"God of Physics" (God=G_uv)
(too old to reply)
George Hammond
2003-10-25 18:16:51 UTC
The "God of Physics":

For thousands of years people have discussed God. The average
man does not understand it and most people doubt that there is
a God. Less known is that many of our Kings, Presidents,
Popes and Generals actually know what God is. There have
always been many people in high places who knew
what God is, while billions of common people were unable to
understand it. The reason is that there is no way to prove
it, in fact no way to explain but by parables and metaphors.
Today that has changed, because Science has discovered an
explanation of God.
First, let us explain how great people in high places
discovered there was a God, even though they couldn't prove
it or explain it. The first thing they noticed is that not
everybody can see reality as good as everyone else.
Children cannot see reality like adults. They are slower
and smaller than adults. They are less intelligent than
adults because their brains are not fully grown. Mental Age
is the term used to describe this.
The next thing they noticed is that not every adult reached
his full height and weight. People are like plants in a
garden, some of them get real lucky and
grow up to full size, others less fortunate might
only reach 70 or 80% of full size due to lack of food, sun
or water. In people this means that some adults, in fact
even the average adult, may be as much as 15% short of full
size. The discovery of the Secular Trend in human growth

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has confirmed this. What this means is that the average
adult, all of us, can only see about 85% of reality...
just like children who are not fully grown, the world
appears to us to be larger and faster than it really is.
This is what the Kings, Presidents, Popes and Generals
throughout history have known... it is this kind of
knowledge that caused them to get elected to positions
of leadership. They could judge people just by looking
at them as to how close to reality they were, and because
of that they were able to lead people. Naturally these
high authorities and leaders were themselves specimens of
above average growth.
All of this was discovered in the early stages of
Civilization as a practical matter. Subsequently, this
phenomena of growth and its effect on the ability to see
reality became a matter of theoretical study, and thus
Religion was born. The fully grown man (who is invisible)
obtained the name "God", or more precisely, the perceptual
effect of the missing portion of our brains was referred
to as God. As you can see, trying to explain this to
someone who doesn't know anything about it is practically
impossible. In fact, only social leaders who met hundreds
of thousands of people were able to figure it out in the
past, and they were never able to prove it.
Early on some of these leading authorities who
discovered what God was, happened to become scientists...
people like Aristotle, Descartes, Newton etc. They got
the idea that there might be some way to scientifically
prove it. However, trying to prove something that is
invisible seemed impossible. Not only that, what one
is talking about is basically a "time and space warp"
caused by incomplete brain growth, and this was long
before Science discovered the Secular Trend or Albert
Einstein discovered there actually was such a thing as
time and space dilations.
Amazingly, in 1997 modern Psychology finally met up
with modern Relativity, and a scientific proof of the
phenomena of God was finally discovered... discovered
by yours truly, George Hammond.
Interestingly, Hammond was not the first to uncover
the connection between God and Relativity. In 1940 the
famous Russian-American physicist, George Gamow
accidentally stumbled across it. Gamow was casting
around for a simple way to explain Special Relativity
to amateurs. It occurred to him that people might
understand it if they could see it. He had the bright
idea that if you reduced the speed of light to 10 mph
then bodily motions would be near the speed of light
and you would actually see relativistic effects. He
wrote a story and even drew a picture of what the world
would look like to a man riding a bicycle.


The story became immensely popular and has been through
25 printings, the most recent edition in 1999.
Apparently what got to people were those pictures of
people getting thin and acting strangely. Somehow it
rang a bell with the public.
It turns out the effect, as the public suspected, is
real, but it is caused by General Relativity (gravity)
not by Special Relativity (speed). Unknown to Gamow in
1940 is that brain growth is controlled by quantum
gravity (Penrose 1994) and that this gravity causes a
time and space dilation in perceptual reality which is
very similar to the effect he described in his science
fiction story.
Anyway, this website is all about a description of
this recent discovery of how brain gravity modulates
brain growth and how brain growth explains God.
Briefly it is based on the following (classical) fact;
there are two kinds of reality:

1. There is absolute physical reality
2. There is human perceptual reality

Man has always assumed that our brain and sensory system
create a 1:1 image of Absolute Reality. This image is
called Perceptual Reality, and we have always assumed:

Perceptual Reality = Absolute Reality

However, modern science has discovered that no one is
actually fully grown, therefore no one's brain is fully
grown, and therefore in actual fact:

