How Did God Create The Universe?
(too old to reply)
The Starmaker
2016-01-12 16:10:11 UTC
How Did God Create The Universe?

This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?

They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!

They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?

They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?

They want you to explain it all how He did it.

To be continued...
Sam Wormley
2016-01-12 16:17:41 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
Nope -- the concept of god is an invention of man.
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
Christopher A. Lee
2016-01-12 16:37:24 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
Nope -- the concept of god is an invention of man.
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
None of the three groups the troll cross-posted to, are to discuss the
god of any religion.
The Starmaker
2016-01-14 19:47:17 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
Nope -- the concept of god is an invention of man.
I know this is very differcult
for yous to understand...

Man made God
so that God
can make Man.

So, if you ask "Who created God?" Well, of course...man did!

And if you want to know "Who created Man?"...well, of course, God did!

God is the best idea Man ever had.

In other words, Man invented God so that God can create Man.

You don't expect Man to create himself, do you?

I told you....

this is very differcult
for yous to understand...
2016-01-12 16:26:38 UTC
How Did God Create The Universe?

Magic. Obviously
Helmut Wabnig
2016-01-12 16:36:01 UTC
On Tue, 12 Jan 2016 08:10:11 -0800, The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
No, the end is reached.

See, if GAWD can create, then we can.

That GAWD creates ex nihilo, is theological,
that we also could create ex nihilo is logical,
if we only knew the recipe.

Therefore the question HOW DOES CREATION WORK?
is justified and has to be put forward to the creationist creatures.

Creationists are stupid. Kick their asses.

Dorothy J Heydt
2016-01-12 17:25:39 UTC
By a Word.

Dorothy J. Heydt
Vallejo, California
djheydt at gmail dot com
2016-01-12 17:53:38 UTC
By a Word.


Next let's take a step back and ask how God was created.

A word?

If your answer is that God had always existed, I'll just skip the middleman and say the the universe has always existed. Because it has. Obviously
2016-01-12 18:24:52 UTC
Post by Dorothy J Heydt
By a Word.
Not really, Bumba [who wants no worship], lost his lunch. AKA threw up.
Post by Dorothy J Heydt
Are you sure you are old enough to expect an answer?

walksalone, who is rather bored for now. But exciting times are
enroute, according to my bladder. Well, at least as exciting as what I
responded to.

"There is no contradiction in Nature - only contradiction in what
we know of it."

Dana Scully, character on the TV program "X-files"
reber g=emc^2
2016-01-12 21:08:32 UTC
Post by Dorothy J Heydt
By a Word.
Dorothy J. Heydt
Vall ejo, California
djheydt at gmail dot com
G=EMC^2 Has G for God or G for Gravity.Two Popes I got mail from.However this is a science group,and the G has to be for gravity. I have posted my gravity compression theory( creating particles) Kicker is Gravity and God might have to be united to give GUT.TreBert
Dan Tilque
2016-01-13 13:00:06 UTC
Post by Dorothy J Heydt
By a Word.
"'In the beginning was the word,' said a dry voice right behind him. 'It
was the Egg,' corrected another voice. [...] '[...] I'm sure it was the
primordial slime.' [...] 'No, that came afterwards. There was firmament
first.' [...] 'You're all wrong. In the beginning was the Clearing of
the Throat--'"

Eric -- Terry Pratchett
Dan Tilque
Tom McDonald
2016-01-13 19:53:45 UTC
Post by Dan Tilque
Post by Dorothy J Heydt
By a Word.
"'In the beginning was the word,' said a dry voice right behind him. 'It
was the Egg,' corrected another voice. [...] '[...] I'm sure it was the
primordial slime.' [...] 'No, that came afterwards. There was firmament
first.' [...] 'You're all wrong. In the beginning was the Clearing of
the Throat--'"
Eric -- Terry Pratchett
Ah, Sir Pterry. He is sadly missed. Thankfully he wrote a bunch of
brilliant stuff we'll be quoting for ages.
William December Starr
2016-01-15 13:44:41 UTC
Post by Dorothy J Heydt
By a Word.
Nonresponsive, your Honor, move to strike.

-- wds
2016-01-12 18:31:16 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
He willed it into existence as an infinitely small point of mass/energy of
infinite density..
Post by The Starmaker
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
the dukester, American-American

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
2016-01-13 12:39:46 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
He willed it into existence as an infinitely small point of mass/energy of infinite density

Dan Tilque
2016-01-13 12:28:27 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
I don't, so obviously this is not a true statement.
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
Objection! Question assumes facts not in evidence.
Dan Tilque
2016-01-13 13:38:05 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
God Created the universe as described in the following link:
Post by The Starmaker
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
reber g=emc^2
2016-01-13 17:24:33 UTC
Post by kenseto
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
Post by The Starmaker
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
Universe created by compression of energy.Thus BB was an implosion.TreBert
2016-01-13 17:45:18 UTC
Universe created by compression of energy.Thus BB was an implosion.TreBert

