're
going to meet you baby :-) Somewhere around the world, one day, they
will meet you when you get rude.


Plus pinpoint accuracy. Launched from anything that moves. Including
your own pickup truck. The company that makes them are setting aside new
plants focusing on that one product as opposed to making them alongside
helicopters, etc. So experiment phase must be over. It really made my
day this evening :)

Don't tell me Israelis aren't right now at this moment running around
like agitated ants trying to copy that for their Harops with those
vulvatic additions :-))) Hehe :)

This model was unveiled just yesterday. They haven't even said what its
model number is :)

So with its new incredibly higher speed and quiet performance, you
understand that the scenario below is now unlikely. In fact, it is nommo! :)


You can't find it in the night sky, forget a cloudy one, and even if you
do, it'll be useless to shoot at. In no time it'll disappear in your
horizon fast and softly, continuing its incredibly shorter journey
towards where your asses are!

It makes the world safer against Global Pests. It does. That's why the
best of Iran builds it. Those who're not hired in your "JPL" anymore.
Those who're not "serving your tables in Dallas restaurants." Those days
don't exist anymore.

So suck on it first, then think hard.
2023-09-27 01:00:51 UTC
Iran has begun manufacturing a new one...  And this sure made my day
today :)
This new one has a jet engine, making it much much quieter, and much
much faster, with _somewhat_ more explosive power!  Hahhhahah :-)) You
know what I mean.
And guess what, not much more expensive to make than 136 model! They're
going to meet you baby :-) Somewhere around the world, one day, they
will meet you when you get rude.
Plus pinpoint accuracy. Launched from anything that moves. Including
your own pickup truck. The company that makes them are setting aside new
plants focusing on that one product as opposed to making them alongside
helicopters, etc. So experiment phase must be over. It really made my
day this evening :)
Don't tell me Israelis aren't right now at this moment running around
like agitated ants trying to copy that for their Harops with those
vulvatic additions :-))) Hehe :)
This model was unveiled just yesterday. They haven't even said what its
model number is :)
So with its new incredibly higher speed and quiet performance, you
understand that the scenario below is now unlikely. In fact, it is nommo! :)
You can't find it in the night sky, forget a cloudy one, and even if you
do, it'll be useless to shoot at. In no time it'll disappear in your
horizon fast and softly, continuing its incredibly shorter journey
towards where your asses are!
It makes the world safer against Global Pests. It does. That's why the
best of Iran builds it. Those who're not hired in your "JPL" anymore.
Those who're not "serving your tables in Dallas restaurants." Those days
don't exist anymore.
So suck on it first, then think hard.
According to this report (came out July 27, 2023) China was working on
the concept a couple of months ago. Gee I wonder where they got that
concept from. In any case, looks like Iran beat them to it.


It says, "The project is so far just a concept but still deserves

This was only two months back :-)

So there is a chance China buying them from Iran now. What would those
hurriedly put together plants for after all? Or could it have been a
joint project?

Anyway, very interesting. Poor Israelis.. They're falling behind Iran :)
2023-09-27 01:28:12 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
And guess what, not much more expensive to make than 136 model!
136 costs like a car, and this new one still costs like a somewhat
better car. Nothing like the astronomical prices with which Americans
used to sell their stuff to get the petrodalla's back.

Now Americans are charging their own people such prices for those same
crap-for-the-cost weapons. Sheep!

"one by one", almost one night by one night :)
2023-09-24 02:16:52 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Another pure gas, this is more recent.
Jews do it too of course: (gas begins at 43:30 min timestamp)
So as you see, the southerin Russia and the entire Caucasian people also
do Lezgi dance.

How about the rest of Russia? I don't know what they were doing before
in the name of dance, but this is what they're doing now:


Which means, same African trait that exists in all cro-magnon peoples.
So I'm not interested in that. We have the originals, Africans, to do
that for us.

So don't, ever, mistake Lezgi dance with what some of the cro-magnon
people do today. Lezgi is Iranian in origin, not cro-magnon.
2023-09-24 02:22:17 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Another pure gas, this is more recent.
Jews do it too of course: (gas begins at 43:30 min timestamp)
So as you see, the southern Russia and the entire Caucasian people also
do Lezgi dance.

How about the rest of Russia? I don't know what they were doing before
in the name of dance, but this is what they're doing now:


Which means, same African trait that exists in all cro-magnon peoples.
So I'm not interested in that. We have the originals, Africans, to do
that for us.

So don't, ever, mistake Lezgi dance with what some of the cro-magnon
people do today. Lezgi is Iranian in origin, not cro-magnon.
2023-09-25 23:42:12 UTC
In the news today, Kissinger is in Ukraine advising Zelensky.

Loading Image...

From reading Zelensky's face I can see that Kissinger is telling him:

"Listen to me my little Bitch, sometimes one needs to sit back and
realize that he's simply fucked. Why do you feel bad about it? We
Americans do it all the time, and life goes on. In fact every single
time we come across even the word, "Iran", we feel fucked. My Bitch, it
is ok to feel fucked."
2023-09-26 00:11:34 UTC
Tehran Times hits again :)

Back in July it leaked secret U.S. documents into media (letter and
voice recordings) causing Rob Malley's losing his security clearance.
Now it has revealed Israeli secret documents showing Yahoo Netan Yahoo
suffers from dementia.

Loading Image...
2023-09-26 00:25:38 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Tehran Times hits again :)
Back in July it leaked secret U.S. documents into media (letter and
voice recordings) causing Rob Malley's losing his security clearance.
Now it has revealed Israeli secret documents showing Yahoo Netan Yahoo
suffers from dementia.
Oops, that's Tehran Times' first page. The article itself is at:


I'm sure you read and remember what I posted about recent busting of
Mossad agents in Iran (and outside Iran). Yes, the news that none of you
saw in your media if you weren't aware of it beforehand :) I think as a
result of the treatment which that Iranian woman had received from
Mossad, a bunch of people are pissed and are doing what they can.

This article says "70000" court documents of Israelis, many of them
stamped, "top secret", has been sent to Tehran Times! So we'll see more
of these revealings in this magazine.

Plus, Americans never found out how Tehran Times got to those classified
letter and recordings pertaining Malley.

Don't piss off Iranians. Do you ever learn? Go play with your Bitches
around the world. Iran is not your Bitch. Even in 1960s Iran fooled you
in every which way she wanted. Forget now!
2023-10-03 04:54:10 UTC
"Say that again?..."

2023-10-05 03:29:48 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Physfitfreak
Tehran Times hits again :)
Back in July it leaked secret U.S. documents into media (letter and
voice recordings) causing Rob Malley's losing his security clearance.
Now it has revealed Israeli secret documents showing Yahoo Netan Yahoo
suffers from dementia.
I'm sure you read and remember what I posted about recent busting of
Mossad agents in Iran (and outside Iran). Yes, the news that none of you
saw in your media if you weren't aware of it beforehand :) I think as a
result of the treatment which that Iranian woman had received from
Mossad, a bunch of people are pissed and are doing what they can.
This article says "70000" court documents of Israelis, many of them
stamped, "top secret", has been sent to Tehran Times! So we'll see more
of these revealings in this magazine.
Plus, Americans never found out how Tehran Times got to those classified
letter and recordings pertaining Malley.
Don't piss off Iranians. Do you ever learn? Go play with your Bitches
around the world. Iran is not your Bitch. Even in 1960s Iran fooled you
in every which way she wanted. Forget now!
More is out! Last month's row with Mossad is continuing. A document is
published by Iranians that shows it wasn't just Israeli court documents
that went to Iranians. This one is a secret list of about 30 or so
journalists of major newspapers around the world (including American)
who were on Yahoo's payroll to promote him in their news outlets. Did
you see it? $15000 a month isn't a bad way of making you say what Yahoo

I would've posted that list here, but the information on the bribed
individuals are so invasive that I cannot do that. Even their social
security numbers and passport numbers and birth dates and full legal
names and their citizenship and place of work were listed! From $2000
per month to $15000 per month are in that list, and these bribes
continued till Yahoo won again.

I think Iranians in Israel got really pissed at Mossad by the way they
treated their Iranian agent. I don't know. I got pissed when I found
out. Iranians say the list came out of Yahoo's office via an "electronic
storage device" and is one among many other types of information.
2023-10-05 03:51:27 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Physfitfreak
Tehran Times hits again :)
Back in July it leaked secret U.S. documents into media (letter and
voice recordings) causing Rob Malley's losing his security clearance.
Now it has revealed Israeli secret documents showing Yahoo Netan Yahoo
suffers from dementia.
I'm sure you read and remember what I posted about recent busting of
Mossad agents in Iran (and outside Iran). Yes, the news that none of you
saw in your media if you weren't aware of it beforehand :) I think as a
result of the treatment which that Iranian woman had received from
Mossad, a bunch of people are pissed and are doing what they can.
This article says "70000" court documents of Israelis, many of them
stamped, "top secret", has been sent to Tehran Times! So we'll see more
of these revealings in this magazine.
Plus, Americans never found out how Tehran Times got to those classified
letter and recordings pertaining Malley.
Don't piss off Iranians. Do you ever learn? Go play with your Bitches
around the world. Iran is not your Bitch. Even in 1960s Iran fooled you
in every which way she wanted. Forget now!
Oh boy, there are also a lot of secret information about Ehud Barak,
Benny Gantz, Ehud Olmert, and others together with pictures of them,
pointing to extremely embarrassing situations and facts, which Yahoo
wanted to put into use (or did put into use secretly) against them to
win the elections. All that also was obtained from Yahoo's office and is
presently in the hands of Iranian security people.