Perceptual Reality = .85 Absolute Reality

The Secular Trend proves this. The ratio is not 1:1 as
we supposed- on average it is more like .85:1
This previously unknown 15% "reality deficit" is what
causes "God". Nearly 15% of the World is invisible to us!
This invisible part of the world is called Heaven, and
the invisible (fully grown) man who lives there is
named "God".
The proof of this is a fascinating scientific exercise.
Basically it is discovered that Perceptual Reality is
Relativistically "curved", by brain gravity. That it
is curved, and that this causes the size and speed of
the World to be larger and faster than it actually is,
is experimentally proven by Psychometry. It is shown
that the 4 dimensions of Psychometry are caused by the
4 dimensions of Spacetime, and therefore the curvature
of spacetime causes a curvature of Psychometry. This
curvature in Psychometry is God, hence, Gravity causes
God. Thus it is now a proven fact that no one sees the
true size and speed of the World, and this explains God,
miracles, Heaven and Religion. THERE REALLY IS A GOD!
The source of gravity that is causing this proven
phenomena, is apparently Penrose's quantum brain
gravity (Penrose 1989, 1994, Hameroff & Penrose 1997).
This is presumed because there is no other source of
gravity known in the brain, and we do know that it is
a gravitational curvature.
For those of you who are scientifically qualified
and wish to read the details, the proof is contained
in the documents on my website (with many, many
illustrations), and a summary presentation is given
in my upcoming Noetic Journal paper. What you will
read will soon be front page news and will alter the
course of history. Incidentally, by no means do I
claim credit for this discovery... obviously the credit
belongs to Newton and Einstein who discovered the
theory of gravity, and to many hundreds of other
scientists in Psychometry, Biology, and Physics.
In fact, you might as well say that Modern Science
produced this result... I'm simply the lieutenant
sent out to look over the next hill, and was the
first one to see it. In fact I wasn't even the
first, I found a cuff link on the ground with the
initials GG on it. George Gamow saw it 60 years
ago but apparently wasn't sure what it was.
George Hammond, Hyannis
October 2003
2003-10-25 19:15:18 UTC
ahahahaha........he is back.......he's done gone comes back.....
Is this him, old George, or just a prankster facsimile?
Post by George Hammond
For thousands of years people have discussed God. The average
man does not understand it and most people doubt that there is
a God. Less known is that many of our Kings, Presidents,
Popes and Generals actually know what God is. There have
always been many people in high places who knew
what God is, while billions of common people were unable to
understand it. The reason is that there is no way to prove
it, in fact no way to explain but by parables and metaphors.
Today that has changed, because Science has discovered an
explanation of God.
First, let us explain how great people in high places
discovered there was a God, even though they couldn't prove
it or explain it. The first thing they noticed is that not
everybody can see reality as good as everyone else.
Children cannot see reality like adults. They are slower
and smaller than adults. They are less intelligent than
adults because their brains are not fully grown. Mental Age
is the term used to describe this.
The next thing they noticed is that not every adult reached
his full height and weight. People are like plants in a
garden, some of them get real lucky and
grow up to full size, others less fortunate might
only reach 70 or 80% of full size due to lack of food, sun
or water. In people this means that some adults, in fact
even the average adult, may be as much as 15% short of full
size. The discovery of the Secular Trend in human growth
has confirmed this. What this means is that the average
adult, all of us, can only see about 85% of reality...
just like children who are not fully grown, the world
appears to us to be larger and faster than it really is.
This is what the Kings, Presidents, Popes and Generals
throughout history have known... it is this kind of
knowledge that caused them to get elected to positions
of leadership. They could judge people just by looking
at them as to how close to reality they were, and because
of that they were able to lead people. Naturally these
high authorities and leaders were themselves specimens of
above average growth.
All of this was discovered in the early stages of
Civilization as a practical matter. Subsequently, this
phenomena of growth and its effect on the ability to see
reality became a matter of theoretical study, and thus
Religion was born. The fully grown man (who is invisible)
obtained the name "God", or more precisely, the perceptual
effect of the missing portion of our brains was referred
to as God. As you can see, trying to explain this to
someone who doesn't know anything about it is practically
impossible. In fact, only social leaders who met hundreds
