130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
(too old to reply)
Sam Wormley
2014-01-14 17:10:29 UTC
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Explanation: How has the surface temperature of Earth been changing?
To help find out, Earth scientists collected temperature records from
over 1000 weather stations around the globe since 1880, and combined
them with modern satellite data. The above movie dramatizes the
result showing 130 years of planet-wide temperature changes relative
to the local average temperatures in the mid-1900s. In the above
global maps, red means warmer and blue means colder. On average, the
display demonstrates that the temperature on Earth has increased by
nearly one degree Celsius over the past 130 years, and many of the
warmest years on record have occurred only recently. Global climate
change is of more than passing interest -- it is linked to global
weather severity and coastal sea water levels.
2014-01-14 17:43:26 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Has nothing to do with physics and you are still the headwaters of the
river of shit, ass hat.
Jim Pennino
Sam Wormley
2014-01-15 20:09:37 UTC
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
daft, man?

Better look again, jimp.

130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Explanation: How has the surface temperature of Earth been changing?
To help find out, Earth scientists collected temperature records from
over 1000 weather stations around the globe since 1880, and combined
them with modern satellite data. The above movie dramatizes the
result showing 130 years of planet-wide temperature changes relative
to the local average temperatures in the mid-1900s. In the above
global maps, red means warmer and blue means colder. On average, the
display demonstrates that the temperature on Earth has increased by
nearly one degree Celsius over the past 130 years, and many of the
warmest years on record have occurred only recently. Global climate
change is of more than passing interest -- it is linked to global
weather severity and coastal sea water levels.
2014-01-15 21:01:06 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
Temperature changes to the Earth is meteorology or climatology, ass hat.
Jim Pennino
2014-01-15 22:32:51 UTC
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
Temperature changes to the Earth is meteorology or climatology, ass hat.

Atmospheric physics is the application of physics to the study of the
atmosphere. Atmospheric physicists attempt to model Earth's atmosphere
and the atmospheres of the other planets using fluid flow equations,
chemical models, radiation balancing, and energy transfer processes in
the atmosphere (as well as how these tie into other systems such as the
oceans). In order to model weather systems, atmospheric physicists
employ elements of scattering theory, wave propagation models, cloud
physics, statistical mechanics and spatial statistics which are highly
mathematical and related to physics. It has close links to meteorology
and climatology and also covers the design and construction of
instruments for studying the atmosphere and the interpretation of the
data they provide,
2014-01-15 23:08:41 UTC
Post by RedAcer
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
Temperature changes to the Earth is meteorology or climatology, ass hat.
Atmospheric physics is the application of physics to the study of the
This is sci.physics, not sci.physics.atmospheric.

Since there are also sci.physics.electromag and sci.physics.relativity
groups, perhaps you would like to start a sci.physics.atmospheric group.
Jim Pennino
2014-01-15 23:35:45 UTC
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by RedAcer
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
Temperature changes to the Earth is meteorology or climatology, ass hat.
Atmospheric physics is the application of physics to the study of the
This is sci.physics, not sci.physics.atmospheric.
Since there are also sci.physics.electromag and sci.physics.relativity
groups, perhaps you would like to start a sci.physics.atmospheric group.
No need. I'm happy to see atmospheric physics posted here. It's more
interesting that most of the dross posted here. If you don't want to see
it or Sam's posts, just use a filter.
2014-01-16 00:03:47 UTC
Post by RedAcer
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by RedAcer
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
Temperature changes to the Earth is meteorology or climatology, ass hat.
Atmospheric physics is the application of physics to the study of the
This is sci.physics, not sci.physics.atmospheric.
Since there are also sci.physics.electromag and sci.physics.relativity
groups, perhaps you would like to start a sci.physics.atmospheric group.
No need. I'm happy to see atmospheric physics posted here. It's more
interesting that most of the dross posted here. If you don't want to see
it or Sam's posts, just use a filter.
If it were actually atmospheric physics I would have no objection, but it
is not.

