Einstein's Famous Blunder - Sixty Symbols
(too old to reply)
Sam Wormley
2015-11-19 23:03:00 UTC
Einstein's Famous Blunder - Sixty Symbols

Albert Einstein did amazing things with General Relativity - but he
famously got it wrong when it came to the expansion of the Universe.
Einstein's Blackboard:

More relativity videos (with Mike Merrifield): http://bit.ly/Gamma3
More long interviews with Ed: http://bit.ly/CopelandGoesLong
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
2015-11-19 23:54:13 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Einstein's Famous Blunder - Sixty Symbols
Albert Einstein did amazing things with General Relativity - but he
famously got it wrong when it came to the expansion of the Universe.
Einstein's Blackboard: http://youtu.be/KIwpGEvmgvs
More relativity videos (with Mike Merrifield): http://bit.ly/Gamma3
More long interviews with Ed: http://bit.ly/CopelandGoesLong
An interview with Weird Al Yankovic.

As Intimate interview with Weird Al Yankovic.

Yet another interview with Weird Al Yankovic.

Jim Pennino
Sam Wormley
2015-11-20 01:23:48 UTC
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
An interview with Weird Al Yankovic.
As Intimate interview with Weird Al Yankovic.
Yet another interview with Weird Al Yankovic.
I enjoyed these. Thanks.
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
2015-11-20 02:45:28 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
An interview with Weird Al Yankovic.
As Intimate interview with Weird Al Yankovic.
Yet another interview with Weird Al Yankovic.
I enjoyed these. Thanks.
Much better than anything you have ever posted.
Jim Pennino
2015-11-20 11:41:45 UTC
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Post by Sam Wormley
Einstein's Famous Blunder - Sixty Symbols
Albert Einstein did amazing things with General Relativity - but he
famously got it wrong when it came to the expansion of the Universe.
Einstein's Blackboard: http://youtu.be/KIwpGEvmgvs
More relativity videos (with Mike Merrifield): http://bit.ly/Gamma3
More long interviews with Ed: http://bit.ly/CopelandGoesLong
I watched the first video and was left wondering why Einstein was so
invested in proving the Universe was static. He proved himself quite
able to think outside the box in most endeavors with the exception of
this particular question.
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
An interview with Weird Al Yankovic.
As Intimate interview with Weird Al Yankovic.
Yet another interview with Weird Al Yankovic.
Although these were entertaining I found the Einstein videos more
2015-11-20 12:46:35 UTC
<PRE Style='Font-Family: OCR A !important;'><big><big> 
Re: Einstein's Famous Blunder

Adam G. Riess, in 1998, was _shocked_ to find evidence
that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.

Today, we know that Einstein's 1917 cosmological constant
is positive -- the expansion is accelerating due to
"dark energy" (entropy).

How could Einstein have known that, back in 1917,
81 years before Adam G. Riess ? !
2015-11-20 14:06:11 UTC
Post by unknown
Re: Einstein's Famous Blunder
Adam G. Riess, in 1998, was _shocked_ to find evidence
that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.
Today, we know that Einstein's 1917 cosmological constant
is positive -- the expansion is accelerating due to
"dark energy" (entropy).
How could Einstein have known that, back in 1917,
81 years before Adam G. Riess ? !
It's surprising that you do not know this how How HOW! (Light Entropy Squared!)

-- Mahipal "Even when wrong, right. When right, well ...youKnow."
Ross A. Finlayson
2015-11-20 21:32:59 UTC
Post by unknown
Re: Einstein's Famous Blunder
Adam G. Riess, in 1998, was _shocked_ to find evidence
that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.
Today, we know that Einstein's 1917 cosmological constant
is positive -- the expansion is accelerating due to
"dark energy" (entropy).
How could Einstein have known that, back in 1917,
81 years before Adam G. Riess ? !
The cosmological constant has a non-zero,
vanishing positive value, a mathematical
"infinitesimal", steadfastly of the flat
and curving as the curving and flattening
of the flat and curved, it's Einstein's
BIGGEST not-a-blunder.

Largely he held the realm of the
Gendankenexperiment and also he had much
input of contemporaries. There really is
much of the "cause and effect" of physics
in terms of neatly and readily tractable
Gedankenexperiment or gedanken.