of thousands of people were able to figure it out in the
past, and they were never able to prove it.
Early on some of these leading authorities who
discovered what God was, happened to become scientists...
people like Aristotle, Descartes, Newton etc. They got
the idea that there might be some way to scientifically
prove it. However, trying to prove something that is
invisible seemed impossible. Not only that, what one
is talking about is basically a "time and space warp"
caused by incomplete brain growth, and this was long
before Science discovered the Secular Trend or Albert
Einstein discovered there actually was such a thing as
time and space dilations.
Amazingly, in 1997 modern Psychology finally met up
with modern Relativity, and a scientific proof of the
phenomena of God was finally discovered... discovered
by yours truly, George Hammond.
Interestingly, Hammond was not the first to uncover
the connection between God and Relativity. In 1940 the
famous Russian-American physicist, George Gamow
accidentally stumbled across it. Gamow was casting
around for a simple way to explain Special Relativity
to amateurs. It occurred to him that people might
understand it if they could see it. He had the bright
idea that if you reduced the speed of light to 10 mph
then bodily motions would be near the speed of light
and you would actually see relativistic effects. He
wrote a story and even drew a picture of what the world
would look like to a man riding a bicycle.
The story became immensely popular and has been through
25 printings, the most recent edition in 1999.
Apparently what got to people were those pictures of
people getting thin and acting strangely. Somehow it
rang a bell with the public.
It turns out the effect, as the public suspected, is
real, but it is caused by General Relativity (gravity)
not by Special Relativity (speed). Unknown to Gamow in
1940 is that brain growth is controlled by quantum
gravity (Penrose 1994) and that this gravity causes a
time and space dilation in perceptual reality which is
very similar to the effect he described in his science
fiction story.
Anyway, this website is all about a description of
this recent discovery of how brain gravity modulates
brain growth and how brain growth explains God.
Briefly it is based on the following (classical) fact;
1. There is absolute physical reality
2. There is human perceptual reality
Man has always assumed that our brain and sensory system
create a 1:1 image of Absolute Reality. This image is
Perceptual Reality = Absolute Reality
However, modern science has discovered that no one is
actually fully grown, therefore no one's brain is fully
Perceptual Reality = .85 Absolute Reality
The Secular Trend proves this. The ratio is not 1:1 as
we supposed- on average it is more like .85:1
This previously unknown 15% "reality deficit" is what
causes "God". Nearly 15% of the World is invisible to us!
This invisible part of the world is called Heaven, and
the invisible (fully grown) man who lives there is
named "God".
The proof of this is a fascinating scientific exercise.
Basically it is discovered that Perceptual Reality is
Relativistically "curved", by brain gravity. That it
is curved, and that this causes the size and speed of
the World to be larger and faster than it actually is,
is experimentally proven by Psychometry. It is shown
that the 4 dimensions of Psychometry are caused by the
4 dimensions of Spacetime, and therefore the curvature
of spacetime causes a curvature of Psychometry. This
curvature in Psychometry is God, hence, Gravity causes
God. Thus it is now a proven fact that no one sees the
true size and speed of the World, and this explains God,
miracles, Heaven and Religion. THERE REALLY IS A GOD!
The source of gravity that is causing this proven
phenomena, is apparently Penrose's quantum brain
gravity (Penrose 1989, 1994, Hameroff & Penrose 1997).
This is presumed because there is no other source of
gravity known in the brain, and we do know that it is
a gravitational curvature.
For those of you who are scientifically qualified
and wish to read the details, the proof is contained
in the documents on my website (with many, many
illustrations), and a summary presentation is given
in my upcoming Noetic Journal paper. What you will
read will soon be front page news and will alter the
course of history. Incidentally, by no means do I
claim credit for this discovery... obviously the credit
belongs to Newton and Einstein who discovered the
theory of gravity, and to many hundreds of other
scientists in Psychometry, Biology, and Physics.
In fact, you might as well say that Modern Science
produced this result... I'm simply the lieutenant
sent out to look over the next hill, and was the
first one to see it. In fact I wasn't even the
first, I found a cuff link on the ground with the
initials GG on it. George Gamow saw it 60 years
ago but apparently wasn't sure what it was.
George Hammond, Hyannis
October 2003
Uncle Al
2003-10-25 21:44:31 UTC
Post by George Hammond
For thousands of years people have discussed God.

Pussy, too. Neither is relevant to physics.

Loading Image...

