How Physics Drove the Design of the Atomic Bombs Dropped on Japan
(too old to reply)
Sam Wormley
2015-08-08 17:25:26 UTC
How Physics Drove the Design of the Atomic Bombs Dropped on Japan
For many scientists involved in the Manhattan Project, the race to
build an atomic bomb was a grim battle between life and death. There
was no denying the technology's destructive force or its inevitable
civilian toll. After the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which
took place 70 years ago this week, scientific director J. Robert
Oppenheimer famously recalled his feelings upon hearing the news,
quoting from a Hindu text: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of
But in the grip of World War II, with German scientists furtively
working on the same technology, Oppenheimer and other physicists in
the U.S. were keenly focused on the task of creating the world's
first nuclear weapon. And within the secret confines of Los Alamos
National Laboratory, an internal battle was raging between two groups
with opposing ideas for how to deliver the deadly payload.
Ultimately, two types of bomb using different radioactive materials
fell on Japan just days apart, codenamed Little Boy and Fat Man. But
if scientists had succeeded in their first attempts, both bombs could
have been named Thin Man.
The nucleus of an atom is a more variable place than you might
imagine. At its heart, an atom contains a mix of particles called
protons and neutrons, which combine to give the atom its mass and its
unique elemental personality. While all atoms of a given chemical
element have the same number of protons, the neutron count can vary,
yielding isotopes of different masses. But like an overcrowded raft,
some isotopes teeter on the edge of stability and are prone to
spontaneously tossing out excess energy and particles in the form of
radiation. Over time, radioactive isotopes naturally decay into more
stable configurations and even into new elements in a fairly
predictable chain of events.
Harnessing the atom to create an explosion didn't seem realistic
until 1939, when scientists in Berlin managed to deliberately split a
uranium atom into lighter elements. Induced in the right way, this
process of nuclear fission can release enormous amounts of
energy—according to initial reports by The New York Times, the bomb
dropped on Hiroshima exploded with the force of 20,000 tons of TNT,
although that estimate has since been downgraded to 15,000 tons.
In a 1939 letter to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, Albert
Einstein warned of the fission experiment and Nazi efforts to build a
weapon. Soon after, scientists showed just how much uranium would be
needed to achieve critical mass and detonate a fission bomb, and they
proved that they could also use plutonium for the task. By 1941, the
Manhattan Project had joined the race to develop a working atomic
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
Helmut Wabnig
2015-08-08 18:34:49 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
How Physics Drove the Design of the Atomic Bombs Dropped on Japan
For many scientists involved in the Manhattan Project, the race to
build an atomic bomb was a grim battle between life and death. There
was no denying the technology's destructive force or its inevitable
civilian toll. After the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which
took place 70 years ago this week, scientific director J. Robert
Oppenheimer famously recalled his feelings upon hearing the news,
quoting from a Hindu text: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of
But in the grip of World War II, with German scientists furtively
working on the same technology, Oppenheimer and other physicists in
the U.S. were keenly focused on the task of creating the world's
first nuclear weapon. And within the secret confines of Los Alamos
National Laboratory, an internal battle was raging between two groups
with opposing ideas for how to deliver the deadly payload.
Ultimately, two types of bomb using different radioactive materials
fell on Japan just days apart, codenamed Little Boy and Fat Man. But
if scientists had succeeded in their first attempts, both bombs could
have been named Thin Man.
The nucleus of an atom is a more variable place than you might
imagine. At its heart, an atom contains a mix of particles called
protons and neutrons, which combine to give the atom its mass and its
unique elemental personality. While all atoms of a given chemical
element have the same number of protons, the neutron count can vary,
yielding isotopes of different masses. But like an overcrowded raft,
some isotopes teeter on the edge of stability and are prone to
spontaneously tossing out excess energy and particles in the form of
radiation. Over time, radioactive isotopes naturally decay into more
stable configurations and even into new elements in a fairly
predictable chain of events.
Harnessing the atom to create an explosion didn't seem realistic
until 1939, when scientists in Berlin managed to deliberately split a
uranium atom into lighter elements. Induced in the right way, this
process of nuclear fission can release enormous amounts of
energy—according to initial reports by The New York Times, the bomb
dropped on Hiroshima exploded with the force of 20,000 tons of TNT,
although that estimate has since been downgraded to 15,000 tons.