We can all be probabilistic and
deterministic both, that probability
models the outcomes quite underneath
measurement is not a fact of the
actions' indeterminacy, at all, instead
the simple acknowledgement of _all the
other actions_, that so contribute
their determinacy in effect.
2015-11-20 22:38:44 UTC
<PRE Style='Font-Family: OCR A !important;'><big><big> 
Post by Ross A. Finlayson
We can all be probabilistic and
deterministic both, that probability
models the outcomes quite underneath
measurement is not a fact of the
actions' indeterminacy, at all, instead
the simple acknowledgement of _all the
other actions_, that so contribute
their determinacy in effect.
Your LinkedIn page is impressive:

[ Is your "Finlayson Consulting" in North Carolina ? ]

However, your English skills are lacking;
you're hard to understand.

As for randomness...

No one can accurately predict the weather;
instead, we have "50% chance of rain", and such.

The causes are known, in _theory_,
but there are too many factors to consider.
Yousuf Khan
2015-11-21 16:47:03 UTC
Re: Einstein's Famous Blunder Adam G. Riess, in 1998, was _shocked_ to
find evidence that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating. Today,
we know that Einstein's 1917 cosmological constant is positive -- the
expansion is accelerating due to "dark energy" (entropy). How could
Einstein have known that, back in 1917, 81 years before Adam G. Riess ? !
Well, the simple answer to that is, that Einstein had no idea that a
Dark Energy would exist that would result in the expansion of the
universe accelerating. Instead, he was looking for a Dark Energy that
would result in the expansion of the universe to stay exactly static.

But as the video showed, even if he found the exact right value of Dark
Energy to keep the universe static, it was an unstable static. Unstable
in the sense of how a pencil balanced on its tip is static for very
little time before it falls over again. It was the same sort of
stability that the universe would have if it were static. Any little
movement will cause that entire static nature to come apart. It was this
argument that finally won Einstein over, that his equations were
unstable at maintaining a static universe.

Yousuf Khan
2015-11-21 20:20:26 UTC
<PRE Style='Font-Family: OCR A !important;'><big><big> 

Einstein derived the cosmological constant
81 years before the data; even so,
he should've been better at predicting its value.

If only _I_ made such "blunders" !
Sam Wormley
2015-11-20 15:31:51 UTC
Post by dvus
Post by Sam Wormley
Einstein's Famous Blunder - Sixty Symbols
Albert Einstein did amazing things with General Relativity - but he
famously got it wrong when it came to the expansion of the Universe.
Einstein's Blackboard: http://youtu.be/KIwpGEvmgvs
More relativity videos (with Mike Merrifield): http://bit.ly/Gamma3
More long interviews with Ed: http://bit.ly/CopelandGoesLong
I watched the first video and was left wondering why Einstein was so
invested in proving the Universe was static. He proved himself quite
able to think outside the box in most endeavors with the exception of
this particular question.
I does seem mysterious the effort to defend a static universe. It also
is curious that after 1931, Einstein pretty much abandoned doing
anything with general relativity.

I guess we should be satisfied the Einstein gave us a fruitful
relativity theory and contributed in many ways to the quantum
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
2015-11-20 15:59:14 UTC
Post by dvus
I watched the first video and was left wondering why Einstein was so
invested in proving the Universe was static. He proved himself quite
able to think outside the box in most endeavors with the exception of
this particular question.
I does seem mysterious the effort to defend a static universe. ..
Einstein was not focused on proving static universe.

Einstein was focused on fitting the GR on experimental data,
as data were saying in his time that universe was static,
in contrary to GR, saying it should be dynamic.

When universe expansion was discovered,
Einstein stated it was his biggest mistake
to introduce the cosmological constant into GR..

As accelerated expansion was discovered recently,
it seems it was not a mistake.
Poutnik ( the Czech word for a wanderer )

Knowledge makes a great man humble, but a small man arrogant.
Sam Wormley
2015-11-20 16:03:49 UTC
Post by Poutnik
Post by dvus
I watched the first video and was left wondering why Einstein was so
invested in proving the Universe was static. He proved himself quite
able to think outside the box in most endeavors with the exception of
this particular question.
I does seem mysterious the effort to defend a static universe. ..
Einstein was not focused on proving static universe.
Einstein was focused on fitting the GR on experimental data,
as data were saying in his time that universe was static,
in contrary to GR, saying it should be dynamic.
When universe expansion was discovered,
Einstein stated it was his biggest mistake
to introduce the cosmological constant into GR..
As accelerated expansion was discovered recently,
it seems it was not a mistake.
Yes -- Thank you for that clarification.
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
Yousuf Khan
2015-11-21 16:51:26 UTC
Post by Poutnik
Einstein was not focused on proving static universe.
Einstein was focused on fitting the GR on experimental data,
as data were saying in his time that universe was static,
in contrary to GR, saying it should be dynamic.
When universe expansion was discovered,
Einstein stated it was his biggest mistake
to introduce the cosmological constant into GR..
As accelerated expansion was discovered recently,
it seems it was not a mistake.
It was a mistake in the sense that he was looking for a Dark Energy that
would exactly balance the expansion rate and make it static. Instead we
got a Dark Energy that supercharges the expansion rate.