So this isn't anything done by supporters of opposition to Yahoo, they
wouldn't publish damaging facts about Yahoo's internal enemies. This is
about Iran's row with Mossad which started last month. Very interesting
2023-10-05 05:01:29 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Physfitfreak
Post by Physfitfreak
Tehran Times hits again :)
Back in July it leaked secret U.S. documents into media (letter and
voice recordings) causing Rob Malley's losing his security clearance.
Now it has revealed Israeli secret documents showing Yahoo Netan
Yahoo suffers from dementia.
I'm sure you read and remember what I posted about recent busting of
Mossad agents in Iran (and outside Iran). Yes, the news that none of
you saw in your media if you weren't aware of it beforehand :) I think
as a result of the treatment which that Iranian woman had received
from Mossad, a bunch of people are pissed and are doing what they can.
This article says "70000" court documents of Israelis, many of them
stamped, "top secret", has been sent to Tehran Times! So we'll see
more of these revealings in this magazine.
Plus, Americans never found out how Tehran Times got to those
classified letter and recordings pertaining Malley.
Don't piss off Iranians. Do you ever learn? Go play with your Bitches
around the world. Iran is not your Bitch. Even in 1960s Iran fooled
you in every which way she wanted. Forget now!
Oh boy, there are also a lot of secret information about Ehud Barak,
Benny Gantz, Ehud Olmert, and others together with pictures of them,
pointing to extremely embarrassing situations and facts, which Yahoo
wanted to put into use (or did put into use secretly) against them to
win the elections. All that also was obtained from Yahoo's office and is
presently in the hands of Iranian security people.
So this isn't anything done by supporters of opposition to Yahoo, they
wouldn't publish damaging facts about Yahoo's internal enemies. This is
about Iran's row with Mossad which started last month. Very interesting
Another possibility. The most likely one indeed. It is also likely that
it was the Americans who disclosed such information to Iranians. If last
month's Mossad behavior was not a goof up but was meant to get that vast
operation busted, then it showed Israeli's are siding with Iran on
matters of missiles carrying any type of warheads that can reach Europe.
So Americans, to retaliate, are disclosing embarrassing Israeli
information to Iranians.

Fact is, before the turn of this century Iran had enough nukes to wipe
out all 24 American bases around Iran. Half of them were simply
purchased in early 1990s, and the other half were made locally by
improving upon them. This was 25 years back!

Those bases are still there encircling Iran on almost all sides. Iran
only ceased to develop nukes for a couple of years total, as an
agreement with Bush regarding the attack on Saddam's Iraq. It only had
two terms, stopping the developments and not interfering with US
invasion of Iraq (staying neutral). In return Bush would destroy
Saddam's regime.

During any other period until this day today, Iran has been developing
more and more of them. It is a known fact too. There are waves after
waves of Iranians retiring from spending all their careers on making
nukes in Iran! So who's kidding who here. Hundreds of physicists alone
among them.

Here's a clue. By 2015 European countries had become 100% Bitches of
USA, totally subjugated to Americans' wishes. This made them aware that
now they're also targets if USA gets rude with Iran. Iran's missiles
back then could only reach Germany, but that's the known part of this.
The real range, especially by now, is a secret. But the threat of
getting nuked by Iran was so intensely felt by Europeans that they
pressed / cooperated with USA to remove sanctions on Iran so peace and
business would overwhelm the threats.

But the problem was, Europeans were the only ones who felt more secure
after that deal; those 24 American bases around Iran remained primary
targets of getting wiped in less than half hour should Iran get prompted
in some way. So Trump wanted the deal gone because only Europeans were
benefitting from it. He never gave a damn about them or "NATO" and was
pissed indeed that Americans were spending their own resources
protecting them. So the deal was thrown away, which helped Iran gear up
again the never ceasing the rush to develop better and more nukes.

And future of Israel is only through Iran. Like Pakestan's,
Afghanestan's, all the Caucasus little countries, in fact any country in
the Middle East and west Asia, including Israel and Turkey. There's only
Iran there. To the east of her is India, to the north, Russia, and to
the west is Europe, and to the south is Africa. There's nothing else
there! West has _nobody_ in that entire region that they didn't lose by
mistakes and arrogance, long ago.

Carter's wish had coincided with some freak situation in Iran's history;
that's how it turned out successful. But the process cannot be stopped
forever. His "another Japan the size of the entire Middle East" will
come again and this time no freak in the world will be there to stop it.
Israel knows that. That's why they sided with Iran last month.

That's why these strange documents found their ways into Iran. Some side
other than Iranians in Israel were more pissed than such Iranians. So
this is also a strong probability.
2023-10-06 09:41:37 UTC
I just saw the launch of Nur-3 satellite and it made my day this
wonderful morning. This is from last week's third launching of imaging
satellites into orbit by Iran's militia forces.


All three launches in the past three years have worked perfectly. Not a
glitch left. First one was in 2020. The rocket used is Ghased.

So, as far as Iran's defense related satellites are concerned, now it is
satellites "forever" (copyright Starmaker) :-) Gone are the days Iran
had to ask adversaries to obtain high resolution images after
earthquakes, floods, etc.

Ghased uses three components, the design of one of which (last stage) is
not disclosed (possible nuke related stuff). But the first (Ghadr) and
second (Salman) stages are well known components that have worked
flawlessly before.

It is a small rocket, overall. Solid fuel. This is intentional, cause it
has other uses too :) Hehe :) Ease of deployment, ease of movement, etc.

And the mastery in the militia to rival the regular military can be seen
in their flawless equipments they've developed. There are so many of
them now. All types. Gee, no wonder you don't see any young newly
arrived Iranians around yourselves anymore :) What a relief, huh? :)
They were making Ross Perot proud of himself, serving his dinner table
in Dallas restaurants. Now you have plenty many cannibals pouring into
your communities, straight from heart of Africa!

Yep, the best of Iranians sure didn't just disappear after those sweet
days and times of yours.

Not a single one from Taiwan, China, and India will stay here, when
slightest shit hits the fan. They know you. They'll leave you behind.
But you _will_ have the cannibals keep living right beside you. Eying
you up and down.

Archimedes Plutonium
2022-07-20 05:04:27 UTC
Putin meets with Xi, Iran, and Turkey. To trade Russian oil and gas for Inner Manchuria; those lush rice fields in Heilongjiang. Xi wants rare metals also before giving up Heilongjiang.

Clutterfreak asks---

***@gmail.com wrote:
, …
british government spies say we will murder president Putin soon!!!!!!!!
2:19 PM

***@gmail.com's profile photo
***@gmail.com wrote:

birmingham freemason SHIIIIT says we'll assassinate president Putin with our mind control satellites just like we kill all those who stand in our way!!!!
2:09 PM

Post by Clutterfreak
Russia is slooooowly shoving it in :)
News has it that the front is not that stationary anymore! Gone are
those quick advances and retreats. Now it is serious :-)
MH has had them by the balls indeed. If you ask me, Zelensky himself
opted for this whole thing. He is MH, in case you haven't noticed.
And Zelensky is not a Nazi like a whole third of Ukrainians (the western
areas) are, people who indeed helped Hitler both fighting the Red Army
_and_ in gathering up the Jews of the region and sending them to Hell.
People who as recently as just a few years back slaughtered every Syrian
refugee that entered those areas and buried them en masse in many
unknown grave sites. Zelensky is not one of them, he is an easterner
And when he got to run Ukraine, he was still pursuing the goals and
hopes of eastern Ukrainians, people who hated the Nazi ones to their
west and had a sensible and normal view of Russia as a neighbor. But the
Nazi Ukraine had grown much stronger and much more fascist than in 2014!
So from outside it looks as if Zelensky just gave in to Nazi forces.
But, again, if you ask me, I think he didn't! He is having those Nazis
destroyed indeed :) I think Zelensky and Putin are in cahoots with each
other. Putin gets to safeguard his third of Ukranians, the Russian
speaking ethnic Russian ones, and Zelensky gets the Nazi forces that
comprise one third of Ukraine, the western parts, literally bombed out.
The last third, the normal sensible Ukrainians, will stay as much as
possible out of the way and in the end will comprise most of Ukrainians.
Why do you think Israel is on Russia's side. It has nothing to do with
Syria. And as recently as last week they blocked deliveries of Israeli
made weapons to Ukranians.
The MH want Nazis die. We don't argue with Nazis. We don't reason with
Nazis. We don't coexist with Nazis. We _know_ Nazis, and that's why!
And there are Nazis in USA as well. So wait for it motherfuckers. The MH
won't let you get off "scot-free" :)
'“Unfortunately we have disappointing news: the enemy is moving into the
city,” the Luhansk regional governor, Serhiy Gaidai, told Ukrainian
national television on Monday.'
Even the son of a bitch's _name_, Gaidai, in Persian means something
like "You have fucked!"
Hehe :)
So this made my day :)
2022-07-28 02:57:16 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Russia is slooooowly shoving it in :)
Even the son of a bitch's _name_, Gaidai, in Persian means
something like "You have fucked!"
Hehe :)
So this made my day :)
Oops. It literally means "You are fucked all over". "Gaida" means
"fucked (all over)". The "i" at the end means "you". That's the
literal translation. But altogether, "Gaidai" means exactly
"You're all fucked up" :-))