We all hoped you had died from a horribly painful, protracted, and
incurable pathology; then been embalmed, cremated, and your ashes used
to cheapen cat litter. Now look what you have done.
Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" The Net!
George Wilkie
2003-10-25 22:41:30 UTC
Oh geez...
Post by George Hammond
The next thing they noticed is that not every adult reached
his full height and weight. People are like plants in a
garden, some of them get real lucky and
grow up to full size, others less fortunate might
only reach 70 or 80% of full size due to lack of food, sun
or water. In people this means that some adults, in fact
even the average adult, may be as much as 15% short of full
size. The discovery of the Secular Trend in human growth
has confirmed this. What this means is that the average
adult, all of us, can only see about 85% of reality...
just like children who are not fully grown, the world
appears to us to be larger and faster than it really is.
This is what the Kings, Presidents, Popes and Generals
throughout history have known... it is this kind of
knowledge that caused them to get elected to positions
of leadership. They could judge people just by looking
at them as to how close to reality they were, and because
of that they were able to lead people. Naturally these
high authorities and leaders were themselves specimens of
above average growth.
Tell me, what does height have to do with interpersonal intuition?
Furthermore, you're gonna have to make a much stronger connection than
you do between "85% of their maximum height" to "seeing 85% of
reality"? Does this mean the "kings, presidents, popes, etc" see all
of reality because they reached their genetic maximum height?! Give me
a break.
Post by George Hammond
All of this was discovered in the early stages of
Civilization as a practical matter. Subsequently, this
phenomena of growth and its effect on the ability to see
reality became a matter of theoretical study, and thus
Religion was born. The fully grown man (who is invisible)
obtained the name "God", or more precisely, the perceptual
effect of the missing portion of our brains was referred
to as God. As you can see, trying to explain this to
someone who doesn't know anything about it is practically
impossible. In fact, only social leaders who met hundreds
of thousands of people were able to figure it out in the
past, and they were never able to prove it.
So if you're fully grown, you're God?
Post by George Hammond
Early on some of these leading authorities who
discovered what God was, happened to become scientists...
people like Aristotle, Descartes, Newton etc. They got
the idea that there might be some way to scientifically
prove it. However, trying to prove something that is
invisible seemed impossible. Not only that, what one
is talking about is basically a "time and space warp"
caused by incomplete brain growth, and this was long
before Science discovered the Secular Trend or Albert
Einstein discovered there actually was such a thing as
time and space dilations.
So all scientists were trying to prove is what God is? Newton was
trying to prove God's existence, but along the way, came up with his 3
laws of motion!? I hope you realize how ridiculous this all sounds.
Post by George Hammond
Amazingly, in 1997 modern Psychology finally met up
with modern Relativity, and a scientific proof of the
phenomena of God was finally discovered... discovered
by yours truly, George Hammond.
Interestingly, Hammond was not the first to uncover
the connection between God and Relativity. In 1940 the
famous Russian-American physicist, George Gamow
accidentally stumbled across it. Gamow was casting
around for a simple way to explain Special Relativity
to amateurs. It occurred to him that people might
understand it if they could see it. He had the bright
idea that if you reduced the speed of light to 10 mph
then bodily motions would be near the speed of light
and you would actually see relativistic effects. He
wrote a story and even drew a picture of what the world
would look like to a man riding a bicycle.
The story became immensely popular and has been through
25 printings, the most recent edition in 1999.
Apparently what got to people were those pictures of
people getting thin and acting strangely. Somehow it
rang a bell with the public.
It turns out the effect, as the public suspected, is
real, but it is caused by General Relativity (gravity)
not by Special Relativity (speed). Unknown to Gamow in
1940 is that brain growth is controlled by quantum
gravity (Penrose 1994) and that this gravity causes a
time and space dilation in perceptual reality which is
very similar to the effect he described in his science
fiction story.
Whoa, hold it there. Gamow used a tool to teach students relativity,
and this means he somehow stumbled upon Penrose's "theory" of quantum
gravity (by the way, if you read John Baez' conversation with Penrose,
you find out Penrose didn't propose anything near this, did you even
read the book?).
Post by George Hammond
Anyway, this website is all about a description of
this recent discovery of how brain gravity modulates
brain growth and how brain growth explains God.
Briefly it is based on the following (classical) fact;
1. There is absolute physical reality
2. There is human perceptual reality
I'm thinking it is based on a lot more assumptions. For one, what the
hell is "brain gravity"?
Post by George Hammond
Man has always assumed that our brain and sensory system
create a 1:1 image of Absolute Reality. This image is
Perceptual Reality = Absolute Reality
However, modern science has discovered that no one is
actually fully grown, therefore no one's brain is fully
Perceptual Reality = .85 Absolute Reality
The Secular Trend proves this. The ratio is not 1:1 as
we supposed- on average it is more like .85:1
This previously unknown 15% "reality deficit" is what
causes "God". Nearly 15% of the World is invisible to us!
This invisible part of the world is called Heaven, and
the invisible (fully grown) man who lives there is
named "God".
The proof of this is a fascinating scientific exercise.
Basically it is discovered that Perceptual Reality is
Relativistically "curved", by brain gravity. That it
is curved, and that this causes the size and speed of
the World to be larger and faster than it actually is,
is experimentally proven by Psychometry. It is shown