FINALLY someone has explained how the universe began!
2016-01-13 23:00:54 UTC
Post by reber g=emc^2
Post by kenseto
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
Post by The Starmaker
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
Universe created by compression of energy.Thus BB was an implosion.TreBert
BB is bullshit. You are a piss poor thinker Herb.
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reber g=emc^2
2016-01-13 23:15:07 UTC
Post by reber g=emc^2
Post by kenseto
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
Post by The Starmaker
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
Universe created by compression of energy.Thus BB was an implosion.TreBert
Universes are gems,and all gems are created with pressure.Getr thge picture TreBert
2016-01-15 14:59:05 UTC
Post by kenseto
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
I don't know why the above link doesn't work. The exact same link below works fine.
Post by kenseto
Post by The Starmaker
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
Sylvia Else
2016-01-14 00:07:35 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore did
not create the universe.

2016-01-14 00:17:16 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore did
not create the universe.
Well, Shit! "Sylvia" is "pretty sure" that there is no God and I think
that pretty much settles it for everybody, right?

Well everybody except thinkers. The supposition is that any "God" would
be outside of time. Hence the entire question of any "Creation" is total
nonsense. I think it was starfaker, or maybe Rolf, who likened the
universe and "God's" view of it as to a large roll of video tape where
you've spliced the beginning to then end. We see the tape as it plays
and take it to be "life" and our "universe". God however, being outside
of time sees the entire roll in it's entirety where "our" time is
irrelevant to that view.
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~~ \/__/ \/__/
Sylvia Else
2016-01-14 05:23:19 UTC
Post by benj
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore did
not create the universe.
Well, Shit! "Sylvia" is "pretty sure" that there is no God and I think
that pretty much settles it for everybody, right?
Well everybody except thinkers. The supposition is that any "God" would
be outside of time. Hence the entire question of any "Creation" is total
nonsense. I think it was starfaker, or maybe Rolf, who likened the
universe and "God's" view of it as to a large roll of video tape where
you've spliced the beginning to then end. We see the tape as it plays
and take it to be "life" and our "universe". God however, being outside
of time sees the entire roll in it's entirety where "our" time is
irrelevant to that view.
I think you've rather missed the point. The OP's assertion was that
"everybody seems to want to know." I was merely providing a counter-example.

reber g=emc^2
2016-01-14 00:27:22 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore did
not create the universe.
Not so sure shows honesty.Time will tell. Gems are created with great pressure.So are all types of stars.BHs are of the greatest.Implosions gave matter.TreBert
Carmine Portacio
2016-01-14 00:32:06 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore
did not create the universe.
Hmmm, give us a free miracle, Big Bang, then we'll explain the rest.
Carmine Portacio
2016-01-14 00:34:12 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore did
not create the universe.
A limited case of credibility. If you believe that you can believe
Carmine Portacio
2016-01-14 00:44:18 UTC
Post by Carmine Portacio
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore
did not create the universe.
A limited case of credibility. If you believe that you can believe
credulity, of course. If you can swallow that, you can swallow everything.
Peter Moylan
2016-01-14 01:51:18 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore did
not create the universe.
Ah, but there's plenty of documentation to show that the universe was
created multiple times, in many different ways, by many different gods.
Peter Moylan http://www.pmoylan.org
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Greg Goss
2016-01-14 11:49:28 UTC
Post by Peter Moylan
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore did
not create the universe.
Ah, but there's plenty of documentation to show that the universe was
created multiple times, in many different ways, by many different gods.
I used to be a corporate programmer. The documentation never does
match the actual project.
We are geeks. Resistance is voltage over current.
The Starmaker
2016-01-14 19:49:37 UTC
Post by Greg Goss
Post by Peter Moylan
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore did
not create the universe.
Ah, but there's plenty of documentation to show that the universe was
created multiple times, in many different ways, by many different gods.
I used to be a corporate programmer. The documentation never does
match the actual project.
Who reads documentations anymore?

I'm up and running!

I can fly an airplane....i don't need a manual.
David DeLaney
2016-01-15 06:58:30 UTC
Post by Greg Goss
Post by Peter Moylan
Ah, but there's plenty of documentation to show that the universe was
created multiple times, in many different ways, by many different gods.
I used to be a corporate programmer. The documentation never does
match the actual project.
And, to boot, new discoveries and postulations force the uncountably infinite
numbers of spirits that form the mythic background FOR the universe to retcon
so that This Was Always so, so the origin's changing every so often as well.
By the end of the War in Heaven, its beginning may well have become totally

Dave, and this doesn't even take into account the various discussions going on
OUTSIDE Creation in sundry ways
\/David DeLaney posting thru EarthLink - "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK>
http://gatekeeper.vic.com/~dbd/ -net.legends/Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.
Sylvia Else
2016-01-14 05:27:23 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore did
not create the universe.
Sheesh - they're all at it. Guys - you really need to read, and think,
rather then getting all hot and bothered about an issue I'm not
discussing at all.