Hehe :)
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2022-07-28 03:33:26 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
Russia is slooooowly shoving it in :)
Even the son of a bitch's _name_, Gaidai, in Persian means
something like "You have fucked!"
Hehe :)
So this made my day :)
Oops. It literally means "You are fucked all over". "Gaida" means
"fucked (all over)". The "i" at the end means "you". That's the
literal translation. But altogether, "Gaidai" means exactly
"You're all fucked up" :-))
Hehe :)
Oops again :) Hehe :) Correct and precise translation is "You're
all fucked", not "You're all fucked up." Gee I must be tired to
keep this.

No, I just type too fucking fast too fucking long into night
after getting too fucking much done in the day. That's why.
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2022-08-02 11:20:50 UTC
I think Zelensky and Putin are in cahoots with each other. Putin
gets to safeguard his third of Ukranians, the Russian speaking
ethnic Russian ones, and Zelensky gets the Nazi forces that
comprise one third of Ukraine, the western parts, literally
bombed out.
I said the above two months back. Now it corroborates well with
recent destruction of the Azov Nazis inside Russian detention
camp by Zelensky's forces.

Didn't even want to exchange them with Russian pow.. The Russian
pow's in Ukraine I guess do not have to be "wasted" in exchanges
made with Ukrainian Nazis.

Nazis are trouble for everyone, and it took nothing short of
Ashkenazi jews of New York, powerful, vicious, and extremely
rich, to hire them to protect their ill-obtained belongings in
Ukraine. And I think it's same Ashkenazis who killed them before
they speak in the Russian Courts.

But these are just internal nitty gritty of this war. It's not my
business how vicious Ashekanzis are about anybody American or
non-American in the world who's not an Ashkenazi Jew, or whether
Zelensky is in cahoots with Putin.

My business is to see Cro-Magnons pay for their crimes against
Modern Humans. Yes sweeties. I have a bigger beef with you
motherfuckers than some "Russian" has. That's where I stand and
that's from where I come to you.

Russians want you to be fair with them. I want you dead! :) You
understand the difference, doncha.

Speaking to you dimwits from the _depths_ of my heart is sure
making my day today :)
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Deury Tornincasa
2022-08-02 11:30:40 UTC
My business is to see Cro-Magnons pay for their crimes against Modern
Humans. Yes sweeties. I have a bigger beef with you motherfuckers than
some "Russian" has. That's where I stand and that's from where I come to
Russians want you to be fair with them. I want you dead! You understand
the difference, doncha.
you fool, the Azovtal nazis killed and burned many american and english
pigs mercenaries in Azovtal. That's why they were killed by the himars.
2022-08-03 11:29:33 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Nazis are trouble for everyone, and it took nothing short of
Ashkenazi jews of New York, powerful, vicious, and extremely
rich, to hire them to protect their ill-obtained belongings in
Ukraine. And I think it's same Ashkenazis who killed them before
they speak in the Russian Courts.
Russians now say the order to toast them came from NATO not
Zelensky. That points to the above fact as well.

The result is telling also. Look at them. What do they look like?
Five of them anyway:

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First, they can't talk nommo.

Second, pay attention, what do they look like? Do you see that?

You can become what hundreds of thousands of Ashkenazis became
under your hands in WWII the moment NY Ashkenazis deem it necessary.

You did that to them, they won't hesitate to do that to you,

Jews inside your crematoriums aren't forgotten. It won't end there.

Told you. You dimwits may end up dying for them. Those New Yorker
brands are each extremely rich, and are high in numbers at the
same time! NY Ashkenazis are almost USA itself. And they have a
world to lose or gain in Ukraine... So watch out.

I think if Biden fails to make peace with Putin (day before
yesterday he made a request to Kremlin to see Putin - guess on
whose orders) you Americans are going to end up deployed. You're
going to die in large numbers. Russians are no dilapidated famine
ridden illiterate people you're so used to fight with. They bust
your spoilt GI Joe asses like _easy_. And they have Iran on their
side to do to you what Stalin did to Russian Empire.

You've got to watch out for anything that can make Clutterfreak's
day, cause this already made my day :)
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Mick Gatti
2022-08-03 13:10:15 UTC
Nazis are trouble for everyone, and it took nothing short of Ashkenazi
jews of New York, powerful, vicious, and extremely rich, to hire them
to protect their ill-obtained belongings in Ukraine. And I think it's
same Ashkenazis who killed them before they speak in the Russian
Russians now say the order to toast them came from NATO not Zelensky.
That points to the above fact as well.
because they killed and burned to ashes nato mercenaries etc, probably
hundreds of them. More than 2000 nazis including nato were there as
instructors, instructing themself. Kiss my ass.

shameful nazi nato countries are not revealing their own nazi heroes.
These countries are shitholes. You train the fictitious "uKraine" nazis
since 2014, and now are not revealing the numbers and the names they sent
to death. Kiss my ass once again.
2022-08-04 12:18:58 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
You've got to watch out for anything that can make Clutterfreak's
day, cause this already made my day :)
Hehe :) It's true!

Glad my day yesterday was made before going to work. Cause work
yesterday was not fun one bit.

It was tough. A/C for some reason stopped working and they
couldn't fix it fast enough; and under 100+ temperatures we all
worked hard and sweated out each at least half a pound of salt on
our skins and t-shirts. Amazing how much salt is in the body!

But they recently are saying it is actually good to eat a lot of
salt. So I don't know. I should look into it.

I was doing more or less ok, but a couple of Hispanics who
usually do not wait till weekend comes had hangover on top of
that and were miserable the whole time. Last time I had a glass
of beer was in 2019 I think.

Oops, no! I drank for like a week in a row somewhere between but
it wasn't beer. It was smack in the middle of worst days of
mandatory lock down and then a few minutes after 9 pm while
driving home in the neighborhood I noticed a liquor store was
still open! I don't know what the present rules are but I
remember from decades back that such stores could not be open
after 9 pm. Even earlier I think. And this was lock down period too!

So I parked there and walked in to check that out and right away
understood why. The owner was Indian :-) Some hustler like
Arindam. They step over everything to get their money. Physics or
city ordinances don't make any difference. He said he was about
to close though.

I had not been inside a liquor store since perhaps early 1980s
when I had a part time job in one. So out of nostalgic urges I
walked around and looked to see if things in 21st century were
any different. Nothing was different. I guess alcoholics are
happy with the exact same crap no matter in what century they are.

But then my eyes fell on a near frozen bottle of Jägermeister
coming complete with a green "shot" glass or whatever they're
called. I had fond memories of that drink with my European
(Swiss) friend when I was around 22 :) So I fell for it and
bought one.

I'm sure some of the blogs I made in that week were affected by it.
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2022-08-05 02:18:55 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
First, they can't talk nommo.
Or, as Russians put it so poetically _into_ you, "They're
dimmed." :-)

Hhahaahah :)

Guys, you have to give that to them. You can't beat that :)
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2022-08-06 03:32:49 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
Post by Clutterfreak
First, they can't talk nommo.
Or, as Russians put it so poetically _into_ you, "They're
dimmed." :-)
Hhahaahah :)
Guys, you have to give that to them. You can't beat that :)
And as for the cause of what happened to them, Russians say,
"They forgot the tanning cream." :-)

Hehe :-)
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2022-08-07 12:41:45 UTC
I remember MC Hammer more than any of his other works by his
"It's all good" video :) It was this song (and video) that back
then had made a sensation in me when I watched it on TV, not his
other somewhat more popular works.

Well yesterday I stumbled on it and watched it one more time and
wondered again how he'd managed to put all that precise art into
this precise and carefully written work. To fully appreciate it,
the lyrics are needed. I found nothing complete out there. It is
pretty involved. What's there on internet are all sloppy and
copies of each other's sloppy job.

