Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
(too old to reply)
Sam Wormley
2015-05-01 02:44:39 UTC
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet’s
biodiversity, and new analysis suggests global warming could directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction if polluting practices
continue unabated — up from about 3 percent today.
Scientists triggered alarm in 2004 when they warned in the journal
Nature that climate change could drive 1 million varieties of plants
and animals to extinction, but that was a rough estimate. In the
decade since, researchers worldwide have been probing the dangers
that could face individual species as climate change causes their
ideal habitats to shift around them.

sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated to the discussion
of physics, news from the physics community, and physics-related
social issues.
2015-05-01 03:18:50 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet's
biodiversity, and new analysis suggests global warming could directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction if polluting practices
continue unabated -- up from about 3 percent today.
Hence the Earth had less biodiversity when it was warmer in the past.


Mark L. Fergerson
Sam Wormley
2015-05-01 03:22:47 UTC
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet's
biodiversity, and new analysis suggests global warming could directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction if polluting practices
continue unabated -- up from about 3 percent today.
Hence the Earth had less biodiversity when it was warmer in the past.
Mark L. Fergerson
The fossil record at the end of the Permian is an excellent example.
2015-05-01 06:11:39 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet's
biodiversity, and new analysis suggests global warming could directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction if polluting practices
continue unabated -- up from about 3 percent today.
Hence the Earth had less biodiversity when it was warmer in the past.
The fossil record at the end of the Permian is an excellent example.
Are you seriously claiming that the Permian-Triassic extinction event was due solely to elevated average global temperature?

Mark L. Fergerson
Sam Wormley
2015-05-01 11:55:16 UTC
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet's
biodiversity, and new analysis suggests global warming could directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction if polluting practices
continue unabated -- up from about 3 percent today.
Hence the Earth had less biodiversity when it was warmer in the past.
The fossil record at the end of the Permian is an excellent example.
Are you seriously claiming that the Permian-Triassic extinction event was due solely to elevated average global temperature?
Mark L. Fergerson
I did not say solely. Look at the evidence:

NOVA scienceNOW | Mass Extinction (13+ Minutes)

Host Neil deGrasse Tyson joins a team of investigators hot
on the trail of a mass murderer--one that knocked off its
victims 250 million years ago when it wiped out the majority
of life on our planet. Long before the dinosaurs, at the end
of the Permian Period, something triggered Earth's most
profound mass extinction and reset the evolution of life on
this planet.

Greenhouse emissions similar to today's may have triggered
massive temperature rise in Earth's past
Post by ***@bid.nes
Wikipedia: Permian-Triassic extinction event

End-Permian extinction happened in 60,000 years >
2015-05-01 12:37:23 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet's
biodiversity, and new analysis suggests global warming could directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction if polluting practices
continue unabated -- up from about 3 percent today.
Hence the Earth had less biodiversity when it was warmer in the past.
The fossil record at the end of the Permian is an excellent example.
Are you seriously claiming that the Permian-Triassic extinction
event was due solely to elevated average global temperature?
Mark L. Fergerson
NOVA scienceNOW | Mass Extinction (13+ Minutes)
Sam, NOVA isn't any "evidence" it's a bunch of Lib propaganda generated
by ignorant journalists. No wonder you love it! NOVA is by far one of
the most embarrassing "science" programs on TV today. Oh don't they LOVE
The Gospel! Evolution to make atheism the state religion! Climate change
to enslave the world population through oppressive taxation, and the
dogma that man is alone in the universe being the only "intelligence'
created out of the "Big Bang" with Libs being smarter than everyone
else, natch. Wow, such science! We can now only wait for the return to
the wonderful system like that in the former "envy of the world" the USSR!
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2015-05-02 07:34:08 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet's
biodiversity, and new analysis suggests global warming could directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction if polluting practices
continue unabated -- up from about 3 percent today.
Hence the Earth had less biodiversity when it was warmer in the past.
The fossil record at the end of the Permian is an excellent example.
Are you seriously claiming that the Permian-Triassic extinction event
was due solely to elevated average global temperature?
NOVA scienceNOW | Mass Extinction (13+ Minutes)
13+ minutes of polemic fluff that points to the Siberian Traps eruptions as the culprit.
Post by Sam Wormley
Greenhouse emissions similar to today's may have triggered
massive temperature rise in Earth's past
Post by ***@bid.nes
"Wright is not convinced, however, about the importance of the first pulse in triggering the second. He suggests that the most logical interpretation of the apparent cooling after the first pulse is that its significance was less than Bowen's group believes, with limited effect on the overall ocean temperature, and that not just the atmosphere but rather the entire planet quickly returned to normal. "If that's the case, then the first has nothing to do with the second," Wright says. That, in turn, would require an alternative explanation for the PETM such as a comet impact."
Post by Sam Wormley
Wikipedia: Permian-Triassic extinction event
Yes, I know:


...keeps coming back to the Siberian Traps as the trigger, not heating/CO2.
Post by Sam Wormley
End-Permian extinction happened in 60,000 years >

"But what originally triggered the spike in carbon dioxide? The leading theory among geologists and paleontologists has to do with widespread, long-lasting volcanic eruptions from the Siberian Traps, a region of Russia whose steplike hills are a result of repeated eruptions of magma. To determine whether eruptions from the Siberian Traps triggered a massive increase in oceanic carbon dioxide, Burgess and Bowring are using similar dating techniques to establish a timescale for the Permian period's volcanic eruptions that are estimated to have covered over five million cubic kilometers."

