Who is the last person you thought about killing?
(too old to reply)
The Starmaker
2013-05-04 16:53:29 UTC
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
Father Haskell
2013-05-04 17:23:56 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
Depends. What's your fee?
Ian J. Ball
2013-05-04 17:39:33 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
2013-05-06 16:46:53 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
Second that...
The Starmaker
2013-05-07 04:41:26 UTC
Post by suzeeq
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
Second that...
There is too much violence on Tv..
2013-05-05 04:13:45 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
Your question tells us more about you than any answers would tell you
about us.
aa #1981
EAC Chief Food Inspector, Bacon Division
2013-05-05 05:44:14 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
I've never thought about killing anyone. Why, do *you* think about
killing people? Do you think that's normal?

Brenda Nelson, A.A.#34 and A+ atheist
BAAWA Knight of the Golden Litterbox
EAC Professor of Feline Thermometrics and Cat-Herding
skyeyes nine at cox dot net OR
skyeyes nine at yahoo dot com
Devils Advocaat
2013-05-05 05:56:33 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
I've never thought about killing anyone.
The Starmaker
2013-05-05 06:39:26 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
It is my understanding...
You, I mean everyone.. has thought about it.
You all have had that fantasy.

So, if you say you never thought about it, ...you're lying.

Come on, you know you have thought about it.

Who is the last person you thought about killing?

The Starmaker
Dreamer In Colore
2013-05-05 12:45:21 UTC
On Sat, 04 May 2013 23:39:26 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
It is my understanding...
You, I mean everyone.. has thought about it.
You all have had that fantasy.
So, if you say you never thought about it, ...you're lying.
Come on, you know you have thought about it.
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
You're a troll. If you get your rocks off thinking about the fantasies
of others, then that says a lot about your own lack of imagination.

It also goes a long way to understanding why you are so insistent
about your views.

Why did you originally post to rec.arts.tv and sci.physics and

Are you looking for ideas for a bad tv show?

If you really want answers to this question, I suggest you post in
alt.psychiatry, or alt.notify.the.police.

AA 2306
The Starmaker
2013-05-05 19:27:52 UTC
Post by Dreamer In Colore
On Sat, 04 May 2013 23:39:26 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
It is my understanding...
You, I mean everyone.. has thought about it.
You all have had that fantasy.
So, if you say you never thought about it, ...you're lying.
Come on, you know you have thought about it.
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
You're a troll.
When you look out your window, everyone you see is a troll.

I have a policy on the internet. And I think it's a very good policy.
It is a policy I have always stood by....

If I see a post on Usenet
that I believe to be...a troll post,
I ignore it. I don't respond to it.
Why would I? It's a complete waste of my time.

But of course, in your case...you have no choice.

Dreamer In Troll Colors

So, Who is the last person you thought about killing?
The Starmaker
2013-05-05 20:11:36 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Dreamer In Colore
On Sat, 04 May 2013 23:39:26 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
It is my understanding...
You, I mean everyone.. has thought about it.
You all have had that fantasy.
So, if you say you never thought about it, ...you're lying.
Come on, you know you have thought about it.
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
You're a troll.
When you look out your window, everyone you see is a troll.
I have a policy on the internet. And I think it's a very good policy.
It is a policy I have always stood by....
If I see a post on Usenet
that I believe to be...a troll post,
I ignore it. I don't respond to it.
Why would I? It's a complete waste of my time.
But of course, in your case...you have no choice.
Dreamer In Troll Colors
So, Who is the last person you thought about killing?
...I forgot to add Dreamer in Colore that..
since you have a history of responding to post you believe that to be a troll,
it means You are a 'fuckin hypocrite'!

a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives

Not a hypocrite, a 'fuckin hypocrite'!

And you're not very good at "conceal his or her real feelings or motives". You got a chip on your shoulder, are you aware of that?

Who is the last person you thought about killing? Yourself???

The Starmaker

Are you aware Dreamer that the universe is just a Dream you're having? This is not Reality...we are just part of your Dream.
You're dreaming in real color! I just happen to come along because you dreamed it.

Scientificly here is how it works...You are the Observer...we are just numbers. You are now Dreaming in a resolution
of a 'screen resolution'.. 1920 X 1440. We are the pixels, you are observing digitalized numbers you see as people.

If you kill yourself, you stop dreaming. You'd be turning off the monitor. You're Dreaming in Colore.

I'm just a pixel.
2013-05-06 01:13:25 UTC
On Sun, 05 May 2013 13:11:36 -0700, The Starmaker
<***@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

dude I just realized you are an immature little kid...
2013-05-07 00:50:26 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
It is my understanding...
You have little to none of it.
Post by The Starmaker
You, I mean everyone.. has thought about it.
You all have had that fantasy.
Post by The Starmaker
So, if you say you never thought about it, ...you're lying.
Post by The Starmaker
Come on, you know you have thought about it.
sbalneav | Anyone who has a library and a garden wants for nothing.
a.a #2171 | --Cicero
alt-atheism.org |
2013-05-07 00:46:30 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
The Starmaker
2013-05-07 04:47:14 UTC
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.

"extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this

type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy

the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory."

Yours very truly,
(Albert Einstein


The Starmaker
2013-05-07 09:09:32 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
"extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this
type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy
the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory."
Yours very truly,
(Albert Einstein
The Starmaker
actually he did not. actually he did not even do anything towards the
bulding of the bomb. The only think he did contribute is I am sure
they used the equations for special relativity. but besides that he
did absoutly nothing. He had no security clearance to get any where
near the atomic bomb they were bulding
2013-05-07 14:21:17 UTC
Post by b***@microsoft.com
Post by The Starmaker
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
"extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this
type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy
the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory."
Yours very truly,
(Albert Einstein
The Starmaker
The image of the book at the link is a deceitful fabrication. The book
is not listed at amazon.com and a Google search for it received zero
hits. The fact that the author of the imaginary book is 'Starmaker',
the signature of the lying idiot who posted the link, confirms the
Post by b***@microsoft.com
actually he did not. actually he did not even do anything towards the
bulding of the bomb. The only think he did contribute is I am sure
they used the equations for special relativity. but besides that he
did absoutly nothing. He had no security clearance to get any where
near the atomic bomb they were bulding
Of course you are correct. After it was developed, he opposed its use.