It is just yet more cut and paste proselytizing over "global warming" by
the poster child for content free cut and pastes.
Jim Pennino
Sam Wormley
2014-01-15 23:57:01 UTC
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
Temperature changes to the Earth is meteorology or climatology, ass hat.
You should put me in your kill-file jimp, then you wouldn't get so
2014-01-16 00:04:38 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
Temperature changes to the Earth is meteorology or climatology, ass hat.
You should put me in your kill-file jimp, then you wouldn't get so
Yet again you confuse disgust for what a useless piece of shit you are
for anger, ass hat.
Jim Pennino
2014-01-16 04:50:18 UTC
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
Temperature changes to the Earth is meteorology or climatology, ass hat.
You should put me in your kill-file jimp, then you wouldn't get so
Yet again you confuse disgust for what a useless piece of shit you are
for anger, ass hat.
Sammy would love for us to ignore him so he could brainwash all the noob
lurkers with his climate hysteria.
2014-01-16 10:08:28 UTC
Post by benj
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
Temperature changes to the Earth is meteorology or climatology, ass hat.
You should put me in your kill-file jimp, then you wouldn't get so
Yet again you confuse disgust for what a useless piece of shit you are
for anger, ass hat.
Sammy would love for us to ignore him so he could brainwash all the noob
lurkers with his climate hysteria.
"Hysteria Hys*te"ri*a, n. [NL.: cf. F. hyst['e]rie. See
A nervous affection, occurring almost exclusively in women,
in which the emotional and reflex excitability is
exaggerated, and the will power correspondingly diminished,
so that the patient loses control over the emotions, becomes
the victim of imaginary sensations, and often falls into
paroxism or fits.
[1913 Webster]"

That description is a much better fit to Jimp and to you.
"useless piece of shit"
"headwaters of the river of shit"
"brainwash all the noob lurkers with his climate hysteria."

With language like that, who are these putative noobs likely to believe?
2014-01-16 19:00:43 UTC
Post by RedAcer
Post by benj
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Has nothing to do with physics...
He jimp, how can you say that the temperature change to the earth
due to radiative forcing have nothing to do with physics. Are you
Temperature changes to the Earth is meteorology or climatology, ass hat.
You should put me in your kill-file jimp, then you wouldn't get so
Yet again you confuse disgust for what a useless piece of shit you are
for anger, ass hat.
Sammy would love for us to ignore him so he could brainwash all the noob
lurkers with his climate hysteria.
"Hysteria Hys*te"ri*a, n. [NL.: cf. F. hyst['e]rie. See
A nervous affection, occurring almost exclusively in women,
in which the emotional and reflex excitability is
exaggerated, and the will power correspondingly diminished,
so that the patient loses control over the emotions, becomes
the victim of imaginary sensations, and often falls into
paroxism or fits.
[1913 Webster]"
That description is a much better fit to Jimp and to you.
"useless piece of shit"
"headwaters of the river of shit"
"brainwash all the noob lurkers with his climate hysteria."
With language like that, who are these putative noobs likely to believe?
If you don't understand the "river of shit" reference, you must be a noob.
Jim Pennino
2014-01-16 20:15:42 UTC
What an arogant piece of shit you are!
Telling people what they "should" do to compensate for your bad behavior.
I'm not going to tell you that you 'should' drop dead, but I will tell you that the world will be better when you do.
Sam Wormley
2014-01-15 23:57:41 UTC
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Has nothing to do with physics and you are still the headwaters of the
river of shit, ass hat.
You should put me in your kill-file jimp, then you wouldn't get so
2014-01-16 00:05:38 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Has nothing to do with physics and you are still the headwaters of the
river of shit, ass hat.
You should put me in your kill-file jimp, then you wouldn't get so
Yet again you confuse disgust for what a useless piece of shit you are for
anger, ass hat.

And you are STILL the headwaters of the river of shit, ass hat.
Jim Pennino
2014-01-16 10:01:35 UTC
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Has nothing to do with physics and you are still the headwaters of the
river of shit, ass hat.
You should put me in your kill-file jimp, then you wouldn't get so
Yet again you confuse disgust for what a useless piece of shit you are for
anger, ass hat.
And yet you keep reading and replying.
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
And you are STILL the headwaters of the river of shit, ass hat
Don't you think that you are losing your sense of proportion here?
2014-01-16 12:18:53 UTC
Jim Pennino and Sam Wormley are "married", in a way.

They're together every day, all day long.

They must like it, somehow, or they'd "divorce".

Washington, DC legalized same-sex marriage on Mar. 3, 2010.