that the 4 dimensions of Psychometry are caused by the
4 dimensions of Spacetime, and therefore the curvature
of spacetime causes a curvature of Psychometry. This
curvature in Psychometry is God, hence, Gravity causes
God. Thus it is now a proven fact that no one sees the
true size and speed of the World, and this explains God,
miracles, Heaven and Religion. THERE REALLY IS A GOD!
The source of gravity that is causing this proven
phenomena, is apparently Penrose's quantum brain
gravity (Penrose 1989, 1994, Hameroff & Penrose 1997).
This is presumed because there is no other source of
gravity known in the brain, and we do know that it is
a gravitational curvature.
For those of you who are scientifically qualified
and wish to read the details, the proof is contained
in the documents on my website (with many, many
illustrations), and a summary presentation is given
in my upcoming Noetic Journal paper. What you will
read will soon be front page news and will alter the
course of history. Incidentally, by no means do I
claim credit for this discovery... obviously the credit
belongs to Newton and Einstein who discovered the
theory of gravity, and to many hundreds of other
scientists in Psychometry, Biology, and Physics.
In fact, you might as well say that Modern Science
produced this result... I'm simply the lieutenant
sent out to look over the next hill, and was the
first one to see it. In fact I wasn't even the
first, I found a cuff link on the ground with the
initials GG on it. George Gamow saw it 60 years
ago but apparently wasn't sure what it was.
George Hammond, Hyannis
October 2003
George Hammond
2003-10-26 16:42:19 UTC
Post by George Wilkie
Oh geez...
Post by George Hammond
The next thing they noticed is that not every adult reached
his full height and weight. People are like plants in a
garden, some of them get real lucky and
grow up to full size, others less fortunate might
only reach 70 or 80% of full size due to lack of food, sun
or water. In people this means that some adults, in fact
even the average adult, may be as much as 15% short of full
size. The discovery of the Secular Trend in human growth
has confirmed this. What this means is that the average
adult, all of us, can only see about 85% of reality...
just like children who are not fully grown, the world
appears to us to be larger and faster than it really is.
This is what the Kings, Presidents, Popes and Generals
throughout history have known... it is this kind of
knowledge that caused them to get elected to positions
of leadership. They could judge people just by looking
at them as to how close to reality they were, and because
of that they were able to lead people. Naturally these
high authorities and leaders were themselves specimens of
above average growth.
Tell me, what does height have to do with interpersonal intuition?
Furthermore, you're gonna have to make a much stronger connection than
you do between "85% of their maximum height" to "seeing 85% of
reality"? Does this mean the "kings, presidents, popes, etc" see all
of reality because they reached their genetic maximum height?! Give me
a break.
Hey.... wake up.... the growth curve indicates the ENTIRE GROWTH
of the body. If the height is 15% short, then the weight is 15% short,
then the brain size is 15% short. If the brain size is 15% short
your INTELLIGENCE is 15% short... if your intelligence is
15% short your MENTAL SPEED is 15% short, hence you
can't see 15% of the world (the high frequency part). You lose
at ping pong, you bat .047, you score low on an IQ test, and
you can't get into college...... mainly because you can't see
15% OF REALITY.... it doesn't take rocket science.
Post by George Wilkie
Post by George Hammond
All of this was discovered in the early stages of
Civilization as a practical matter. Subsequently, this
phenomena of growth and its effect on the ability to see
reality became a matter of theoretical study, and thus
Religion was born. The fully grown man (who is invisible)
obtained the name "God", or more precisely, the perceptual
effect of the missing portion of our brains was referred
to as God. As you can see, trying to explain this to
someone who doesn't know anything about it is practically
impossible. In fact, only social leaders who met hundreds
of thousands of people were able to figure it out in the
past, and they were never able to prove it.
So if you're fully grown, you're God?
Correct. No one has ever made it by the way.
Post by George Wilkie
Post by George Hammond
Early on some of these leading authorities who
discovered what God was, happened to become scientists...
people like Aristotle, Descartes, Newton etc. They got
the idea that there might be some way to scientifically
prove it. However, trying to prove something that is
invisible seemed impossible. Not only that, what one
is talking about is basically a "time and space warp"
caused by incomplete brain growth, and this was long
before Science discovered the Secular Trend or Albert
Einstein discovered there actually was such a thing as
time and space dilations.
So all scientists were trying to prove is what God is? Newton was
trying to prove God's existence, but along the way, came up with his 3
laws of motion!? I hope you realize how ridiculous this all sounds.
Sounds to who? Newton left 4 MILLION WRITTEN WORDS
on the subject of God and Religion. The Principia probably
only runs to 50,000 words.
Post by George Wilkie
Post by George Hammond
Amazingly, in 1997 modern Psychology finally met up
with modern Relativity, and a scientific proof of the
phenomena of God was finally discovered... discovered
by yours truly, George Hammond.
Interestingly, Hammond was not the first to uncover
the connection between God and Relativity. In 1940 the
famous Russian-American physicist, George Gamow
accidentally stumbled across it. Gamow was casting
around for a simple way to explain Special Relativity
to amateurs. It occurred to him that people might
understand it if they could see it. He had the bright
idea that if you reduced the speed of light to 10 mph
then bodily motions would be near the speed of light
and you would actually see relativistic effects. He
wrote a story and even drew a picture of what the world
would look like to a man riding a bicycle.
The story became immensely popular and has been through
25 printings, the most recent edition in 1999.