2013-05-07 20:45:17 UTC
Post by Dakota
Post by b***@microsoft.com
Post by The Starmaker
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
"extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this
type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy
the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory."
Yours very truly,
                                            (Albert Einstein
The Starmaker
The image of the book at the link is a deceitful fabrication. The book
is not listed at amazon.com and a Google search for it received zero
hits. The fact that the author of the imaginary book is 'Starmaker',
the signature of the lying idiot who posted the link, confirms the
It even has a bogus ISBN. It's easy to tell when Starfaker is lying;
his fingers are moving on his keyboard.
Post by Dakota
Post by b***@microsoft.com
actually he did not. actually he did not even do anything towards the
bulding of the bomb. The only think he did contribute is I am sure
they used the equations for special relativity. but  besides that he
did absoutly nothing. He had no security clearance to get any where
near the atomic bomb they were bulding
Of course you are correct. After it was developed, he opposed its use.
If course, but in Starfaker's world, little things like facts don't

Mark L. Fergerson
The Starmaker
2013-05-07 22:48:32 UTC
Post by Dakota
Post by b***@microsoft.com
Post by The Starmaker
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
"extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this
type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy
the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory."
Yours very truly,
(Albert Einstein
The Starmaker
The image of the book at the link is a deceitful fabrication. The book
is not listed at amazon.com and a Google search for it received zero
hits. The fact that the author of the imaginary book is 'Starmaker',
the signature of the lying idiot who posted the link, confirms the
Post by b***@microsoft.com
actually he did not. actually he did not even do anything towards the
bulding of the bomb. The only think he did contribute is I am sure
they used the equations for special relativity. but besides that he
did absoutly nothing. He had no security clearance to get any where
near the atomic bomb they were bulding
Of course you are correct. After it was developed, he opposed its use.
Albert Einstein *designed* the atomic bomb to 'kill' German people, not Japanesse people. Using it on Japanesse people was an
infringement on Einstein's patents and copyrights. The government had no right to infringe on Einstein's patents.

Everytime you drop an atomic bomb, a check should go to Albert Einstein.

The Starmaker

amazon.com? anybody can put a book on amazon...puleazze. It's a E-book, it's free.
All the contents of the book are online:

Should I make a PDF out of it?

Carl Kaufmann
2013-05-08 01:08:47 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Dakota
Post by b***@microsoft.com
Post by The Starmaker
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
"extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this
type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy
the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory."
Yours very truly,
(Albert Einstein
The Starmaker
The image of the book at the link is a deceitful fabrication. The book
is not listed at amazon.com and a Google search for it received zero
hits. The fact that the author of the imaginary book is 'Starmaker',
the signature of the lying idiot who posted the link, confirms the
Post by b***@microsoft.com
actually he did not. actually he did not even do anything towards the
bulding of the bomb. The only think he did contribute is I am sure
they used the equations for special relativity. but besides that he
did absoutly nothing. He had no security clearance to get any where
near the atomic bomb they were bulding
Of course you are correct. After it was developed, he opposed its use.
Albert Einstein *designed* the atomic bomb to 'kill' German people, not Japanesse people. Using it on Japanesse people was an
infringement on Einstein's patents and copyrights. The government had no right to infringe on Einstein's patents.
Everytime you drop an atomic bomb, a check should go to Albert Einstein.
Actually, Leo Szilard patented the fission bomb. He and Fermi
convince Einstein to write the famous letter to Roosevelt.
Post by The Starmaker
The Starmaker
amazon.com? anybody can put a book on amazon...puleazze. It's a E-book, it's free.
And it's a lie.
Post by The Starmaker
Should I make a PDF out of it?
The Starmaker
2013-05-08 03:02:31 UTC
Post by Carl Kaufmann
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Dakota
Post by b***@microsoft.com
Post by The Starmaker
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
"extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed. A single bomb of this
type, carried by boat and exploded in a port, might very well destroy
the whole port together with some of the surrounding territory."
Yours very truly,
(Albert Einstein
The Starmaker
The image of the book at the link is a deceitful fabrication. The book
is not listed at amazon.com and a Google search for it received zero
hits. The fact that the author of the imaginary book is 'Starmaker',
the signature of the lying idiot who posted the link, confirms the
Post by b***@microsoft.com
actually he did not. actually he did not even do anything towards the
bulding of the bomb. The only think he did contribute is I am sure
they used the equations for special relativity. but besides that he
did absoutly nothing. He had no security clearance to get any where
near the atomic bomb they were bulding
Of course you are correct. After it was developed, he opposed its use.
Albert Einstein *designed* the atomic bomb to 'kill' German people, not Japanesse people. Using it on Japanesse people was an
infringement on Einstein's patents and copyrights. The government had no right to infringe on Einstein's patents.
Everytime you drop an atomic bomb, a check should go to Albert Einstein.
Actually, Leo Szilard patented the fission bomb. He and Fermi
convince Einstein to write the famous letter to Roosevelt.
Leo Szilard was a 'frontman' for Albert Einstein...his errand boy....Einstein bitch!