So I decided to create a better one :) Put some time into it,
then this morning I added the final touches. Not 100% complete.
There are strange overlaps that I believe were to mess up words
that should've not and could not be heard on TV and radio in the
90s. This is an early 90s work.

It is a grrrreat song. And it is sung cleverly. I challenge you
to go through the lyrics I've written below as he sings them!
You'll fail.. Perhaps that will help you understand how artfully
he sings it and how precise the song is.

And it sure has made my day today :)

(Uppercase phrases are sung by chorus - what's in quotation marks
are said to singer by another member)

y'all ready for this?
y'all ready for this?

now this ain't the name calling game
see, I can refrain from using names to get fame
since I'm known to create the kinds of beats that make your rump
but I'm afraid Vanilla set the record straight
"they thought you was a sellout"
I'm selling out tours cause selling CDs, I'm the one MB
you wanna beat the G, I beat you like hizzos
in the backseat of my caddy you'll be calling me Hammer Daddy

I'll work you like a slave
misbehaving you are gonna
pay TAX YOU MOTHER MOTHERFUCKER on one of my brothers' souls
hit the street, caught up in your deuce
and I refuse to forget that, alright you talked tough
but face to face was just a trick, bro

they put me in the mix, too legit to quit
I came with a long list of it
and in the future you'll find me on the billboard
or on the floor of the sign receiving music awards
and it's all good

y'all ready for this?
y'all ready for this?

it's all good
the talk you been talking
oh, the Hammer man is talking
so enter the dragon
and once you burned up
those that caught in the THIS-HAMMER BANDWAGON

suckers, read billboard and weep
you're in a hot seat, WHERE I'M FROM, TALK IS CHEAP
and when I see you, the styles you wrote man
a mean left hook took you out, AND IT CAME FROM OAKLAND

check it, you punks don't know me
you started talking that mess but I'm calling your bluff trick
I thought you knew and boy you still can't touch - this

it's better than the average bro
I'm not the average Joe with the average flow
yo, I can still do things that you wish you could
you're talking all that lip, but I don't even trip
cause it's all good

y'all ready for this?
y'all ready for this?
y'all ready for this?
y'all ready for this?

I'm fed up, so now I gotta SET THEM UP
knock them to the ground and never ever LET THEM UP
but like a trick he might kick I'll be prepared to RED THEM UP
however, if you wanna slang them, then we can GET THEM UP

black sheep, you're weak, you're meek, you're trying to grow feet
dress I make you look head but first, I'MMA GET YOUR TEETH
talking about my Mama is where I draw the line Redman
dancing with the corners of your dome I'mma blow your mind, so!

since I'm not the run of the mill
I feel the need to say you wanna be, YOU GOTTA BE REAL
cause if you ever come my way like I used to say
HOMEBOY you better pray just to make it today

I know what it is
the ratta tat piece of corny rhymes you keep saying we don't find
worth playing
I don't feel like I'm a gangster so you claim that I'm a sellout
when we meet up on the street, then we'll see who'll bail out
and it's all good

y'all ready for this?
y'all ready for this?

y'all ready for this?
y'all ready for this?

y'all ready for this?
y'all ready for this?

y'all ready for this?
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2022-08-10 03:45:19 UTC
At last.. Anthony Cerami! :)

Took the fuckers in media 45 years to discover him. I posted to
this forum about his "breaker" work as early as late 1990s and
another time a few years later.

Back then media still had in every million journalist something
like one real journalist. That's how I got to know about his
work. After that, the one real journalist was also gone. And
there was nothing, absolutely nothing about him in the media
anywhere I looked.

As lately as just two short years back there was still nothing
about him in the media. Complete silence. But what do you know!
Today I check it and see he is everywhere! Even a book is written
about him. Even some fucker has created a Wikipedia article about
him! Something that never existed before.

What happened?... My guess is that some word may have gone around
that he may be getting a Nobel.

He deserves it. As a very young scientist in 1970s he invented
the diagnostic test for accurately measuring glycated hemoglobin
(the A1c test) that forms on red cells, the only solid control
one can have on how someone's diabetes is being handled. And
since then, for 45 years, the whole world has been running this
test on every diabetic person. This is just one among many of his

The rest of what he did, now, is available to read in the media.
After 45 years!

The silence on him and his work on breakers was so complete that
I had begun thinking that the government had killed him to
prevent people from extending their lives too far after
retirement. Not a single word, not a single picture of him, and
not a single reference to the two articles I'd read about him
decades earlier could be found.

Now he and his works are a few clicks away from the public.

But my day was made today (early this morning) not for noticing
this strange change. I don't give the slightest damn you
Cro-Magnon dimwits are aware of some facts or not. Ignorance goes
very well with the picture of you that I have in my mind. It was
another fact I discovered about him that made my day :)

I found out that he had, all along since earlier part of 1990s,
created an online service, free of charge to anyone in public,
where scientists including himself would contribute valuable
subset of papers to it which were qualified in a special way:
These papers attempted to apply the state of the art that was
known in science to a few important medical issues the majority
of people have to deal with in their lives. Diabetes, aging,
immunology related issues, nerve issues, etc.

All these papers are collected at this site:


Cerami and a coworker created this journal in early 90s and back
then understandably it was in printed form. Then as soon as it
got feasible they changed to online form, totally accessible to
everyone free of charge. He and another scientist together were
chief editors of the journal up until 2015. Then another
scientist took over (Betty Diamond).

All this has been happening in complete silence from the media
about it. Not a single reference up until just 2 years back when
I last checked. Now there are thousands of references.

But that site is what made my day today :)
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2022-08-20 02:07:55 UTC
Ukraine has started to consider Sergio's "tactical positioning"
idea that he learned in A-Rab land and brought over to USA :)

The "positioning" was right away adopted in USA by everybody who
was "Aiming High".

It must be very popular now, causing Russians to advise
Ukrainians to use it:


Hahahahahh :-)
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2022-08-28 22:14:45 UTC
Ukraine has started to consider Sergio's "tactical positioning" idea
that he learned in A-Rab land and brought over to USA :)
The "positioning" was right away adopted in USA by everybody who was
"Aiming High".
It must be very popular now, causing Russians to advise Ukrainians to
Hahahahahh :-)
That, above, had made my day when I posted it.

The day is almost over, so what did make my day today? :) Oh, my day was
made alright. Read somewhere something that pointed directly at what I
had envisaged back in February when Russian forces entered Ukraine.

This article was about the "odd" fact that every time they find a dead
American mercenary in Ukraine, the studies done on them indicates that
Ukrainians proper killed them, not Russians or people of Donbas etc. And
that there are efforts made to destroy such evidence as well.

Today's case (which happened two days back) was an American (Joshua Alan
Jones) that was reported to have stepped on a mine, but when Russians
studied it in detail they discovered point-blank bullet holes on the
torn to pieces body.

If he died by Russian bullets, Why would Ukrainian forces blow a mine
under him then? They were retreating when this happened, so no Russians
were that close, not even in the nearby areas. Looks like their aim was
to destroy the evidence. When retreating, bitter defeat makes you think
harder who's been responsible for your pains.

I had foreseen it all back in February, what I didn't know then was
whether this move succeeds. Whether the move Russia made will succeed to
shrink USA's overgrown ass down to size.

Well, it is succeeding, I am certain of it now. It is the one that made
my day in fact.

See I've told you how Iran deals with her enemies. I've brought here
many examples of it, each directed toward a different enemy. Iran's
target is now USA. It has been so since December of 1977, since that
long evening in Niyavaran Palace. You didn't sense it then, but Iranians
did, beginning with my own father later that night, when I described to
him the strange arrangement of security measures employed throughout
areas around the palace.

It has been of course a different game :) USA is not the Roman Empire,
not the Russian Empire or British Empire or Hitler's Germany, or so on
and so forth. USA is bigger than any and all of them. So in the solution
to this problem, different sets of elements and factors are involved.
Jews are one factor, that's for sure. It was their future also that was
destroyed by Carter. But in the present game more is needed to
manipulate, because USA is so big.

The opportunity had shown itself early in February. I read, a few days
after the fact, that an unusually clear and thought out agreement
between Russia and China had taken place. It clearly showed what was to
be available for the foreseeable future. Available to manipulate! To
incorporate. To lay the solution upon.

Sure enough, it didn't take _one_ fucking month for designs to be made
and executed. When Russia entered Ukraine, I knew everything that I know
right now. The "order" had begun to change. USA's ass was to shrink to
size at last. I don't know how much Iran had to do with it, of course,
but nothing about Iran's intentions and doing are plain to see, ever.
You catch up with Iranians decades, if not centuries, later. _If_ you
ever do in fact. Read the examples directly from history that I brought
to elucidate this important fact.

But what _do_ I know that made my day today. I know that for any people
who experience suffering, the real culprit cannot hide. THAT, I know!
Europe is now suffering. They know why. They'll turn against the USA
sometime soon. Ukrainians are suffering the most. They know why! They're
at this moment not out to kill Russians, they're only defending
themselves against them.