In a 1939 letter to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, Albert
Einstein warned of the fission experiment and Nazi efforts to build a
weapon. Soon after, scientists showed just how much uranium would be
needed to achieve critical mass and detonate a fission bomb, and they
proved that they could also use plutonium for the task. By 1941, the
Manhattan Project had joined the race to develop a working atomic
Might all be wrong.

Open the archives!

reber g=emc^2
2015-08-08 19:58:09 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
How Physics Drove the Design of the Atomic Bombs Dropped on Japan
For many scientists involved in the Manhattan Project, the race to
build an atomic bomb was a grim battle between life and death. There
was no denying the technology's destructive force or its inevitable
civilian toll. After the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which
took place 70 years ago this week, scientific director J. Robert
Oppenheimer famously recalled his feelings upon hearing the news,
quoting from a Hindu text: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of
But in the grip of World War II, with German scientists furtively
working on the same technology, Oppenheimer and other physicists in
the U.S. were keenly focused on the task of creating the world's
first nuclear weapon. And within the secret confines of Los Alamos
National Laboratory, an internal battle was raging between two groups
with opposing ideas for how to deliver the deadly payload.
Ultimately, two types of bomb using different radioactive materials
fell on Japan just days apart, codenamed Little Boy and Fat Man. But
if scientists had succeeded in their first attempts, both bombs could
have been named Thin Man.
The nucleus of an atom is a more variable place than you might
imagine. At its heart, an atom contains a mix of particles called
protons and neutrons, which combine to give the atom its mass and its
unique elemental personality. While all atoms of a given chemical
element have the same number of protons, the neutron count can vary,
yielding isotopes of different masses. But like an overcrowded raft,
some isotopes teeter on the edge of stability and are prone to
spontaneously tossing out excess energy and particles in the form of
radiation. Over time, radioactive isotopes naturally decay into more
stable configurations and even into new elements in a fairly
predictable chain of events.
Harnessing the atom to create an explosion didn't seem realistic
until 1939, when scientists in Berlin managed to deliberately split a
uranium atom into lighter elements. Induced in the right way, this
process of nuclear fission can release enormous amounts of
energy--according to initial reports by The New York Times, the bomb
dropped on Hiroshima exploded with the force of 20,000 tons of TNT,
although that estimate has since been downgraded to 15,000 tons.
In a 1939 letter to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, Albert
Einstein warned of the fission experiment and Nazi efforts to build a
weapon. Soon after, scientists showed just how much uranium would be
needed to achieve critical mass and detonate a fission bomb, and they
proved that they could also use plutonium for the task. By 1941, the
Manhattan Project had joined the race to develop a working atomic
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
Heisenberg was a Nazi and he tried to explode an atomic pile It could not work.Lucky for the world. Scientist fled Nazi Germany.Lucky for the world.TreBert
Sam Wormley
2015-08-08 20:21:41 UTC
Post by reber g=emc^2
Heisenberg was a Nazi and he tried to explode an atomic pile
Why do you think this?
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
reber g=emc^2
2015-08-09 00:29:56 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by reber g=emc^2
Heisenberg was a Nazi and he tried to explode an atomic pile
Why do you think this?
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
Sam I read about Heisenberg's activities on building the bomb for Germany.It was in a book so it has to be true. Bohr his teacher had to flee being Jewish.Heisenberg got in reality on as far as the pile. Fermi had to leave and built the pile in Chicago. Bomb built in New Mexico under Oppenheimer Trebert
Sam Wormley
2015-08-09 01:08:19 UTC
Post by reber g=emc^2
Sam I read about Heisenberg's activities on building the bomb for Germany.It was in a book so it has to be true. Bohr his teacher had to flee being Jewish.Heisenberg got in reality on as far as the pile. Fermi had to leave and built the pile in Chicago. Bomb built in New Mexico under Oppenheimer Trebert
You best review some of your "facts", reber.
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated
to the discussion of physics, news from the physics
community, and physics-related social issues.
2015-08-09 04:47:16 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by reber g=emc^2
Sam I read about Heisenberg's activities on building the bomb for
Germany.It was in a book so it has to be true. Bohr his teacher had to
flee being Jewish.Heisenberg got in reality on as far as the pile.