Cause Einstein didn't like getting out of a chair...
Post by Carl Kaufmann
Post by The Starmaker
The Starmaker
amazon.com? anybody can put a book on amazon...puleazze. It's a E-book, it's free.
And it's a lie.
You didn't even read the book, what do you know? You're just, ....stupid.
Post by Carl Kaufmann
Post by The Starmaker
Should I make a PDF out of it?
Should I convert the HTML to a PDF, then convert to Epub, or convert the Html to epub then convert it to pdf, or...
2013-05-08 11:19:41 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Leo Szilard was a 'frontman' for Albert Einstein...his errand boy....Einstein bitch!
Cause Einstein didn't like getting out of a chair...
you may want to be a little more appreciative of einstein. If it wasnt
for his one equation then you would not have the internet to put your
pointless dribble here. However I am getting the sense that you are
being such a little immature brat for a reason. so I will simply say
that trolls really suck. and how lonely must your life be for you to
be here contradicting known facts. Ya know it is people like you that
become terrorists or in fact already are
Absolutely Vertical
2013-05-08 08:12:24 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Albert Einstein *designed* the atomic bomb to 'kill' German people, not Japanesse people.
that's insanity speaking, there. yesireebob.
2013-05-08 11:14:13 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Dakota
Post by b***@microsoft.com
actually he did not. actually he did not even do anything towards the
bulding of the bomb. The only think he did contribute is I am sure
they used the equations for special relativity. but besides that he
did absoutly nothing. He had no security clearance to get any where
near the atomic bomb they were bulding
Of course you are correct. After it was developed, he opposed its use.
Albert Einstein *designed* the atomic bomb to 'kill' German people, not Japanesse people. Using it on Japanesse people was an
infringement on Einstein's patents and copyrights. The government had no right to infringe on Einstein's patents.
Everytime you drop an atomic bomb, a check should go to Albert Einstein.
The Starmaker
boy you are just not listening are you ? Albert einstein did not build
the a-bomb or design it he never even got a glimpse at the plans of
the bomb. He never took a piss anywhere near the bulding of the
a-bomb. he wrote a letter to the pres saying that we needed one cause
germany was making one. and later recanted writing a letter saying
they were bad. That is all the time he spent working on the a-bomb.
Writing a couple of letters.
Father Haskell
2013-05-11 18:45:53 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Albert Einstein *designed* the atomic bomb to 'kill' German people, not Japanesse people.
The actual designers were Robert Oppenheimer, David Bohm, Leo
Eugene Wigner, Otto Frisch, Rudolf Peierls, Felix Bloch, Niels Bohr,
Emilio Segre, James Franck, Enrico Fermi, Klaus Fuchs and Edward
Teller. Einstein's "contribution" was a letter telling FDR that the
were building such a device, to use on everyone:


It should be noted that not only were the Americans and the Germans
trying to build a bomb, the Japanese were, too:

Wade Jenkins
2013-05-11 18:57:36 UTC
Einstein's "contribution" was a letter telling FDR that the Germans were
Amazing, how did Einstein had access to that piece of information?
tj Frazir
2013-05-08 01:19:23 UTC
ai didnt biuld no bombs.

2013-05-07 10:35:18 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Tendencional uninformed statement.
A.E. did not participated in A bomb development.

The only thing he did toward usage of his influence
in persuading the government such bomb has to be built.

As in that time there were big worrie among physicists
the German could be the first.

Note that uranium fission was discovered by Germans, not by Americans.
2013-05-10 16:15:10 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
sbalneav | Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the
a.a #2171 | quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try
alt-atheism.org | again tomorrow." -- Mary Anne Radmacher
The Starmaker
2013-05-10 16:45:11 UTC
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor called him "a lazy dog".

Why should he get out of his chair?

The 'scientific community' feel they deserve...entitlements. Do you know what i mean?
They feel they have a right to your money because they are smarter than you.

Dummies don't deserve...entitlements.

They are tired of hearing from 'the dummies', "If you're so smart how come you're not rich?"

The Starmaker
Tom McDonald
2013-05-10 18:16:15 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor called him "a lazy dog".
Why should he get out of his chair?
The 'scientific community' feel they deserve...entitlements. Do you know what i mean?
They feel they have a right to your money because they are smarter than you.
Dummies don't deserve...entitlements.
They are tired of hearing from 'the dummies', "If you're so smart how come you're not rich?"
The Starmaker
My, my. You must have a very small penis.
The Starmaker
2013-05-10 18:29:16 UTC
Post by Tom McDonald
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor called him "a lazy dog".
Why should he get out of his chair?
The 'scientific community' feel they deserve...entitlements. Do you know what i mean?
They feel they have a right to your money because they are smarter than you.
Dummies don't deserve...entitlements.
They are tired of hearing from 'the dummies', "If you're so smart how come you're not rich?"
The Starmaker
My, my. You must have a very small penis.
Tell your girlfriend or wife to sit on my lap if you want to know the truth. Nevermind, I'll tell her myself. All women belong to me.
thomas p.
2013-05-11 17:52:23 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor
called him "a lazy dog".
He did not tell anybody how to build the bomb. His contribution was telling
the president that, according to his theory, such a bomb was possible, but I
suspect that you don't really care whether or not your posts have anything
to do with reality.

snip of concluding babble.
thomas p

Ignorance is the mother of devotion.

David Hume
The Starmaker
2013-05-11 18:53:08 UTC
Post by thomas p.
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor
called him "a lazy dog".
He did not tell anybody how to build the bomb.
But you didn't read the book

if you had read it, you would have the knowledge that Albert Einstein is a "How To Build A Bomb" expert.

So how would you know what Einstein told anyone on "How To Build A Bomb" if you didn't read the book?:

If you had read the book you can see Albert Einstein drawings of bombs he built.

The man is ...the bomb!

The Starmaker
thomas p.
2013-05-11 21:24:25 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by thomas p.
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the
Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor
called him "a lazy dog".
He did not tell anybody how to build the bomb.
But you didn't read the book
if you had read it, you would have the knowledge that Albert Einstein is a
"How To Build A Bomb" expert.
So how would you know what Einstein told anyone on "How To Build A Bomb"
If you had read the book you can see Albert Einstein drawings of bombs he built.
The man is ...the bomb!
See, I was right. The fool doesn't care about reality.
thomas p

Ignorance is the mother of devotion.

David Hume
The Starmaker
2013-05-14 06:15:46 UTC
Post by thomas p.
Post by The Starmaker
Post by thomas p.
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the
Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor
called him "a lazy dog".
He did not tell anybody how to build the bomb.
But you didn't read the book
if you had read it, you would have the knowledge that Albert Einstein is a
"How To Build A Bomb" expert.
So how would you know what Einstein told anyone on "How To Build A Bomb"
If you had read the book you can see Albert Einstein drawings of bombs he built.
The man is ...the bomb!
See, I was right. The fool doesn't care about reality.
I get it, you're a third grade reader...you need pictures:

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nature bats last
2013-05-14 03:55:11 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one.  Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
   sbalneav     | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
   a.a #2171    | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org |   -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
Post by The Starmaker
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work.
NIce rant. Now for the truth: Einstein wasn't
at the Manhattan Project because the government
would not grant him a security clearance.

