(too old to reply)
Pentcho Valev
2015-08-30 11:56:12 UTC
The Royal Society: "It may sound like science fiction, but a lesser known branch of string theory, holography, is stepping into the limelight with some bold ideas about our universe. Holography predicts that all the information in our 3D universe is contained in a mysterious 2D image, like a hologram. Promising not only to unite Einstein's relativity with quantum physics, holography has the potential to provide us with cleaner energy, faster computers, and novel electronics."

New Scientist: "Now Hawking says this information never makes it inside the black hole in the first place. "I propose that the information is stored not in the interior of the black hole as one might expect, but on its boundary, the event horizon," he said today. The event horizon is the sphere around a black hole from inside which nothing can escape its clutches. Hawking is suggesting that the information about particles passing through is translated into a kind of hologram - a 2D description of a 3D object - that sits on the surface of the event horizon. "The idea is the super translations are a hologram of the ingoing particles," he said. "Thus they contain all the information that would otherwise be lost." So how does that help something escape from the black hole? In the 1970s Hawking introduced the concept of Hawking radiation - photons emitted by black holes due to quantum fluctuations. Originally he said that this radiation carried no information from inside the black hole, but in 2004 changed his mind and said it could be possible for information to get out. Just how that works is still a mystery, but Hawking now thinks he's cracked it. His new theory is that Hawking radiation can pick up some of the information stored on the event horizon as it is emitted, providing a way for it to get out. But don't expect to get a message from within, he said. "The information about ingoing particles is returned, but in a chaotic and useless form. This resolves the information paradox. For all practical purposes, the information is lost." (...) More details are expected later today when one of Hawking's collaborators Malcom Perry expands on the idea, and Hawking and his colleagues say they will publish a paper on the work next month, but it's clear he is gunning for the idea that black holes are inescapable. It's even possible information could get out into parallel universes, he told the audience yesterday."

Pentcho Valev
Reginald Ehrett
2015-08-30 12:56:24 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
The Royal Society: "It may sound like science fiction, but a lesser
known branch of string theory, holography, is stepping into the
limelight with some bold ideas about our universe. Holography predicts
that all the information in our 3D universe is contained in a
mysterious 2D image, like a hologram. Promising not only to unite
Einstein's relativity with quantum physics, holography has the
potential to provide us with cleaner energy, faster computers, and
novel electronics."
No need for that. Quantum Physics already supplied us with light speed
fast quantum qubits computers to be found every where embedded in consumer
commodities. We are swimming in qubits
Pentcho Valev
2015-08-30 16:53:54 UTC
Kip Thorne teaches that in 1905 Einstein disproved... Newton's law of gravity, and that Newton's law predicted... no deflection of light:

Kip Thorne: "Despite its great successes, Newton's law of gravity is not correct. This was first recognized by Albert Einstein in 1905. At that time he had just formulated his special theory of relativity, and had discovered a logical incompatibility between it and Newtonian gravity. (...) A second crucial proof of the breakdown in Newtonian gravity was the relativistic bending of light. Einstein's theory predicted that starlight passing near the limb of the sun should be deflected by 1.75 seconds of arc, whereas Newton's law predicted no deflection. Observations during the 1919 eclipse of the sun in Brazil, carried out by Sir Arthur Eddington and his British colleagues, brilliantly confirmed Einstein's prediction to an accuracy of about 20 percent. This dealt the final death blow to Newton's law and to most other relativistic theories of gravity."

Pentcho Valev
Pentcho Valev
2015-08-30 19:31:08 UTC
If, in order for Divine Albert's Divine Theory to remain true, a rivet shank length should increase beyond the proper length, it does increase beyond the proper length:

"In an attempt to squash a bug in a 1 cm deep hole, a rivet is used. But the rivet is only 0.8 cm long so it cannot reach the bug. The rivet is accelerated to 0.9c. (...) The paradox is not resolved."

In the rivet's frame, "the end of the rivet hits the bottom of the hole before the head of the rivet hits the wall" - the bug is squashed. In the bug's frame, "the rivet head hits the wall when the rivet end is just 0.35 cm down in the hole" - the bug remains alive.

Needless to say, the bug being squashed in the rivet's frame and alive in the bug's frame is fatal for Divine Albert's Divine Theory. Accordingly, Einsteinians resort to an idiotic ad hoc "requirement" - the rivet shank length miraculously increases beyond its at-rest length and poor bug gets squashed in both frames:

John de Pillis Professor of Mathematics: "In fact, special relativity requires that after collision, the rivet shank length increases beyond its at-rest length d."