Yousuf Khan
2015-11-20 20:24:02 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by dvus
Post by Sam Wormley
Einstein's Famous Blunder - Sixty Symbols
Albert Einstein did amazing things with General Relativity - but he
famously got it wrong when it came to the expansion of the Universe.
Einstein's Blackboard: http://youtu.be/KIwpGEvmgvs
More relativity videos (with Mike Merrifield): http://bit.ly/Gamma3
More long interviews with Ed: http://bit.ly/CopelandGoesLong
I watched the first video and was left wondering why Einstein was so
invested in proving the Universe was static. He proved himself quite
able to think outside the box in most endeavors with the exception of
this particular question.
I does seem mysterious the effort to defend a static universe. It also
is curious that after 1931, Einstein pretty much abandoned doing
anything with general relativity.
The video indicated he was so immersed in calculating a GUT that he had
no time for other work.
Post by Sam Wormley
I guess we should be satisfied the Einstein gave us a fruitful
relativity theory and contributed in many ways to the quantum
No doubt about it.
2015-11-20 22:04:34 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by dvus
Post by Sam Wormley
Einstein's Famous Blunder - Sixty Symbols
Albert Einstein did amazing things with General Relativity - but he
famously got it wrong when it came to the expansion of the Universe.
Einstein's Blackboard: http://youtu.be/KIwpGEvmgvs
More relativity videos (with Mike Merrifield): http://bit.ly/Gamma3
More long interviews with Ed: http://bit.ly/CopelandGoesLong
I watched the first video and was left wondering why Einstein was so
invested in proving the Universe was static. He proved himself quite
able to think outside the box in most endeavors with the exception of
this particular question.
I does seem mysterious the effort to defend a static universe. It also
is curious that after 1931, Einstein pretty much abandoned doing
anything with general relativity.
I guess we should be satisfied the Einstein gave us a fruitful
relativity theory and contributed in many ways to the quantum
Einstein was always right, you know.

Sam Wormley
2015-11-20 23:06:10 UTC
Post by Double-A
Post by Sam Wormley
I does seem mysterious the effort to defend a static universe. It also
is curious that after 1931, Einstein pretty much abandoned doing
anything with general relativity.
I guess we should be satisfied the Einstein gave us a fruitful
relativity theory and contributed in many ways to the quantum
Einstein was always right, you know.
At least about relativity and the relationships between space, time
and gravitation.
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
Yousuf Khan
2015-11-21 16:36:34 UTC
Post by dvus
I watched the first video and was left wondering why Einstein was so
invested in proving the Universe was static. He proved himself quite
able to think outside the box in most endeavors with the exception of
this particular question.
It was the prevailing theory of the day.

Yousuf Khan
Yousuf Khan
2015-11-20 21:17:09 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Einstein's Famous Blunder - Sixty Symbols
I like this one because they didn't shy away from showing equations. And
they exactly explained the equations and what they are doing along the way.

Yousuf Khan
Sam Wormley
2015-11-20 23:07:42 UTC
Post by Yousuf Khan
Post by Sam Wormley
Einstein's Famous Blunder - Sixty Symbols
I like this one because they didn't shy away from showing equations. And
they exactly explained the equations and what they are doing along the way.
Yousuf Khan
Yes, I enjoyed that also.
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
2015-11-22 07:26:49 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Einstein's Famous Blunder - Sixty Symbols
Albert Einstein did amazing things with General Relativity - but he
famously got it wrong when it came to the expansion of the Universe.
Einstein's Blackboard: http://youtu.be/KIwpGEvmgvs
More relativity videos (with Mike Merrifield): http://bit.ly/Gamma3
More long interviews with Ed: http://bit.ly/CopelandGoesLong
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
SR is right !!

while GR with its 'curved space'
is shear physics stupidity

space has no properties except hosting mass
while mass is the main hero of physics