("some days I'm surprised I have to explain
these things" -- Joe Bob Briggs)

Post by The Starmaker
He was lazy. His professor called him "a lazy dog".
Why should he get out of his chair?
The 'scientific community' feel they deserve...entitlements. Do you know what i mean?
They feel they have a right to your money because they are smarter than you.
Dummies don't deserve...entitlements.
They are tired of hearing from 'the dummies', "If you're so smart how come you're not rich?"
The Starmaker
Professor Bubba
2013-05-14 04:14:34 UTC
In article
Post by nature bats last
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one.  Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
   sbalneav     | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
   a.a #2171    | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org |   -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
Post by The Starmaker
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work.
NIce rant. Now for the truth: Einstein wasn't
at the Manhattan Project because the government
would not grant him a security clearance.
("some days I'm surprised I have to explain
these things" -- Joe Bob Briggs)
Einstein wasn't at the Manhattan Project because he had no expertise in
the practical application of relativity.

What Einstein did do was write FDR a letter in 1939 to tell him that
building an atomic bomb was possible, that the Germans were interested
in doing so, and that the U.S. should build one before Hitler did. The
weight of Einstein's reputation prompted FDR to get the ball rolling.

In fact, Einstein wrote four letters to Roosevelt between 1939 and 1945
on this subject. The writing of all four letters, including the first
and most important one, was prompted by his friend Leo Szilard, the
physicist who envisioned the chain reaction and is the true father of
the atomic bomb. In fact, Szilard wrote the 1939 letter for Einstein's
The Starmaker
2013-05-14 06:11:35 UTC
Post by Professor Bubba
In article
Post by nature bats last
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Â Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to
  sbalneav   | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
  a.a #2171   | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | Â -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
Post by The Starmaker
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the
Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work.
NIce rant. Now for the truth: Einstein wasn't
at the Manhattan Project because the government
would not grant him a security clearance.
("some days I'm surprised I have to explain
these things" -- Joe Bob Briggs)
Einstein wasn't at the Manhattan Project because he had no expertise in
the practical application of relativity.
What Einstein did do was write FDR a letter in 1939 to tell him that
building an atomic bomb was possible, that the Germans were interested
in doing so, and that the U.S. should build one before Hitler did. The
weight of Einstein's reputation prompted FDR to get the ball rolling.
In fact, Einstein wrote four letters to Roosevelt between 1939 and 1945
on this subject. The writing of all four letters, including the first
and most important one, was prompted by his friend Leo Szilard, the
physicist who envisioned the chain reaction and is the true father of
the atomic bomb. In fact, Szilard wrote the 1939 letter for Einstein's
What does "In fact" mean, Bubba? I mean...Professor Bubba. What do your
students call you?
nature bats last
2013-05-14 04:00:08 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one.  Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
   sbalneav     | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
   a.a #2171    | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org |   -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
Post by The Starmaker
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy.
And now for something entirely different. To wit, the truth:

Einstein wasn't at the Manhattan Project because the United States
government would not give him a security clearance.

("some days I'm surprised I have to explain these things"
-- Joe Bob Briggs

Post by The Starmaker
His professor called him "a lazy dog".
Why should he get out of his chair?
The 'scientific community' feel they deserve...entitlements. Do you know what i mean?
They feel they have a right to your money because they are smarter than you.
Dummies don't deserve...entitlements.
They are tired of hearing from 'the dummies', "If you're so smart how come you're not rich?"
The Starmaker
2013-05-14 04:08:51 UTC
On Mon, 13 May 2013 21:00:08 -0700 (PDT), nature bats last
Post by nature bats last
Einstein wasn't at the Manhattan Project because the United States
government would not give him a security clearance.
cmon you gotta read it has all been said twice now
The Starmaker
2013-05-14 06:09:09 UTC
Post by nature bats last
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
Post by The Starmaker
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy.
Einstein wasn't at the Manhattan Project because the United States
government would not give him a security clearance.
There exist no evidence that Einstein was denied clearnce.

In fact, he spent the rest of his life building bombs for the military.

It seems the *majority* of yous have wrong information inside your minds...is there a word for that?
Who puts the wrong information in your minds? Is it your college proffessors? Your universities? The Internet?

The Starmaker

Who told you there was no God?
The Starmaker
2013-05-14 06:47:37 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by nature bats last
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
Post by The Starmaker
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy.
Einstein wasn't at the Manhattan Project because the United States
government would not give him a security clearance.
There exist no evidence that Einstein was denied clearnce.
In fact, he spent the rest of his life building bombs for the military.
It seems the *majority* of yous have wrong information inside your minds...is there a word for that?
Who puts the wrong information in your minds? Is it your college proffessors? Your universities? The Internet?
The Starmaker
Who told you there was no God?
Now, here are missing two people

Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard are missing here, why do you suppose that is?

Where are their badges? Where is Leo's badge? Everybody else is there except Leo and Einstein, why do you suppose that is?

If you don't know the answer to that question, you probably didn't read the book...

The Starmaker
The Starmaker
2013-05-14 17:08:09 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by nature bats last
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
Post by The Starmaker
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy.
Einstein wasn't at the Manhattan Project because the United States
government would not give him a security clearance.
There exist no evidence that Einstein was denied clearnce.
In fact, he spent the rest of his life building bombs for the military.
It seems the *majority* of yous have wrong information inside your minds...is there a word for that?
Who puts the wrong information in your minds? Is it your college proffessors? Your universities? The Internet?
The Starmaker
Who told you there was no God?
Now, here are missing two people
Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard are missing here, why do you suppose that is?
Where are their badges? Where is Leo's badge? Everybody else is there except Leo and Einstein, why do you suppose that is?
If you don't know the answer to that question, you probably didn't read the book...
The Starmaker
Okay, forget about Albert Einstein....
everybody has a different story of why Einstein didn't show up for work at the Manhattan Project..
there must be a million different stories...

but what about his ..errand boy, Leo Szilard..where is his badge?

wats the story?