But Ukraine _is_ out to kill Americans. Those mercenaries in Ukraine,
have you been following their fates? All the Americans among them are
being killed by Ukrainians themselves. Ukrainians know who brought them
down to that misery.

Things are gradually turning around, baby :-)

USA will slowly see more and more enemies, both in and outside of it.
You think Hispanics are your friends? Hmm. A single Russian invited you
to emigrate to Russian Siberia so you could save yourselves, and not two
months passed before he was eliminated. Zipped.

Friends are getting fewer, guys. Very powerful friends. Enemies are
adding up instead. Very powerful enemies! They're not like Iran :-)
They'll fuck you up right in your fucking faces.

Don't ever sit comfortable when Iran targets you. Cause when she does,
your fate to a good extent is set.
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Archimedes Plutonium
2022-08-28 22:27:33 UTC
Xi tired of Russia trying to steal Inner Manchuria with a Nazi election held in streets of Beijing (formerly Peking), playing the patsy pansy to Putin, stealing Outer Manchuria, and targeting Beijing with 7 nuclear missiles.

In fact, Putin intends to wipe out China and take it over, as Xi is unfocused.

Trolidan7 says for Xi to invade Outer Manchuria and Vladivostok to regain stolen Russia land along Amur & Ussuri river. While Putin is engaged in Ukraine, China may as well stop being a pansy patsy-- so says Trolidan.

1:34 PM (3 hours ago)

Trolidan7 says for Xi to invade Outer Manchuria and Vladivostok to regain stolen Russia land along
Trolidan7's profile photo
2:04 PM (3 hours ago)

Trolidan7 says for Xi to invade Outer Manchuria and Vladivostok to regain stolen Russia land along Amur & Ussuri river. While Putin is engaged in Ukraine, China may as well stop being a pansy patsy-- so says Trolidan.
I am thinking that this land is part of Portugal under the
Treaty of Zaragoza and not part of Spain.

Trolidan is correct, as Putin causes nuclear war, 7 nukes from Vladivostok will hit Beijin, as well as 2,000 missiles from Russian subs stationed near Vladivostok. Putin takes Xi as a pansy patsy, and wants all of Manchuria, not just Outer Manchuria.
2022-09-03 17:40:01 UTC
Post by Clutterfreak
USA will slowly see more and more enemies, both in and outside of it.
You think Hispanics are your friends? Hmm. A single Russian invited you
to emigrate to Russian Siberia so you could save yourselves, and not two
months passed before he was eliminated. Zipped.
Friends are getting fewer, guys. Very powerful friends. Enemies are
adding up instead. Very powerful enemies! They're not like Iran :-)
They'll fuck you up right in your fucking faces.
Don't ever sit comfortable when Iran targets you. Cause when she does,
your fate to a good extent is set.
She will not forget you!

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2022-09-17 03:27:06 UTC

This was on Reuters yesterday morning, and had made my day :) Something
deep inside me got fulfilled and stayed so for the whole day. Even now I
feel it.

That's cause when Iran stays skeptical of SCO for more than 15 years,
and eventually applies to it to be part of it, it means Iran has at last
found substance in there.

May be not in Russia and China, but in other countries that are fast
getting involved.

Russia and China of course remain suspect for blowing their mouths for
us while all they want is USA's kindness and considerations towards them
:) Hehe :)

So they're fake, I think. But those other countries that are forming
SCO, they mean business! I think Raisi wants to get involved for that

Also, immediately after Iran applied for permanent membership, Qatar and
Egypt also informed SCO to be there as observers like Iran was during
those probing years; because they both know Iran. Iran's move means a
lot to any country in the Middle East and Caucasia; in fact to every
nation in Greater Iran.

So I think Russia and China aren't trustable yet. You don't jump out of
what you really are in just a couple of years. Both of them for decades
were sheepish toward the USA, and Iran didn't like that and sure didn't
trust their "SCO" bullshit either for many years.

They're just emerging from their decades of juvenile policies of
trusting USA to establish trades with, trusting their financial system,
just so to benefit from it for the moment.

Too early to rely on any of them. I think it is the other countries in
SCO that really matter.

Iran's bet, as far as dealing with the USA is concerned is, if you ask
me, on internal processes in USA :-) We're not fools like Russians and
"communists". We know how to handle empires who've become pests in the

For one, already I don't see _one_ Cro-Magnon or _one_ Black in grocery
stores run by Hispanics or Middle Easterners. They feel the resentment
they receive down to their bones in there, so they're never there. Store
attendants, every one of them, are bilingual and yet do not speak or
listen to them in English. There's an occasional Black from Moslem
countries in Africa inside a Middle Easterner store, and that's it. They
promptly wear their traditional dress to avoid getting mistaken with
American Blacks.

This is while I freely visit such stores, and the attendants like my
accent and looks when I try to speak with them in Spanish, or Arabic.
I'm 100% welcome and more!
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2022-11-09 04:55:18 UTC
This made my day today :)


If freakest fucking accident didn't stop him, no competition will either

3rd term! Wow :)
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2023-08-26 15:28:33 UTC
This is fresh from Iran's militia forces. Regular military still cannot
carry this out (they just dump them en masse in a vertical descent with


What is its use? On whose ass will they land, dick first, to achieve any
goal? Where and in what situation, the silent presence of one or a few
makes a big difference for Iran? And how would they come back?
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2023-08-27 15:40:10 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
This is fresh from Iran's militia forces. Regular military still cannot
carry this out (they just dump them en masse in a vertical descent with
What is its use? On whose ass will they land, dick first, to achieve any
goal? Where and in what situation, the silent presence of one or a few
makes a big difference for Iran? And how would they come back?
I had posted the above because watching it had made my day of course :)
One of my cousins in the 1960s was a talented parachuter and told us
many exciting stories in several occasions. He stopped doing it after
his military service ended.

Several of Iranians in Dallas area almost as soon as they arrived from
Iran in late 1970s joined parachuting clubs :) Unlike in Iran, you
didn't have to have ties to a military organization to have that access,
so they were fast pursuing that part of their dreams, along of course
other stuff not available to ordinary citizens in Iran, like owning
guns, fucking literally any girl around them, going to topless bars,
doing their grocery shopping (and more!) at 3 am, getting their car the
same day they decided to have a car, and getting their driving licenses
in that same day... A bunch of blessings that were available to
Americans without the latter seeming to appreciate them.

So one of those blessings was parachuting :) I didn't join. But at least
two of my friends did. I was into swimming in those days, so I joined
the swimming club that used a nearby high-school's all-year-round state
of the art swimming pools (two of them). Unbelievably cheap, and always
available. Often with Texas girls of top model-type bodies mixed in!
Mostly students of that same high school. In Tehran, that would've been
a dream to have. In here, 1978 Dallas, as easily as paying I don't know
... $7 ? 7 dollars a month. It was great :)

But!... Only as long as things hadn't changed for the worse in Iran.
Iranians back then were quite welcome in Texas. Shah was helping with
several research works done in Texas universities. Texans, in turn, at
the semester registration times treated Iranian students as residents of
Texas. I only saw just one semester of it, but you should've been there
to see what the difference was between tuition for a foreign student and
a Texas resident. So when shit hit the fan, Governor Clemens declared
Iranian students as "foreign students" and we began paying foreign
student tuition and fees.

Then soon my belongings in my locker at that high school swimming pool
facility began to one by one disappear :) Hehe :-) Those kids.. Some of
them knew I was Iranian.

Therefore, I stopped paying the membership fees and quit going there.
Dallas didn't have mountains, so I reverted to tennis, which the
university had quite a few courts for and plenty of people to play with,
again available all the time even after dark with the fees automatically
paid as part of tuition, and then added walking to it on weekends.
Pilates of course was done every day in my house, using same book I use
today :) (that son of a bitch translator... I curse his bones every
fucking day)
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2023-09-01 01:13:42 UTC
This shit made my day, this evening. Hmm, an entire network of agents
have been arrested in Iran and this Israeli source says it may all be
just lies! Hehe :)


The Iranian sources, pro and con both, all are talking about it giving
various detail, and there's not even one report shown in Google News if
you don't know about it apriori. What a mess.

This is one of the Iranian sources. I had to download it from Telegram
and upload it again to share it.


One of the arrested agents had received instructions to film herself
kill her own addicted brother while wearing "revealing" marks on her
men's clothing, and then distribute the video all over media in Iran to
show with "proof" that Iran's government had killed her brother...

?.. Is that spy work or stupidity? Mossad pressed the agent to use the
life of her own wasted addict brother, and they offered extra money for it!

Well, the addict will stay alive now. So does your agent! And they'll
both probably talk some more about how wonderful Mossad has been lately.
And tens and tens of thousands of Iranian missiles will _not_ get rigged
in the future. Ohh, but you make easy money, right? As long as Americans
don't know shit. But forcing an Iranian to videotape and kill her
helpless brother for you?