Gay marriage became legal in Utah on Dec. 20, 2013
when a federal judge ruled that the state's gay marriage ban
was unconstitutional, but on Jan. 6, 2014 the US Supreme Court
put a stay on the decision pending the state's appeal.

17 states have legal same-sex marriage:

3 by Popular Vote:

Maine (Dec. 29, 2012),
Maryland (Jan. 1, 2013),
Washington (Dec. 9, 2012)

8 by State Legislature:

Delaware (July 1, 2013),
Hawaii (Dec. 2, 2013),
Illinois (law will take effect June 1, 2014),

Minnesota (Aug. 1, 2013),
New Hampshire (Jan. 1, 2010),
New York (July 24, 2011),

Rhode Island (Aug. 1, 2013),
Vermont (Sep. 1, 2009)

6 by Court Decision:

Connecticut (Nov. 12, 2008),
Iowa (Apr. 24, 2009),

Massachusetts (May 17, 2004),
New Jersey (Oct. 21, 2013),
New Mexico (Dec. 19, 2013),

California (June 28, 2013)

On Feb. 7, 2012 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
affirmed that California’s anti-gay marriage initiative
known as Proposition 8 was unconstitutional.

That case was appealed to the US Supreme Court.
On June 26, 2013, in a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled that
defenders of Proposition 8 lacked "standing" to represent the case.

As a result, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
lifted its stay blocking same-sex marriages on June 28, 2013.
2014-01-16 20:18:57 UTC
Post by unknown
Jim Pennino and Sam Wormley are "married", in a way.
They're together every day, all day long.
They must like it, somehow, or they'd "divorce".
Washington, DC legalized same-sex marriage on Mar. 3, 2010.
Wow Jeff-Relf, usually you are a moron, but this is truly funny!

Good JOB!

Ok. You can go back to your brown screen in mom's basement now.
2014-01-16 20:38:07 UTC
<PRE Style='White-Space: PRE !important; Font-Size: 18px !important;Font-Family: Menlo, monospace !important;'> 
Post by benj
You can go back to your brown screen in mom's basement now.
In a dark room, like mine, <<A hRef="Loading Image..." target=_blank>
This color scheme works best</A>>.

I manage 32 "apartments" ( rooms, actually ), in Seattle,
adjacent to the University of Washington.

In <<A hRef='http://www.onbeing.org/program/einstein039s-god-einstein039s-ethics/extra/einstein-world-i-see-it-1931/1990'
target=_blank>The World As I See It</A>>, 1931, Albert Einstein
eloquently explains my lifestyle.

No one has to read my posts here; further, I don't post much.
Whose posts I read first:
<<A hRef="http://Jeff-Relf.Me/Phy_Regs.HTM"
target=_blank>Sci.Physics</A>> and <<A hRef="http://Jeff-Relf.Me/Cola_Regs.HTM"

2014-01-16 19:07:39 UTC
Post by RedAcer
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Has nothing to do with physics and you are still the headwaters of the
river of shit, ass hat.
You should put me in your kill-file jimp, then you wouldn't get so
Yet again you confuse disgust for what a useless piece of shit you are for
anger, ass hat.
And yet you keep reading and replying.
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
And you are STILL the headwaters of the river of shit, ass hat
Don't you think that you are losing your sense of proportion here?

The ass hat promotes pseudo science, alarmism, and proselytizes a climate
change agenda in a group where such is not relevant.

He is also a misanthrope, lier, and in general a disgusting individual.

Uncle Al would be much more critical than I am but he left the river of shit.
Jim Pennino
2014-01-14 19:37:02 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Explanation: How has the surface temperature of Earth been changing?
To help find out, Earth scientists collected temperature records from
over 1000 weather stations around the globe since 1880, and combined
them with modern satellite data. The above movie dramatizes the
result showing 130 years of planet-wide temperature changes relative
to the local average temperatures in the mid-1900s. In the above
global maps, red means warmer and blue means colder. On average, the
display demonstrates that the temperature on Earth has increased by
nearly one degree Celsius over the past 130 years, and many of the
warmest years on record have occurred only recently. Global climate
change is of more than passing interest -- it is linked to global
weather severity and coastal sea water levels.
It's called "climate change" Sam. It's been happening for a long time.
Here's some data that goes back a LOT further than yours.