The Starmaker
2013-05-14 18:48:40 UTC
On Tue, 14 May 2013 10:08:09 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Okay, forget about Albert Einstein....
everybody has a different story of why Einstein didn't show up for work at the Manhattan Project..
there must be a million different stories...
uhh everyone has said it already but I will say it again
if it helps I will type it real real slow

H E D I D N ' T H A V E C L E A R A N C E
Post by The Starmaker
but what about his ..errand boy, Leo Szilard..where is his badge?
Post by The Starmaker
wats the story?
The Starmaker
The Starmaker
2013-05-18 19:04:26 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by nature bats last
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
Post by The Starmaker
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy.
Einstein wasn't at the Manhattan Project because the United States
government would not give him a security clearance.
There exist no evidence that Einstein was denied clearnce.
In fact, he spent the rest of his life building bombs for the military.
It seems the *majority* of yous have wrong information inside your minds...is there a word for that?
Who puts the wrong information in your minds? Is it your college proffessors? Your universities? The Internet?
The Starmaker
Who told you there was no God?
Now, here are missing two people
Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard are missing here, why do you suppose that is?
Where are their badges? Where is Leo's badge? Everybody else is there except Leo and Einstein, why do you suppose that is?
If you don't know the answer to that question, you probably didn't read the book...
The Starmaker
Okay, forget about Albert Einstein....
everybody has a different story of why Einstein didn't show up for work at the Manhattan Project..
there must be a million different stories...
but what about his ..errand boy, Leo Szilard..where is his badge?
wats the story?
The Starmaker
What business is it of scientist building atomic bombs to kill people??? I thought their business was...finding things out.
Not gettin together building atomic bombs to exterminate people they don't like. Leave that job to us savages. I prefer that
we kill them one by one, ...I don't need a genocide bomb. You scientist take the fun out of killing people.
Maybe you build these genocide bombs because you're too afraid to get close...
Father Haskell
2013-05-14 17:42:12 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
In fact, he spent the rest of his life building bombs for the military.
Einstein-Szilard beer coolers, which improved the
quality of life for untold numbers of beer lovers.
2013-05-14 18:44:38 UTC
On Mon, 13 May 2013 23:09:09 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
There exist no evidence that Einstein was denied clearnce.
You seriously need to read the biography on einstein dude
nature bats last
2013-05-15 04:32:26 UTC
Post by b***@microsoft.com
On Mon, 13 May 2013 23:09:09 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by b***@microsoft.com
Post by The Starmaker
There exist no evidence that Einstein was denied clearnce.
Post by b***@microsoft.com
You seriously need to read the biography on einstein dude
I am endlessly amused by the way Usenet attracts would-
be Einstein "debunkers".

Admittedly, Our Starmaker is a bit different in his
revealing the Previously Unknown and Astonishing Truth
about the man's life, rather than debunking Einstein's
science, but outside of that, there's little

What ever happened to Our Mitch, who for years had been
telling us that Einstein got a simple arithmetic sign

(on those days when he wasn't telling us that science
cannot explain the rainbow, that is)

Or the posters who remind us that the General Theory
has never actually been tested. I found it amusing that
giving them a link listing over fifty separate tests of
the theory left them totally unconvinced.

But my favorite was a boy on another group, one who
would on even days tell us that Einstein was a filthy
Jew who stole his theories from good honest Aryan
scientists -- and on odd days would tell us that those
theories were total crap.

Ah, Usenet...don't never change, hear?


Postscript: learned yet another of Einstein's
achievements just this weekend: a 1911 paper providing
a mathematical proof of Rayleigh scattering in the
atmosphere -- why the sky is blue -- and in doing so,
also validated Avagadro's constant. Makes a nice
bookend to his 1905 analysis of Brownian motion, which
was the final blow in convincing holdouts that the
concept of atoms was an accurate description of matter,
and not just a convenient theoretical construct --
something that even Mendelev himself went to his grave
without being entirely convinced of.
2013-05-17 14:55:42 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor called him "a lazy dog".
Why should he get out of his chair?
I rather suspect that he was not at the Manhattan project because he was
considered too old at 65 to be able to make a contribution. In any case
there wasn't a problem with theory. It was essentially an engineering
problem and whatever his qualities Einstein was not an engineer. There
were certainly better mathematicians available. He was not there because
there were better people available for the job required. They didn't
need a celebrity and he didn't make the first team.

Post by The Starmaker
The 'scientific community' feel they deserve...entitlements. Do you know what i mean?
They feel they have a right to your money because they are smarter than you.
Dummies don't deserve...entitlements.
They are tired of hearing from 'the dummies', "If you're so smart how come you're not rich?"
The Starmaker
The Starmaker
2013-05-17 18:10:42 UTC
Post by Alfonso
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor called him "a lazy dog".
Why should he get out of his chair?
I rather suspect that he was not at the Manhattan project because he was
considered too old at 65 to be able to make a contribution. In any case
there wasn't a problem with theory. It was essentially an engineering
problem and whatever his qualities Einstein was not an engineer. There
were certainly better mathematicians available. He was not there because
there were better people available for the job required. They didn't
need a celebrity and he didn't make the first team.

A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.


The branch of science and *technology* concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, *machines*, and structures.

In 1903, Einstein's position at the Swiss Patent Office became permanent, .. he "fully mastered machine technology"

he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"

you didn't read the e-book

tsk, tsk, tsk.

If you have read the book you would have learned that Albert Einstein's patents that Albert Einstein filed
with his name on it was used at The Manhattan Project.

The atomic bomb was already in the proccess of being built before there ever existed a manhattan project.

Albert Einstein just needed some...finishing materials to complete his atomic bomb he was building...
he needed some ...uranium,

so he went out and got some:

His friends that were helping build the atomic bomb told him..

"Listen, you lazy ass motherfucker..if you want us to finish building this stupid atomic bomb of yours we
are going to need a lot fuckin uranium, tons of it, do you understand me Mr. Alberto Einstein!!!"

and he asked them, "Where am I going to get tons of uranium, i don't have any fuckin money for that?"

and his friends told him:

"Write a letter to the fuckin president and tell him you are buiding an atomic bomb and you need uranium!!"

"Why would he do it?"

"Tell him there is going to be Global Warming!!!!"

'The United States has only very poor ores of uranium in moderate

quantities. There is some good ore in Canada and the former Czechoslovakia.

while the most important source of uranium is Belgian Congo.'

"I wrote him a letter, he didn't answer me!"


"What shout I write, Leo"?