Fermi had to leave and built the pile in Chicago. Bomb built in New
Mexico under Oppenheimer Trebert
You best review some of your "facts", reber.
Fact is, Sam, America won the war for the world because we had more Jews
per square meter in New Mexico than there were anywhere else in the
world. (Thank you, Uncle Al)

PS. And the bomb actually worked because they did NOT have any of Herb's
kind of thinking. He'd still be trying to blow up his atomic piles.
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2015-08-09 03:28:57 UTC
***@gmail.com> "reber g=emc^2" Glazier is a kike
<snip his Shit & Glazierola> who is the type of US-kike that has
betrayed the USA, like Glazier's ilk Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, et. al.
who stole A-Bombs secrets & gave them to Stalin, & then carried
on to whore down the US into the current sorry state we are in,
with their ultimate goal of turning the US into a Soviet style society.
These Glazier kikes failed to do that in Germany (& gave cause to
the rise of Hitler) but they have succeeded much farther and better
in the USA, which is
delineated by the eminent Jewish scholar H.W. Rosenthal's epic
<http://tinyurl.com/The-HW-Rosenthal-interview-XT> wherein he
explains how the Glazier kike cabal operates in the USA, saying
||R:|| It's no secret that we Jews do not respect
||R:|| you gentiles. All of you are our enemies.
||R:|| Our Jewish beliefs are entirely different from yours.
||R:|| Our Talmud/Nedarim/Kol Nidre = "all vows" allows
||R:|| us Jews to lie, subvert and cheat you, the Goyim
||R:|| We Jews know that there are two distinct types of
||R:|| governments, one visible and the other invisible.
||R:|| The invisible one is composed of ALL JEWS, the
||R:|| (ZOG) the Zionist Occupied Government. There is
||R:|| no Presidential power in the USA.
(see the Jewish Obama handlers in PS @ the end of post)
||R:|| We Jews glory in the fact that the stupid goy have never
||R:|| realized that we Jews are the parasites that consume
||R:|| an ever increasing portion of production while you, our
||R:|| Goyim Christian slave laborers do receive less and less.
||R:|| We Jews, Karl Marx and Samuel Gompers, have been
||R:|| successful in dividing your society against itself by
||R:|| pitting labor against management. The result was the
||R:|| destruction of free enterprise, which benefited us Jews
||R:|| doubly, in that management and labor will never unite,
||R:|| nor attack us, and that there will be no chance to ever
||R:|| usher in a debt-free industrial utopia.
There are many good, patriotic GOPer kikes, but traitor Glazier
is not one of them. Swine Glazier, the communist, is a danger
and an embarrassment to every decent Jew, everywhere, which
becomes evident as soon as...
<***@gmail.com> :B::ert Glazier, the Swine,
Hate monger, Jewish Jailbird, Faceshitter & Graveyard
vandal, Racist and Bigot "reber g=emc^2" has introduced
himself as/with
:B:: "I am a proud Jew with a Superiority complex &
:B:: an IQ of 122", & "I do know how everything works,.."
:B:: "Being Jewish I know this is so very true" -- Bert.
:B:: "I'm a non-bible(torra) Jew I'm the only Jew that
:B:: got 2 letters from two Popes. Bert
:B:: "I gave G=EMC^2 (wrong & stolen) to the world"
:B:: ***** "Why am I not loved by all?" --- Bert *****
:B:: "Even the FBI has me as a trouble maker and
:B:: the FBI blocks my phone from calling them. "....
:B:: cuz "I was mixing sulfur,carbon & iron together
:B:: to make gun powder" ... which happened after....
On 07Feb 2015 & on 08Feb2015:
when <***@gmail.com>, the Jewish Swine wrote:
Harlow HVAC, Saul Levy & Benj, I'll be sitting on your face
to take a shit & say: "Open wide". ... after.
On 06Dec2014, you, Hebe Herbie, said to
"benj" <***@gmail.com>: Reality is you always post under
me for you are an ass kisser. For Christmas I'll shit on your kisser.
Benj, you can thank me in advance. - TreBert. ... after
On 25Mar2008 Swine Glazier wrote in:
Hanson, I will piss on your grave. And have agood laugh
when it seeps down on your face. -- Bert.
and Moderator General "HVAC" <***@gmail.com>
Harlow Campbell succinctly added & wrote:
"Bert, your opinion doesn't count"
"Bert you are an idiot."