This is all irrelevant to my original question. Is there any evidence that Earth had less biodiversity *during* the Permian, *before* the extinction, while the mean CO2 level was 3x the pre-Industrial level and the mean temperature was 2C above today's?

Mark L. Fergerson
reber g=emc^2
2015-05-05 20:32:42 UTC
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet's
biodiversity, and new analysis suggests global warming could directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction if polluting practices
continue unabated -- up from about 3 percent today.
Hence the Earth had less biodiversity when it was warmer in the past.
The fossil record at the end of the Permian is an excellent example.
Are you seriously claiming that the Permian-Triassic extinction event
was due solely to elevated average global temperature?
NOVA scienceNOW | Mass Extinction (13+ Minutes)
13+ minutes of polemic fluff that points to the Siberian Traps eruptions as the culprit.
Post by Sam Wormley
Greenhouse emissions similar to today's may have triggered
massive temperature rise in Earth's past
Post by ***@bid.nes
"Wright is not convinced, however, about the importance of the first pulse in triggering the second. He suggests that the most logical interpretation of the apparent cooling after the first pulse is that its significance was less than Bowen's group believes, with limited effect on the overall ocean temperature, and that not just the atmosphere but rather the entire planet quickly returned to normal. "If that's the case, then the first has nothing to do with the second," Wright says. That, in turn, would require an alternative explanation for the PETM such as a comet impact."
Post by Sam Wormley
Wikipedia: Permian-Triassic extinction event
...keeps coming back to the Siberian Traps as the trigger, not heating/CO2.
Post by Sam Wormley
End-Permian extinction happened in 60,000 years >
"But what originally triggered the spike in carbon dioxide? The leading theory among geologists and paleontologists has to do with widespread, long-lasting volcanic eruptions from the Siberian Traps, a region of Russia whose steplike hills are a result of repeated eruptions of magma. To determine whether eruptions from the Siberian Traps triggered a massive increase in oceanic carbon dioxide, Burgess and Bowring are using similar dating techniques to establish a timescale for the Permian period's volcanic eruptions that are estimated to have covered over five million cubic kilometers."
This is all irrelevant to my original question. Is there any evidence that Earth had less biodiversity *during* the Permian, *before* the extinction, while the mean CO2 level was 3x the pre-Industrial level and the mean temperature was 2C above today's?
Mark L. Fergerson
Its killed so many birds and I fear it might make them so few that their days will come to an end. I mourn TreBert
2015-05-01 12:22:22 UTC
Post by ***@bid.nes
Post by Sam Wormley
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet's
biodiversity, and new analysis suggests global warming could directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction if polluting practices
continue unabated -- up from about 3 percent today.
Hence the Earth had less biodiversity when it was warmer in the past.
Mark L. Fergerson
Mark, Sam has FAITH. So he doesn't need any evidence!
HVAC will tell you science is all about what you BELIEVE!
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2015-05-01 05:00:51 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Or maybe not; just more hysterical speculation.

Does this scare you, ass hat? People in the early stages of dementia
get scared a lot.

Have the screaming nightmares started yet?
Jim Pennino
Sam Wormley
2015-05-01 05:15:03 UTC
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Or maybe not; just more hysterical speculation.
Just observation, jimp.

Coffee production starting to decline
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Scientists have provided the first on-the-ground evidence that
climate change has already had a substantial impact on coffee
production in the East African Highlands region, according to a
recently published paper in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
Coffee is the world's most valuable tropical export crop and the
industry supports an estimated 100 million people worldwide.
Lead author Alessandro Craparo, a PhD candidate from Wits University
and his fellow researchers warn that without substantial climate
change adaptation strategies, the average coffee production in
Tanzania (where the study was conducted) will drop to 145 kg per
hectare by 2060.
Using data from the northern Tanzanian highlands, the study verifies
for the first time the increasing night time (minimum) temperature as
the most significant climatic variable being responsible for
diminishing Coffea arabica coffee yields between 1961 and 2012 and
proves that climate change is an ongoing reality.
Coffea arabica is a species of coffea, a type of flowering plant
whose seeds, called coffee beans, are used to make coffee. The
sensitive Coffea arabica berries need low temperatures to grow well
and produce high quality coffee for consumption, which is why they
are best suited to the cool tropical highlands of East Africa,
typically between 1000-2300 metres above sea level.
"Coffee yields have declined to their lowest point in years, with
many farmers in Tanzania giving up on coffee completely," says

sci.physics is an unmoderated newsgroup dedicated to the discussion
of physics, news from the physics community, and physics-related
social issues.
2015-05-01 15:25:25 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Post by j***@specsol.spam.sux.com
Or maybe not; just more hysterical speculation.
Just observation, jimp.
Nope, specsulation, ass hat.

<snip puerile repaste of previously snipped cut and paste speculation>

Repeating the speculation does not change the fact that it is speculation,
ass hat.
Jim Pennino
2015-05-01 12:30:08 UTC
Global Warming *Could* Threaten 1-in-6 Species
*Cranking up* the *planetary heat* is going to *ratchet down* the planet’s
biodiversity, and new analysis *suggests* global warming *could* directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction *if* polluting practices
continue unabated — up from *about* 3 percent today.
*weasel words* more crap journalism

why not 1 in 5, or 1 in 7, or 1 in 6.67 ?

we can create new species now, anyway
Justin Case
2015-05-01 16:38:37 UTC
Post by Sam Wormley
Global Warming Could Threaten 1-in-6 Species
Cranking up the planetary heat is going to ratchet down the planet’s
biodiversity, and new analysis suggests global warming could directly
threaten 1-in-6 species with extinction if polluting practices
continue unabated — up from about 3 percent today.
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