I mean, which side do you guys work for? Hahhhahhah :-)) God damn!

What a fuck up. Wow.

So...either you work for Iran, or, you work for Iran! This is ridiculous.
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2023-09-01 23:46:46 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
So...either you work for Iran, or, you work for Iran! This is ridiculous.
My day today was not made by the quote above (that was what did it last
night). My day was made when I opened this envelope :)

Hahhhahahh :-))

But that's none of your business.

Regardless, I like what I see in this envelope. This is still Texas
after all. Some things still work in Texas and probably nowhere else.
Otherwise who are all these Yankees who've come down and poured in the
area, trying to pick up the accent. It has been going on for 30 years
now. Something here must be working better.

Now, the quote above at the beginning of this post.

The greatest fuck up of the 20th century, they say, was that Walker navy
thing. And even that was peanuts for USA. But do you think this fuck up
is peanuts for USA?... You can ask the personnel in those 24 U.S. bases
circling Iran. Those sitting ducks.

I don't know. When I step back and look at it, I have to admit that,
ALREADY in the 21st century, this one has been greater than the previous
century fuck up number one. News today still pretends nothing has
happened :)

Perhaps Mossad is now suffering from morons. How could that happen? By
interbreeding with the central European bimbos. Their Dads, half-breds
themselves to begin with, fucked their central European bimbo mothers
without condoms. That's what I think has happened to it. They're fixing
to become fully fledged Cro-Magnons.

And this is only the American side of the matters. There is an Iranian
side to it as well.

Just for that one request that they over and over persisted the hapless
woman carry out for them, just for that, some people are going to find
them and insert zucchinis down their throats, then have them do the
Yemenite in front of them. You wait and see.

Who the fuck they are, forcing Iranians do such thing. For some _shit_
like them motherfuckers?

"Fuck you", she must've said! What I don't know is just in what
language. Hebrew or Persian or English or Arabic or... But the content
must've certainly been "Fuck you." So they're fucked now.

It's really the breeding. I haven't seen crap like that in Modern Human.

But this is of course only after assuming it was a fuck up. Cause it may
not have been a fuck up, as I'd buried it under half of the above quote.

But in case it was a pure fuck up, let me tell you, if you repeat that
behavior towards an Iranian, you'll get yourselves discarded from the
big picture. We'd treat you like any other pest in the world.
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2023-09-02 03:44:07 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Several of Iranians in Dallas area almost as soon as they arrived from
Iran in late 1970s joined parachuting clubs :) Unlike in Iran, you
didn't have to have ties to a military organization to have that access,
so they were fast pursuing that part of their dreams, along of course
other stuff not available to ordinary citizens in Iran, like owning
guns, fucking literally any girl around them, going to topless bars,
doing their grocery shopping (and more!) at 3 am, getting their car the
same day they decided to have a car, and getting their driving licenses
in that same day... A bunch of blessings that were available to
Americans without the latter seeming to appreciate them.
So one of those blessings was parachuting :) I didn't join. But at least
two of my friends did. I was into swimming in those days, so I joined
the swimming club that used a nearby high-school's all-year-round state
of the art swimming pools (two of them). Unbelievably cheap, and always
available. Often with Texas girls of top model-type bodies mixed in!
Mostly students of that same high school. In Tehran, that would've been
a dream to have. In here, 1978 Dallas, as easily as paying I don't know
... $7 ? 7 dollars a month. It was great :)
This is how we felt during the first months, even the first few years :)


See how the dog first tries to make sure the yoke is not there anymore,
and only after making sure, begins enjoying his freedom :)

The list of blessings I gave above is not complete by any means.
Concerts! The greatest rock bands in the world always had Dallas on
their tour list. I don't remember a weekend that there was not a hot
band concert in downtown, or at the most in Fort Worth. I only once
drove to Fort Worth. All the other times Dallas itself provided the best
rock concerts in the world. Every weekend! Then after Reunion Arena was
built (1980) the number of available concerts to see went up. In Iran?
Forget it. We only bought the records and dreamed of it.

And porn movies! Damit, how could I miss this one. You could always find
sessions in some movie theaters around the town that showed porn movies.
The drive in cinemas also sometimes showed porn movies. I never saw porn
movies in Iran. Magazines, sure, but movies, no way.

Other blessings? Plenty of them. In Iran, I, in my generation, competed
with 700000 other applicants in the university entrance exams, so 2000
students could be picked from us for that year. That was one chance out
of 700. It was one of the hardest things I did in my life. This got
harder and harder in later years, they were telling me, cause the number
of applicants were skyrocketing while space they were adding in schools
could not catch up at all with the demand.

In Dallas, August 1978, two and a half months after I'd arrived, I drove
to UTD and talked with the secretary of the "foreign student advisor"
(not the latter himself - he had left for the day) in physics
department's grad school for like 5 minutes. Showed my GRE and TOEFL
scores to her. She told me to hurry to the other building's basement
before the registrar hasn't left for the day. She had also called her
when I got there, the registrar was waiting for me. I spent another 5
minutes with her, at the end of which she gave me some booklets and
schedules and said you're good to go, bookstore is that way and you have
till such and such day to pay the tuition and fees, classes begin in two
weeks. Just like that. I was in. And I was in, not in any school. This
was one of the best schools in Texas.

True, my GRE and TOEFL scores (obtained in those 2.5 summer months) had
much to do with the ease with which I was registered, but ... hey, they
were there for me the moment I needed them. I didn't have to wait for it
one second extra. This is the point. The blessing, available for
everybody like myself.

The secretary, after I'd left her office to go to the other building,
must've called the registrar saying something like, "Don't go yet,
another one is coming!" The blessing was available for _everybody_ in my
shoes, not just me.

Do you think such things come by themselves? No. I can't even imagine
how much work from how many good men and women has gone into it for
things like that be as I described. Americans in general do not see
that. They think God made it available to them cause that's how things
are. No, that's not how things are.

So watch the above clip again :) It tells you a book about America of 1978.
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2023-09-02 14:55:59 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Other blessings? Plenty of them. In Iran, I, in my generation, competed
with 700000 other applicants in the university entrance exams, so 2000
students could be picked from us for that year. That was one chance out
of 700.
Hehe :) No that was not lack of caffeine in that one. I was just too
sleepy, past my bedtime. Plus I do these stuff very fast. The chance was
1 out of 350. Next years for people coming in universities that chance
got less and less dramatically. There was not enough facilities to serve
them. Shah was concentrating on some other (very important) stuff, and
most money was going that way. Stuff that Carter felt so deep up his
limited rural ass.

Carter fucked it up, and you Americans still do not know that. You are
sheep. We Iranians weren't sheep.

But there were "blessings" in the Texas of 1978, some of which I briefly

Another important one, which again you sheep do not see, was the ability
to find a job fast. To this day, it never took me more than one week to
get a job. Even from day one I could get a simple job within hours max.

My first job? :-) Hehe :) I'd secured admission in UTD and was living in
Plano. I noticed that receiving my own money from the bank in Iran was
getting problematic. So I walked across the street from my two bedroom
apt, and entered the "Mr. M" convenience store there. "M" stood for
Metzger, the owner of a large dairy company in Dallas. I asked the
casheer if they had any position open. The girl took me to the manager
(whom I later fucked many times both in store and in my apt across the
street), and the slender hot woman gave me an application to fill. Next
day she calls and says, "You can start tomorrow." :-) I was paid a
dollar or so above the minimum wage back then, which was nothing in
today's dollar, but in those days' dollar it paid for a lot of stuff :)
People could live with a "Mr M" store job in those days. Many did. It is
impossible to do that now.

So that was it. A walk across the street was what was required. In
Tehran, I had searched for 6 months to get the job that I got, even with
a fresh BS in physics degree in my pocket and knowing German. The job
paid similarly to that "Mr M" store in fact, yet required knowledge of
German language and care and precision work of a young physics graduate.
I was compiling orders for merchandise that customers would only see
pictures of in a German catalog. I would read the information for them
for each item, so they'd know exactly what they were looking at and how
much it would cost them to order from Germany. Compared to living
expenses in Tehran, with that job, since I was still in my parent's
house made me save a lot of money in bank, enough to immediately
convince the American embassy guy that I had the money for my expenses
in USA, and getting the visa.

But in Dallas, even in those days, the same amount of money wouldn't
make you able to save money, although it paid all the bills. And this Mr
M store job paid almost as much as the job I had in Iran.