"Leo Szilard: "Tell him that I will print How To Build an Atomic Bomb if he doesn't do what you tell him!"

'Dr. Szilard has shown me the manuscript which he is sending to the Physics Review in which he describes in detail
a method of setting up a chain reaction in uranium. The papers will appear in print unless they are held up, and
the question arises whether something ought to be done to withhold publication.'

President Roosevelt: "Are you fucking threateing me?"

Einstein: "I didn't write the letter, Szilard wrote it!:"

President Roosevelt: "It's signed by you not Leo, it's got your name on it!!"


Leo Szilard Son: My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse.

Kay Adams: What was that?

Leo Szilard Son: My father held a gun to his head, and my father assured him that either his brains or his signature would be on that letter.

The Starmaker

"I wrote him another letter, he didn't answer me!"

2013-05-18 10:48:43 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Alfonso
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor called him "a lazy dog".
Why should he get out of his chair?
I rather suspect that he was not at the Manhattan project because he was
considered too old at 65 to be able to make a contribution. In any case
there wasn't a problem with theory. It was essentially an engineering
problem and whatever his qualities Einstein was not an engineer. There
were certainly better mathematicians available. He was not there because
there were better people available for the job required. They didn't
need a celebrity and he didn't make the first team.
A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
The branch of science and *technology* concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, *machines*, and structures.
In 1903, Einstein's position at the Swiss Patent Office became permanent, .. he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
Being able to understand engineering so that he could understand what a
patent was claiming doesn't make him an engineer any more than being
able to read a circuit diagram means someone could design a circuit.
Post by The Starmaker
you didn't read the e-book
tsk, tsk, tsk.
I am not that interested.
Post by The Starmaker
If you have read the book you would have learned that Albert Einstein's patents that Albert Einstein filed
with his name on it was used at The Manhattan Project.
Very likely but most original work occurs when one is young. What had
Einstein done in the previous 2 decades? Einstein was respected for his
*past* work.
Post by The Starmaker
The atomic bomb was already in the proccess of being built before there ever existed a manhattan project.
Albert Einstein just needed some...finishing materials to complete his atomic bomb he was building...
he needed some ...uranium,
Pre-war thinking had established the idea of a chain reaction but the
maths was conservative (wrong!). It implied that it required a massive
amount of Uranium. Hence AE states.

"....it may become possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction
in a large mass of uranium, by which vast amounts of power...." He was
suggesting it be delivered in a boat because the mass thought to be
needed was more than an aircraft could reasonably carry!

I believe it was a student who got the maths right and it was realised
that a bomb could be made with a modest amount of fissionable material.
I don't claim to know the details but after the war they rounded up
those in charge of Hitler's nuclear program and brought them together in
a bugged room. When alone they expressed incredulity that the Americans
had produced a bomb and it became clear that they hadn't realised the
maths was wrong. They were still trying to work out how to produce the
"large mass of uranium". The Russians OTOH had a spy in the Manhattan
project and knew what was going on.

One of the most significant bits of engineering had nothing to do with
"...use of engines, *machines*, and structures" it related to shaping
explosive charges in such a way to efficiently bring the elements together.

Dreamer In Colore
2013-05-18 13:41:26 UTC
Post by Alfonso
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Alfonso
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor called him "a lazy dog".
Why should he get out of his chair?
I rather suspect that he was not at the Manhattan project because he was
considered too old at 65 to be able to make a contribution. In any case
there wasn't a problem with theory. It was essentially an engineering
problem and whatever his qualities Einstein was not an engineer. There
were certainly better mathematicians available. He was not there because
there were better people available for the job required. They didn't
need a celebrity and he didn't make the first team.
A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
The branch of science and *technology* concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, *machines*, and structures.
In 1903, Einstein's position at the Swiss Patent Office became permanent, .. he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
Being able to understand engineering so that he could understand what a
patent was claiming doesn't make him an engineer any more than being
able to read a circuit diagram means someone could design a circuit.
Post by The Starmaker
you didn't read the e-book
tsk, tsk, tsk.
I am not that interested.
Post by The Starmaker
If you have read the book you would have learned that Albert Einstein's patents that Albert Einstein filed
with his name on it was used at The Manhattan Project.
Very likely but most original work occurs when one is young. What had
Einstein done in the previous 2 decades? Einstein was respected for his
*past* work.
Post by The Starmaker
The atomic bomb was already in the proccess of being built before there ever existed a manhattan project.
Albert Einstein just needed some...finishing materials to complete his atomic bomb he was building...
he needed some ...uranium,
Pre-war thinking had established the idea of a chain reaction but the
maths was conservative (wrong!). It implied that it required a massive
amount of Uranium. Hence AE states.
"....it may become possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction
in a large mass of uranium, by which vast amounts of power...." He was
suggesting it be delivered in a boat because the mass thought to be
needed was more than an aircraft could reasonably carry!
I believe it was a student who got the maths right and it was realised
that a bomb could be made with a modest amount of fissionable material.
I don't claim to know the details but after the war they rounded up
those in charge of Hitler's nuclear program and brought them together in
a bugged room. When alone they expressed incredulity that the Americans
had produced a bomb and it became clear that they hadn't realised the
maths was wrong. They were still trying to work out how to produce the
"large mass of uranium". The Russians OTOH had a spy in the Manhattan
project and knew what was going on.
One of the most significant bits of engineering had nothing to do with
"...use of engines, *machines*, and structures" it related to shaping
explosive charges in such a way to efficiently bring the elements together.
Excellent articulation.

AA 2306
The Starmaker
2013-05-18 18:58:21 UTC
Post by Alfonso
Post by The Starmaker
Post by Alfonso
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor called him "a lazy dog".
Why should he get out of his chair?
I rather suspect that he was not at the Manhattan project because he was
considered too old at 65 to be able to make a contribution. In any case
there wasn't a problem with theory. It was essentially an engineering
problem and whatever his qualities Einstein was not an engineer. There
were certainly better mathematicians available. He was not there because
there were better people available for the job required. They didn't
need a celebrity and he didn't make the first team.
A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
The branch of science and *technology* concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, *machines*, and structures.
In 1903, Einstein's position at the Swiss Patent Office became permanent, .. he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
Being able to understand engineering so that he could understand what a
patent was claiming doesn't make him an engineer any more than being
able to read a circuit diagram means someone could design a circuit.
You're a con artist also? Don't you know how to use commas in a very long sentence? Con artist don't use 'commas' in a long
sentence. It gives them the appearance they are actually saying something. It's what they call a "run on" sentence.
The longer the sentence, the more they sound like they are actally saying something, when they actually are saying nothing.