"TreBert, you are one stupid cocksucker".
"Bert, Seriously. You are the stupidest cocksucking
moron who ever came down the Mass Pike.
"Bert, does your stupidity know no bounds?"
"Bert, you really are a pathetic excuse for a human
fucking being". "Bert is a racist. (And he's stupid too)"
"Bert, are the stupidest cocksucker on the planet."
"Spin THIS, Glazier, you fucking idiot." "Bert get
some spelling lessons, you feeble-minded fuck".
"Bert, you are a clueless cocksucker .... and "Bert
you are senile, dazed & confused. Fucked in the head.
"a trained cockroach is smarter than Bert"
"Bert, you should be arrested"
"Bert, I will call the police and tell them that your
van seems to be a center for drug activity in the
Wal-Mart parking lot".
||R:|| Theres is no Presidential power in the USA, cuz:
Obama is just the messenger boy for the goals of
the cabal of his handlers, puppeteers & controllers
(1) Jew David Axelrod, Obama's Campaign manager,
(2) Jew Rahm Emanuel Obama's WH Chief of Staff and
(3) Jew Ezekiel Emanuel, Architect of Obama-care,
(4) Jew Jonathan Gruber, ACA director: ("Amis are stupid")
(6) Jew Lois Lerner, IRS Boss: ("too many GOPer assholes")
(7) the list is long....
2015-08-09 05:30:57 UTC
Post by hanson
<snip his Shit & Glazierola> who is the type of US-kike that has
betrayed the USA, like Glazier's ilk Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, et. al.
who stole A-Bombs secrets & gave them to Stalin, & then carried
on to whore down the US into the current sorry state we are in,
with their ultimate goal of turning the US into a Soviet style society.
These Glazier kikes failed to do that in Germany (& gave cause to the
rise of Hitler) but they have succeeded much farther and better in the
USA, which is
delineated by the eminent Jewish scholar H.W. Rosenthal's epic
<http://tinyurl.com/The-HW-Rosenthal-interview-XT> wherein he explains
how the Glazier kike cabal operates in the USA, saying
||R:|| It's no secret that we Jews do not respect
||R:|| you gentiles. All of you are our enemies.
||R:|| Our Jewish beliefs are entirely different from yours.
||R:|| Our Talmud/Nedarim/Kol Nidre = "all vows" allows
||R:|| us Jews to lie, subvert and cheat you, the Goyim
||R:|| We Jews know that there are two distinct types of
||R:|| governments, one visible and the other invisible.
||R:|| The invisible one is composed of ALL JEWS, the
||R:|| (ZOG) the Zionist Occupied Government. There is
||R:|| no Presidential power in the USA. (see the Jewish Obama handlers
||R:|| We Jews glory in the fact that the stupid goy have never
||R:|| realized that we Jews are the parasites that consume
||R:|| an ever increasing portion of production while you, our
||R:|| Goyim Christian slave laborers do receive less and less.
||R:|| We Jews, Karl Marx and Samuel Gompers, have been
||R:|| successful in dividing your society against itself by
||R:|| pitting labor against management. The result was the
||R:|| destruction of free enterprise, which benefited us Jews
||R:|| doubly, in that management and labor will never unite,
||R:|| nor attack us, and that there will be no chance to ever
||R:|| usher in a debt-free industrial utopia.
There are many good, patriotic GOPer kikes, but traitor Glazier
is not one of them. Swine Glazier, the communist, is a danger and an
embarrassment to every decent Jew, everywhere, which
becomes evident as soon as...
Hate monger, Jewish Jailbird, Faceshitter & Graveyard
vandal, Racist and Bigot "reber g=emc^2" has introduced
himself as/with
:B:: "I am a proud Jew with a Superiority complex &
:B:: an IQ of 122", & "I do know how everything works,.."
:B:: "Being Jewish I know this is so very true" -- Bert.
:B:: "I'm a non-bible(torra) Jew I'm the only Jew that
:B:: got 2 letters from two Popes. Bert
:B:: "I gave G=EMC^2 (wrong & stolen) to the world"
:B:: ***** "Why am I not loved by all?" --- Bert *****
:B:: "Even the FBI has me as a trouble maker and
:B:: the FBI blocks my phone from calling them. "....
