Blunders of Einstein
(too old to reply)
2015-03-22 15:50:44 UTC
Blunders of Einstein

Einstein’s two axioms:

a) law of propagation of light in all inertial frames

b) laws of physics (i. e. the law of propagation of light), identical in all inertial frames, mean that the light is propagated in all inertial frames at the speed of c.

We can agree with this affirmation only in line with the closed coordinates system, with different media firmly connected with the frames (i. e. their coordinate axes).

Otherwise, if we have the coordinate axes (skeletons) of inertial frames with a common medium, then is only one frame (skeleton - x, y, z axes) firmly connected to the medium.

Although the light is propagated at the speed of c, with regard to other inertial frames, it is not true! In all inertial frames not firmly connected to the medium with regard to the frames (skeletons - x, y, z, axes only) the light does not propagate at the speed c, nevertheless the light cannot propagate in empty inertial frames (skeletons x, y, z)!

According to Einstein, the expression of vacuum (emptiness) indents to be apparently the unitive medium. That is again not correct.

Nevertheless, the vacuum consists of elementary particles, which also persist in a certain motion. It means that it is possible to connect firmly with a given vacuum the only one frame, which "moves at the speed of v = 0" with regard to the vacuum (medium).

It is evident, that it is possible to create the vacuum laboratories on various planets.

In all of them, the light is propagated at speed c. But with regard to different inertial frames of planets the speed is different.

There are different vacuums, which move at different speed. Einstein had to shelter himself behind the law of propagation of light "at all times" so that both Einstein’s axioms could be "valid" simultaneously.

Einstein corrected the real difference of light speeds in different inertial frames (skeletons) by "different times" in a fictitious "SPACE-TIME".

He helped himself with a mixture of "space-time" mathematically expressed by the Lorentz transformation equations.

Then he helped himself with other new expressions, that rescue what is not possible to rescue, whereby those notions represent the following closed vicious circle:

Lorentz transformation equations

local time

covariant equations

physical definition of simultaneity

invariant interval

Lorentz transformation equations

We have shown that the idea of space-time frames is entirely wrong.

All notions in the closed vicious circle, including "mean proper lifetime of particle" calculated on the basis of the Einstein’s theory of relativity which was not measured experimentally in fact are absolutely wrong.

Physics is overflown by such anabashed points.

It is necessary to clean the physics.

It is necessary to strictly distinguish the measured values of the particles lifetime from the so called proper (shorter) Einstein’s doubtful particle lifetimes, which takes into consideration velocity and shortens the real lifetime to the shorter fictitious (incorrect) proper lifetime, shown in the tables.

The table proper lifetimes of particles have to be removed from the physical literature and be replaced by the measured real lifetimes simultaneously with the measured velocities of elementary particles.

The incorrect notions of Einstein’s closed vicious circle lead to logical assumptions for the incorrect notions in physics such as different times in different frames, length contraction, energy-momentum tensor, paradox of twins, clock paradox, equivalence of mass and energy etc.

That’s why it is necessary to remove this chaos from physics and to bring the results of classical experiments in the right proportion (the place they belong to).

It is not possible to reject Einstein’s theory of relativity by one or by a few experiments. It is necessary to start from vicious circle...

The combination of the time "coordinate" with space coordinates into space-time and vicious circle originating from this is a big mathematical mistake.

This is deception of physicists including Einstein.

Why Einstein's theory of relativity is not generally accepted as correct even after 100 years.

Why it nevertheless no one truly understand.

Why is Einstein considered the best physicist of all time, a model which wants to follow every physicist. Why nevertheless has not been on the faculties of the physical world of general relativity included in major courses teaching and taught only marginally special theory of relativity.


"The difference between a good experiment and a good theory is in the fact that the theory gets old quickly and it is replaced by another one, based on more perfect ideas. It will be forgotten quickly. The experiment is something else. The experiment, which has been thought well and performed carefully, will step in the science forever. It will become its part. It is possible to explain such experiment differently in different periods of times."


„Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.“

Improvement of Classical Physics


Einstein's theory of relativity can not explain ...