That manager (may god increase her genes) lived a long way away from the
store. Somewhere north of Plano called Ana. Some nights she was just too
tired to drive the distance home, so she'd come to my bed instead. Next
day we'd wake up around noon, I'd go to school, she'd go across the
street to her store. I may even have increased her genes! :-( Seriously.
What a beautiful young woman she was. She'd received the shock of her
life when she first saw me reading a newspaper in Persian language,
airmailed to me. "WHAT IS THIS???..." She could not comprehend that I
could read and understand it :) It was like she'd discovered a Martian.
My accent was no big deal for her cause different Americans she'd come
across had to a good extent different accents and she was not that
unfamiliar to that. But when she saw the written Persian, that was a
first to her. Pure shock.

But she was both beautiful and hot. As hot as it gets.

So compare 6 months with a walk across the street. There is something
"blessed" about it. No?... But you American sheep don't see it.
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2023-09-03 11:56:04 UTC
I was paid a dollar or so above the minimum wage back then
It happened that I didn't get to use the money that I'd earned in that
store for several months. They could not issue a check for me because I
didn't have a social security number. And right in the middle of that
mess, the study in that school had taken a serious turn and I didn't
have one minute extra, let alone half a day to drive downtown and apply
for a social security number. Texas didn't have a requirement for
permission to work in applying for SSN (either legally and deliberately
according to their true plans, or illegally by looking the other way).

Right after last exams of that semester, we Iranians heard that next
semester we had to pay the "foreign student" tuition and fees and began
grappling for money to make it happen. So just the next day, I drove
downtown and applied for SSN. When I received the card, I took it to the
store I worked at and they immediately began processing what they owed
to me, knowing how long I'd worked for them without pay.

Needless to say, I got a huge check (for those days anyway) from them
which not only paid my new tuition and fees, it also made me able to buy
a nice bicycle from Sears :-)

So I added riding that bicycle to the array of physical fitness measures
I had arranged for myself. It was fun. Sometimes I rode it to school and
back! That was quite a distance, Plano to UTD. Only the Mormon professor
in physics dept did that all the time. Plus the road between was never
windless. So one way riding was quite difficult and time consuming, and
the opposite way easy and much faster. Detecting wind beforehand was a
tricky business because from my window of the apartment, the trees I
could see, none moved one bit by wind. They were so sturdy that it was
like you were looking at a picture. And it was never a steady wind, so
you couldn't just walk outside and detect it. It came for a few minutes
then was gone for a few minutes, all the time. So I could not
effectively decide whether I should use the bike or not on any
particular day. So almost all the time paid for it the way I described.
Wind is the number one factor for anybody who seriously rides bicycles.

Also, bikes could park within 10 yards of the physics building, so you
didn't have to walk a mile to get there when you used your car.

I still have the stub of that first check in the attic :) It came
extremely handy for me indeed, cause in 1985 I used that to _prove_ that
I had worked illegally already back then in 1978, and that was more than
the 5 years required by the new amnesty law. So I'd become legally
illegal from 1978 and on. This is how I got my green card! You had to be
residing in the USA "illegally" for at least 5 years to use that amnesty

The stub also indicates how much they subtracted from it for medical
insurance (blue cross blue shield). A dollar and something per week :-))))

Today, you have to pay an arm and a leg each week to have that same
insurance cover.

The memory of that stub alone has made my day, already :) So fuck you
and your ilk both.
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2023-09-03 17:14:21 UTC
Post by Physfitfreak
Several of Iranians in Dallas area almost as soon as they arrived from
Iran in late 1970s joined parachuting clubs :) Unlike in Iran, you
didn't have to have ties to a military organization to have that access,
so they were fast pursuing that part of their dreams, along of
This unfortunately proved to give them grief a few short years later.
FBI repeatedly interrogated them for that. Not just once or twice! I,
the most peaceful person in the world you could imagine, was myself
interrogated by FBI _two_ times. Now imagine what those Iranians who had
made themselves experts in parachuting went through.

One of them was a friend in the same department in school that I was. I
can remember well, and for at least 5 years he'd been regularly
interrogated by FBI. He was sick of it. His blood would begin to boil
just thinking about it. And he had done nothing wrong, just like myself.
But I was just interrogated twice and never more, and he (and any other
Iranian who learned parachuting) was visited by FBI like 12 times a year.

So we guessed that they (the FBI) had some sort of protocol for that.
Under certain situations, a person who knew parachuting would
automatically become suspect.

Crazy, no? The two times FBI spoke with me (about two hours each time!),
at least were conducted very politely on their sides. Quite gentlemanly.
They did their best not to aggravate me and succeeded at that. But the
way they treated these parachuters, boy, the friend was telling me that
they weren't so careful at all. And it never ended :( Every year for at
least 5 years or so, and multiple times a year. FBI would not let them
have peace.

Hahahhhah :-)

That's how that innocent activity of their had turned out for them :)

But it was to a funny extent their own faults as well! Hahhhahahah :-)

These tootsies had to each year go see their Mums in Iran. Sometimes
twice! Some Iranians never graduate past that. I never went back to
Iran, to this day! Didn't need to, you know. Before, it was letters,
then email, and then skype or telegram. Never needed more than that. But
those other Iranians, those tootsies, had to see their mothers at least
once a year :)

So, can you blame it on FBI? I mean the suspicion that it created... I

FBI _knew_ I was not a person to create any trouble even before they met
me both times. They had to just follow their routine. My encounter with
them wasn't even boring. It was like I was speaking with my professors.
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2022-09-03 17:58:42 UTC
Ukraine has started to consider Sergio's "tactical positioning" idea that he learned in A-Rab land and brought over to USA :)
The "positioning" was right away adopted in USA by everybody who was "Aiming High".
Hahahahahh :-)

I know several Persian Engineers, extremely smart + super cool
Archimedes Plutonium
2022-07-19 19:38:03 UTC
Outer Manchuria is wiped clean of China, now we need to denazify Inner Manchuria, Heilongjiang. Xi is such a patsy, for Putin is Peter the Great; Xi is Datong.
Post by Clutterfreak
Mariupol is wiped from Ukranian territories now :-)
Change your maps. Begin early so you'd be on time when the printing
begins. Hehe :)
I hope next will be Odessa! Any area of Ukraine in which tens of
thousands of helpless Syrian refugees disappeared inside and were never
heard of again, is due to change hands. Bet on that! Where they're
buried, it will have no "Ukraine" authority or name over it. Bet on
that you motherfuckers.
Today is my meal day and I celebrate the Ukraine's loss of Mariupol with
this wonderful cup of coffee after my meal :-) It sure has made my day.
Archimedes Plutonium
2022-05-20 21:30:28 UTC
Is Peter Bruce Andrews, Lennart Aqvist, Henk Barendregt, John Lane Bell, Nuel Belnap,
Paul Benacerraf, Jean Paul Van Bendegem, Johan van Benthem, Jean-Yves Beziau,
Andrea Bonomi, Nicolas Bourbaki (a group of logic fumblers), Alan Richard Bundy, more of propagandists like Clutterfreak than logicians? Probably because none can admit slant cut in single cone is a Oval, never the ellipse. They failed logic so badly they accept Boole's insane AND truth table of TFFF when it is TTTF avoiding the painful 2 OR 1 = 3 with AND as subtraction. Or is it because none of these logicians has a single marble of logic in their entire brain to realize calculus requires a geometry proof of Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, not a "limit analysis" for analysis is like a measurement, not a proving exercise. Analysis does not prove, only adds data and facts, but never is a proof of itself. I analyze things daily, and none of which is a proof. So are all these logicians like what Clutterfreak the propaganda stooge says they are.
Post by Clutterfreak
I know you Americans and Europeans have been fucked up a few million
times too often
Partial List of the World's Crackpot Logicians-- should be in a college Abnormal-Psychology department, not Logic//

Peter Bruce Andrews, Lennart Aqvist, Henk Barendregt, John Lane Bell, Nuel Belnap,
Paul Benacerraf, Jean Paul Van Bendegem, Johan van Benthem, Jean-Yves Beziau,
Andrea Bonomi, Nicolas Bourbaki (a group of logic fumblers), Alan Richard Bundy, Gregory Chaitin,
Jack Copeland, John Corcoran, Dirk van Dalen, Martin Davis, Michael A.E. Dummett, John Etchemendy, Hartry Field, Kit Fine, Melvin Fitting, Matthew Foreman, Michael Fourman,
Harvey Friedman, Dov Gabbay, L.T.F. Gamut (group of logic fumblers), Sol Garfunkel, Jean-Yves Girard, Siegfried Gottwald, Jeroen Groenendijk, Susan Haack, Leo Harrington, William Alvin Howard,
Ronald Jensen, Dick de Jongh, David Kaplan, Alexander S. Kechris, Howard Jerome Keisler,
Robert Kowalski, Georg Kreisel, Saul Kripke, Kenneth Kunen, Karel Lambert, Penelope Maddy,
David Makinson, Isaac Malitz, Gary R. Mar, Donald A. Martin, Per Martin-Lof,Yiannis N. Moschovakis, Jeff Paris, Charles Parsons, Solomon Passy, Lorenzo Pena, Dag Prawitz,
Graham Priest, Michael O. Rabin, Gerald Sacks, Dana Scott, Stewart Shapiro, Theodore Slaman,
Robert M. Solovay, John R. Steel, Martin Stokhof, Anne Sjerp Troelstra, Alasdair Urquhart,
Moshe Y. Vardi, W. Hugh Woodin, John Woods

Now I should include the authors of Logic textbooks for they, more than most, perpetuate and crank the error filled logic, the Horrible Error of 2 OR 1 = 3 with 2 AND 1 = 1, that is forced down the throats of young students, making them cripples of ever thinking straight and clearly.