Did you see the massive global warming caused by the invention of the
wheel? Yabba Dabba DOO!
2014-01-14 23:37:24 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Explanation: How has the surface temperature of Earth been changing?
To help find out, Earth scientists collected temperature records from
over 1000 weather stations around the globe since 1880, and combined
them with modern satellite data. The above movie dramatizes the
result showing 130 years of planet-wide temperature changes relative
to the local average temperatures in the mid-1900s. In the above
global maps, red means warmer and blue means colder. On average, the
display demonstrates that the temperature on Earth has increased by
nearly one degree Celsius over the past 130 years, and many of the
warmest years on record have occurred only recently. Global climate
change is of more than passing interest -- it is linked to global
weather severity and coastal sea water levels.
It's called "climate change" Sam. It's been happening for a long time. Here's
some data that goes back a LOT further than yours.
What caused all that climate change benj?
2014-01-15 01:05:42 UTC
ELGI Sam Wormley wrote:
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Explanation: 1000 weather stations around the globe
since 1880, and modern satellite data ***dramatize**
the result showing 130 years of planet-wide temperature
changes *** relative *** to the local average temperatures
in the mid-1900s <snip crap>
hanson wrote:
Sam, It's only a ***dramatization** and of ***relative***
importance only. So you can relax and you need not
to fear that
ELGI Sam Wormley wrote:
"It's pretty much too late to do anything about it"
"we are all toast".
Rationalist Benj wrote:
Sam, it's called "climate change". It's been happening
for a long time. Here's some data that goes back a
LOT further than yours.
Marxist "Unum" who is Un rectum of the ELGI kind wrote:
What caused all that climate change benj?
hanson wrote:
Listen "un rectum", the answer to your anal question
is right in the link wherein it says: "Ursache hierfür sind
Schwankungen der Sonneneinstrahlung und eine Reihe
besonders starker Vulkanausbrüche" etc ... but more
important is the notion that even "geringere Klimaschwankungen
führten in Europa zu historischen Umwälzungen"...etc...
incl. the heuristic hysteria & hype by the advent of ELGIs,
aka Expendable Little Green Idiots, like "Un rectum",
those ELGIs who gave rise to Obama & his care.
Thanks for the laughs, guys.... ahahahahanson
2014-01-16 20:11:20 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures
Explanation: How has the surface temperature of Earth been changing?
To help find out, Earth scientists collected temperature records from
over 1000 weather stations around the globe since 1880,
There were not 1000 weather stations in 1880.

For the Southern Hemisphere, for 1884, the the CRUtem3 dataset has
just 3 weather stations.

If you change the number of stations from one year to the next, you render the
result meaningless.

and combined
Post by Sam Wormley
them with modern satellite data. The above movie dramatizes the
result showing 130 years of planet-wide temperature changes relative
to the local average temperatures in the mid-1900s. In the above
global maps, red means warmer and blue means colder. On average, the
display demonstrates that the temperature on Earth has increased by
nearly one degree Celsius over the past 130 years, and many of the
warmest years on record have occurred only recently. Global climate
change is of more than passing interest -- it is linked to global
weather severity and coastal sea water levels.
2014-01-16 20:31:32 UTC
130 Years of Earth Surface Temperatures > http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap130731.html > Explanation: How has the surface temperature of Earth been changing? > To help find out, Earth scientists collected temperature records from > over 1000 weather stations around the globe since 1880, and combined > them with modern satellite data. The above movie dramatizes the > result showing 130 years of planet-wide temperature changes relative > to the local average temperatures in the mid-1900s. In the above > global maps, red means warmer and blue means colder. On average, the > display demonstrates that the temperature on Earth has increased by > nearly one degree Celsius over the past 130 years, and many of the > warmest years on record have occurred only recently. Global climate > change is of more than passing interest -- it is linked to global > weather severity and coastal sea water levels.
Obvious crap.
How many weather stations were recording data in 1880?
If the imagery were accurate, there would be large black voids (representing no data) over most of the map, for most of the time (especially during the first 2/3rds of the movie). And apparently the range of temperatures illustrated is only about 1.3 deg C. I bet the error bars on most of those measurements are much larger than that.
It's a presentation of noise.
Of course the dope-heads in the spam wormley cult are all nothing but noise.