Confirming Einstein, scientists find 'spacetime foam' not slowing down photons from faraway gamma-ray burst (Update)
(too old to reply)
Sam Wormley
2015-03-17 01:32:59 UTC
Confirming Einstein, scientists find 'spacetime foam' not slowing down
photons from faraway gamma-ray burst (Update)
One hundred years after Albert Einstein formulated the general theory
of relativity, an international team has proposed another
experimental proof. In a paper published today in Nature Physics,
researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Open
University of Israel, Sapienza University of Rome, and University of
Montpellier in France, describe a proof for one of the theory's basic
assumptions: the idea that all light particles, or photons, propagate
at exactly the same speed.
The researchers analyzed data, obtained by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray
Space Telescope, of the arrival times of photons from a distant
gamma-ray burst. The data showed that photons traveling for billions
of years from the distant burst toward Earth all arrived within a
fraction of a second of each other.
This finding indicates that the photons all moved at the same speed,
even though different photons had different energies. This is one of
the best measurements ever of the independence of the speed of light
from the energy of the light particles.
Beyond confirming the general theory of relativity, the observation
rules out one of the interesting ideas concerning the unification of
general relativity and quantum theory. While these two theories are
the pillars of physics today, they are still inconsistent, and there
is an intrinsic contradiction between the two that is partially based
on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle that is at the heart of quantum

sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated to the discussion
of physics, news from the physics community, and physics-related
social issues.
2015-03-17 03:58:08 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Confirming Einstein, scientists find 'spacetime foam' not slowing down
photons from faraway gamma-ray burst (Update)
One hundred years after Albert Einstein formulated the general theory
of relativity, an international team has proposed another
experimental proof. In a paper published today in Nature Physics,
researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Open
University of Israel, Sapienza University of Rome, and University of
Montpellier in France, describe a proof for one of the theory's basic
assumptions: the idea that all light particles, or photons, propagate
at exactly the same speed.
The researchers analyzed data, obtained by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray
Space Telescope, of the arrival times of photons from a distant
gamma-ray burst. The data showed that photons traveling for billions
of years from the distant burst toward Earth all arrived within a
fraction of a second of each other.
This finding indicates that the photons all moved at the same speed,
even though different photons had different energies. This is one of
the best measurements ever of the independence of the speed of light
from the energy of the light particles.
Beyond confirming the general theory of relativity, the observation
rules out one of the interesting ideas concerning the unification of
general relativity and quantum theory. While these two theories are
the pillars of physics today, they are still inconsistent, and there
is an intrinsic contradiction between the two that is partially based
on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle that is at the heart of quantum

Just WHO is making up this shit? What ever happened to science. Now it's
all fantasy and Alice in wonderland drug dreams! So Sad. You mad. I glad.
Post by Sam Wormley
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated to the discussion
of physics, news from the physics community, and physics-related
social issues.
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2015-03-17 09:50:56 UTC
Post by benj
Post by Sam Wormley
Confirming Einstein, scientists find 'spacetime foam' not slowing down
photons from faraway gamma-ray burst (Update)
Post by benj
Post by Sam Wormley
Beyond confirming the general theory of relativity, the observation
rules out one of the interesting ideas concerning the unification of
general relativity and quantum theory. While these two theories are
the pillars of physics today, they are still inconsistent, and there
is an intrinsic contradiction between the two that is partially based
on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle that is at the heart of quantum
Post by benj
Just WHO is making up this shit? What ever happened to science. Now it's
all fantasy and Alice in wonderland drug dreams! So Sad. You mad. I glad.
Why don't you check things out. It only takes a few seconds to stop
yourself being exposed as a complete fool.