:B:: cuz "I was mixing sulfur,carbon & iron together
:B:: to make gun powder" ... which happened after....
Harlow HVAC, Saul Levy & Benj, I'll be sitting on your face
to take a shit & say: "Open wide". ... after.
On 06Dec2014, you, Hebe Herbie, said to
me for you are an ass kisser. For Christmas I'll shit on your kisser.
Benj, you can thank me in advance. - TreBert. ... after
Hanson, I will piss on your grave. And have agood laugh
when it seeps down on your face. -- Bert.
"Bert, your opinion doesn't count"
"Bert you are an idiot."
"TreBert, you are one stupid cocksucker".
"Bert, Seriously. You are the stupidest cocksucking
moron who ever came down the Mass Pike.
"Bert, does your stupidity know no bounds?"
"Bert, you really are a pathetic excuse for a human
fucking being". "Bert is a racist. (And he's stupid too)"
"Bert, are the stupidest cocksucker on the planet."
"Spin THIS, Glazier, you fucking idiot." "Bert get
some spelling lessons, you feeble-minded fuck".
"Bert, you are a clueless cocksucker .... and "Bert
you are senile, dazed & confused. Fucked in the head.
"a trained cockroach is smarter than Bert"
"Bert, you should be arrested"
"Bert, I will call the police and tell them that your
van seems to be a center for drug activity in the
Wal-Mart parking lot".
||R:|| Theres is no Presidential power in the USA, cuz: Obama is just
the messenger boy for the goals of the cabal of his handlers, puppeteers
& controllers like (1) Jew David Axelrod, Obama's Campaign manager, (2)
Jew Rahm Emanuel Obama's WH Chief of Staff and (3) Jew Ezekiel Emanuel,
Architect of Obama-care, (4) Jew Jonathan Gruber, ACA director: ("Amis
are stupid")
(6) Jew Lois Lerner, IRS Boss: ("too many GOPer assholes")
(7) the list is long....
Hanson you need to get Herb to support Obama on the Iran nuclear deal,
just to prove that all Jews don't stick together. I mean, Obama is not a
GOPer, right?
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2015-08-09 04:28:50 UTC
Post by reber g=emc^2
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by reber g=emc^2
Heisenberg was a Nazi and he tried to explode an atomic pile
Why do you think this?
sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated to the discussion
of physics, news from the physics community, and physics-related
social issues.
Sam I read about Heisenberg's activities on building the bomb for
Germany.It was in a book so it has to be true. Bohr his teacher had
to flee being Jewish.Heisenberg got in reality on as far as the pile.
Fermi had to leave and built the pile in Chicago. Bomb built in New
Mexico under Oppenheimer Trebert
Sam, Heisenberg tried to explode his piles, but failed. And that's why
Germany lost the war. If he'd have succeeded, Herb would have been one
of the first gathered up and sent to the gas chambers. No, not because
he's Jewish, but under the American invented theory of Eugenics which
Hitler loved and was a big fan. Best to just cleanse all mental
defectives from society. It's best for everybody. Just ask HVAC.
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2015-08-08 21:08:16 UTC
<***@gmail.com> "reber g=emc^2" Glazier is a kike
<snip his Shit & Glazierola> who is the type of US-kike that has
betrayed the USA, like Glazier's ilk Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, et. al.
who stole A-Bombs secrets & gave them to Stalin, and then carried
on to whore down the US into the current sorry state we are with
their goal of turning the US into a Soviet type state. These Glazier
kikes failed to do so in Germany (& gave cause to the rise of Hitler)
but they have succeeded much farther and better in the USA, which is
delineated by the eminent Jewish scholar H.W Rosenthal in his epic
<http://tinyurl.com/The-HW-Rosenthal-interview-XT> wherein he said
||R:|| It's not secret that we Jews do not respect
||R:|| you gentiles. All of you are our enemies.
||R:|| Our Jewish beliefs are entirely different from yours.
||R:|| Our Talmud/Nedarim/Kol Nidre = "all vows" allows
||R:|| us Jews to lie, subvert and cheat you, the Goyim
There are good, patriotic GOPer kikes, but traitor Glazier is not
one of them.