Your problem, Alfonso.. like so many here is, you lack...information. Your head is competely empty.


Albert Einstein father is an engineer.
His father manufactured electrical equipment at his company.
Albert Einstein grew up working at his father's company.

As he grew, Einstein built models and mechanical devices for fun and began to show a talent for mathematics.


ON THE JOB TRAINING!!! But people like you don't know what that is because you don't ...work.
Post by Alfonso
Post by The Starmaker
you didn't read the e-book
tsk, tsk, tsk.
I am not that interested.
Post by The Starmaker
If you have read the book you would have learned that Albert Einstein's patents that Albert Einstein filed
with his name on it was used at The Manhattan Project.
Very likely but most original work occurs when one is young. What had
Einstein done in the previous 2 decades? Einstein was respected for his
*past* work.
Post by The Starmaker
The atomic bomb was already in the proccess of being built before there ever existed a manhattan project.
Albert Einstein just needed some...finishing materials to complete his atomic bomb he was building...
he needed some ...uranium,
Pre-war thinking had established the idea of a chain reaction but the
maths was conservative (wrong!). It implied that it required a massive
amount of Uranium. Hence AE states.
"....it may become possible to set up a nuclear chain reaction
in a large mass of uranium, by which vast amounts of power...." He was
suggesting it be delivered in a boat because the mass thought to be
needed was more than an aircraft could reasonably carry!
I believe it was a student who got the maths right and it was realised
that a bomb could be made with a modest amount of fissionable material.
I don't claim to know the details but after the war they rounded up
those in charge of Hitler's nuclear program and brought them together in
a bugged room. When alone they expressed incredulity that the Americans
had produced a bomb and it became clear that they hadn't realised the
maths was wrong. They were still trying to work out how to produce the
"large mass of uranium". The Russians OTOH had a spy in the Manhattan
project and knew what was going on.
One of the most significant bits of engineering had nothing to do with
"...use of engines, *machines*, and structures" it related to shaping
explosive charges in such a way to efficiently bring the elements together.
*machines*? You Alfonso simply don't understand the definition of the word "machines".

Albert Einstein lived in the "Machine Age", so they called everything....*machines*!

A computer is a machine, but nobody says, "Do you have a computer machine?" They say, "Do you have a computer?"

Alfonso, ever heard the expression..."a mind is a terrible thing to waste."?

Yours is a complete waste because it doesn't have anything inside.

The Starmaker
2013-05-18 21:29:32 UTC
On Sat, 18 May 2013 11:58:21 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Albert Einstein father is an engineer.
His father manufactured electrical equipment at his company.
Albert Einstein grew up working at his father's company.
As he grew, Einstein built models and mechanical devices for fun and began to show a talent for mathematics.
ON THE JOB TRAINING!!! But people like you don't know what that is because you don't ...work.
Ahh I see.. so what you are saying exactly is that because his father
may have done that kind of work that he is an engineer? well if you
would have read a bit more carefully you could see that it was his
uncle that started the company and that is says nothing about albert
ever working there.
Secondly let me state that from your premise since is must be like
father like son was you good ole pops a professional moron and raving
lunatic because you seem to have cornered the market on that field of
expertiese at least in this newsgroup

The Starmaker
2013-05-17 18:21:25 UTC
Post by Alfonso
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Post by sbalneav
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
No one. Sane people don't contemplate murder as a solution to anything.
sbalneav | Everything should be made as simple as possible,
a.a #2171 | but not simpler.
alt-atheism.org | -- Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein built the atomic bomb to kill German people.
Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.
You're right, "Albert Einstein did no friggin' thing.", he just sat in his chair
and told everyone else how to build an atomic bomb. He wasn't at the Manhattan Project
because he simply did not like to go to work. He was lazy. His professor called him "a lazy dog".
Why should he get out of his chair?
I rather suspect that he was not at the Manhattan project because he was
considered too old at 65 to be able to make a contribution. In any case
there wasn't a problem with theory. It was essentially an engineering
problem and whatever his qualities Einstein was not an engineer. There
were certainly better mathematicians available. He was not there because
there were better people available for the job required. They didn't
need a celebrity and he didn't make the first team.
Let me take the liberty of asking you a question, Alfonso...
just a test to see if you read my book..

What school did Albert Einstein go to, to learn.. Fashion Design of Women's Clothing?
2013-05-17 19:49:50 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
What school did Albert Einstein go to, to learn.. Fashion Design of Women's Clothing?
He had to be tutored by a friend in the tensor algebra so he could do
the mathematical framework for general relativity. This was a decade
after E=MC^2.
Halftime at Circvs Maximvs, and the Lions lead the Christians 326-0
The Starmaker
2013-05-17 20:35:14 UTC
Post by linuxgal
Post by The Starmaker
What school did Albert Einstein go to, to learn.. Fashion Design of Women's Clothing?
He had to be tutored by a friend in the tensor algebra so he could do
the mathematical framework for general relativity. This was a decade
after E=MC^2.
Halftime at Circvs Maximvs, and the Lions lead the Christians 326-0
Another one who didn't read my book:

You seem to be ...implying.. miss linuxgal
that Albert Einstein didn't go to "Fashion Design of Women's Clothing"...
to learn how to design women's fashion, patterns for clothing manufaturing design and stuff like that..

Maybe I think I missed posting a link...so I'll re-post and clear it up for you..


A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.


The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.

In 1903, Einstein's position at the Swiss Patent Office became permanent, .. he "fully mastered machine technology"

he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"

Now, the question to everyone is...
How did Albert Einstein went about "fully mastered machine technology"?

As, Alfonso pointed out in the previos post:
"It was essentially an engineering problem and whatever his qualities Einstein was not an engineer." Alfonso

The answer to the question "How did Albert Einstein went about "fully mastered machine technology"?"

He taught himself working at the Patent Office for almost ten years until he "fully mastered machine technology"!