1. Movement principles of the fast-spinning pulsars,
2. Nuclear Fusion ,
3. Wave - Particle Duality as Kinetic Energy Against and In Direction of Motion
4. the 4th Maxwell's equation,
5. Lorentz equals without the help of Space-Time,
6.Confinement of quarks
7. Great Table of Elementary Particles
8. Spectral line Hα
9. Neutrino Oscillations
10. Form of the interference field must be non-linear.
11.Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field must be asymmetrical.
12.Kinetic energy of a charge moving at the velocity of v has two different values:

Kinetic energy against direction of motion as wave

Tkin ad = mc2[ln |1+v/c|- (v/c)/(1+v/c)]

Kinetic energy in direction of motion as particle

Tkin id = mc2[ln|1-v/c|+ (v/c)/(1-v/c)]

13. Yukawa potential



Lubomir Vlcek
Sam Wormley
2015-03-22 17:56:08 UTC
Postulates of special relativity
1. First postulate (principle of relativity)
The laws by which the states of physical systems undergo change are
not affected, whether these changes of state be referred to the one
or the other of two systems of coordinates in uniform translatory
motion. OR: The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames
of reference.
2. Second postulate (invariance of c)
As measured in any inertial frame of reference, light is always
propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c that is
independent of the state of motion of the emitting body. OR: The
speed of light in free space has the same value c in all inertial
frames of reference.
The two-postulate basis for special relativity is the one
historically used by Einstein, and it remains the starting point
today. As Einstein himself later acknowledged, the derivation tacitly
makes use of some additional assumptions, including spatial
homogeneity, isotropy, and memorylessness.[1] Also Hermann Minkowski
implicitly used both postulates when he introduced the Minkowski
space formulation, even though he showed that c can be seen as a
space-time constant, and the identification with the speed of light
is derived from optics.
Historically, Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincaré (1892–1905) derived
the Lorentz transformation from Maxwell's equations, which served to
explain the negative result of all aether drift measurements. By that
the luminiferous aether becomes undetectable in agreement with what
Poincaré called the principle of relativity (see History of Lorentz
transformations and Lorentz ether theory). A more modern example of
deriving the Lorentz transformation from electrodynamics (without
using the historical aether concept at all), was given by Richard
Following Einstein's original derivation and the group theoretical
presentation by Minkowski, many alternative derivations have been
proposed, based on various sets of assumptions. It has often been
argued (such as by Vladimir Ignatowski in 1910,[4][5][6] or Philipp
Frank and Hermann Rothe in 1911,[7][8] and many others in subsequent
years[9]) that a formula equivalent to the Lorentz transformation, up
to a nonnegative free parameter, follows from just the relativity
postulate itself, without first postulating the universal light
speed. (Also these formulations rely on the aforementioned various
assumptions such as isotropy). The numerical value of the parameter
in these transformations can then be determined by experiment, just
as the numerical values of the parameter pair c and the Vacuum
permittivity are left to be determined by experiment even when using
Einstein's original postulates. Experiment rules out the validity of
the Galilean transformations. When the numerical values in both
Einstein's and other approaches have been found then these different
approaches result in the same theory.

sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated to the discussion
of physics, news from the physics community, and physics-related
social issues.
2015-03-23 18:04:25 UTC
sOl solely dependent upon the index of refraction
of the media (plural that it is waving in through (splash-splash,
I was not or was taking the trash. outside
Post by Sam Wormley
Historically, Hendrik Lorentz and Henri Poincaré (1892-1905) derived
the Lorentz transformation from Maxwell's equations, which served to
explain the negative result of all aether drift measurements. By that
the luminiferous aether becomes undetectable in agreement with what
Poincaré called the principle of relativity (see History of Lorentz
transformations and Lorentz ether theory). A more modern example of
deriving the Lorentz transformation from electrodynamics (without
using the historical aether concept at all), was given by Richard
Following Einstein's original derivation and the group theoretical
presentation by Minkowski, many alternative derivations have been
proposed, based on various sets of assumptions. It has often been
argued (such as by Vladimir Ignatowski in 1910,[4][5][6] or Philipp
Frank and Hermann Rothe in 1911,[7][8] and many others in subsequent
years[9]) that a formula equivalent to the Lorentz transformation, up
to a nonnegative free parameter, follows from just the relativity
postulate itself, without first postulating the universal light
speed. (Also these formulations rely on the aforementioned various
assumptions such as isotropy). The numerical value of the parameter
in these transformations can then be determined by experiment, just
as the numerical values of the parameter pair c and the Vacuum
permittivity are left to be determined by experiment even when using
Einstein's original postulates. Experiment rules out the validity of
the Galilean transformations. When the numerical values in both
Einstein's and other approaches have been found then these different
approaches result in the same theory.
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated to the discussion
of physics, news from the physics community, and physics-related
social issues.