Many of these authors have passed away but their error filled books are a scourge to modern education

George Boole, William Jevons, Bertrand Russell, Kurt Godel, Rudolf Carnap,
Ludwig Wittgenstein, Willard Quine, Alfred North Whitehead, Irving Copi, Michael Withey,
Patrick Hurley, Harry J Gensler, David Kelley, Jesse Bollinger, Theodore Sider,
David Barker-Plummer, I. C. Robledo, John Nolt, Peter Smith, Stan Baronett, Jim Holt,
Virginia Klenk, David Agler, Susanne K. Langer, Gary M. Hardegree, Raymond M. Smullyan,
John Venn, William Gustason, Richmond H. Thomason,
Archimedes Plutonium
2022-05-27 01:06:12 UTC
Clutterfreak kill Putin before Putin kills Planet Earth, Clutterfreak's latest song in tour

And since this was written, Senator Lindsey Graham has popped up in support of the idea, likening the history to Brutus of Ancient Rome or of Claus von Stauffenberg failed attempt on the insane Hitler. Sorry, Lindsey your several weeks too late with this idea.

Clutterfreak kill Putin before Putin kills Planet Earth

Kill Putin, before he kills our Planet Earth

Humanity needs to colonize Europa-- not engulfed in nuclear war

Putin that petty dictator megalomaniac whore

Some say Caracalla was killed while taking a shit

A shit in France's woods run through with a sword bit

Some say Caracalla was killed while taking a piss

A piss on the plains of Turkey dismounting his horse

Does it really matter how the megalomaniac is dissed

Sun shines from Faraday law, not from fusion

That goonclod physicist professors confusion

It shines from Faraday law you mindless shit for brains

Kill Putin with stinger missile on a boat, car, train or plane

Xi has another Winter Olympic competition, fly in Putin on a plane

But before landing blow it to smithereens from the slalom train

The Chinese Communist Party was watching from the curling rink

Saying, good riddance to you Putin you mindless dink

And blame it on a engine failure, not made-in-China, but NK stink

The Sun gone Red Giant, needs humanity to colonize Europa

Not look at the idiot Putin or Xi navel belly button and scrota


Clutterfreak kill Putin stink at NSA Winter Olympics toboggan run

Yes, our Sun has gone into a dangerous phase

Sun gone Red Giant phase while fool Putin wants Ukraine

Fool Xi with Chinese Communist Party wants Taiwan

Fool Kim of North Korea wants rockets to reach Sea of Japan

While the world needs rockets to reach Io, Europa and Ganymede

Clutterfreak eats a kilometer of Trump shit just to see where it comes from

Trump eats a kilometer of shit of Putin just to see where it comes from

Putin eats a kilometer of shit by Xi just to see where it comes from

Xi eats a kilometer of shit of Clutterfreak, just to see where it comes from

Andrew Wiles fails Terence Tao in Oval is a conic section prom

The ice skating Olympic gold medal is not given to Russian GazProm

Too many falls on the ice with the overdrugged skaters, drunk on vodka

When what is truly needed is a colony on Callisto, Io, Ganymede and Europa

Humanity needs to colonize Europa-- not engulfed in nuclear war

Putin that petty dictator megalomaniac whore


Sun gone Red Giant Initiation phase, while idiots chase after Ukraine, Taiwan

Clutterfreak cut out Putin's arsehole and hand him back a brand new one

Clutterfreak cut out Xi's arsehole and hand him back a brand new one

Clutterfreak eat a kilometer of Trump's shit just to see where it came from

Mama sang bass, Xi sang tenor, Putin joined Communist Party in awe

When humanity needed to colonize Mars, Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa

How did you do it Clutterfreak, a James Bond poisoned dagger walking cane

Or was it the stinger missile aimed at Putin brain

Or was it a Livia Caesar, poisoned chocolate bar

Or was it the traditional Texas housewife method of running over in the car

Or the Texas Governor Abbott mass shooter provocation bizarre

Or was it the Putin textbook method of polonium in the tea

Or the Godfather method of using eyeglass frame to stab in the temple

Or was it the expeditious Xi method of blowing up his plane as example

Pray tell, Clutterfreak, which was it, Mama sang bass, father sang tenor and all joined in awe

Sadly, humanity cannot colonize Europa because of the babies on Earth Putin and Xi

Chasing after mindless idiotic dreams of conquering lands on Earth

Even though the Sun gone Red Giant is making all of Earth worthless as a shit pee

Idiots Putin and Xi cannot see Europa is where we need to go to live, live, life

With Putin's Ukraine and Xi's mindless land grab strife

Humanity needs to colonize Europa-- not engulfed in nuclear war

Putin that petty dictator megalomaniac whore
2022-07-10 08:36:48 UTC
A hamburger ?
Post by Clutterfreak
I know you Americans and Europeans have been fucked up a few million
times too often to put much weight into what your heads of state or
politicians tell you. But Russians are no Americans. When they say
something, you can bet your fucked up ego on it that they mean it.
Russians today said their positions on two matters have changed as a
result of how the war in Ukraine has been handled by EU.
1- "NATO" countries aren't any more the only threat and the focus for
Russia. EU itself is the threat and is no different from what "NATO"
countries have stood for.
2- Terms of stopping the war in Ukraine has changed now. Even if Ukraine
succumbs to Russia's previous terms and promises to stay away from NATO,
matters of security of Russia aren't resolved far enough to end this
war. Now Ukraine must also promise to never become part of EU. Only
then, this war will end.
So, you Europeans fucked it up. You do that, don't you. You've been
doing it for centuries now. You know, since those large scale unforeseen
events saved you as an earlier form of human species and gave you
another chance, you've been busy doing it, fucking things up.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
2022-07-10 08:37:30 UTC
An hamburger ?
Post by Clutterfreak
I know you Americans and Europeans have been fucked up a few million
times too often to put much weight into what your heads of state or
politicians tell you. But Russians are no Americans. When they say
something, you can bet your fucked up ego on it that they mean it.
Russians today said their positions on two matters have changed as a
result of how the war in Ukraine has been handled by EU.
1- "NATO" countries aren't any more the only threat and the focus for
Russia. EU itself is the threat and is no different from what "NATO"
countries have stood for.
2- Terms of stopping the war in Ukraine has changed now. Even if Ukraine
succumbs to Russia's previous terms and promises to stay away from NATO,
matters of security of Russia aren't resolved far enough to end this
war. Now Ukraine must also promise to never become part of EU. Only
then, this war will end.
So, you Europeans fucked it up. You do that, don't you. You've been
doing it for centuries now. You know, since those large scale unforeseen
events saved you as an earlier form of human species and gave you
another chance, you've been busy doing it, fucking things up.
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Archimedes Plutonium
2022-07-19 18:27:11 UTC
Putin, new Peter the Great, loved to have Rice in his empire. He got Vladivostok, as the Chinese hate USA and love Russia and now China wants to give Russia Heilongjian in exchange for Russian oil and gas.

Give Russia Inner Manchuria, for you gave them Outer Manchuria.
Post by Clutterfreak
I know you Americans and Europeans have been fucked up a few million
times too often to put much weight into what your heads of state or
politicians tell you. But Russians are no Americans. When they say
something, you can bet your fucked up ego on it that they mean it.
Russians today said their positions on two matters have changed as a
result of how the war in Ukraine has been handled by EU.
2023-10-05 05:16:35 UTC
Mis sa veiderdad siin ?
Post by Clutterfreak
I know you Americans and Europeans have been fucked up a few million
times too often to put much weight into what your heads of state or
politicians tell you. But Russians are no Americans. When they say
something, you can bet your fucked up ego on it that they mean it.
Russians today said their positions on two matters have changed as a
result of how the war in Ukraine has been handled by EU.
1- "NATO" countries aren't any more the only threat and the focus for
Russia. EU itself is the threat and is no different from what "NATO"
countries have stood for.
2- Terms of stopping the war in Ukraine has changed now. Even if Ukraine
succumbs to Russia's previous terms and promises to stay away from NATO,
matters of security of Russia aren't resolved far enough to end this
war. Now Ukraine must also promise to never become part of EU. Only
then, this war will end.
So, you Europeans fucked it up. You do that, don't you. You've been
doing it for centuries now. You know, since those large scale unforeseen
events saved you as an earlier form of human species and gave you
another chance, you've been busy doing it, fucking things up.
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