S. W. Hawking.


The Einstein Lagrangian allows large fluctuations of the metric and
topology of spacetime on scales of order of the Planck length. This
foam-like structure can be described by introducing a Λ term as a
Lagrange multiplier for the 4-volume. The dominant contribution to the
path integral seems to come from metrics which have about one unit of
topology per Planck volume."
2015-03-17 09:54:29 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Confirming Einstein, scientists find 'spacetime foam' not slowing down
photons from faraway gamma-ray burst (Update)
Met Office to stop pretending it has any clue what the weather will
be like next month
Don't post weather stuff in a physics group.

==> uk.sci.weather
2015-03-17 13:14:30 UTC
Sam linked to article without any specific detail on spacetime " foam"
and grb's...

First of all the paper has an expensive paywall in Nature Physics
and its not worth paying good money for poor science. So its hard
to comment on detail. But from the scarce info available from
the abstract, it is possible to get a vague idea of what sort of
snake oil these guys are selling.

So conclusions about verification, re einstein, depends on which
theories you prefer, and which data one ignores. However, in
a classical model which takes into account all the observed grb
frequencies, the observed grb data is not consistent with SR.

Loading Image...

This graph of different frequencies of data show the light is observed
to arrive at different times. Later for longer wavelengths.
Contradicting any predictions based on SR.

What SR theorists do is ignore the difference in observed arrival times
of all the spectrum below gamma. And only use the difference in arrival
times between neutrinoes and gamma rays. Which is so small as to
mistakenly appear non existent.
2015-03-18 06:34:45 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Confirming Einstein, scientists find 'spacetime foam' not slowing down
photons from faraway gamma-ray burst (Update)
One hundred years after Albert Einstein formulated the general theory
of relativity, an international team has proposed another
experimental proof. In a paper published today in Nature Physics,
researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Open
University of Israel, Sapienza University of Rome, and University of
Montpellier in France, describe a proof for one of the theory's basic
assumptions: the idea that all light particles, or photons, propagate
at exactly the same speed.
The researchers analyzed data, obtained by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray
Space Telescope, of the arrival times of photons from a distant
gamma-ray burst. The data showed that photons traveling for billions
of years from the distant burst toward Earth all arrived within a
fraction of a second of each other.
This finding indicates that the photons all moved at the same speed,
even though different photons had different energies. This is one of
the best measurements ever of the independence of the speed of light
from the energy of the light particles.
Beyond confirming the general theory of relativity, the observation
rules out one of the interesting ideas concerning the unification of
general relativity and quantum theory. While these two theories are
the pillars of physics today, they are still inconsistent, and there
is an intrinsic contradiction between the two that is partially based
on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle that is at the heart of quantum
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated to the discussion
of physics, news from the physics community, and physics-related
social issues.
idiot parrot
curved space is B SH
gravity is a net property of mass

reber g=emc^2
2015-03-18 15:18:43 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Confirming Einstein, scientists find 'spacetime foam' not slowing down
photons from faraway gamma-ray burst (Update)
One hundred years after Albert Einstein formulated the general theory
of relativity, an international team has proposed another
experimental proof. In a paper published today in Nature Physics,
researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Open
University of Israel, Sapienza University of Rome, and University of
Montpellier in France, describe a proof for one of the theory's basic
assumptions: the idea that all light particles, or photons, propagate
at exactly the same speed.
The researchers analyzed data, obtained by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray
Space Telescope, of the arrival times of photons from a distant
gamma-ray burst. The data showed that photons traveling for billions
of years from the distant burst toward Earth all arrived within a
fraction of a second of each other.
This finding indicates that the photons all moved at the same speed,
even though different photons had different energies. This is one of
the best measurements ever of the independence of the speed of light
from the energy of the light particles.
Beyond confirming the general theory of relativity, the observation
rules out one of the interesting ideas concerning the unification of
general relativity and quantum theory. While these two theories are
the pillars of physics today, they are still inconsistent, and there
is an intrinsic contradiction between the two that is partially based
on Heisenberg's uncertainty principle that is at the heart of quantum
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated to the discussion
of physics, news from the physics community, and physics-related
social issues.
Sam Photons never can slow or speed up. In reality if they did it would create a question that would have no answer. TreBert