Apparently what got to people were those pictures of
people getting thin and acting strangely. Somehow it
rang a bell with the public.
It turns out the effect, as the public suspected, is
real, but it is caused by General Relativity (gravity)
not by Special Relativity (speed). Unknown to Gamow in
1940 is that brain growth is controlled by quantum
gravity (Penrose 1994) and that this gravity causes a
time and space dilation in perceptual reality which is
very similar to the effect he described in his science
fiction story.
Whoa, hold it there. Gamow used a tool to teach students relativity,
How come it ran through 25 printings (and still countuing) and all
sold to people who have no interest in learning Relativity and
don't even know high school math?
Post by George Wilkie
and this means he somehow stumbled upon Penrose's "theory" of quantum
gravity (by the way, if you read John Baez' conversation with Penrose,
you find out Penrose didn't propose anything near this, did you even
read the book?).
No... he used SR to explain a GR effect. You are aware that
there is a connection between SR and GR, no. In fact,
Einstein at first thought gravity was caused by a variable
speed of light and published several papers on it in 1912
with Abraham.
Post by George Wilkie
Post by George Hammond
Anyway, this website is all about a description of
this recent discovery of how brain gravity modulates
brain growth and how brain growth explains God.
Briefly it is based on the following (classical) fact;
1. There is absolute physical reality
2. There is human perceptual reality
I'm thinking it is based on a lot more assumptions. For one, what the
hell is "brain gravity"?
See Penrose _Shadows of the Mind_.
Post by George Wilkie
Post by George Hammond
Man has always assumed that our brain and sensory system
create a 1:1 image of Absolute Reality. This image is
Perceptual Reality = Absolute Reality
However, modern science has discovered that no one is
actually fully grown, therefore no one's brain is fully
Perceptual Reality = .85 Absolute Reality
The Secular Trend proves this. The ratio is not 1:1 as
we supposed- on average it is more like .85:1
This previously unknown 15% "reality deficit" is what
causes "God". Nearly 15% of the World is invisible to us!
This invisible part of the world is called Heaven, and
the invisible (fully grown) man who lives there is
named "God".
The proof of this is a fascinating scientific exercise.
Basically it is discovered that Perceptual Reality is
Relativistically "curved", by brain gravity. That it
is curved, and that this causes the size and speed of
the World to be larger and faster than it actually is,
is experimentally proven by Psychometry. It is shown
that the 4 dimensions of Psychometry are caused by the
4 dimensions of Spacetime, and therefore the curvature
of spacetime causes a curvature of Psychometry. This
curvature in Psychometry is God, hence, Gravity causes
God. Thus it is now a proven fact that no one sees the
true size and speed of the World, and this explains God,
miracles, Heaven and Religion. THERE REALLY IS A GOD!
The source of gravity that is causing this proven
phenomena, is apparently Penrose's quantum brain
gravity (Penrose 1989, 1994, Hameroff & Penrose 1997).
This is presumed because there is no other source of
gravity known in the brain, and we do know that it is
a gravitational curvature.
For those of you who are scientifically qualified
and wish to read the details, the proof is contained
in the documents on my website (with many, many
illustrations), and a summary presentation is given
in my upcoming Noetic Journal paper. What you will
read will soon be front page news and will alter the
course of history. Incidentally, by no means do I
claim credit for this discovery... obviously the credit
belongs to Newton and Einstein who discovered the
theory of gravity, and to many hundreds of other
scientists in Psychometry, Biology, and Physics.
In fact, you might as well say that Modern Science
produced this result... I'm simply the lieutenant
sent out to look over the next hill, and was the
first one to see it. In fact I wasn't even the
first, I found a cuff link on the ground with the
initials GG on it. George Gamow saw it 60 years
ago but apparently wasn't sure what it was.
George Hammond, Hyannis
October 2003
2003-10-26 20:41:44 UTC
Post by George Hammond
Post by George Wilkie
Oh geez...
Post by George Hammond
The next thing they noticed is that not every adult reached
his full height and weight. People are like plants in a
garden, some of them get real lucky and
grow up to full size, others less fortunate might
only reach 70 or 80% of full size due to lack of food, sun
or water. In people this means that some adults, in fact
even the average adult, may be as much as 15% short of full
size. The discovery of the Secular Trend in human growth
has confirmed this. What this means is that the average
adult, all of us, can only see about 85% of reality...
just like children who are not fully grown, the world
appears to us to be larger and faster than it really is.
This is what the Kings, Presidents, Popes and Generals
throughout history have known... it is this kind of
knowledge that caused them to get elected to positions
of leadership. They could judge people just by looking
at them as to how close to reality they were, and because
of that they were able to lead people. Naturally these
high authorities and leaders were themselves specimens of
above average growth.
Tell me, what does height have to do with interpersonal intuition?
Furthermore, you're gonna have to make a much stronger connection than
you do between "85% of their maximum height" to "seeing 85% of
reality"? Does this mean the "kings, presidents, popes, etc" see all
of reality because they reached their genetic maximum height?! Give me
a break.
Hey.... wake up.... the growth curve indicates the ENTIRE GROWTH
of the body. If the height is 15% short, then the weight is 15% short,
then the brain size is 15% short. If the brain size is 15% short
your INTELLIGENCE is 15% short... if your intelligence is
15% short your MENTAL SPEED is 15% short, hence you
can't see 15% of the world (the high frequency part). You lose
at ping pong, you bat .047, you score low on an IQ test, and
you can't get into college...... mainly because you can't see
15% OF REALITY.... it doesn't take rocket science.