Now, in the same paragraph.."patent office"

"Much of his work at the patent office related to questions about transmission of
electric signals and electrical-mechanical synchronization of time, two technical
problems that show up conspicuously in the thought experiments that eventually led Einstein
to his radical conclusions about the nature of light and the fundamental connection between space and time."

Meaning...all his time spent and knowledge acquired at the patent office, resulted in what he is famous for ..today.

the nature of light and the fundamental connection between space and time
(ask the guys at sci.physics.relativity)
building bombs and atomic bombs
a electrical-mechanical bomb einstein invented

and women's fashions of course!

The Starmaker
2013-05-17 20:54:56 UTC
On Fri, 17 May 2013 13:35:14 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.
just to clarify for poor ole starmaker who has an adebt ability of not
using his brain or reading for that matter Albert Einstein was

[thee-er-ist, theer-] Show IPA
a person who theorizes.
a person who deals mainly with the theory of a subject: a theorist in
medical research.

in other words he worked with his brain he did not build anything so
he was in no way at all an engineer

dude you really need to at least finish high school before you start
debating about things you have no idea at all what you are talking
about. I mean you could at least read a few books or something so that
you are not talking blind and just guessing at different things.
The Starmaker
2013-05-17 21:27:38 UTC
Post by b***@microsoft.com
On Fri, 17 May 2013 13:35:14 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.
just to clarify for poor ole starmaker who has an adebt ability of not
using his brain or reading for that matter Albert Einstein was
[thee-er-ist, theer-] Show IPA
a person who theorizes.
a person who deals mainly with the theory of a subject: a theorist in
medical research.
in other words he worked with his brain he did not build anything so
he was in no way at all an engineer
dude you really need to at least finish high school before you start
debating about things you have no idea at all what you are talking
about. I mean you could at least read a few books or something so that
you are not talking blind and just guessing at different things.
I get it, too many werds, I'll shorten it for you:

A person who designs

concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.

Here is a design of a bomb by Albert Einstein that he was concerned with the building of...

2013-05-17 22:17:50 UTC
On Fri, 17 May 2013 14:27:38 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by b***@microsoft.com
[thee-er-ist, theer-] Show IPA
a person who theorizes.
a person who deals mainly with the theory of a subject: a theorist in
medical research.
in other words he worked with his brain he did not build anything so
he was in no way at all an engineer
A person who designs
as I said previously you dont know how to read but now I see you have
problems comperhending those few things you do read.
let me make is as easy as I can
albert einstein = thinker
notice that the word thinker is not followed by designer or builder.
starmaker tell me something how much money does being an idiot pay? I
am guessing whatever welfare and foodstamps add up to
The Starmaker
2013-05-17 23:36:12 UTC
Post by b***@microsoft.com
On Fri, 17 May 2013 14:27:38 -0700, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by b***@microsoft.com
[thee-er-ist, theer-] Show IPA
a person who theorizes.
a person who deals mainly with the theory of a subject: a theorist in
medical research.
in other words he worked with his brain he did not build anything so
he was in no way at all an engineer
A person who designs
as I said previously you dont know how to read but now I see you have
problems comperhending those few things you do read.
let me make is as easy as I can
albert einstein = thinker
notice that the word thinker is not followed by designer or builder.
starmaker tell me something how much money does being an idiot pay? I
am guessing whatever welfare and foodstamps add up to
too much werds, you just need pictures
Loading Image...

get your crayons out..
The Starmaker
2013-05-17 23:53:53 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by linuxgal
Post by The Starmaker
What school did Albert Einstein go to, to learn.. Fashion Design of Women's Clothing?
He had to be tutored by a friend in the tensor algebra so he could do
the mathematical framework for general relativity. This was a decade
after E=MC^2.
Halftime at Circvs Maximvs, and the Lions lead the Christians 326-0
You seem to be ...implying.. miss linuxgal
that Albert Einstein didn't go to "Fashion Design of Women's Clothing"...
to learn how to design women's fashion, patterns for clothing manufaturing design and stuff like that..
Maybe I think I missed posting a link...so I'll re-post and clear it up for you..
A person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.
In 1903, Einstein's position at the Swiss Patent Office became permanent, .. he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
he "fully mastered machine technology"
Now, the question to everyone is...
How did Albert Einstein went about "fully mastered machine technology"?
"It was essentially an engineering problem and whatever his qualities Einstein was not an engineer." Alfonso
The answer to the question "How did Albert Einstein went about "fully mastered machine technology"?"
He taught himself working at the Patent Office for almost ten years until he "fully mastered machine technology"!
Now, in the same paragraph.."patent office"
"Much of his work at the patent office related to questions about transmission of
electric signals and electrical-mechanical synchronization of time, two technical
problems that show up conspicuously in the thought experiments that eventually led Einstein
to his radical conclusions about the nature of light and the fundamental connection between space and time."
Meaning...all his time spent and knowledge acquired at the patent office, resulted in what he is famous for ..today.
the nature of light and the fundamental connection between space and time
(ask the guys at sci.physics.relativity)
building bombs and atomic bombs
a electrical-mechanical bomb einstein invented
and women's fashions of course!
The Starmaker
oh, how silly of me..
i forgot to post the pretty blouse Einstein designed
2013-05-17 19:47:50 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
What school did Albert Einstein go to, to learn.. Fashion Design of Women's Clothing?
I dont remember what his grammer school nor his high school were but
his college years he went to zurich polytechnic <i think that is how
you spell it I dont feel like looking it up right now>
Sylvia Else
2013-05-07 01:24:24 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
You mean, before you posted that?

Absolutely Vertical
2013-05-07 07:54:51 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
oh, i think you know the answer to that. but this brings up the age-old
question of whether one personality killing another always involves
suicide as well.
2013-05-08 18:32:26 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
The impious Thomas Jefferson... For his blasphemies
found in his Bible
2013-05-09 01:52:00 UTC
Post by Onion
Post by The Starmaker
Who is the last person you thought about killing?
The impious Thomas Jefferson... For his blasphemies
found in his Bible
All he did was take the bullshit out. Of course, when he was finished,
all he had left over was a Holy Pamphlet.
Halftime at Circvs Maximvs, and the Lions lead the Christians 326-0