Brian Clegg: "Unfortunately, though, the rivet is fired towards the table at a fair percentage of the speed of light. It's somewhat typical of this book that all it tells us about the speed is that γ is 2, which doesn't really give you an idea of how fast the rivet is going, but if my back of an envelope calculations are right, this is around 0.87 times the speed of light. Quite a fast rivet, then. (...) But here's the thing. Just because the head of the rivet has come to a sudden stop doesn't mean the whole rivet does. A wave has to pass along the rivet to its end saying 'Stop!' The end of the rivet will just keep on going until this wave, typically travelling at the speed of sound, reaches it. That fast-moving end will crash into the beetle long before the wave arrives. (...) Isn't physics great?"

Note: The end of the rivet keeps on going at 87% the speed of light and a wave travelling at the speed of sound is chasing it in order to stop it! Not even insane!

Pentcho Valev
Odd Bodkin
2015-08-31 15:08:05 UTC
Post by Pentcho Valev
If, in order for Divine Albert's Divine Theory to remain true, a rivet shank length should
Of COURSE it does. If you have a moving spring that is in its relaxed
length, and you stop the back end of the spring, the front end of the
spring will keep moving. As a result, it will end up longer than its
relaxed length by the time the front end of the spring stops.

All material bodies have springiness and an elastic modulus, and so
EVERY material body will do this. The front end of the body won't even
slow down until the news that the back end has stopped travels to the
front end at the speed of sound in that material.
Odd Bodkin --- maker of fine toys, tools, tables
Odd Bodkin
2015-08-31 15:19:28 UTC
Post by Odd Bodkin
Post by Pentcho Valev
If, in order for Divine Albert's Divine Theory to remain true, a rivet
shank length should
Of COURSE it does. If you have a moving spring that is in its relaxed
length, and you stop the back end of the spring, the front end of the
spring will keep moving. As a result, it will end up longer than its
relaxed length by the time the front end of the spring stops.
All material bodies have springiness and an elastic modulus, and so
EVERY material body will do this. The front end of the body won't even
slow down until the news that the back end has stopped travels to the
front end at the speed of sound in that material.
Let's take an example of the following bolt:
Loading Image...

Let's say this bolt is 5 cm long and we'll fire it at a hole that is
larger than the shaft of the bolt but smaller than the head of the bolt.
We'll use a gun with a muzzle velocity of 12,500 meters/second.
What happens to the bolt when the shaft passes through the hole and then
the head of the bolt hits the rim of the hole?

The speed of sound is 5800 m/s. Thus it takes (.05m)/(5800m/s)= 8.62us
for the sound signal to travel to the other end. In the meantime, the
front of the bolt has traveled a distance of (8.62us)(12500m/s)=.1078m,
meaning that the bolt has more than doubled its original length before
the front end of the bolt even knows to slow down.

Pentcho, if you don't know how to do simple calculations like this, what
on earth are you doing trying to talk about physics?
Odd Bodkin --- maker of fine toys, tools, tables
2015-09-01 04:35:26 UTC
Post by Odd Bodkin
Post by Pentcho Valev
If, in order for Divine Albert's Divine Theory to remain true, a rivet
shank length should
Of COURSE it does. If you have a moving spring that is in its relaxed
length, and you stop the back end of the spring, the front end of the
spring will keep moving. As a result, it will end up longer than its
relaxed length by the time the front end of the spring stops.
All material bodies have springiness and an elastic modulus, and so
EVERY material body will do this. The front end of the body won't even
slow down until the news that the back end has stopped travels to the
front end at the speed of sound in that material.
Speed of sound? And boinker calls ME a "kook"? Hey anonymous pussy
boinker, you need to learn what holds atoms together. Hint: it ain't sound.

You "explanation" is pure batshit crazy. You know what a "frame" is? You
pretend to know much but you know nothing.