I'm not saying anything about God. I'm saying something about me,
because I'm a person, and therefore part of "everybody". The OP's
assertion (notwithstanding the weasel word "seems") is false, because I
am a counter-example.

The Starmaker
2016-01-14 06:21:39 UTC
Post by Sylvia Else
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
I don't. I'm pretty sure that there is no God, and that He therefore did
not create the universe.
Richard Dawkins is not pretty sure, he's unsure. How can you
be..."pretty sure"???
2016-01-14 05:56:19 UTC
"God" is a synonym for "Nature" or "Mother Nature". It makes nature an individual instead of a system. It's just a simple explanation of existence.

How does science explain existence ? At some level there is matter which has an unknown origin but that is contained in the universe. However, what contains the universe is not explained.

Furthermore, "science" and "nature" are not synonyms. Science is just a being's explanation of nature. Without the being, there is no science but only nature
The Starmaker
2016-01-14 06:09:40 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
They...want to know
how God went about
creating a universe..
you know..the details,
the tools he used..
the step by step
process He used from
begining to end...

They want to know
how He first went
about creating
life on earth...

I mean...
this information
is too dangerous
for yous to know.

You're liable to
build an atomic bomb
or something to kill people
for personal reasons.

You might even build
volcanos and asteroids
to destroy your enemies...

Sorry, you're not ready.

You're just going
to have to accept the brute fact
that God did it.
The Starmaker
2016-01-14 06:40:44 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
They...want to know
how God went about
creating a universe..
you know..the details,
the tools he used..
the step by step
process He used from
begining to end...
They want to know
how He first went
about creating
life on earth...
I mean...
this information
is too dangerous
for yous to know.
You're liable to
build an atomic bomb
or something to kill people
for personal reasons.
You might even build
volcanos and asteroids
to destroy your enemies...
Sorry, you're not ready.
You're just going
to have to accept the brute fact
that God did it.
What's really ridiculous
is that They
expect Christians
who believe in God
to explain it all.

To explain
How God did it.

This information
is too dangerous for
humans to aquire.

You'll start
building women in
your basements..
The Starmaker
2016-01-14 06:49:18 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
They...want to know
how God went about
creating a universe..
you know..the details,
the tools he used..
the step by step
process He used from
begining to end...
They want to know
how He first went
about creating
life on earth...
I mean...
this information
is too dangerous
for yous to know.
You're liable to
build an atomic bomb
or something to kill people
for personal reasons.
You might even build
volcanos and asteroids
to destroy your enemies...
Sorry, you're not ready.
You're just going
to have to accept the brute fact
that God did it.
I want to know how God created this world - Albert Einstein
The Starmaker
2016-01-14 20:12:00 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
They...want to know
how God went about
creating a universe..
you know..the details,
the tools he used..
the step by step
process He used from
begining to end...
They want to know
how He first went
about creating
life on earth...
I mean...
this information
is too dangerous
for yous to know.
You're liable to
build an atomic bomb
or something to kill people
for personal reasons.
You might even build
volcanos and asteroids
to destroy your enemies...
Sorry, you're not ready.
You're just going
to have to accept the brute fact
that God did it.
I want to know how God created this world - Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein really wanted to know the WHY did God created the world...the rest according to him were just little details.

The problem with Albert Einsten was he waited a little too late to be asking WHY questions...

as you can tell by the book he was reading:

Loading Image...

Loading Image...

Do you want to know ...WHY God created the Universe, instead of How?

Which do you prefer, How or Why?
The Starmaker
2016-01-15 06:12:20 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
They...want to know
how God went about
creating a universe..
you know..the details,
the tools he used..
the step by step
process He used from
begining to end...
They want to know
how He first went
about creating
life on earth...
I mean...
this information
is too dangerous
for yous to know.
You're liable to
build an atomic bomb
or something to kill people
for personal reasons.
You might even build
volcanos and asteroids
to destroy your enemies...
Sorry, you're not ready.
You're just going
to have to accept the brute fact
that God did it.
I want to know how God created this world - Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein really wanted to know the WHY did God created the world...the rest according to him were just little details.
The problem with Albert Einsten was he waited a little too late to be asking WHY questions...
Do you want to know ...WHY God created the Universe, instead of How?
Which do you prefer, How or Why?
If you understand Why God created the universe, then it doesn't matter How He did it, doesn't it?
reber g=emc^2
2016-01-14 20:37:52 UTC
Post by The Starmaker
How Did God Create The Universe?
This is a question everybody seems to
want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know what materials He used.
They want to know did He used computers?
They want to know did He used machines to
create the earth and the universe?
They want to know exactly what process He used
to create the earth and everything in it, including
the whole entire universe!
They want to know...
How Did God Create The Universe?
They want to know...
How Did He Create The Universe?
They want you to explain it all how He did it.
To be continued...
Einstein being a Jew put God in its proper setting.He knew only great thinking and experiments over time would find the truth. TreBert