Check who has been missing in action and is really sleeping,
it's not the size of the body organ, it's how you use it that matters.
See: Little physical size people for example as Napoleon, Einstein's
first wife, Edison, Madame Maria Skiodowska Curie, and your own
referenced scientist Einstein himself. Better not let Uncle Al hear
about your height size to brain size theory, he doesn't take prisoners.
True physical reality is most times in the eyes of the beholder, few see
the light, fewer still produce it, and most can be and get confused and
never really can grasp it's deep fundamental theoretical implied and
reflected actualities...

the nightbat

snip long circular Mr. Hammond original non logic
George Hammond
2003-10-27 21:07:29 UTC
Post by nightbat
Check who has been missing in action and is really sleeping,
it's not the size of the body organ, it's how you use it that matters.
See: Little physical size people for example as Napoleon, Einstein's
first wife, Edison, Madame Maria Skiodowska Curie, and your own
referenced scientist Einstein himself. Better not let Uncle Al hear
about your height size to brain size theory, he doesn't take prisoners.
True physical reality is most times in the eyes of the beholder, few see
the light, fewer still produce it, and most can be and get confused and
never really can grasp it's deep fundamental theoretical implied and
reflected actualities...
the nightbat
snip long circular Mr. Hammond original non logic
Hey nightbat.... check out my new webpage design....
just posted it this afternoon:

tj Frazir
2003-10-26 02:21:30 UTC
Crude attempt at 4 base math ?
WTF ?? Gods active force is te expanding universe . Evry atom of
carbon you record all you know on is the soul.
The black hole your carbon atom falls into heaven.
There hammond ,,spin in it .
2003-10-26 02:47:09 UTC
Post by tj Frazir
WTF ?? Gods active force is te expanding universe . Evry atom of
Cite your evidence and method so people other than you can determine
this in a lab.
George Hammond
2003-10-27 21:09:05 UTC
Post by tj Frazir
Crude attempt at 4 base math ?
Wrong guess... try another
Post by tj Frazir
WTF ?? Gods active force is te expanding universe . Evry atom of
carbon you record all you know on is the soul.
The black hole your carbon atom falls into heaven.
There hammond ,,spin in it .
sounds like a web-bot program.... check out my new
page design:

2003-10-26 11:41:26 UTC
Post by George Hammond
For thousands of years people have discussed God. The average
man does not understand it and most people doubt that there is
a God. Less known is that many of our Kings, Presidents,
Popes and Generals actually know what God is. There have
always been many people in high places who knew
what God is, while billions of common people were unable to
understand it. The reason is that there is no way to prove
it, in fact no way to explain but by parables and metaphors.
Today that has changed, because Science has discovered an
explanation of God.
First, let us explain how great people in high places
discovered there was a God, even though they couldn't prove
it or explain it.

Still referring to yourself as " us " in your post is an
indication Mr. Hammond, of your old self. Most of us here in sci.physics
thought you had left for good but then again these are strange days.
Have you heard the terminator is Governor recall elect of California?
The least you could do is fill some of us in about where you have been.
Remember nightbat tried to keep up with your brilliance until you said
God was due to lack of brain cells and the sci.groups tried at length
reasoning with you. Begging the question, where will we find the person
with 100% brain cell growth to prove your theory and will he or she be
in full access and know how to really use them to their full positive
potential is not necessary, remember this group has Uncle Al..

Snip the interesting and entertaining Mr. Hammond false logic. Remember
a part can never equal or be greater then the whole.

the nightbat
George Hammond
2003-10-26 16:48:44 UTC
Post by nightbat
Post by George Hammond
For thousands of years people have discussed God. The average
man does not understand it and most people doubt that there is
a God. Less known is that many of our Kings, Presidents,
Popes and Generals actually know what God is. There have
always been many people in high places who knew
what God is, while billions of common people were unable to
understand it. The reason is that there is no way to prove
it, in fact no way to explain but by parables and metaphors.
Today that has changed, because Science has discovered an
explanation of God.
First, let us explain how great people in high places
discovered there was a God, even though they couldn't prove
it or explain it.
Still referring to yourself as " us " in your post is an
indication Mr. Hammond, of your old self. Most of us here in sci.physics
thought you had left for good but then again these are strange days.
Have you heard the terminator is Governor recall elect of California?
The least you could do is fill some of us in about where you have been.
I've been writing a definitive 13 page paper for publication in the
peer reviewed physics literature. It will appear next month.
Post by nightbat
Remember nightbat tried to keep up with your brilliance until you said
God was due to lack of brain cells and the sci.groups tried at length
reasoning with you. Begging the question, where will we find the person
with 100% brain cell growth
Everybody is looking for him.... his name is "God".

to prove your theory and will he or she be
Post by nightbat
in full access and know how to really use them to their full positive
potential is not necessary, remember this group has Uncle Al..
Snip the interesting and entertaining Mr. Hammond false logic. Remember
a part can never equal or be greater then the whole.
the nightbat
George Hammond
2003-10-27 23:02:05 UTC
Post by nightbat
Snip the interesting and entertaining Mr. Hammond false logic. Remember
a part can never equal or be greater then the whole.
the nightbat
Never said it was.
Check out my new webgsite design, just posted minutes ago....

G=EMC^2 Glazier
2003-10-28 21:36:53 UTC