No, wait. This is much too ignorant even for Boinker! Hey Odd, is
someone faking your posts?
___ ___ ___ ___
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/:/\:\ \ /:/\:\ \ /:|:| | ___ /::\__\
/::\~\:\__\ /::\~\:\ \ /:/|:| |__ /\ /:/\/__/
/:/\:\ \:|__| /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/ |:| /\__\ \:\/:/ /
\:\~\:\/:/ / \:\~\:\ \/__/ \/__|:|/:/ / \::/ /
\:\ \::/ / \:\ \:\__\ |:/:/ / \/__/
\:\/:/ / \:\ \/__/ |::/ /
\_:/__/ \:\__\ /:/ /
\/__/ \/__/
Sam Wormley
2015-08-31 02:01:12 UTC
Translation -- Trying to understand relativity is driving Pentcho
insane. You shouldn't feel bad, Pentcho, as many students have
difficulty understanding of time in special relativity: simultaneity
and reference frames.
This article reports on an investigation of student understanding of
the concept of time in special relativity. A series of research tasks
are discussed that illustrate, step-by-step, how student reasoning of
fundamental concepts of relativity was probed. The results indicate
that after standard instruction students at all academic levels have
serious difficulties with the relativity of simultaneity and with the
role of observers in inertial reference frames. Evidence is presented
that suggests many students construct a conceptual framework in which
the ideas of absolute simultaneity and the relativity of simultaneity
harmoniously co-exist.
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
2015-08-31 06:47:34 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Translation -- Trying to understand relativity is driving Pentcho
insane. You shouldn't feel bad, Pentcho, as many students have
difficulty understanding of time in special relativity: simultaneity
and reference frames.
This article reports on an investigation of student understanding of
the concept of time in special relativity. A series of research tasks
are discussed that illustrate, step-by-step, how student reasoning of
fundamental concepts of relativity was probed. The results indicate
that after standard instruction students at all academic levels have
serious difficulties with the relativity of simultaneity and with the
role of observers in inertial reference frames. Evidence is presented
that suggests many students construct a conceptual framework in which
the ideas of absolute simultaneity and the relativity of simultaneity
harmoniously co-exist.... about which...
||| Edward Teller, the inventor of the H-Bomb, says:
||| "Einstein didn't know what he was talking about..."
||| "...or he was lying, or both".
Teller was/is NOT alone with that notion. Other luminaries said:
||| Prof. Carver A. Mead of Caltech (a student of Feynman),
||| "It is my firm belief that the 20th century will be
|||characterized in history as the dark ages of physics."
||| or F.A Hayek, Nobel laureate, who said: "In the future,
||| Humanity will see in our Epoch an Era of superstition, all
||| associated with the names of Marx, Freud and Einstein"
||| or John Beckman, an astronomy professor & Einstein disciple:
||| "The theory of relativity lives on. Is it a true picture of reality?
||| That is probably more a matter of FAITH than of proof."
Then there is also this about Relativity which shows that
SR/GR is a pitiful **Physics by hear-say** that needs FAITH
and BELIEF in "observers" which was condemned already
60+ years ago, 2 years before he died, when...
in which Albert concluded that:
____ SR is short for STUPID RANT _____ & that
____ GR stands for GULLIBLE RECITAL _____
end cit
Ergo, SR&GR is only "observed" today by RETARDS,
kooks, and fanatical but well meaning kikes who yearn
to preserve Einstein's shit as Jewish cultural heritage...
Can you admit to that Sam?.... AHAHAHA...ROTFLMAO
Post by Sam Wormley
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
Pentcho Valev
2015-08-31 13:55:38 UTC
Banesh Hoffmann, Relativity and Its Roots, p. 106: "The effect is mutual. Each of us finds the other's lengths in the direction of our relative motion contracted. When FitzGerald and Lorentz and Poincaré spoke of a contraction, they thought of it as arising from motion through the ether. Undoubtedly they silently assumed that someone at rest in the ether would find that moving lengths were contracted but that a moving observer would find that lengths at rest in the ether were expanded compared with his own. And the even greater silence of these scientists about the slowing of clocks shows that in spite of their mathematical equations being the same as Einstein's, the idea of a reciprocal slowing of clocks was foreign to their views."

That is, FitzGerald and Lorentz and Poincaré adhered to a false but still rational physical picture: a unilateral length contraction caused by the interaction of the moving object with the ether. By introducing mutual length contraction and mutual time dilation (idiotic offsprings of his 1905 false constant-speed-of-light postulate), Einstein actually killed rationality in science. Nowadays Einsteinians gloriously trap unlimitedly long objects inside unlimitedly short containers while singing "Divine Einstein" and "Yes we all believe in relativity, relativity, relativity":

Loading Image...

"How fast does a 7 m long buick need to go to fit in a 2 m deep closet?"

"These are the props. You own a barn, 40m long, with automatic doors at either end, that can be opened and closed simultaneously by a switch. You also have a pole, 80m long, which of course won't fit in the barn. (...) If it does not explode under the strain and it is sufficiently elastic it will come to rest and start to spring back to its natural shape but since it is too big for the barn the other end is now going to crash into the back door and the rod will be trapped IN A COMPRESSED STATE inside the barn."

Stéphane Durand: "Ainsi, une fusée de 100 m passant à toute vitesse dans un tunnel de 60 m pourrait être entièrement contenue dans ce tunnel pendant une fraction de seconde, durant laquelle il serait possible de fermer des portes aux deux bouts! La fusée est donc réellement plus courte. Pourtant, il n'y a PAS DE COMPRESSION matérielle ou physique de l'engin."

Pentcho Valev